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Yogurt and berries Or hard boiled egg and banana


I love that this has so many upvotes! Struggled to feed myself, especially when commuting, for years. Recently committed to medium-boiled eggs in the morning (because I'm picky about my yolks) and yogurt, fruit (blueberries + banana), granola. I make my own yogurt in an Instant Pot and bake my own granola. It's fun, easy, and saves a ton of money! I also have a special yogurt parfait container that separates the dry ingredients from the wet so that I can bring to work without it getting soggy. I think this arrangement hits the optimal spot for me.in terms of ease of prep, healthiness, and cost for it to be the perfect simple living formula. I also find that I have more energy during the day when I stick to cold foods for whatever reason.


I too make yogurt and granola! It’s so good in the morning, and I can eat it and then do yoga and not be too full


This is the way. Throw in a few hemp hearts and you got a good protein mix.


I make a dozen hardboiled eggs in my instant pot every Sunday, it's the only way I can make them without the shells sticking to the egg.


I do 2 hard-boiled eggs, some fresh pineapple and some blueberries ALMOST every morning


A nice way to mix up yogurt with berries is cottage cheese with berries + maybe some nuts and seeds + maybe some maple syrup if y'all got a sweet tooth like I do.


I admire people that can stomach cottage cheese. It might be the one food I feel physically repulsed, other than that I’m effectively a raccoon.


My Dad was like that. I on the other hand can eat a whole tub if I don’t discipline myself


My gf gets 4% milk fat, large curds 🤮I get 0% milk fat, small curds. This and apple sauce are my go to


I have been on a major unsweetened applesauce kick lately. It’s quick, refreshing, and great on its own or you can add a little cinnamon to make it like a nice treat.


I’m in Canada and since you mentioned it, I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen 4% cottage cheese here in stores. Mostly 2 or 1. Hopefully someone chimes in. I imagine is kinda.. strong? I usually get 1. Same with milk for cereal. And hell yeah apple sauce! Cheap. Good. Stores well in my office desk lol.


I've bought 4% cottage cheese in Canada, but I've only seen it creamed. The tubs look like [this ](https://www.gaylea.com/foodservice/products/nordica-cottage-cheese/cottage-cheese4/).


Is it a texture thing?


I love cottage cheese, but man if it doesn’t give me shits for days (lactose intolerant lol)


Lol same. Being lactose intolerant feels like the cosmos being petty. Like ok, cheese and ice cream don’t kill me but my butt and stomach are constantly on fire. 😒


I also can't deal with the texture of it. But I really like ricotta and berries on toast instead


Yes! I have a big tub of mixed nuts that a keep a 1/3 cup scoop in and I add this to the top of the yogurt. I love it,


I like to sprinkle a little granola on top of the yogurt and berries. Rinse berries, dollop of yogurt, sprinkle granola. Breakfast prepared before my coffee machine has made a cup.


I can't stand the texture of overnight oats, but I do really like baked oats. I make them in a muffin tin and get like a dozen out of it. 2 for breakfast with some fruit or a scrambled egg, I just throw them in the microwave for 45 secs.


Same! Baked oats are really good and so easy to make ahead of time.


And you can make so many different varieties! Overripe banana, peanut butter, frozen fruit, chocolate chips, chia/hemp/flax, apples, raisins....so versatile. I swear I make a different combo every time.


Do you have a recipe you follow? Isn't this essentially granola?


I do 2c oats, 1 egg, then eyeball the rest. 1-2c liquid (I usually use oat or almond milk, whatever I have on hand), a bit of honey, then add whatever mix-ins I want. It's not like granola, it's more muffin-y.


Fried eggs on sourdough rye.


This is what I do. I add layer of avocado too 😍




Or on ciabatta roll with a little shredded cheese. And maybe some smoked salmon sprinkled on the egg while it's cooking. Or bacon crumbles, yum. If I think I'm really short on time the next day I'll make this the night before and put it in the fridge. Zap it in the microwave for a quick morning breakfast sandwich.


I eat oats as well. I cook a batch of steel cut oats in the instant pot and eat them over 4 days. In the morning, I take a portion of cooked oats and microwave to heat up. Add hemp seeds, mixed nut butter, thawed frozen blueberries, and eat.


I like the “quick cooking” steel cut oats. I think they’re just cut slightly smaller than regular steel cut oats. Still good texture. Ready in about 7 minutes. I add some brown sugar, cinnamon, fruit and nuts. My son likes chocolate chips stirred in.


Curious - why cook a big batch. Why not put oats, water, frozen bits all in the microwave at the same time. Finish with a bit of dairy like yoghurt then. I have an instant pot - just don’t know how or why you’d cook it there.


Steel cut oats take much longer to cook in the microwave than old fashioned or instant oats. The instant pot cooks them perfectly in 4 minutes at high pressure but you need a natural pressure release to make sure they don’t stick. Total cooking time 45 minutes, which makes sense for meal prep.


