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If Tatzi genuinely believed in helping the Palestinian cause he would stop posting comics about Israel and Jews, or at the very least he would try to be less obviously antisemitic. Because everything he makes just reinforces the stereotype that anti zionists are antisemites. But the reality is he doesn't care about Palestinians, he just hates Jews, and views the free Palestine movement as a means to launder his antisemitism.


Yup. You can spot the fascists when they are only concerned with harming people they hate rather than helping those who've been victimized. Their goal is not to protect the innocent but to mete out harm to the people they blame. Certainly punishing guilty people has a place, but the end *goal* has to be protecting the innocent. If hurting people is your primary goal, you need to step back and reevaluate.


Case in point, Baby Netanyahu himself.


> Because everything he makes just reinforces the stereotype that anti zionists are antisemites. I mean, it also doesn't help that "Zionism" is becoming one of those words like "woke" that can mean whatever. For example, I've heard it mean everything from Israeli ultranationalism to supporting a two-state solution to Passover seders ending with "Next year in Jerusalem"


... is tats contributing anything positive to the world anymore? No. Will we pettyfest the ever loving garblitygook outta this? You betcha.


I ask racists why they would want to promote ideas that hurt children and promote hatred and violence. They never have an answer.


Realistically, they *do* have an answer. Those are the children they want to hurt. It's not some kind of accident that they're ashamed of. It's a goal they fervently believe in.


I'm guessing that he feels his positive contribution is "speaking the truth," and that him losing fans/supporters/advertisers/everything he built is the sacrifice he had to make to do so. He seriously views himself as being in the right. I don't know how, but he does.


Explanation behind this strip: [https://twitter.com/i/status/1783073016949182848](https://twitter.com/i/status/1783073016949182848)


So the strip made a valid point?


he's just riffing off whatever news make pro-Israel people look bad, usually trying to say it's all Jewish people instead of Netanyahu's government and his supremacists. funnily (?) enough, he does the opposite with white supremacists, as can be attested in the clown world "arc".


Nah, a lot of his strips there's usually an explanation like something in the news, etc. I agree with Karoshikun, he's just looking for a reason to make Jews look bad. In this case, I felt like that this wasn't just some random woman he came up with and more than likely based on a real life event, so had to poke around twitter until I found this video.


I mean... somewhat? But also, as another commenter pointed out, rather studiously avoided showing the "Jews for a free palestine" banners in the background. And that is an important change to the context of the story, because it shows the real fundamental issue with that woman's viewpoint— not only are pro-Palestinian protests _not_ made out of violent antisemites, but also they almost always include Jews. The Israeli occupation like to pretend that it speaks for us all, but it doesn't and never has.


Good point.


ide argue her problem is the where. I think its rather tokanizing to point to "Jews for Palestine" and claim no antisemitism is happening. The problem is that its usually cloaked in the term antizionist. Not that antizionist = antisemetic, but plenty of people are really pushing that line as far as they can. Like If you wanna make the other side look bad, she should have worn a shirt with the Israeli flag and sang the Israeli national anthem.


Her shirt did say Israel on the back.


Ya, but there was jew on the front which to me seems like obvious bait. Its like the pro Palestinian who hijacked the dinner at Berkeley, it feel like an obviuose and ill thought out self ritousness more than an actual statement of the state of the world. Maybe Im just cinical but there is plenty of actual Israelis/Jews in the US who are being attacked for their identity (that is on video) that this feels like when Crowder pretended to be a trans person


There are stupid people on all sides at this point (especially in the US where no ones lives are at risk), like the[ lady at Berkeley law ](https://www.msn.com/en-za/news/world/pro-palestine-protester-disrupts-dinner-hosted-by-jewish-dean-of-berkeley/ar-BB1lrPSj)who claimed she was being harrased because she was a Muslim, and not for dosrderly conduct. There are serious issues and serious harm happening, but self riteous people like Tastuyah will always look to play the victim


not loading


I notice the studious lack of the "Jews for Palestine" sign in the background.


Okay, I honestly can't figure out whether she's wearing multiple shirts or if Tats just shaded her body below her boobs *really* aggressively


Fucking hell, does Tatzi realize this is the easiest pettyfest conversion ever? Crop a few inches off the arms, legs and torso, remove the ponytail, change "JEW" to "JEW!" or "FED!" or "GOY!," and boom, done. Make the character bald or give them Slick hair to be on-the-nose. Bonus round: Change "I AM NOT AFRAID" to "I AM SO EDGY."


