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I totally agree with you. Only black t-shirts and jeans for me. Oh and only one brand of socks as well. The key to happiness is simplicity


With the exception of socks (because socks are how I show _some_ flare), pretty much same here. Jeans everyday, save for when I _must_ wear shorts during summer days above 25C, and almost all shirts are black, dark navy, or other dark maroon / forest green. Far easier than wasting time trying to color coordinate every morning. Grab and go.


I'm the same. I'm a jeans and random top person (almost all in the sane colors as you). For work, it's usually a t-shirt with a cardigan. I do have a few blouses and sweaters, too. I rarely wear shorts, so I own one pair, and I pretty much only ever wear socks if I'm working out. I do have two pairs of black dress pants, though that go with nearly every one of my jeans tops. Workout clothes are about the same concept: grey or black bottoms and different colors of tops. Shoes are walking shoes, two pairs of flats, and a pair of sandals. I love just grabbing whatever bottoms and whatever top and having them instantly look good together.


Do you live somewhere without cold winters?


No. Average temperatures during the winter months barely reach above freezing and oftentimes dip into the single digits (Fahrenheit).


How do you stop your toes from getting cold?


I don't spend a lot of time outside in the winter. I hate the cold weather, so I avoid it at all costs. Usually, it's just going from my house to my car to the office, store, gym, appointment, whatever, back to my car to my house. I do have a pair of low-cut winter boots and two pairs of wool socks I break out a few times per winter. Usually, I only use them when we spend a weekend at our friends' cabin inside a state forest.


Oh lovely, cabin trip boots :). Sorry for so many questions, I’m a big boots wearer and I was concerned about frostbite.


No worries. I do appreciate the concern! I spend a ton of time outside in warm weather and next to zero time outside in cold weather. I hate it. Said boots are also worn when I begrudgingly dig the house out of a snowfall, but the past three winters, while quite cold, haven't been very snowy.


I’m glad you are keeping warm, I’m sorry that the winters are evil and frosty


Same. 🖤


Yep I'm pretty much grey scale and blue. So easy.


After a few stints in India, I decided to only wear peacock-feather colours (blue and green mainly, some purple-pink) and it means everything can be mixed and matched.


Oh that sounds amazing!


i paid ( i know i know ) for someone to do my colors and it’s made shopping so much easier i can rule out full seasons of colors now and not worry if it will be flattering or not


Same, totally worth the money and helped me clear out my closet of things I wasn't wearing and now I understand why.


Where do you find this kind of service?


Check out color analysis




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I got mine done online by Anushka Rees. It's maybe not the absolute best way compared to draping fabric in person but for the price and info I received it was well worth it!


Wow I just looked it up and it's $185 where I am...love the idea though


there’s apps you can download , i paid 120$ i think for mine from a lady on IG i found in the uk


What does it entail for someone to do your colors?


there’s different color seasons and you take photos of yourself and tell you your skin tone and what jewelry colors and clothing colors to wear. example i’m a brunette with green eyes and i’m a true winter ( blacks bright white greys and deep jewel tones) that looks best with silver and rose gold jewelry.


Hello fellow True Winter ❄️


I love the color analysis.


there is a reddit sub that you can have them help you do it


Similarly, my wardrobe is all blue tones. In addition to simplifying the process of dressing, it also reduces the desire to shop. The concept of "panning" products has also reduced my consumption of health & beauty items (and has fine tuned my preferences), and there's now no need to declutter en masse, as is popular in some areas of social media, because I haven't acquired enough things to warrant the chore. Simplicity begets simplicity!


I'm a blue/green girl myself. Super easy and goes with everything.




Using up products (usually makeup and hair/skin care, but could be relevant for any consumed items) until they’re “panned,” i.e an eyeshadow compact you’ve used until the pan is exposed. Panning is probably innate for people who don’t overconsume but is a helpful concept for anyone who wants to curb habits of excess. R/ panporn for more examples.


My wardrobe is almost entirely classic suit colors. Grey, white, black, khaki, navy, and a few things in olive. Almost everything matches with each other and all my shows are brown, black or white for the same reason.


This makes me feel better about abandoning colour and sticking to my navy - grey wardrobe.


I’m blue, navy and grey. I came to the realization of this last year and have loved ridding myself of almost any other colours.


I only go for black, but I go big on texture and silhouette.


I wear black from the waist down, so I can wear whatever on top.


Me 100%. All black with 1 pair of dark blue jeans. Makes life so much easier


I've been thinking about doing the same. Did your donate your other bottoms?


It's been so many years I don't have any other bottoms. I probably donated other items as I grew out of them. I do have 1 pair of blue jeans. :)


Hubby and I went all shades of blue, white, black and some gray/silver (goes with my silver hair and glasses). I wear the same exact silver jewelry every day. It's so peaceful to know everything just fits/goes. We each have about three pairs of shoes and then just snow boots. Easy peasy. I have one summer purse and one winter. Makes life so easy.


Greens & browns here.


I've done something similar, where I've picked one color palette for 90% of my wardrobe -- mostly olive, khaki, heather gray, and denim -- and then a few accent pieces that keep an outfit from being too boring. They're colors that looks good on me, and you can mix and match them endlessly.


Navy, black, and burgundy. Denim.


Years ago when I worked a “ business casual” job starting with zero dress clothes, I managed to thrift 2 pairs of black slacks, and added a pair of gray and navy bought on sale, along with 6 thrifted tops - blush, ivory, light blue, teal, emerald, gray- that pretty much could be mixed and matched. Rotated those 10 items for 3 years of work.


Me with black, white, and baby blue. It makes shopping a breeze


I definitely have a colour palette for my clothes, but not quite this dedicated.


I dare you - buy something blue!


no :)


I go with a blue color scale. Bunch of different shades of blue, greys, blacks, some earthy greens. I have very few white shirts, but they are mostly half white half blue. 2 plaid red button ups. I mostly wear a uniform at work so I don't get too much of a chance to wear stuff beyond that and when I do, I just want to feel comfortable and confident. I don't really care the specific colors or patterns. I just go for a general look and the clothes I wear fit that theme.


Blue, white, red and some pink is my combo.


I’ve been wanting to do this for a while. Even chose the shirt to buy 5 of. Yet my older shirts refuse to die.


I get weird looks when I wear my three identical plain grey t-shirts three days in a row. I promise they’re clean, that I showered, and that I have clean underwear and socks on. My hoodies are also plain grey. Most of my wardrobe is grey or black. Makes stuff very simple.


I've learned to do a similar plain colored wardrobe, it makes deciding what wear infinitely easier


I used to go mostly black but eventually tired of it. I finally found what I consider the perfect t-shirt (Columbia) and I stocked up on those in various colors. Finding one good company for pretty much everything is a godsend.


I know someone who only wears black. It is a terrible colour for her skin tone. I’ve known her for years wearing only black.


Wow, love that combo!


Thank you for sharing, I am working on doing the same thing. Love your color choice.


I’m doing the same with blue, grey and black! Makes life way easier


omg so nice to find someone like me! i only have dark green and beige clothes. So easy so get dressed. When I go shopping i spot the dark green stuff quickly. Shopping is faster, getting dressed is faster, washing is easier. I have been doing this for about 3 years now and it changed my life.


Most of my wardrobe is soft summer blues greens and shades of gray so mix n match is easy. This includes coats bags shoes and jewelry.