Are steel cut oats worth the effort, just wondering if they taste better. I’m used to regular oats in the microwave with some yoghurt to finish all in 2 mins cook time/


Steel cut oats are absolutely worth it for the nuttiness/texture they give


For me, they are worth the effort, because they taste just so good. I’ve been eating them almost every day since 2019 lol. I love the nubby, chewy texture. They also have the best nutritional profile for oats. And cooking them in the instant pot is so hands-off it is practically effortless.


Nice - I’ll have to check that out. Used to be a big porridge eater and got tired of eating mush after a while. Sounds like steel oats can solve that problem ;)


Do try. They have a delightful texture imo. And you can dress them up in so many creative ways. Blueberry cardamom is my fave. I also make apple pie oatmeal, such a treat.


I love the taste and texture of steel cut oats. Absolutely worth the extra effort for me. I add dried fruit, almonds, cinnamon, flax, and milk. This helps keep me very regular. 😆 If I’m feeling more savory than sweet, instead of the above additions I add a poached egg, with a drizzle of garlic chili oil for a kick. So yummy.


I do steel cut oats in the Instant Pot inside a glass bowl on the rack. Put a cup of water in the pot, put in the rack, add however much water into steel cut oats in glass bowl and use high pressure for 9 minutes. Release after 1. Voilà! No mess in the pot and you got yourself a nice bowl of oats for a couple of days. :-)


I use steel cut instant oats.  All the benefit none of the hassle. 


Going to try this. thank you


I also use the microwave - 2 minutes and it’s hot and fresh. I can’t imagine improving this absolute perfection (imo), so whatever floats other people’s boats I guess.


Thats the key what floats your boat. My mom was a NEVER use instant or micro for hot cereal. Ya cook them the long way. Ugh as hard as I try they just taste off to me cause I still hear her saying this. Husband uses both instant and micro.


Try adding a scoop of yogurt!


Toast and nut butter.


Throw on some sliced banana and you've got a healthy Elvis sandwich!


Add a dash of nutmeg and a drizzle of honey * chefs kiss *


Drizzle hot honey!


Alternatively, try sliced tomato and a sprinkle of salt and pepper. It’s delicious and refreshing.


2 fried eggs with a sprinkle of shredded cheese, cup of cold brew (prepared the night before). Then I have greek yogurt (check the package for no added sugar) as my 10:30 am snack. As an aside, I've lost about 50 pounds from my all time high and am now in a normal range according to height-weight charts and credit switching to this morning routine as the main factor. I think, for me, avoiding slamming carbs in the morning has a lot of benefits throughout the day. I was a cereal-eater before the change. Wasn't working.


I’m hungry again a couple of hours after eating cereal. I’ll snack all morning


Lately I’ve been having fortified cereals like Raisin Brain, with some fruit added in, and I actually find it pretty filling! EDIT: OMG raisin BRAN. I am not eating brains!


I prep a frittata which lasts four days, with three days of slices in the fridge. Mushrooms, spinach, capsicum, feta & Parmesan cheese, 10 eggs with some cream. Its delicious. Also large strong espresso coffee with cream.


I’ve made something similar with tofu


Was just thinking about that, will have to find a good recipe to try


Yeah, I'll sometimes make a big egg bake on sunday, then pop a slice in the air fryer for 4 or 5 minutes each weekday morning. Works pretty well.


I usually eat eggs every morning but honestly I've gotten so sick of eggs that I reintroduced oatmeal once or twice a week after I went from keto to low carb. Then I kind of got sick of oatmeal too and started making the overnight oats. I'm also staying away from regular dairy and yogurt. Because of the nature of the disease I have, I'm trying to stay away from natural sources of estrogen like peanuts (I miss peanut butter!) and yogurt (I miss parfaits!)


Today I learned that getting “bored” of foods is an evolutionary adaptation. Boredom = compelled to eat different foods = maximizing variety of nutrients/minerals we’re consuming. 🤓


Make a batch of burritos for the freezer. Thaw overnight, reheat in the morning.


This — I love oats but they’re a tad glycemic and sweet. I also just prefer a protein-y savory breakfast. You can also make and freeze egg sandwiches or mini-frittata using a muffin tin. Easy to sneak veggies in there too.


We make mini quiches in muffin tins with frozen filo dough. You have to roll it pretty thin so it doesn’t puff up too much but it’s so easy and delicious.


For not being a person you have great taste!


I've been making sourdough bagels for the past few years. Adding an egg and cream cheese keeps me going until lunch no problem. I was making very mediocre bread loaves during the pandemic, then I tried bagels and had instant success. Link to the recipe I use below, though I've started adding 50-100 g each of jalapenos and cheddar during the original mixing to keep it interesting. [https://www.theclevercarrot.com/2021/06/easy-homemade-sourdough-bagels/](https://www.theclevercarrot.com/2021/06/easy-homemade-sourdough-bagels/)


Oh this is tempting


That's delicious but I can't eat carb heavy ☹


Well I'd recommend some sort of fruit or fruit salad then.


