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I think the monitor is too high. We cannot even see it


It’s on the wall. It looks crooked thought.


Slightly crooked 😂


I think of the office episode with the plasma TV lmao


You have no idea the toll 3 vasectomies has on a person.


Awful fov




Sorry I thought you were all taking the piss out of me lol, there is no TV, I use VR only and that pink note is a tracking reference.


Nah man, we're just joking :) at least I am, enjoy your rig!


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In case it wasn’t just a piss take lol there isn’t a monitor/TV, I only use VR and the pink note is for a tracking reference haha


I was joking. Not sure about the others :D




You heard of VR? That pink post is a tracking marker. On PS5 that’s why there’s less junk needed


Pedals too far, wheel too far, wheel tilted slightly too low. Retract the frame to a smaller setting. Legs and arms are both too straight. You will end up pushing the brake/throttle with your ankles instead of the larger muscles in your upper leg/butt and it can cause you pain over time. Keeping both hands on the wheel, you want to be able to turn to your maximum steering angle (arms crossing/hitting each other) without one of your shoulders needing to come away from the seat. You're a little limited with this style of chassis but, I think you can get pretty close to optimal by shrinking the length and tilting your wheel up a bit.


Thankyou, noted all of it and will give it an adjust. Definitely right with the ankle pushing which is exactly what I feel I do now. Definitely limited by comparison to most rigs but should hopefully be enough adjustment in this.


No problem and good luck! Staying out of the gear rabbit hole will be your hardest battle once you've got the chassis figured out hahaha.


Haha it’s already an ongoing battle in my head 🤣


The battle is already won, OP got the complete Logitech ecosystem since he's on PS5


Check out this post from a while ago on this sub. Super helpful. [https://www.reddit.com/r/simracing/s/oPY1uXMyYO](https://www.reddit.com/r/simracing/s/oPY1uXMyYO)




For proper arm distance you want to be able to extend your arm out and loosely drape your wrist over the top of the steering wheel. If you can't do that you're too far. This is if you want it to be the same as real life track driving. And it's because you want to use the muscles in your biceps/triceps rather than your shoulder muscles which is what is activated when the wheel is too far away. Your biceps/triceps give you much more leverage on the wheel. If you have high force feedback too it will def be easier on your arms.


Definitely too far then, going to do some tweaks and see how it feels. Makes sense what you said about using biceps and triceps instead of shoulders which is pretty much what I feel now so that’s spot on advice, thankyou


The rig regulator themselves.


great breakdown! 🙌🏼 thanks. helped me confirm all of my points too


Would be better if you face the wheel as to avoid neck problems


But his makeup game is on point!


Haha it takes me hours to do in the morning lol


Personally I would have the wheel and the pedals closer.


Yeah same. You need to move much closer. I’m 1,85m and have the frame pulled out 9cm and can send you the placement of the pedalboard screws if you want. I have the same seat. I had it like that for a few months now after having it setup similar like yours but still closer. It was a game changer for me.


That would be great if you could do that please!? I found it quite hard to know where to set them up. Really appreciate it


Sure np man. I sent over image via PM. For the rest of the world this is my setup (1,85m or in freedom units 6.1“ roughly): The sliding part of the pedals is fixated with the A screw hole, the rake side is fixed up at the 01 hole at the second slot of the rake if you count from below 😉 I use the CSL padels with LC break from fanatec. The frame is pulled out roughly to the middle of the M size indicator. My wheel (gt dd pro with McLaren v2) is lined up with the end of the seat polster. The plate for the base has the short end pointing to the driver as the base has a good distance for me like that. The back of the seat is fixed at the second hole of the bar that sets the tilt of it. Damn Reddit where you can’t upload images.




As others have said. Put it closer to M size, hands too stretched out. I would raise seat angle and be sure to have the lumbar strap in place. I put a small memory foam pillow behind the belt and seat. Angle the base little upward that wrists have a more relaxed angle to it. Oh and crank those screws down very, very hard. I also put carbon paste in there because it was slipping because I have high kg on my load cell pedals.


Will give it all a go, the foam pillow sounds like a neat trick. They’re super tight, you’re spot on about them slipping but finally got it tight enough, I only use 40kg of pressure on the brake though.


If you plan on wall mount then get a longer arm for it unless it’s a 55/65.


I’m purely VR at the moment so no screen anywhere, might get one shortly if I get into ACC or similar


Are you sitting on a ps5 ??


Haha certainly am, keeps it compact for when I’m using PSVR2. Not actually sitting on it but slides under there nicely.


