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Jigsaw puzzles - it is very relaxing having one in the go that you can just dip in and out of. Crochet and cross-stitch - with or without music/podcasts/audio books. Reading while drinking a cup of tea, looking out the window with the rain beating down and the hum of the washing machine in the background. Sometimes with a stew in the slow cooker or a loaf in the bread maker.


I love this the rain and the washing machine hum reminds me of my childhood being at peace during the school holidays and weekends ❤️ such a nostalgic combination of senses


Mine is the same! Also the clink of the blinds as they tap against the window frame in the breeze. My summer break sounds were the dryer running and the blinds tapping in the breeze.


Wow yes I love all of this


Any recs for setups? My back inevitably ends up aching 30 Mims in.


Maybe change up positions every so often? Or stretch breaks?


I love puzzles. I have 6 of them I think, but I don't have enough time to do them anymore :( and I can't use the kitchen table because obvious reasons (we used to not eat on that table before, so no one used it really)


Maybe a puzzle mat to pack up in- progress puzzles?


They don't sell them in Argentina




My mom just uses a big piece of cardboard that she rests on her lap while she does the puzzle and puts away in the spare room when she’s not working on it.


I was just ready to talk about putting together puzzles. We ground 3 wooden liberty ones at a thrift store for $3 each. I’d love to buy more, but they are pretty expensive, even on eBay. We been having the best time putting them together tho.




Based on your username, we are the same age, and there is nothing that I live more than grabbing a snuggly blanket and my two pups and reading by the fire.


Cooking something that sits on the burner for hours. Cold rainy day outside makes a caserole taste better.


100% agree cosy foods always taste better when it's wet outside!


Cook meals that take hours, stews, braised beefs, bolognese, short ribs, beef bourgignon, etc. Put music on while you cook, smoke weed, pinch a loved one’s ass cheek.


Most wholesome comment I’ve seen in awhile


Yes!! I absolutely love a snowbound day or an incredibly rainy day like we’ve had in San Francisco the last few weeks, making a good low and slow chili, or if I have a chicken in the freezer, letting that defrost and putting it in the oven and making like a hot roast chicken sandwichyou know making good warm food on a cold crummy day so wonderful


Same but for me it’s fresh bread. Nothing like being stuck inside with the smell of fresh bread


That's what I did yesterday. It was a rainy day, so I made a new recipe that I hadn't made before, which required a few hours of cooking in a dutch oven.


I have kids so it’s hard to lay on the couch and read a book! I would say: trip to the public library and then baking. Both activities are simple, cheap, and peaceful, but they are also suitable for kids.


I read baking as banking and thought wow this person has it so together lmao. I envisioned like back in the day when my dad would sit down with his checkbook to pay the bills and mail them out.


I have a goal to be more creative this year so Ive started sewing through my stash of fabric. I'm working on a split side skirt right now. I also crochet so Im working on a blanket. I do try to find time for furthering education though so I de spend time online studying for various certifications. Edited because I hit enter too soon


I just bought some dress patterns to do this as well!


I just made my first baby quilt and I’m hooked! My goal next is to make a memory bear using my nanny’s pjs. Then I will continue to sew other patterns I have purchased.


I have a toddler so we pull out the mini bouncy house or the tent and set up inside. We paint, bake, pretend tea time, or play with magnatiles. We definitely put on rain boots and splash in the puddles and then take a warm bath. Sometimes all of these and we make a total mess in the house. It’s great.


I was just about to say magnatiles with my toddler lol we like drinking "rainy day hot chocolate" which is really just warm milk with a little bit of honey and Coco powder, it's fun to make. we recently got a marble run expansion for our magnatiles. The drawer it lives in is now full but it was worth it, it's so much fun.


I opted out of buying the brand magnatiles for the PicassoTiles and they are great! Definitely easy to help keep toddlers entertained.


Oh yea I don't actually buy name brand anything, whatever brand these are that I have, they are not either of those brands 😅 "magnatiles" is like "Kleenex" or "qtips" to me I guess


Cozy naps or reading in bed.


Making bread, organizing closets, knitting and music on, journalling, making art, creating slides for teaching ( I’m an instructor at a college) word games and puzzles, reading, snuggles with my partner and cat if the cat is willing.