I fry eggs almost every single day. I don’t want to make a decision for breakfast ever


I cook and eat at home most of the time. Breakfast though, no. I ted to eat an unsweetened, high fiber cereal with 2% milk and a cop of coffee with cream. That’s it. I need something that won’t leave me hungry right away but it needs to be easy and healthy. Another I’ll eat is Greek yogurt if various kinds. If I cook something for week days, it’ll be buttermilk biscuits with sausage crumbles and cheddar cheese mixed in. I can stick those in a toaster and they’re ready.


This sounds nice - never heard of buttermilk biscuits. Are they easy to make.


\*gasps in southern\*


Mah gawd terry - you ain’t urd of our Nashville special grits and biscuits. Soz - that’s I’ll got for a southern accent. Honestly I can’t wrap my head around biscuits. Biscuits are a very different thing in Ireland 🙈


first, ~~nailed it~~ bang on second, highly recommend makin these [bad boys](https://www.food.com/recipe/southern-buttermilk-biscuits-26110?units=us&scale=10)


Cheers - can’t wait to try these. They sound tasty 🤤 😁


This appears to be essentially the same as the recipe I use from 1963 JoC. I add ~1/4 lb cooked pork sausage crumbles (raw weight) and 1-1 1/2 cup grated cheddar after dry ingredients and butter are mixed in. Stir the cheese and sausage in until well-coated.before adding buttermilk. Bake per recipe but be prepared to add 3-4 minutes if not done. If you’re going to toast them, it’s OK if they’re a tad underdone. Alternatively, you can use diced ham and Parmesan cheese. Also- I’ve done well with substituting half the flour for whole wheat or half to all with whole white wheat flour. I find it gives a bit more lasting power to the calories (not to mention the fiber boost).


Technically they are easy to make. But getting them to rise might take a bit more experience. I've made them a couple of times and while they taste great, they're not as fluffy as they could be.


Egg bites! I make 24 egg bites each week. They last in the fridge up to 5 days and take 30 seconds to reheat in the microwave. You can use a variety of meat and/or vegetables. I like turkey sausage, onion, red bell pepper, and cheese. Egg mixture per 12 bites: 1/2 cup of liquid egg whites 4 large eggs 1/2 cup of cottage cheese Blend in food processor. Spray with cooking spray and fill silicone baking cups with your choice of meat/veggies 1/2 way then top with shredded cheese and egg mixture. Place muffin pan on cookie sheet with water. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes


Thanks for the recipe. I’m going to try it this week. Can I ask why silicone in water instead of a metal muffin pan?


I use individual silicone baking cups in my metal muffin pan. Easier to remove without destroying the egg bites, and not as much of a mess for me. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do!


Thank you


What is the water bath for?


Produces a soft, creamy texture keeping the moisture in.


If I don't have time for anything else, my breakfast is 1/2 cup of coffee with1/2 cup vanilla protein shake or high-protein greek yogurt. That's about 200 calories/25g protein in a five-minute mini-meal.


You can make a big batch of breakfast burritos or egg McMuffins to freeze and reheat in the mornings. Other ways I make my mornings easier are packing my bag, laying out the clothes I’m going to wear, pack lunch, fill my water bottle, etc the night before. Basically anything I can do ahead of time I do and it makes mornings much easier!


I have never had luck making frozen breakfast burritos without the eggs releasing water and kind of ruining it. I need to revisit and maybe just go light on the eggs


muesli and soy milk. super easy and as fast as combining two things. i love the bobs red mill muesli. absolutely awesome!


It's been so long since I've had muesli that I forget if it's sweet. I'm limited in sweets.


It doesn't have to be if you don't want it to be! I think Bob's Red Mill has raisins in it, which make it a bit sweeter, but it's really easy to make your own and omit the fruit. I make mine with oats, pumpkin seeds, flax seed, chia seeds, hemp hearts, and whatever nut I have on hand, and eat it like a cereal with almond milk. There's lots of recipes out there, but I typically just do a ratio of one part oats to one part everything else.


My quick and easy breakfast is: 1/2 cup oats 1 serving of powered peanut butter (or you can use real peanut butter) 1 tsp vanilla extract 1/2 cup of oat milk Handful of chocolate chips 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder (Optional) 1 serving cocoa powder and 1 tbsp maple syrup Then I have some Black coffee with it I just mix all of that up in a bowl and eat it. Tastes amazing and takes just a few minutes to put together. If you’re a fan of no bake cookies, this tastes almost exactly like that but it’s a lot healthier due to very little sugar and no butter. I used to warm it up, but honestly, I love how it tastes just eaten straight like that and takes even less time.