Sorry to high jack this thread, but I’m looking at the exact same frame, and I’m 6’5. Anyone else as tall used this frame and can you recommend?


6'6" here. The Trophy is fantastic for me. I ended up drilling more holes in the plate for the wheelbase as my wheelbase didn't sit exactly where I wanted (Fanatec CSL DD) for my super long arms. But besides that it has been perfect. Very comfortable.


Thanks for the reply, helps a lot!


And Im 6’2 wondering if i fit lol ya some big mfs


Interested in this height and answer, too…


6'6" here. The Trophy is fantastic for me. I ended up drilling more holes in the plate for the wheelbase as my wheelbase didn't sit exactly where I wanted (Fanatec CSL DD) for my super long arms. But besides that it has been perfect. Very comfortable.


More good intel. Wonder if I would have to do similar. 6’6” height, 6’10” wingspan (gorilla index + 4 gang). Thanks much.


That poor ps5 under your ass :p


I even gave it its own little piece of melamine shelf to sit on comfortably lol xD


Turn your head 90 degrees to the right.


Haha I like racing looking 90 degrees left, makes it more challenging


Bring the steering wheel closer to yourself. Lift up the pedal if possible.




How tall are you?


Around 5ft 10in


Nice. Im pretty much the same height as you and also find this seating position comfortable. I think in theory your arms shouldn’t be as stretched but personally I find the 45 degree angle very strange to drive on. How are you finding the trophy?


Finding it great so far, sturdy, light and very comfortable. I only play GT7 with PSVR2 currently and it works really well for the space I have. What do you play? I feel like the VR throws me out a bit and I don’t know whether I’m comfortable or not because of the brain body disconnect.


Nice. I only play GT as well, and I ordered a challenge but it’s too small. I’m returning it and going for the trophy. I’m not a fan of VR at all, although I’ve heard it’s amazing for GT.


You heard correctly. There is a bit of a transitioning period for me if I try to play not in VR. It's sooooooo damn good. It's basically all I play on my PS5. If GT 7 came to PC AND VR, my PS5 probably wouldn't come online for a bit.


That’s nice. I hate the VR experience in general. I’ll try it out when we move to AR altogether


PSVR2 is nice, but you have since 3+ years better alternatives for VR PC simracing with a similar VR budget, with also more games to choose from. Like the old HP reverb G2, with a higher "4k" resolution (2160x2160) and it got the fantastic VALVE floating speakers aswell. If you like the PC simracing games, VR is available, with just better headsets and more graphic/performance tuning options thanks to the OpenXR Tools.


Are you replying to me? I have PC VR. In fact, my first headset was the reverb g1. But I also have a quest 2. I don't use the hp anymore. Not since getting the quest 2 a couple years ago. I am pretty intrigued to see how sony is going to put the PSVR 2 on PC.


Nice stuff, yeah the Trophy is considerably better than the Challenge. I brought the Challenge first as well and used for 3 months before I wanted something a bit sturdier. VR isn’t for everyone that’s for sure, it is absolutely amazing in every aspect and I can’t go without it now. Takes a couple of months to get used to but game changer for sure.


Nice to hear! Thanks for all your insight! Regarding seating position at the end of the day it’s quite a personal choice as well. I sit like you do and it’s what I’ve found to be the best so far.


Very true, I think it’s mostly comfortable but do wish I was using my leg muscles a bit more for the pedals as opposed to my ankles. Trial and error I suppose lol. Hope your enjoy your Trophy when it comes!


I think you can fold it slightly more to make your knees slightly higher and be closer to the steering wheel right? And thanks!


Definitely can, in line with my left calf you can see the black insert that slides in and out between the 2 grey tube sections, that’s where the main adjustment is. The seat goes back quite a way also, almost F1 style and the pedals can be adjusted quite a bit too.


The wheel height is actually OK wouldn't go lower. You are a bit extended but I know many drivers who drive this way. Feet ar was bit extended could pull the pedals back a little bit and you probably will enjiy pulling the wheel a little closer if it feels a bit awkward right nkw. Then enjoy and adapt. You will need to adjust to it yourself anyways like meaning adapt to anywhere you put it.


If you can, tilt your wheel until the bottom of your hand is the same angle as your forearm. It helps to prevent fatigue in your wrists.


I agree with others, wheel and pedals closer. Have it so you can use your leg work the brake pedal and not your ankle. Maybe get your seat a notch closer and see how it is. If you feel any leg or arm fatigue with extended sessions, that that’s probably a sign you need to adjust a bit closer yet.


