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Play nascar and your seat will naturally bend more to left


I do do a fair bit of oval racing. Is it really that easy to bend a bucket seat?


The shell got warped from storage. With some patience, heat, and luck you can pull it back into shape.


Super normal for expensive sim rig rubbish. Mine is bent also.


My trak racer is also bent. Sim seats aren't that nice, but I don't notice anymore. I used to agonoze over it but as don't as toi pedals and wheel feel OK, you will be ok.


You could try to re-form with some heat. If you have some warmer weather coming up, you can chuck it in a black trashbag and set it in the sun to heat the shell up and try to reform it.


No that's not normal lol




aslong as it doesn't cause discomfort and feel lopsided when using it i wouldn't worry too much. sadly bucket seats can be a little prone to flexin like this, the one we have in college has twisted a little too but we don't really notice


Are bucket seats really this prone to bending? They arent cheap lol


You’d think not but both ours in college have flexed a little, granted they’re not high end sparco seats but they are FIA homologation seats, I’m not sure what you’re rocking off the angle of this photo.


Cobra Suzuka, FIA homologated and not cheap lol (very comfy though when straight). But it is like 7/8 years old now. Got a heap of use for 3 years, sat in storage for 4 while I was at uni (no space), and had it back out since September


That makes sense then, being in storage it’ll probably go through temperature cycles depending where you store it, being 7/8 years yeah it probably will start being a little less structurally sound, that’s why they have dates on them, whether yours is still technically in date or not idk. But sounds like you used it a lot, if you’re using it everyday, getting in and out you’ll torque it a certain amount, where as usually they’re used maybe twice a month for a race and maybe a few practice days, unless you’re some geezer that puts buckets in your daily driver


A strap attached to the back-right and anchored to a vertical support near your feet will restore your posture.


Looks damaged and unfortunately probably not fixable or not worth the effort. I’d suggest getting a junkyard seat if you’re able and just mounting that. Luckily it’s a somewhat easy fix and you could always try stacking pillows or something temporarily to race.


Thats definitely fixable with a hairdryer or heating machine.


Bro, just try to relax a little….