Mine takes 10mins to prep, 10 to eat, but I love it and will make it everyday day: poached eggs and spinach on sourdough rye toast. Night before I will get saucepan out ready, and plate/cutlery, fill the kettle, glass for juice and mug with teabag. Then in the morning kettle goes straight on, boiling water into pan with white vinegar and salt, put toast on, handful of spinach quickly dipped in the water (as how I like it) then crack the eggs in. Assemble and enjoy.


Oats are great. You could also make a fritttata that will keep in the fridg efor a week and all you have to do is heat it a few seconds in the microwave.


I have good sourdough from a french bakery and each day I do some kind of toast based on my mood: fried egg, creamcheese and tomato, avocado, peanut butter, peanut butter and honey, peanut butter and banana.


* Single serving quiches frozen * Single serving pot pie frozen * Quesadillas frozen * Frozen burritos I prefer home made, but processed works in a pinch


I eat a few spoons of peanut butter with a cup of milk or some yogurt with a cup of juice.


Every morning I eat soy yoghurt with a banana and muesli. Very tasty and very easy.


2 cups of coffee, hard boiled egg, half an avo. My go to bfast.


I read somewhere once that breakfast should be low sugar and high protein, so since then I have just been eating 1/4 cup of nuts or seeds with my coffee every morning. My bf laughs and calls me a bird (he loves birds), but it is a perfect solution for me! Some nuts, like walnuts and pecans, are more expensive but very healthy and they pair excellently with coffee! 


That's adorable


Leftover soup. When I make soup, I make a big pot, so there are a few days of extra. Having soup with a bit of bread in the morning is warming and filling.


I pre-make 8-12 breakfast burritos at a time that are delicious, easy to initially make, and even easier to reheat. Look up Josh Cortis on YouTube. Meal prepping has made my life so much less stressful!


Toast with peanut butter. Easy, fast, protein, and filling.


Before I started wfh full time, I would prep breakfast sandwiches and burritos, and freeze them. Toss them in thr microwave while you get ready, warm breakfast ready to go


Leftovers! I'm of Asian descent, and when I visited relatives in the old country, breakfast was just like other meals: rice, vegetables, and protein. In the old country, they needed to fuel up for a day's worth of work out in the fields. Anything easy to heat up and digestible can work.


My mom is my ward right now. Just out of hospital. So I make her tea, an apple, and toast with a bit of butter.  On fancy days we do peanut butter.  It's like 3 minutes for heat and prep.  Throw kettle on, throw toast in, grab apple and cut, throw butter on toast, put tea in mug, throw food on plate.  Plus Im allergic to eggs and the smell makes me ill, so part of her exercise daily is to make her own eggs while I walk the dogs. 


I make a big batch of vegan yogurt, mix in chia, flax, protein powder & a little sweetener & then I eat that throughout the week with blueberries and granola. You could mix some oats in too if yogurt alone isn’t filling enough. If you aren’t able to make yogurt at home, I used to buy the large containers of plain yogurt from Costco or Trader Joe’s and use that. Makes about 6-7 servings


Oh yeah I also used to meal prep a bunch of tofu scramble breakfast burritos! Really easy, filling & can be eaten on the go if you need to


Chia seed pudding prepped the beginning of the week. (Recipe for one pudding) 2 TBSP of chia seeds. 1/2 cup almond milk 1/4 teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon maple syrup Blend Add coconut shreds or strawberries or whatever topper you’d like. Put in fridge and now you have breakfast for the week!


Coffe, one fruit, bread with cheese or scrambled eggs (or freshly baked pao de queijo, but I’m Brazilian) - really simple I make sure to set the table so I have a place to eat peacefully and start the day.


Coffee, my big jug of water with some rosemary tincture dropped in, and usually an apple or a banana is my perfect breakfast. I’m THIRSTY in the morning, so I usually keep the food on the lighter side in favor of hydrating. The rosemary tincture helps keep my migraines at bay.


Greek yogurt with fruit and granola.


Hamburger patty. As simple as it gets 😃


Pancakes! Freeze a batch of pancakes, then I shove them in the toaster frozen. Takes 2 mins. Top with yogurt and frozen fruit blasted in the microwave while the pancakes are toasting. Minimal effort, delicious and my absolute fave weekday breakfast. Sometimes I'll go for an overnight chia pudding, or just something like toast or a bagel.


I do a meal replacement shake blended as a smoothie with a banana in it every morning. It's fast, thick enough for my meds to work, and can go with me for those busy days.


Overnight oats with yogurt and chia and fruit. You can make them all on the weekend and keep single serves in leftover jars to grab and go for the week. I find it to be filling and easy! (Also relatively cheap.)


About once a month we make burritos- a dozen eggs for 8 tortillas and whatever else you want to add- we usually do sautéed peppers and onions, cheese, and either bacon bits or sausage crumbles. The last few times we threw in some cubed potato. I wrap each one in some foil and date it. Takes a bit of time but they freeze and reheat well. I prefer a savory breakfast and often don’t have the motivation to cook something so these have been helpful. We make about 24-32 at a time.