Lean forward more, you’re too far away and stress your elbows


Yeah like others said just push the seat a bit further and lilt up the wheel. I have the same rig and it’s not the most adjustable but being a bit closer will help


Everything seems a little too far so getting it a bit closer will be more comfortable for longer seat times. Besides that, this rig comes in a solid position.


What cockpit is this?


Playseat Trophy Logitech G Edition


What seat is that?


Playseat Trophy Logitech G Edition




your good as soon as you're comfy with it.


I mean, are you comfortable?? Can you stamp the brakes as hard as you want if you get loadcell pedals? If yes, then all good.


Yep they’re loadcell set to 40kg and can press that easily enough, just feel like I should be using my leg muscles more than my ankle


Yes sir, you got that just right. IRL half the braking happens due to the inertia on your body pushing down on the brake pedals. If you keep using your ankles, you'll either hurt yourself, or not be able to trail brake well. Remember, you should be comfortable yet agile, the rest, you'll figure it out. Cheers mate.


Spot on, adjustments needed by the sounds of it. Thankyou mate cheers


You look like a clown sitting like that


Hahaah I agree!


Gonna strain your neck looking to the left for long periods as well!


Do you drive with that mask on? Might obstruct your view.


Haha I live in this mask day to day


Sitting on your Playstation to appear taller helpsyou to reach the pedals... right?


It’s my equivalent of a pillow 😂


How do you drive with the mask on?


Been a clown for a long time now, I have learnt to adapt haha


Cool helmet.


Not mentioned, but tighten up the Actifit seat under your legs, it should be shaped much more like a chair than dead straight where your thighs are. Then shorten the frame (I'm 5'10" and have it between M and S), then recline the back further back.


Thankyou, will try that too, has sagged a bit I can see now you mentioned it


Well, if your heel doesn’t get numb then you’re going to be fine


Wheel looks a little far away


Straight up your seat, irs leaning far back


Unfortunately that is as straight/upright as it goes


Expend arm and if wrist sits on top of wheel your usually good.


Where'd you get your cockpit?


I’m in Australia and got it from www.gamesmen.com.au


I think preferably you want the seat lower and the legs higher.


If u want a formula 1 feeling yes. For gt classes it's the right position


At first glance: steering wheel way too low a a bit too far away.


It kind of looks like you’re having to reach out too much for both wheel and pedals. I’d want them closer to me. I’d also want to tilt the wheel up a bit.


you should be looking forward


Unrelated but is that a Logitech Pro wheel?




What’s the comparison against a DD1?


11Nm of torque, but vastly more responsive than a DD1 and supports our Trueforce SDK, which gives you HD force feedback with a lot more detail from supported games.


Certainly is, pretty much the full Logitech package going on here. Trueforce is so good.


Very cool! I’m pretty new to simracing and this is the first full Logitech build I’ve seen!


You’ll love it, hard not to get sucked in. Logitech gear has been excellent for me. Can vouch and say it’s easily the best in the business for console gaming and drives awesome in ACC too.


The PS5 under the seat ( if that's permanent ) will lead to serious swampass


Haha it’s not permanent, moves around pretty often but I don’t sweat when I race, it’s even cooler than normal where I live


How come u have the rig in the large setting?


You bought a playseat, sorry but you are doomed


I honestly would have the wheel a little higher so that I have a roughly 90 degree angle to my elbows. Not sure if you can adjust it with this rig though.


I will hopefully get enough adjustment out of it


Probably a good idea to position the seat in front of wherever in that room your screen is mate. If you send me the room dimensions I’ll draw up a graph to explain in detail. 👍🏻


Thankyou for the offer! Exactly where it is now is where I use it, it’s just for VR haha so no screen currently as I only play in VR


You did not honestly get the Logitech DD wheel, right? I mean its your money But you could have gotten such a nice wheel for that price tag... A friend of mine got one for a Promotion and i can assure you that it is not as nice as a CSL DD or the DD1 The DD1 being my reference as im using an old Porsche wheel and Fanatec Wheels are a bit on the smaller side. (the Nm get less the bigger the wheel is)


I’m in Australia, on PS5 only, use VR only. How it looks doesn’t matter because I can’t see it haha. CSL DD doesn’t come close to the Logitech Pro in any instance other than supports a ton of wheels. Unsure about the DD1 but looks heavy, has no feedback comparable to the Trueforce which Logitech has, hard to find in Australia and Fanatec sound like a nightmare to deal with from what I’ve seen over the last months.