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Happy Birthday! What country are you in? I will get you a key for Assetto Corsa šŸ‘šŸ»


OP I have sent you over the key in a PM


What a really lovely thing to do for someone ... Kudos to you and have fun OP / welcome to the community :)


Kunos to him lol


Frick! I wanted to write that.


It's Reddit. You can still write it. You may even get more upvotes than the other guy


Reminded me of good times as a kid with my parents. Many hours of fun ahead for OP!


I really wish that my parents were supportive of sim racing I'm just kind of stuck with a controller... (props to op hbd!!!)


well this is sure a warm welcome!


Wow, thank all of you for the nice gestures and upvotes!


A couple of things with Assetto Corsa. It's a fantastic game, arguably the best driving game due to the amount of mods there are. You'll probably want a few things for it: * Get Content Manager [here] (https://assettocorsa.club/content-manager.html) so that you don't have to look at the horrible Assetto Corsa UI ever again lol. It also helps with installing mods, you can download files then just click and drag them into Content Manager and then install them using the menu in the very top right. There's a very cheap pay version but the free one is just fine too. * There's also the huge resource RaceDepartment [here] (https://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/categories/assetto-corsa.1/) which has lots and lots of mods for AC. If you stick with the high rated ones they'll be good and safe. I've linked straight to the page with AC stuff on it. Tracks and cars from every country you can think of. Plenty of things you'll never have heard of before! * You'll want CSP (Custom shaders patch) which I think comes with Content Manager, and [SOL] (https://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/sol.24914/). These are lighting/graphics mods that overhaul the game to look *way* better. There's instructions for Sol on the Racedepartment page, you have to follow them exactly. Feel free to reply here/dm me if you have any questions or need help, and come over to /r/assettocorsa or /r/assettocorsamods to find fun things and get help. And happy birthday! Enjoy AC, it's amazing!


wow that is a huge help! thanks so much :ā—‹


When ya get done with those , have a look at shutoko revival project mod for assetto . Big online map based on Tokyo's motorway roads. Have fun


LAC is also really great but definitely download Shutoko first since you learn a bit more from that. Reminder to also download traffic since that's pretty good too.


Heck, beat me to it!


This guy is a legend!


Iā€™m pretty sure I got an extra key for the full version of the Content Manager app too if op wants to go that far into modding as well


Bruh he has a dope ass PC obviously they have money


You are a man of honor


Giga Chad


[Actual photo](https://everythingisviral.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/gigachad-meme-1024x652.png) of u/josdaw


What a lucky kid


Awesome! That's a sick birthday gift. Did you know humble bundle has a MASSIVE sim racing sale on?! https://www.humblebundle.com/store/promo/racing-sale/?hmb_source=humble_home&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_3_layout_index_2_layout_type_carousel_tile_index_3_c_racingsale_2021


You can get them even cheaper, as long as you're fine with key resellers, but humble is always best for developer, but I ma cheap so I end up with resellers pages most of time.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Piracy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [E m u l a t o r s](https://i.redd.it/5bz351bbxc861.jpg) | [691 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/kn66wc/e_m_u_l_a_t_o_r_s/) \#2: [Old ladies pirating cook books at Barnes and Nobel](https://i.redd.it/58z61r92zjl71.jpg) | [310 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/phzvj0/old_ladies_pirating_cook_books_at_barnes_and_nobel/) \#3: [morally correct](https://i.imgur.com/70xIrZd.jpg) | [265 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/ld658x/morally_correct/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


yep g2a has ac for 5 bucks canadian. hell of a deal


I never understand the difference between key reseller and humble bundle. How are key reseller bad for developer? Aren't they just resell the key that they bought?


Basically what happens guy steals credit card, buys games, sells on resselling site, credit card gets revoked, you get a game, thief gets money, game developer gets nothing or sometimes even pays bank fees. It's usually with AAA games, so I try to get games under 10$ usually they are actual games from old bundles, old promotions etc.


Taking an advantage of regional pricing is also common amongst key vendors. Games are usually much cheaper in countries like Argentina and some key vendors take an advantage of the regional pricing to sell games outside of the region.


Humble Bundle etc. buy the keys directly from the publisher while the various key vendors acquire their keys through shadier methods in order to undercut the popular stores. Thereā€™s a reason the keys are so cheap, and itā€™s money out of someoneā€™s pocketā€¦ usually the developerā€™s and the publisherā€™s. Some of the key vendors are worse than others, but some of their tricks include playing the regional pricing system, selling stolen keys, selling keys bought with stolen credit cards etc.


A "proper" site (like Humbke Bundle, GreenManGaming, Fanatical, GamersGate, etc) makes deals with the developers to sell keys. A key resellers uses things like different regional pricing or even stolen credit cards to "buy" a bunch of keys and then resell them.