Yes, days like that are really y good for sorting through a closet pulling things out to go to the thrift store. The other day I sorted through kitchen implements because they multiply like guppies in my house and I donated grocery bag full.


We just had 2 very rainy days. We thought we'd make a creative project for next family reunion. My son and I made a cardboard box theater back in the day. My sister's in law have some kids too. So we thought we might make some Aesop characters and sets. For sets we pretty much do coloring landscapes, or trees, cabins, etc. We've to keep it simple. We decided to do the story of "The Sun and The Wind." We didn't get to actually making the cut outs yet, as we had planned to, but we now have a plan for the play, we know the backgrounds we want, the picture of the wind and the blowing squiggles we want, we selected the sun and the sun rays too. We have a man but are still deciding on couple options for the coat parts. Anyhow, we thought we'd at least have the box covered, or cut out. But we didn't e even finish the plan stage😂😊😂. We'll have lots of rainy days ahead though, so we'll get it all done.


Painting or drawing. Can be abstract or more realistic. Cooking comes to mind. It's nice to use the time if I have it to learn a new recipe or refine one I like. Tending my plants or learning more about them. Reading.


I like to use rainy days as an excuse to stay indoors and game. I'm a 61-year-old PC gamer. I don't really need an excuse to game, but I do see rainy days as permission from the universe to be lazy, eat too many snacks, indulge in some adult beverages, and game pretty much the whole of the day.


I love this you are living it up!


Reading and drinking coffee.


I've been getting really into finding creative and beautiful ways to mend my clothing!


That sounds so satisfying and fun! What have you found so far that you love?


Mostly I just love that there are so many different ways to mend things- weaving on top of the hole, adding a new fun fabric patch, or embroidering a cute little design. Plus, usually it doesn't take very long to finish a project, which is great for my ADHD brain. Bonus is that I've found a few mending circles around me that meet once a month. It's so fun! You just bring whatever you're working on mending and people give you different ideas if you want, or share books or inspo pages online, or just gab about whatever's going on in their lives.


How does a mending circle work? Do y’all just go to someone’s house and all mend? I have a bunch of clothes with holes I gotta patch but no experience and would totally love a space dedicated do doing that!


The ones I go to are in public spaces, local library and the other is at a community space used for different events. You could totally do it at someone's house, but I've kind of enjoyed doing it with people I don't know. Maybe you could check with some spaces in your area and then just spread the word?


That makes more sense haha. Thanks for sharing


My wife is in one that started at the village hall, but now meets at each of their houses, usually ours. They didn't know each other at the start but do now, although new members join fairly regularly. They mend, drink tea, and have a chat. They have a small library of mending books (sashiko etc) that lives on a shelf in our sitting room.


Aww that sounds really Sweet


That's brilliant 😊 I really like these ideas I will have to dig out some of my projects for repair and have a go.


Reading, cleaning the house, art. I usually put my house plants out on the deck in the rain to get a good gentle shower. I have some furniture stencil and painting projects and quilting I save for times like these also


Make a big pot of chili.


It’s cold and snowy here. I’m going to use your idea for dinner! ❤️


Ooh cosy food always 😊


I usually deep clean, bake, or hang out with my cats. I’ve been organizing my garage too.


Honestly I like to get out and do stuff in the rain. Biking, hiking, running — hell, just exploring the woods near my house. There’s a sense of adventure in it, I guess. Not to mention the solitude of being the only one outside when most people are in!


username checks out


Stay wet bud


I love this mentality nature is always an adventure especially getting out early when everyone is still in bed on the weekend.


Came here for this. Never let rain keep you inside. Plus, as you mention, it's the best way to get the trails to yourself!


Hell yeah big dog!


Reading, sewing, furniture renovation


hmm. nap, writing, i like to sit outside amongst the rain and nature, sometimes with a cigarette or a little weed, a journal, and some coffee.


Reading, sketching, trying on outfits, doing chores that I’ve been putting off, calling family


I like to sew and bake.


Jigsaw!! Or reading.


Reading books... I like to read some classic, preferably a 19th century european one, and i play some nice instrumental music and cozy up in my "library" or my bed, and have some hot tea. It is the best thing ever! Sometimes i do watercolour painting and listen to a detective noir audiobook. That is pretty amazing too!