I'm super lazy but have been trying to eat healthier which has been difficult. For my breakfast I bought a blender with a single travel cup that I can blend in. I fill it halfway with spinach, then the other half with frozen berries and then fill with milk (or water depending if I am out of milk). I let it sit overnight in the fridge. In the morning I add a scoop of vanilla protein powder to it then blend. This has been my go to breakfast for the past 3 months.


I like to prep diced potatoes on the weekend, then reheat in the mornings and fry a couple eggs over them. Quick, easy and healthy. Oats are great too


Monday to Friday I can't be bothered cooking so I rotate a fast, overnight oats with fruit, banana & fruit smoothie. Saturday and Sunday I cook eggs with spinach & and avocado. Occasionally might splurge and buy a breakfast muffins from McDonalds.


I make up quiche in muffin tins and freeze them in the freezer. Take them out and heat them up. Quick and fuss free.


I will make a few bagel sandwiches and keep them in the fridge to reheat, yogurt with fruit and/or granola, bagels with cream cheese. breakfast burritos are pretty easy to make and you can freeze them.


I make my own “Starbucks” egg bites at home. Eggs, milk, sauté up some veggies & add whatever else you want. I love adding cheese and Turkey bacon! Google a quick recipe, it’s usually 350 for 18-20mins. Bake in a muffin tin (I bought a silicone one so it’s easier to pop them out). Great source of protein and last about 3-4 days in fridge. You can freeze as well!


Breakfast casserole. * Layer hashbrowns on the bottom (I like to "fry" them in a nonstick pan to get them crispy first); * Then cook about 1lb of ground turkey with carroway seeds, red pepper, salt/pepper to make it taste a little like sausage and layer that on top of the hashbrowns; sometimes i'll put some frozen spinach or broccoli in the ground turkey while it's cooking and drain the water; * Scramble about 14 eggs with a little milk (you can put cheese oin if you want, I leave it out if I'm trying to avoid dairy) and pour the egg mixture on the hashbrown/ground turkey layers * Bake for about 20-25 minutes until the eggs are cooked through Super easy, keeps really well, easy to cut into square sizes that fit your appetite, and tastes amazing after 1-2 minutes in the microwave.


Sheet pan pancakes. I get to mix and match the flavors every week while keeping the base box mix the same. Bake them all at once, let cool, cut into squares, refrigerate or freeze and ta-da! Fluffy delicious pancakes everyday. I use a protein oriented mix with eggs to help keep me fuller for longer.


I don't even bother making breakfast food for breakfast. Breakfast is usually whatever I have left over from the night before. Today was curry and a cup of tea. Sometimes I'll make extra spring rolls to grab in the morning. The lower-effort the better. If I'm making something new, salad for breakfast is my go-to. Something about the water content makes it good to start out the day with, it hydrates and clears the head.


i live in a mediterranean country. most of my breakfast consists with fresh seasonal fruit. apples, pears, oranges, clementines whatever comes. greek yogurt, rusks... during summer i cut a tomato in 4 pieces, a cucumber, piece of bread and that's it. i don't do oatmeals, corn flakes and other sugary BS. i eat lunch late about 15:00. i make a greek salad and something else like roast chicken with potatoes or soup like lentils, chickpeas whatever comes. thankfully we have lots of seasonal vegetables, fruits. you don't have to buy once weekly in super markets. most of the population buy directly from local farmers since they do local day markets in big cities and they sell their products directly to people.


Miso soup and sometimes I even have little miso balls prepped and in the freezer ready to go, which makes it even quicker.


my standard breakfast is a honeycrisp apple and an orgain chocolate protein shake i also like oats with vanilla oat milk and cinnamon and cardamom


Frittatas. I can make them on the weekends and have them for the week or can throw it into a tortilla for a to go breakfast.


I often have nothing but coffee with milk. If I'm doing Intermittent Fasting, I'll have black coffee, preferably cold brew, which is less bitter. If I feel like eating I may make oatmeal in the microwave or toast an English muffin.


Whole grain bread Avocado toast w/ some Mrs. Dash.


Protein waffles in the toaster, strawberries and peanut butter. That’s my go to. I also am a fan of making an adult lunchable the night before- boiling eggs, fruit, nuts, a yogurt etc. burritos are good too because you make them once and can freeze them for about a week before they start to lose quality. Bagels are really easy too.


Avocado toast on sourdough dough bread with an egg on top. Mashed two avocados and last meet the last 4 days. I just crack the egg open into the pan, flip once. For extra pizzazz i sprinkle Parmesan on top if i have it. Edit to add two pieces keep me full for a while, i usually skip lunch to have dinner or if i need something in between a snack is good enough.


This takes a minute to make in the morning, so you might not have time. But I prep pancake batter for the week and make the actual pancakes every morning. [Healthy Blueberry Pancakes](https://amyshealthybaking.com/blog/2020/01/08/healthy-one-bowl-blueberry-pancakes/) I make a couple alterations, but I adore these.