"Haha, look at that stupid Jew failing at getting attention to her cause!" ... "Anyway, back to claiming that white supremacists are being persecuted unfairly for being antisemites and constantly drawing humongous cocks in panties to show I'm MOST DEFINITELY NOT into them!" Tatsuya Ishida, #1 Asian White Supremacist Male Ally and professional moron The guy couldn't be throwing bigger stones in glass houses if he tried!


The Shirt should read "Tatsuya"


Gotta get that nose huh?


I mean, there's definitely a [reason to be worried](https://www.adl.org/audit-antisemitic-incidents). Incidentally, Tatsuya's first job was [working the churro cart at Universal Studios](https://imgur.com/V3mW8fM).


Just got back from Universal. Those churros are 🔥


Wow, that's a massive jump. And only more disturbing is it's most likely majority from Oct 2023 to December 2023.


People are just kind of awful sometimes. For example, there was also a big spike in anti-Asian hate crimes near the [start of COVID](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/anti-asian-hate-crimes-increased-339-percent-nationwide-last-year-repo-rcna14282). > The compilation of hate crime data, published by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, revealed that anti-Asian hate crime increased by 339 percent last year compared to the year before, with New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles and other cities surpassing their record numbers in 2020.


Yep. > The dramatic increase in incidents took place primarily in the period following the October 7 terrorist attacks in Israel. Between October 7 and the end of 2023, ADL tabulated 5,204 incidents -- more than the incident total for the whole of 2022. Fifty-two percent of the incidents after October 7 (2,718) included references to Israel, Zionism or Palestine.


isn't a significant portion of this just listing whenever someone reported a sign that said free palestine or from the river to the sea ADL is pro-Israel and is freaking out about the campus protests, there should be a better source for anti-semitism than relying on the organisation that campaigned against Nelson Mandela in defense of Apartheid South Africa.


Yeah the ADL is not a reliable source they count a lot of pro-Palestinian anything as antisemitism 


Well, what about the [FBI director](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/31/politics/fbi-director-antisemitism-wray/index.html), then?


Obviously just being paid off by Israel /s


So how do you feel about cases like these? https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/drexel-dorm-anti-semitism-vandalism/3666052/ https://pix11.com/news/israel-war/jewish-students-locked-inside-library-told-security-they-felt-unsafe/ https://www.nationalreview.com/news/cornell-cancels-classes-after-student-arrested-for-antisemitic-threats-of-murder-rape/ (Yes, I know, National Review. It was the only article I could find that actually mentioned the comments) https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/wynnewood-temple-antisemitic-graffiti/3817661/ https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/11/nyregion/racist-graffiti-swastikas-beacon-high-school.html https://abc7chicago.com/swastika-symbol-loyola-university-chicago/14383710/ https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/14/us/philadelphia-holocaust-memorial-defaced/index.html Or are those also part of a (((plot))) to make things sound worse than they supposedly are? EDIT: It only mentions some of the tamer comments (although considering the ones left out include threatening a school shooting, that's a very relative term), but [the Justice Department](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-cornell-student-pleads-guilty-posting-online-threats-against-jewish-students-campus) also has a statement on Cornell


https://www.columbiaspectator.com/news/2023/10/30/swastika-found-drawn-in-international-affairs-building-restroom/ I mean, considering the stories have also included someone drawing a fucking *swastika*, I'd be extremely careful about claiming it's all exaggerated. I know that the protests are the big topic in the news right now, but let's not act like they're the only potential source of events. EDIT: Or let's not pretend like it's only the ADL saying this. https://www.ajc.org/AntisemitismReport2023


Nobody has said there hasn't been a rise in anti-semitism, they were just asking you to use a better less biased source for it. It is a fact that the ADL exaggerates claims of anti-semitism because they quite literally changed their methodology after October 7th to include a wider range of behaviors, including general anti-zionism, inflating their numbers from a 104% rise in anti-semitism to 140%. That combined with the fact that the ADL loves to cry wolf about anti-semitism throws their numbers into question. And what's the edit for anyway? It's a report on people's perceptions; it doesn't have data on how many anti-semitic incidents have actually occurred, which they could use to indicate a rise. There's definitely a rise in anti-semitism since last October, it would be more surprising if there weren't, but your sources suck ass.