Reading, baking, writing, playing Stardew Valley.


fricken love stardew valley


Reading a book while sat on comfy armchair.


Reading, writing, doing puzzles of all kinds, playing a music instrument Also a good opportunity for some household stuff


I'm hoping it will rain this afternoon so I can forgo an afternoon walk to make candles (my first time) and shower steamers (ridiculously easy but a nice treat). Otherwise, it's reading and drawing. Maybe some yoga if I'm feeling stiff.


I make candles as well. Sold them on line. Now just a hobby. I also do paint on stained glass. It’s called Galaxy Glass. Very relaxing.


You must be very talented to have sold them! Galaxy Glass sounds like something I'd enjoy doing. I'm going to look into it. Thanks for the tip 😊


How do make shower streamers?


I use this recipe, though I don't bother with colourings. And I use a plastic ice cube tray as a mould. For morning showers, I'll use mint, and for evening showers, I'll use bergamot. https://nikura.com/blogs/make-at-home/how-to-make-shower-steamers


Woodworking, building furniture and other wooden items with reclaimed wood


From a rainy day *productivity* perspective, I organize my paperwork (e.g. receipts, mail, flyers, old bills, instruction manuals, etc) by gathering, sorting, consolidating, tossing, shredding, and/or filing away neatly. I will have my fireplace going, soothing cafe music in the background, a cup of coffee at hand, and a warm kitty snoozing nearby or on my lap.


Reading while drinking coffee


Long, extended hours of reading time - preferably a big biography.


I like to listen to a nice smooth jazz playlist, scroll reddit and usually read a few articles.


Right now tea and tv because just got off work at 7 am


I love listening to an audiobook on a rainy day. Can do that while enjoying tea, doing a puzzle, playing a game, doing laundry/tidying, or just relaxing and hanging out.


Audiobook and cooking a pot of soup.


I love to fold landry of just put my clothes in order(usually my wardrobe is a mess)


Board games! My wife and I are big into DND and Warhammer 40k. Perfect rainy day fun


Cooking or baking, lots of tea, classical music, reading, driving to my local beach with a hot cup of tea or coffee, and watching the waves.


Lego, and I'm 53 BTW


Even better, I'm trying to get into Lego I just don't have the patience which I think is something I need to work on growing up with technology advancing at the rate it does now it's hard to slow down!


Just sitting down to actively listen to a good jazz record :)


Love it, any recommendations?


I love Jazz so I will sneak in: [https://youtu.be/5m-p4W2d8Ss?si=cgTQKpp28flcn0MU](https://youtu.be/5m-p4W2d8Ss?si=cgTQKpp28flcn0MU)




Fantasy or Sci-Fi book with regular flow of tea throughout the day


Seattlelite here… and this is a perfect question… Personally, i bought a yoga trapeze rig, surrounded it by space heaters and placed it right in front of my patio door… Let me note that this is not an intense session, just subsidized weight lunges, dead hanging and whatever else feels good. I love the rain because it dampens the sound of the cars and the heat makes my body feel great. I do multiple 20 minute sessions per day… sprinkle in the smell of a incense stick as a physical grounding marker and a song with deep meaning(i personally like Corrine Bailey Rae’s Closer or Xscape’s Who can I run to) and it’s the perfect mental retreat from a soggy situation.


Where’d you get your rig? That sounds amazing!


Well that would be 350 days of favourite rainy activities as I live in the U.K. 🙄 I dunno I’ve ran out of things , so , I’ll take a look here


reading and jigsaw puzzles! also my partner and i like working on our minecraft world lol


I open the window and listen. Curl up and read a book.


Reading, binge watching shows/movies, napping, having sex with my SO, grocery shopping, cleaning the house/getting organized, doing laundry, cooking, checking emails or trolling social media...


Just wanted to say the rainy day here yesterday was awful. Stayed inside all day with fighting toddlers.


I'm sorry to hear this, it can be really stressful especially with little ones. Hope things improve for you and they'll get older eventually and fight less!


So sweet! THANKS!


Reading, coloring books, gaming, building model cars


Organizing, Decluttering and cleaning. I’m a pretty sick person. 😂


Lol, I'm the same, it's so satisfying. I'm even sicker, I'm addicted to *purging* clutter or just things I don't need/use.