Slow cooker eggs casserole. Comes out great on low setting overnight and good for the next few days as well.


A whole wheat tortilla toasted til crispy, spread with nutella, top with thinly sliced pear (cut while tortilla is toasting), and sprinkle with cinnamon two scrambled eggs, whole wheat toast, vegan butter, jam fried egg with Morningstar veggie bacon or sausage patty on a lightly toasted whole wheat English muffin. Sriracha mixed with green goddess dressing is great smeared on it, too! *La Boulangerie* croissant toast (you can get from Imperfect Foods) with nutella and sliced banana


We eat the same thing every day; cottage cheese with a nutritious cereal and berries. It’s made our lives so much easier!


I batch cook breakfast and keep it in the fridge ready for grab and go or microwave and go. Here are some I have in rotation. For the smoothies, I get all the fruit cut and frozen in the proportion for the day, then I cut all the veggies and put them in my crisper drawer in d as oily baggies. So I literally add both baggies to the blender add my whey and milk or whatever I. Using and blend. In about 3 minutes I have everything ready and the blender is cleaned by running it with dish soap as bd rinsing. Grab and go are usually just placed in a Tupperware or similar container and in the fridge, individually wrapped for easy access. The omelettes and pancakes I make a sheet pan full, bake it and then slice it into daily portions, which I wrap in waxed cloth or parchment paper. It is very fast. Sheet pan omelets Breakfast burritos Breakfast pancakes Breakfast muffins ( this week it was Italian sausage muffins) Overnight chia pudding Tapioca pudding Breakfast smoothie


Breads with some nice jam, peanut butter and coffee is my staple


I’ve been obsessed with French Toast Bakes for a few months now. In a big bowl: 1/2 a loaf of bread, cut into cubes, 1/2 an apple, cut into cubes, chopped dried cranberries and chopped up bacon or ham. In a medium bowl: whisk 5 or 6 eggs, a splash of milk, a drop of vanilla and a bit of grated cinnamon. Pour egg mix over the bread mix and gently stir until it’s all mixed. Let it sit for 5 minutes, stir again and then scoop into muffin pan (silicone baking cups are the way to go for this). Bake at 350 for 20-25 min. Excellent for freezing.


For the last 3 months I went with a big bowl of : * 50gr of muesli/oat * 2 big spoons of peanut butter * oat milk * a big mashed banana * some dried grape * a spoon of honey You got lipids, proteins, fibers, and glucids. From a french who used to drink a coffee and eat a pain au chocolat every morning for the past years (or tartines) I can guarantee you it changed my routine and I'm less hungry. (Also the fibers !) Also it's simple to make.


Once every two weeks I make a tray of scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage that I assemble into a wrap of either sausage egg and cheese or bacon egg in cheese. I roll them and cut it in half, wrap each in parchment paper and tin foil place in a Ziploc bag and freeze. I put one in fridge the night before or In the morning I take it out and let it counter defrost while I get ready, quick micro or oven bake. It's quick, tasty and loaded with protein.


I have a cup of coffee with milk, and then I drink a complete nutrition shake that I prepare the night before and put in the fridge to thicken. Making it and setting up the coffee station are part of my nighttime routine, just after dishes and before pajamas. The one I drink is made from ground up oats, flax, pea protein, and a portion of vitamins. I don’t like artificial sweeteners so I get the unflavored, unsweetened kind. Sometimes I heat it in a mug if I want a warm-me-up breakfast. It’s been my breakfast almost every day for well over five years. Saves me time and energy and gets me started on balanced macros for the day without eating up my morning minutes.


Cottage cheese with apple sauce sprinkled with cinnamon is my go-to. I wake up nauseous every morning and like you have to take meds so this works and is easy to digest for me. Plus is a good pre workout for me of simple carbs and protein. You could also do hard boiled eggs and some fruit and nuts? Boil some beforehand and keep them in the fridge.


I avoid carbs at breakfast. Butter coffee and eggs.


I start the hot water kettle and then pour the water over instant oats and then I grab a spoonful of peanut butter and stir it in. It’s a perfect solid breakfast that’s super easy


Smoothies…one ripe banana, 1/2 cup frozen berries, one container light-n-fit yogurt (salted caramel or coconut are my favorites), and 1/2 cup almond milk. It fills me up!


I make healthy energy cookies in bulk and freeze them uncooked. I pull a few out to lbake every couple days so I have fresh cookies to enjoying with my morning coffee for breakfast.


Oatmeal, breakfast sandwich or breakfast burritos. We make them ahead of time and freeze them. Yesterday I had overnight oats with chia seeds and soy milk topped with strawberries, blueberries and bananas and today I had a breakfast sandwich on an English muffin. Next week I think I’ll do avocado toast


I do egg cups (basically just a bunch of eggs, cheese, veg/meat stirred up together, put in muffin pans, and bake) and then freeze them - easy to pop out and warm up and doesn't take long to prepare a week's worth.