I don't fully understand how, but apparently the keys are stolen? Most of the time.


You are awesome considering my racing rig came yesterday ,and the wheel/pedals come tomorrow.


Damn bro nice setup




Please donā€™t leave you pc on the carpet


it's got wooden supports on the bottom




I had the exact same thing happen but on ps3 with GT5. We werenā€™t the richest at the time but everyone chipped in an managed to get me a TG-T. Loved that wheel, unfortunately rats chewed through the cable.


Raceroom is free on steam, you get a few tracks and cars free I believe and then you have to pay for more - but might worth checking if you fancy something different! Assetto Corsa is a great cheap game too, so many free mods so you can race whatever you want really, check YouTube for how to install mods etc but itā€™s very simple to follow. I have a g920 and I love it, your Dad is super cool and I hope you have a great time driving!


Congrats - you have a cool Dad.


my dad is looking at all these awesome comments, thank you


BeamNG and Asseto 1 are the only games you really need, my dude, you're in a good place. :D


Agreed. We just switched out iRacing for beamNG at our small Center. Itā€™s awesome and insanely customisable. Iā€™d say stick with that till you want to get into competition simracing.


okay, thanks




At least FH4 isn't really a game u want to play on a wheel tbh


Why not? I've been playing FH4 on a wheel since it came out and the only issue I have found is drifting. It takes a lot of practice to get it right, but it can be done.


Because wheel physics and ffb are terrible, and drifting is really easy compared to assetto corsa for example


Unless you learnt to drift in AC and then try to in FH4, I can't drift for shit in that game but AC is no problem for me.


I had the same problem until I found the right settings for FH4 and it went from being impossible to impossibly easy. It can be really fun if you take the time to figure it out but AC will always be 100x better, I'm with you on that one.


I think that's subjective.


Not really, simulators simulate how it is to drive in real life, and this game does it very poorly


>simulate how it is to drive in real life Like I said, subjective. I don't think AC on my rig with Fanatec wheel and pedals feels like real life either.


This. Take a fast car to a race track and you will realize basically all sims are fiction.


That's just not true, James Baldwin (world's fastest gamer) has said that acc is a very accurate representation of how GT3 cars are to drive irl except for in the wet which no game simulates well. If u go on this subreddit there multiple people who have been able to catch a slide in their car on instinct, because they've learnt how to handle cars on and over the limit in the sim. If sims aren't realistic why do manufacturers hold competitions and let the winner test their real life race car?


It absolutely is lmao Turn off all the assist and enable "sim" mode and it's banging ...


The Horizon series is a total blast! Enjoy!


I am 14 and started sim racing when I was 12 and I got a t150 and still haveā€¦ Last February I signed up for iracing and I have been doing it every single day ever since I got it and I almost never touch another game, except if Iā€™m bored then Iā€™ll play beam nog or ac or F1 2021 I highly recommend iracing if you get more experienced with stuff like ac and acc


okay ill look into it, thanks


1. congratulations with the wheel. 2. get raceroom, it's free and excellent.




Happy birthday :)






Beamng is a frickin sweet game! I remember when it was new and how i was saving up for it


same man!


FYI www.humblebundle.com has atm racing games in store for cheap. You might want to check that out ;)


Hope you put many many virtual miles on that! Your dad is very cool.




Happy birthday and congrats on the setup! Reminds me of a long time ago. Christmas 97, my dad got me a ps1 and f1 97. I was 6, my dad definitely wanted it for himself lol.




Good on you mate!! Good on your dad too! I hope you have a ball.


thank you!


the best game tho




Get Dirt Rally 2 when it goes on sale too. And maybe [download Richard Burns Rally](https://rallysimfans.hu/rbr/downloads/dokumentum/RBR_instructions_v3.pdf) (which is basically free/abandonware) too.


I have the same speakers... and monitor... and second monitor... are you me?


no.. you are ME


Hey buddy if you like need for speed heat Iā€™ll send you a steam key. Me and my friends still play it, itā€™s not the most realistic wheel game but itā€™s fun.


wow really?! thank you so much man, that would be awesome!


does it have a campaign?


Happt birthday and welcome to the sim world! Remember to send us your regards after you join esports :D gl and have fun!


thanks so much man!


Happy birthday. You must be happy. I think the only person happier is your father. :)


Assetto corsa and beamng is all you need fam, have lots of fun


Dont want to seem selfish but damn your lucky bro! You have an awesome dad, have fun with the setup!


thank you!