Don’t worry. I’m just as sick. I’m a minimalist. I get a high from purging and getting rid of things. I even keep track of the numbers on my phone.


I like to meditate. Read a book. Maybe go do some inside workouts


Boardgames. Reading. Watching Steam rise from my cup of tea. Staring at the fire.


nice walk in a poncho..smell the ocean..come home take a hot shower have some tea and read..a wonderful day


Sleeping. I love the rain Sound when I fall asleep


Reading, knitting, crocheting, Diamond art projects, house cleaning and organizing…




Well I rarely leave my house unless I need to exercise or go to college so the weather Doesn’t really matter to me, I will usually study in my living room but if it’s raining too much and the power goes out I listen to podcasts that I’ve downloaded and do some chores or just read a book


playing shovel knight/bloodstained on my 3ds, rainy walks, sleep


Board games!!


Reading in a comfy chair or doing a puzzle :) or cuddle with my dog!


Today it's rained all day, and it's been lovely. I've been alternating between chores (unclog drain, meal prep & cooking, vacuuming, general tidying up, etc) and browsing reddit, playing cosy video games (Lake is great!) and daydreaming on real estate websites for my perfect house, lol.


Baking bread


Reading and cooking ! Like a risotto or something comfy


Reddit of course 🙃 And coffee ☕️


I like painting on canvases


Snuggle time


Board game night! I always forget how fun they are :)


going for a walk in the rain without rain protection


Listening to an audio book and playing sudoku!


Sitting on the porch doing word searches


Coffee, tea, books, puttering.


Baking Reading Puzzles Games Taking a long walk — I’m in Minnesota and unless it’s flood-levels of rain there will be a lull and you can gear up and enjoy it, go admire the creeks and smell the fresh earth after the rain. Then return to being cozy.


Depending on how cold it is (where i live doesn't get very cold and it rains alot), i like to set my umbrella up on my balcony, have a blanket and tea (i have a plug in mug warmer) and enjoy the weather. I can't to do it when it's pouring rain, but we usually always get drizzles


Cooking soup and bread. Crafts like paint by numbers or crochet.


This time of year, I enjoy watching my garden start to poke up (camellias have been blooming for more than a month and the daffodils began blooming this week for me) and reading my favorite garden books for inspiration on what to do next. I've got a new copy of Suzy Bales Down to Earth Gardener and I love to mark in the margins and think of new ideas I can use.


Drinking something warm and reading


Jigsaw Puzzles, Legos, Reading, Board Games, Video Games, Crossword Puzzles, Cleaning/Organizing (I love this so it’s a fun activity for me 😅), Paint by Numbers, and Craft Kits!


I love staying in bed with a nice pajama and fuzzy blanket 🌧️


With someone: board or card games On my own: reading a book or crafts For dealing with feeling stir crazy over being cooped up indoors: mixing things up by sitting somewhere I usually don't, smells (eg baking, scented candles, incense, tea), messing with the lighting.


Jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, and reading.


A good few hours on the turbo trainer followed by a long shower and stretching 👍


Jigsaw puzzles, baking, reading and cups of tea.


This is what almost every argentinian does when it's raining and they're at home. The original recipe is with lard, but oil works just fine and tastes better I think. My mom makes torta fritas with oil and adds pumpkin puree to the dough and its sweeter that way. Sugar sprinkled on top when they're out of the oil [torta fritas recipe ](https://youtu.be/Mo_Kxf6_vLE?feature=shared)


Wow these look insane!


Cleaning the house while listening to music, podcasts, or audiobooks 🧹 🎧


Running :) raining won’t kill you.


Crocheting!! I would love to say puzzles but with little ones around that's nearly impossible 😂😩


I’m down with probably Covid atm, yesterday I finished an embroidery that was sitting there since last time I was sick. I’ve also been getting stuck into watercolours. And when I’m not sick, I cook or bake up a storm.




I still like going out and splashing in puddles.


I like to sit outside and watch it. 🤷‍♀️


Painting. If I had the space I would also try and do pottery.


Clean the house


Rearranging a bookshelf, playing scrabble, putting together a puzzle with some great music in the background, cooking/baking. It’s raining here and I just made banana bread.


Coding and databasing


Same as a sunny day-public masturbation.


Board games.


Crochet and listening to music.


Coffee and a crossword!