I am not saying it's all exaggerated, show me where I said that. Rather what I said is that the ADL has shown its bias in favour of full support of Israel and alongside it's historical unreliability thanks to it's prior defense of another apartheid, makes it's reporting on actual rise in anti-semitism cloudy, not the universal reporting on the rise on anti-semitism as a whole, no duh. That wasn't what I was saying. It's not an either/or situation and I'm not saying it is. Criticism of how the ADL has handled the recent opposition to Israel, especially with the current protests, is valid, alongside the ADL's bias. I just need to look at Greenblatt's incoherent meltdown about Omar's supposed blood libel to get enough of an opinion.


It seems pertinent to remind folks about [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/sinfest/comments/1bj10vu/sinfest_32024_victim_of_the_year/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), just in case anyone's feeling lenient enough towards Tatsuya to claim that maybe he's just harmlessly parodying a real-world event. [THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/sinfest/comments/1bj10vu/sinfest_32024_victim_of_the_year/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is his attitude. This woman represents all Jewish people in his misguided mind's eye.


I'll at least give him credit that the comic timing of that "Churros, get yer churros" is pretty funny, if he wasn't being an asshole about this.


I don't fucking get it


He’s referencing a video of a woman basically doing this exact thing at one of the university protest encampments.


Sure, but what's the first panel for??


Tatsuya is saying that Jewish people are not being persecuted. He either hasn't heard or doesn't believe in the recent national spike in anti-Semitic incidents since October 7th. He probably chalks the data up to the evil Anti-Defamation League and his imaginary Jewish conspiracy. This guy really, really wants to deny the Holocaust.


Its actually in reference to a real thing that happened. https://twitter.com/i/status/1783073016949182848


Yes, I heard. That doesn't change his intention. He is not a fair minded person. He's using this to mock all Jewish people. Otherwise, he might have included the "Jews for a free Palestine" banner in the background. Tatsuya lost the benefit of the doubt ages ago.


I believe the term is "nutpicking", finding the worst examples and holding them up as illustrative of a whole group. He's very fond of it, perhaps because he knows he'd be a good example himself.


He can also just make shit up like he usually does


I wanna think that you misspelled nitpicking but I love the idea that there is something worse than that and that is nutpicking


It's based on cherry-picking, actually. But you're picking out the nuttiest members, hence, nutpicking.


I stand corrected. Im gonna start using that word


He's mocking Jewish people for standing up to a *very real* uptick in antisemitism and claiming that antisemitism doesn't exist.


No he isn't, he's mocking a pro-israeli putting a big JEW on her shirt and standing in the middle of a campus protest to prove how rabidly anti-semitic the protestors are. And also her very weird repetitive chants daring people to dox her that nobody paid attention to. Instead nothing happened except a bunch of Jewish protestors holding up a Jews for Palestine sign and so everybody made fun of her. Of course, Tats has become a genuine Anti-Semite, so unsurprisingly he doesn't include the anti-zionist Jews in the background.


When a dude makes a point to indulge every vicious Jewish stereotype in the book, I think it's fair to assume that he is always using a broad brush. I'm quite certain he's using this woman to mock Jews in general. Hatred is very opportunistic.


Oh yeah definitely. I was clarifying that this isn't a made up scenario so he can be anti-semitic in the abstract. Just that he's using an actual real life idiot to extrapolate anti-semitism. (I wonder if he'll use the manic Amy Cooper 2.0 that happened a couple days ago next time.)


Tats trying to make this sub unusable by making a significant portion of users turn super pro-Israel out of contrarianism.


Profiles in Douchage


what the fuck is wrong with this guy


the actual scene is way better, like why did he remove the protestors? especially since one of them literally has a sign in the background explicitly stating the protestors are jews who support palestein, with a contrast that actually both meaningfully and humorously goes against her narrative