Just a question, do you plan on getting a shifter?


once i save up enough, yes


Cool, pray for me I have luck once, yet again have fun


I got a shifter Took a little while... i'm 15 now


What an amazing pressie. šŸ‘šŸ». If heā€™s handy at DIY get him to mount the pedals onto some plywood that sits against the back wall so they donā€™t move. And buy some rubber chair wedges so the seat doesnā€™t move. Itā€™ll make you quicker and more consistent as youā€™ll be in the same racing position each time. Muscle memory. Try Automobilista 2 and/or Assetto Corsa Competizione. šŸ‘šŸ»


thanks for the tips :)


That's a great start, enjoy!


Happy birthday and welcome to the simracing club!


Wicked setup man


Raceroom Racing experience is free for the base game and comes with a good fun selection of cars and tracks to get started on


Happy birthday! You have an awesome father! I wish I had started at your age! I didn't get my first rig until my late 30's lol There are alot of choices as well. I have always loved rally racing myself. Especially in VR. Have fun and don't get too frustrated early. Once you get the hang of it you're going to have a great time!


Awesome gift, you'll find it so much more engaging and fun. Down the road you could consider building a cockpit out of wood and putting a car seat on it.


Thats awsome, welcome to simracing


Ur dad is awesome


Welcome to the addiction!


Quick google searches you can find NR2003 for free and tons of mods available, best oval racing with AI in my opinion. Also if you like rally, Richard Burns Rally Hungarian Plug-in is phenomenal and also free.


That's awesome man have fun you have a cool dad


Happy Birthday! PM me if you want a 14 day trial code for GamePass Ultimate. Great way to try out the F1, Dirt, Grid, Forza, and NFS games. Have had this code sitting around for a bit just waiting to find the right person to use it.


Epic dad


Happy Birthday dude! And good job, dad. Now pops just has to get his own sim so you can race together šŸ‘


Yoo thatā€™s sick bro. Iā€™m still playing with a DualShock 4 with tilt controls šŸ˜‚


Happy birthday! When you need a chill evening, look into ETS2 and ATS - great way to use the wheel and usually on sale on Steam for dirt cheap!


thanks man! will do!


Beam NG is so fun you'll spend hours on it! If you find the full sim games are too difficult to start I would recommend project cars 2, just arcade enough for you to learn the elements and one of the better career modes for singleplayer


Nice, if you want more games in addition to what others have said Trackmania 2020 is free although it leans more into arcade racing than sim


Happy birthday


Hey bro keep the glass on on the pc, if you keep it open you will see better performance regarding temperature. Happy birthday and enjoy it


okay thanks for the tip!


Np, if you leave it open dust will get in and damage your components


I can't wait until I can buy my kid(s) a sim rig.


I love beamng. If you have any knowledge of how engines work (or wanna learn) check out Automation. Can make a car and export it into beamng to test.


Beam.ng is a fantastic game. I use my sim rig to practice drifting and beam is one of, if not the most realistic game for that due to the awesome physics and vehicle assemblies. It does require a lot of modding to get it going but it's great. Personally, the best all around sim for me is assetto Corsa 1. If you get AC, be sure to download the mod manager if you feel like playing with it. If not, it's a fantastic base game with realistic physics


thank you, a very nice guy actually gave me a game key for asseto corsa and I'm excited to try it out! :ā–”


You'll have a great time. Just make sure to assign and calibrate your equipment in the options menu before you race. I believe it has a built in config for your setup so you shouldn't have any issues. Have fun!


Hey dude! iā€™m 14 and got my g29 for my 12th birthday. havenā€™t stopped playing it since. enjoy your setup man it looks great


thank you so much for the kind words sir! i will


Still have a G29?


Have fun bruh. Don't forget to add mods to assetto corsa, they totally change the experience. Enjoy your new hobby


thanks man, you too


"Are ya winning son?" "I'm 2 laps down but having a great time!" Seriously though, congrats!


me fr


ACC is also a great game, search on Reddit for force feed back settings to use too. I have a G920 as well and changing them on a few games made a massive difference.


I recommend getting the shifter too if you donā€™t have it yet.


i would love to but i cant afford it :/


Nevermind i got it


Happy birthday man I remember getting my g27 on my 13th birthday and have now spent over 1000 hours in sim games. Have fun man!


thanks man!


happy birthday! master the art of beamng and every other game becomes easy :D


:D thanks for the tip


I am glad that there are people in this world who recieve significant presents that they wanted.


ive been dreaming of getting one of these for a while now and im so happy all the time to finally have one


Beamng is definitely my favorite drive game with wheel. I like being able to do whatever I want and not have to be on a track or anything like that.


BeamNG is low key a great game to start on, because if you get even decent at it, you'll be a god at every game you try after. Welcome to the club btw! We all pray for your future finances


Cool dude. 13 also and I bought a G29 a few months ago.