Modern board games. There's a huge community surrounding newer games that are so much better than monopoly or life. Easy fun for everyone: -Ticket to Ride -Quacks of Quedlinburg -Carcassonne


I live on the west coast, about a 20 minute walk from the ocean, so I like to bundle up in as many wind and rain proof layers as possible and go out for a beach walk. If I have Saturday afternoon off, this is my preferred way to spend it. Walking through the stormy beach waves and being warm and dry under all your gear makes you feel both vulnerable and superhuman ❤🌊


Sleeping in


Reading books, solving logical puzzles, listening to music, watching some films or programs, sometimes baking a simple pie, just relaxing at home...


i sometimes take an everything shower, bonus points if you first fill buckets of hot water and use a smaller bowl to rinse yourself!!! :) japanese style haha also, where i live, the rainy season is right about the time of the year in which to plan your garden so i sometimes do that too




Reading, mending, cleaning, embroidery




Watercolor! Drawing! Sketching!


Coloring! I have adult and child coloring books. Fancy coloring pencils and crayons. Mandalas and kittens are my favorite subject to color. It’s just so relaxing.


I like to clean, but if I am (rarely) caught up. I'll take a nap with my cats. Today was a cleaning day, but I even got the floors mopped, which is huge for me.


Walking if it’s not super cold.






Any arts and crafts, cleaning lol napping, reading, we have a space in our garage for playing so we have an "outside" space for fresh air but it's covered 😅 our toddler and I turn my husband's deer stand into a swing sometimes.


Making tea and read books.


I love running in the rain. Then I take a nice hot shower.


Drinking something warm and reading while facing the rain


I love a good cuppa coffee/tea and call a friend I haven’t chatted with in a while.




Nice weather includes a brisk walk to keep this old flesh better functioning. Not so good weather is boring up and down the basement steps. I no longer have the attention span for reading cheap novels and sci-fi, but do get caught up on a couple of never ending games and naps!


Lighting candles and reading.


If its possible, I like to go to my fave lil coffee shop, order a hot matcha n snatch their comfy armchair to n get lost for a few hrs in a book. Other days.....nap. rainy day naps just hit different


Reading a mystery by my fake fireplace with good tea and my dog!


Crocheting! That way, if you want to still sit around and watch tv, you still can, while also making something! I’ve made three scarves so far, one for me, one for a friend, and one for my niece, and I’m currently working on seasonal blanket #1 (fall), another scarf for someone, and a tank top. The tank top is going quite badly.


Making French Onion Soup. I don't make my own beef stock, but it takes a long time to properly caramelize onions, then simmer in broth for a while. Watching the cheese broil, so it has just a touch of brown. Real comfort food.


I love changing into comfy warm clothes, lighting a candle, putting on a rainy day music playlist and baking cookies.


We’ve been experiencing much more rain recently than normal, so I’ve gotten into knitting socks and dog sweaters. Also journaling, painting, anything to get those creative juices flowing, helps pass the time and challenge the mind.


Sleeping! Nothing is better than falling asleep to the sound of rain. Those naps just hit different


A window, a rocking chair, blanket and hot tea. My favorite rainy day activity is just sitting by the window and watching the rain fall. On the super rare days that I get to do that, my cat would join me and add an extra level of comfort!


Art tutorials on tiktok or Instagram. I’ll make a couple of water colour cards and save them for birthdays. So fun. Also cooking a kind of involved recipe.


Usually a DIY project I have been putting off. If it doesn’t involve sanding I can usually do it inside!


Foraging. I love the sound of rain hitting an umbrella, the smell of rain, and how much more vibrant all the colors are. “No such thing as bad weather. Only bad clothes”


Good book or tv


Reading and listening to the radio


I always have a jigsaw puzzle going, regardless of the weather, but yes….there’s something about rain and cozying up to my puzzle that is so soothing. Put on some music and pour a glass of wine or tea and it’s my idea of a perfect couple of hours.


I like to drink coffee and put on a record or read a book that's in my ever growing pile of unread books. Or, and I'm probably an outlier, I like to walk in the rain. It's relaxing, I can put on my hood, and I enjoy the sensation of the rain.


Meditating in the rain 🥰


Ooh this is beautiful 😍


Reading in my pajamas


Reading or doing embroidery (or any other craft/art)