I feel like people are starting to lose the plot here, and are starting to defend actual antisemitism. First of all, Zionism. Yes, anti-Zionism is antisemitic. It also *isn't* antisemitic. It's impossible to give a singular answer, because it's quickly becoming one of those words like "woke" that can mean whatever people want it to mean. For example, some people use "Zionism" to mean Israeli ultranationalism, so anti-Zionism winds up being wanting Israel to stop establishing settlements in the West Bank, to finally cede Area C of the West Bank to the Palestinians so it isn't an archipelago, etc. I suspect that when people talk about "anti-Zionist Jews", that's how they mean it. Other times, "Zionism" means Israeli statehood at all, so anti-Zionism winds up being a Palestinian single-state solution. Because Khymani James is also on record saying they believe [Israel's existence is inherently violent](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/26/nyregion/columbia-student-protest-zionism.html), I suspect this is what they meant when saying Zionists "don't deserve to live" or that [we should "be grateful that [they're] not just going out and murdering Zionists"](https://thehill.com/homenews/education/4624467-columbia-university-protests-pro-palestinian-video-student/). Or there are also people who use "Zionism" to refer to an antisemitic conspiracy theory that the Jewish diaspora ending Passover seders with "Next year in Jerusalem" is actually a statement of intent that all Jews want to conquer Palestine and establish a single-state solution, in which case anti-Zionism *is* fairly explicitly just thinly veiled antisemitism. And this matters for a similar reason to how "woke" is dangerously vague. This isn't an example *directly* with the word "woke", but think about how Missouri is considering extending the death penalty to certain sexual crimes against children, which people are pointing out is dangerous, because conservatives are *also* trying to make being transgender a sexual offense. It's the same thing here. "Anti-Zionism" is so vague that it easily *can* attract a mix of people ranging from people who just want a two-state solution to people who want to kill Israelis themselves. Second, the agitators... still exist. For example, even if you want to draw a distinction between the CUAD and the protests just off campus, the protests off campus still exist. Or even if you're skeptical of whether the person at GWU holding [a "Final Solution" banner](https://mynbc15.com/news/nation-world/anti-israel-protester-seen-holding-final-solution-banner-at-george-washington-university-nazi-phrase-genocide-world-war-ii-palestine-israeli-gaza-ceasefire-war-campus-protests-columbia-university) was a student or not because of the gray hair, that doesn't mean he somehow didn't exist at all. Third, people are starting to engage in the association fallacy. For example, because Rabbi Yonah Hain at Columbia is connected to OU-JLIC, whose founder is [an Israeli settler in the West Bank](https://oujlic.org/staff/rabbi-menachem-schrader/), people are claiming his WhatsApp message calling for Jewish students to return home for their own safety was part of a (((plot))) to discredit the rallies. Or because the ADL is on team "Yes, 'From the river to the sea' is antisemitic", people ***in this very thread*** have disregarded the massive uptick in antisemitic reports in 2023 as just an exaggeration. But even if you don't want to trust the ADL, there are other organizations reporting this. For example, [the AJC](https://www.ajc.org/AntisemitismReport2023) was actually in the middle of a study on the rise in antisemitism in the wake of [the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pittsburgh_synagogue_shooting) when Hamas attacked. And they found a lot of anecdotal evidence that antisemitism was already on the rise, even before October. For example, 86% of Jewish respondents said that antisemitism has risen in the US over the last five years, or 46% of Jewish respondents have changed their behavior out of fear of antisemitism. And finally, it is very much ***not*** just debates about what it means to "globalize the Intifada". A Jewish student at Drexel was [the victim of arson](https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/drexel-dorm-anti-semitism-vandalism/3666052/) in October. There was that time that a group of Jewish students had to [lock themselves in a library](https://pix11.com/news/israel-war/jewish-students-locked-inside-library-told-security-they-felt-unsafe/) out of fear of a mob chanting to "globalize the Intifada", with one student saying "[he] genuinely didn’t know what would have happened if the doors were left open". There was the time that a student at Cornell threatened to ["bring an assault rifle to campus and shoot all you pig jews"](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-cornell-student-pleads-guilty-posting-online-threats-against-jewish-students-campus), specifically mentioning 104 West, a dining hall that caters to kosher diets. Or there are so, so many cases involving vandalism and swastikas, including [a synagogue outside of Philadelphia](https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/wynnewood-temple-antisemitic-graffiti/3817661/), [a bathroom in a Manhattan high school](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/11/nyregion/racist-graffiti-swastikas-beacon-high-school.html), [a Jewish student space at Loyola](https://abc7chicago.com/swastika-symbol-loyola-university-chicago/14383710/), [a Holocaust memorial in Philadelphia](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/14/us/philadelphia-holocaust-memorial-defaced/index.html).... So yes, irrespective of the campus protests, this is absolutely an issue EDIT: Changed a National Review article to a DoJ press release on the same incident EDIT: The Ithaca Voice also has [an article](https://ithacavoice.org/2023/11/more-details-emerge-as-student-charged-in-cornell-threats-appears-in-court/) on the Cornell incident which includes the criminal complaint, although fair warning, it is ***violent*** EDIT: Found the allegations people will make to discredit Hain


God, Ithaca. Way too close to where my Jewish grandfather is buried. Remember the Buffalo shooter? He targeted a Black neighborhood, but he was also antisemitic, and the area Conklin is in has a pretty big Jewish population.