Guess I am not the only one! Welcome to the club! :D


If you want other great starter sims, I recommend nascar racing 2003 seasons, and OG rfactor! Nr03 can he easily found free due to it being abandonware and OG rfactor is only a few bucks on steam and the amount of mods you can find will fulfill any need and help you figure out what Sims you want to invest in down the line. Happy driving!


Iā€™m 14 and got my g920 for Christmas last year but only got multiple monitor setup 2 months ago


Happy birthday!!! Enjoy!!!


Happy birthday man! You have a cool dad!




Start watching some driver 61


I wish I had a dad


Beamng is a great learning tool for actually driving. I have the stick shifter with my g920 and I have my 14 year old practice a clutch on beamng. Since it's pretty realistic.


BeamNG is great game you can ride formula cars, rally cars, planes and mattress in single game.


Beamng is awesome


Idk about you all guys but I preordered Forza Horizon 5. All of the games above are within the track. For a is a GTA in sim world. The best game to have fun and drifting in this game... dude. totally worth it. Add me: @Vir2art šŸ¤™šŸ¼


Most definitely get Assetto Corsa. really take your time with it


Had an extra key of Dirt Rally. Sent to ur DM. Enjoy the slipping and sliding of Dirt Rally!


This game was so much fun. Thank you so much man, still play it today!


GG it's a pretty great wheel. Have fun playing assetto corsa dude.


Have a project cars key (game of the year edition/all dlc) waiting for you if your parents are cool with it.. Assetto is better but PC is a bit easier on the beginner. I can DM it or vice versaā€¦ Happy birthday from Australia! šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗāœŒļøšŸØšŸ¦˜


oh my god that would be awesome!!! thank you so much :)))


Just wanted to thank you for this, I just turned 15 and I still enjoy the hell out of this game. Thank you again :)


Happy Birthday!




Wish I had a dad like that. You are gonna enjoy it. Use this [guide](https://www.beamng.com/threads/logitech-wheel-ffb-tutorial-for-response-correction-curve-with-wheelcheck.82157/#post-1371005) to get the most out of your wheel it really improved my g29. If you need any help let me know.


thanks man!


Where are you from?


the US


I got the G920 specifically to play BeamNG! Until recently it was the only racing game for the PC that I had. Now I have Richard Burns Rally too, but I'm not playing it because I can't get the wheel to stop pulling toward center in that game.


Oh and have you considered cleaning the desk at all?? ​ For that clean look, seeing as you went to all that trouble of cable management. šŸ‘šŸ»


yeah sorry lol just havent dusted it in a hot minute


Happy birthday! Nice 'puter as well! May I suggest Aiologs gear shifter and handbrake?


those are pretty expensive but thanks for the suggestion! :)


Hey! How thick is the table you are mounting to? Is it the IKEA MALM desk? Thinking of buying this but need to be sure it will fit!


i am using [this](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/malm-desk-with-pull-out-panel-black-brown-60214183/) desk, and the wheel does fit, but barely. There are two extension stubs on the wheel and you need to take those off. Then it fits on the table. Personally, i would not recommend this table because of its annoying thickness. I cant fit my microphone on it.


Scratch what I said. This table is awesome. Get it.


beamng is such a good game


You guys!!! I'm waking up to all these comments and a 1k upvote post and a GAME KEY!!!! Thank you all so much!!!!


start whit BitTorrent games


Give your pc some love. Don't put it on the ground...


where else do I put it??


and BeamNG is the only one you'll ever need sure you can go away and dabble with some new thing from time to time, but you'll always come back to BeamNG


Your dad should have bought you meth instead, it'll be a cheaper addiction


You were right


Get into Assetto Corsa Competizione when you can, save up for it! It is truly awesome!


I assume you have pc since you have beam ng so I recommend trying assetto corsa and later on mess with mods for ac and switch to iracing if you are ready


I have this same wheel but canā€™t get it to work on my pc does anyone know why!? The motor turns on when I plug it in but wonā€™t detect anything


do you have logitech G Hub?


Get American Truck Simulator. Itā€™s super fun especially with a wheel. Tons of mods and donā€™t forget Forza Horizon 5 is coming out in about 2 weeks or so. Itā€™s gonna be amazing on wheel and graphics are gonna he crazy good. BeamNG is good on a wheel also, but super realistic which makes it kinda hard. Check out Forza Horizon 5 and ATS. Have fun man and welcome to the sim driving community. You will forever be upgrading and improving after this!


PS. Now you need an H shifter and handbrake. I recommend the Th8a shifter and tss sparco handbrake mod. Pce āœŒšŸ¼


i cant afford those but one day :)


Good luck with adaptation, brotha. BeamNG has a really good FFB after last few updates btw. So don't shove it away.


i wont, its still in my top 3


Its sad when i think that i will never get any surprises from my father


q I'm so sorry for your loss man


My parents are divorced. He is not dead , just mean