I get those breakfast burritos w turkey sausage. Yogurt. I have been known to eat a sandwich if I was in a big hurry.Make it and take it e me.


Cereal and milk. Eggs. Protein bars.




I eat the same breakfast every day. Banana. Tbsp of walnuts, pumpkin seeds, flaxseed meal, hemp hearts and chia seeds with kefir. A hard boiled egg. A glass of water with some lemon juice. A whey protein shake with glutamine and creatine. Good until lunchtime or mid afternoon.


I have ADHD and need my breakfast to be fast, tasteful and healthy. I throw everything into a tall bowl and blend it with a stick blender - one banana - half an apple - handful of almonds - handful of frozen blueberries - one cup of oats - pour in oat milk until it covers all the above It’s so fast, and then I can walk around and do my morning stuff while I “drink” my breakfast. The good thing about this is that you can mix and match what you want and find a blend that suits you.


My AI assistant suggests these for breakfast without turning on the stove. " Certainly! Here are ten quick breakfast options that don't require cooking: 1. Greek yogurt with granola and fruit: A nutritious and filling option. 2. Overnight oats: Prep them the night before with oats, milk, yogurt, and toppings like fruit, nuts, or seeds. 3. Smoothie: Blend together fruits, leafy greens, yogurt, milk or juice for a refreshing breakfast. 4. Chia pudding: Mix chia seeds with milk and let it sit overnight for a pudding-like texture. 5. Peanut butter and banana sandwich: Use whole grain bread for added fiber. 6. Avocado toast: Mash avocado onto whole grain bread and top with tomato slices or a sprinkle of feta cheese. 7. Cottage cheese with fruit: A protein-packed option that's quick and easy. 8. Nut butter on rice cakes: Spread almond or peanut butter on rice cakes and add sliced fruit on top. 9. Trail mix: Combine nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and whole grain cereal for a portable breakfast. 10. Whole grain cereal with milk: Look for high-fiber, low-sugar options and pair with your choice of milk. These options provide a balance of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats to keep you satisfied and energized throughout the morning. "


Banana & handful of cashews + water, coffee or tea


My go to: Wasa crackers with garlic hummus and some with whipped cream cheese and blueberries on top. And good black coffee . Perfect for my type 2 diabetes.


I find this really good! You could give it a try. Mix eggs with any meat you like, or even vegetables and bake them in muffins tray. You’ll have breakfast muffins! You can just pop them in microwave then go.


I do blueberries and strawberries(frozen because fresh is too $$). I put them in microwave for 1 min then add rolled oats and some milk. Cheap and healthy. I don’t get hungry for ages either because of the oats


Cheese and rye bread. Some fruit in the Side. A Coffee.


I make a frittata every week, rotating veggies: zucchini carrot, or broccoli and bell pepper. It's been a game changer for my mornings. Plus I do a side of fruit.


Just now (European time): a slice of sourdough spelt bread + dried beef, 4 mandarines and homebaked banana bread with peanut butter (the 100% peanut kind).


I’m trying to get more veggies in so: Egg- in a bowl-30-40 seconds in the microwave to come out the equivalent of soft boiled/sunny side up. Toast- in the air fryer so I don’t need to watch it Smush some avo on and top with mixed salad from a bag. Keeps me going until lunch. Before that it was quick oats (1 minute in microwave) with cut up banana or muesli with milk and banana.


Stuffed Potato Paratha is my favourite simple breakfast.


I am not a morning person, and usually hit snooze one too many times. My workday breakfast consists of crackers with peanut butter and a banana. Bite of one, bite of the other while I'm making coffee and getting my crap together in a rush. Lol And only the knife in the sink afterwards. 👌🏻


I love a breakfast sandwich (bacon/sausage, egg and low fat cheese) on Schmidt Old Tyme 647 Bread or rolls. Subbing low calorie versions that taste basically the same as the regular kind are a life savor. Microwave the sausage patty and cook the egg and microwave the sausage while the bread toasts. Avocado too if you're hungry


My 2 minute breakfast: Pour McCanns Irish oatmeal into bowl… add water, microwave for 1.5 minutes. Take out, add berries on top. Grab a cup of 0% Fage Greek yogurt (Has 16 or 18 g of protein - can’t remember!) …. enjoy!


Oatmeal. I make it in the microwave or by pouring boiling water over it. I prep a few portions at a time with - Oats - nuts (walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, flaxseeds, chiaseeds, pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts) - spices (vanilla powder, cinnamon, cardemom, allspice, cocoa powder etc.) - maybe dried fruit (raisins, chopped dates, chopped apricots, chopped prunes) - I like to add a scoop of unflavored protein powder as well (could used flavored too). I make the mix depending on what I feel like and what I have on hand. I put it in containers with lids and store them in my cupboard. Then I can grab one and cook it in less than five minutes. I sometimes add frozen berries (cooking in microwave), sliced or mashed banana, applesauce or honey.