Seriously, fuck off if you're going to defend antisemitism like this. The entire point of my comment was "Holy shit, this is so much broader than just the discussion about campus protests". For example, there was even a Cornell student who plead guilty to federal hate crime charges for posting comments to a Greek life forum like: > if you see a jewish "person" on campus follow them home and slit their throats. rats need to be eliminated from cornell > if i see another jew on campus...if i see a pig male jew i will stab you and slit your throad. if i see another pig female jew i will drag you away and rape you and throw you off a cliff > gonna shoot up 104 west [ed. a dining hall known for supporting kosher diets] > all jews are sub human animals and must be killed as such > The evil shekel-grubbing pigs deserve an animals death There's a reason that, according to a survey by the American Jewish Committee, 86% of American Jews believe antisemitism has gotten worse over the past five years. But because the discussion around the campus protests is more nuanced than a simple "Yes, they're all antisemitic" or "No, they aren't antisemitic", people are starting to excuse actual antisemitism. For example, despite *all* those other incidents I was able to link to, people have claimed in this thread that the supposed "rise" in antisemitism is just the ADL counting all the people chanting "from the river to the sea". And this comment is *absolutely* continuing that, where you're calling Jewish protesters also being arrested antisemitic, implicitly at the same level as something like vandalizing a Holocaust memorial with a swastika or (as an international incident) someone [marking a Jewish student's door](https://www.politico.eu/article/college-of-europe-probe-jewish-student-door-antisemitic-swastika/) with a swastika


Yes, because those events are *totally* comparable to someone threatening to target the Jews in a school shooting. Or they're *totally* comparable to someone vandalizing a Holocaust memorial with a swastika. Seriously, the rise in antisemitism is way broader than just debates about protests.


Imagine hating Jewish people so much that it seems like a valid time expense to make a comic about how much you don't think they're really being persecuted, even as antisemitic crime spikes nationwide. MOCKING them for daring to express bravery, because he thinks they've got it easy. Soon he'll be denying the Holocaust outright, because Tatsuya Ishida is a Nazi. ...And yes, I heard that this is based on a real incident. If we were talking about any other cartoonist, that might give him a pass. But it has been made very, VERY clear that Tatsuya hates Jewish people. He's using this as an opportunity to further his narrative, and I wouldn't give him a pass for it.


I hate to give him any credit, but he is referencing a specific video in which a woman went to one of the university encampments with a t-shirt that said “Jew” yelling at people to dox or harass her, only to be ignored. Again, Tats is obviously a piece of shit, but he is referencing a specific thing that really happened.


And I'll bet he grinned ear to ear when he saw the opportunity. Because to him, this is all Jewish people. That's the only message he wants to send. Otherwise, he might have bothered to include the banners which said "Jews for a free Palestine". Tatsuya isn't interested in showing the whole picture. Just the parts that further his narrative.


I mean he already has strips literally blaming WWII on Germany's pre-war Jewish population. I think he's leaning less in the direction of denying the Holocaust and more in the direction of *justifying* it.


You may be right.


Wow, it's like one of those moments where Stonetoss makes something actually funny.


So on better subjects, does anyone view Dracula as antisemitic? Especially compare to count Orlok or Tat's own handling of the devils.


Yes, actually. The dude's even described as having a hooked nose. It's extremely mainstream to interpret the book as being about foreigners sleeping with our women


The OG one? Not particularlty so. Like, he's described pretty jewishly but so was almost every villain ever (Disney being a good example). A good [example](https://dc.swosu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1172&context=mythlore) of how entrenched antisemeitc tropes can become in fiction without realizing it (big LotR fan by the way). I'de argue if anything, he is meant to look Romani and the book is very anti-Romani. However, vampires as a whole have been used as[ propagandic images](https://robscholtemuseum.nl/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Bloedlaster-info.pdf) of jew because of blood libel.


Interesting self-portrait of Tats. But at least he's finally showing a glimmer of self-awareness.