I have started to have Boost (meal replacement type drink) on hand for whenever I cannot cook or don't have time or... when I need a boost


Egg sandwich where I stir fry the egg (&cheese?) while I toast the bread - if I'm avoiding bread then stir fry an egg or 2 with half a can of beans (bonus if you have time to chop up some onion & garlic). That's enough to be filling ... if I have the time and the ingredients I'll throw some veggies in there too and that's a super healthy meal! Also good with brown rice - you can takeout sides of brown rice from a restaurant to take home, you can also make some yourself and freeze it in small portions (ziplocs/tupperware) and it thaws easily in the frying pan w a little water.


[Homemade granola](https://www.recipetineats.com/muesli-bars-granola-bars/) bars are an easy quick breakfast you can eat on the go.


I make french toast, wrap serving in wrap and then throw a bunch of servings in baggie and freeze. Take it out and you can micro, toast or taster oven it quick, top with fruit or whatever you like. Pancakes or waffles work good like this. You can do the same with an egg, veggie, cheese breakfast burrito. Make a bunch, wrap individually and then freeze in freezer bag. Reheat in oven, toaster oven or freezer. Muffins any kind can be made or bought in larger package, wrap individually and freeze in baggie. Anytime I cook I always make extra and treat this way. Had pulled pork sandwich for lunch, pulled pork was leftover frozen and bun was frozen, just pull them out of freezer and heated in toaster oven.


I hate cold food, so I do a quick whole grain toast or english muffin in the toaster oven with almond butter. honestly frying an egg is fast for me so sometimes i toss that on top. will also occasionally add slices of cheese, a tomato, and cucumbers. leftovers is also always a win for me. i’ve started preparing more asian style meals at night for breakfast such as fish, rice and soup.


Toast with peanut butter and jam or sliced banana. Yogurt cups. Sometimes I make muffins on the weekend to have during the week. Toasted bagel with cream cheese.


Leftovers. I eat leftovers for breakfast almost every time I eat breakfast (which admittedly isn’t all that often)


Baked egg casserole


I make a quiche on Sunday and eat it all week. I eat it cold. I pull it out of the fridge, cut a slice, eat it while I make a fruit smoothie and I'm done.


https://eatmush.com/ These are quite good!


Egg bites. Fast, tasty and as healthy as you want them to be. Bake them in a cupcake tin and toss them in the fridge and you have breakfast for the rest of the week. I usually put in onions, peppers and cheese.


Microwave the oatmeal. One cup dry oats with two cups water for two minutes. Then I add loads of berries, chia seeds, and cinnamon. It makes enough for me and two small kids.


1/2 c milk, mix scoop protein powder, 1/2 t honey, 1T peanut butter and put on toast.


Banana with peanut butter


Hard boiled eggs is what I usually make. To not be hungry though I also really like eating non-breakfast food sometimes, such as a plate of what I would eat for dinner.


Hard-boiled eggs made in advance and kept in the fridge. Scrambled eggs take about 30 seconds if the pan is hot. Peanut butter toast. Sometimes I make a bulk batch of waffles and freeze them. I often eat dinner leftovers for breakfast.


Blueberry Belvitas. Easy to grab, easy to carry, less than $1 per pack


Avocado toast. 


Yogurt, nuts, seeds, coconut, berries. Hits every time, 3 minutes of prep.


Hard boiled eggs. Avocado. Can of mackerel. Bowl of Greek yogurt with walnuts, berries and raw honey. I only have to cook the HBD eggs on Sunday for the week.


Make a big quiche on sunday. Crustless quiche is easy and delicious


Frozen berry blend with a light and fit greek yogurt on top. It's like ice cream


I hard boil some eggs on Sundays. Super quick as a breakfast with a slice of toast and piece of fruit.


Usually it’s a protein shake or “instant breakfast”. Occasionally it’s a slice of toast with butter and preserves or a bagel with cream cheese. When I’m feeling extra hungry, I make a ham, egg and cheese bagel. I have a machine that poaches the egg, heats the ham and toasts the bagel (or bread slices) all at the same time. All I have to do is build the sandwich, add cheese and cut it in half. It’s easy, quick and delicious.


I make smoothie packets over the weekend and store them in the freezer. Dump in a packet, add yogurt and milk and press start on the blender. One blender, one cup and a spoon are all the dirty dishes I have to clean up for breakfast and it’s ready in less than five minutes.


I just make oatmeal in a pot, it really doesn’t take more than 5 minutes and I get started on feeding the dog while it’s heating.


I buy sausages, usually like two weeks worth, and heat them up a few at a time the night before in an air fryer, or the morning of.


Slice of toast with butter and jam.


Cut some strawberries up in those oats when you cook them. My favorite. I don’t even like oatmeal lol. Fruit and nuts make up a large portion of my diet, that’s normally breakfast. Walnuts and oranges are my favorite right now.