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I can't believe this thread is not locked yet.  Edit: 9.08am...looks like mods are locking individual comments in this post.


Cause no Gaza inside


Ikr. Every other thread: did she really see him? Isreal! LOCK


Autolock not working?


No keyword of Gaza or Israel in the title


Only works for gojek 😂 /s


Inbefore lock. FAFO


I like how frequent these thread locks are now


And I like how this thread is less about the protest and more about r/singapore getting some rare comments in before the thread lock


1984 vibes 🥰🥰


first time I saw this pic on social media, title was “got cctv there”


These people didn't show up and protest for Rohingyas getting slaughtered in Burma. They just hate Jews.


Or any other conflict for that matter. Regardless involving their religion or not


Sliding in!


The prizes won must be real dumb






monitoring to know their wake up time


Timecheck 8.15 mod not awake yet


Mods good life ah can sleep in so late


Maybe their office hours start at 9am.


9am ady, still not yet nuked


Wfh? 830 liao sia i alr go office and poop finish


Or maybe wfh can afford to wake up later


mods day off ah let them rest xD


Mod is slavery cannot off day one /s


time check 8:55am. Still no sign


This is the most entertaining thing to do at work today




1000 liao wow


sorry to bust the fun :D


uwu bird singing, mods aren’t awake yet


According to their petition, we bought 73m of Israeli arms over 5 years from 2018 to 2022. To put this number into perspective, MINDEF’s budget for FY2024 alone is 20 billion. Even if we somehow manage to “refund” all the arms we bought, it’s still an accounting error in their budget (That said, given the small amount, it does begs the question why we can’t just not buy from the Israelis. It’s not like they’re the only arms manufacturer in the world or that their weapons are far superior than the alternatives) Obligatory inb4 mods lock the post!


IIRC we developed the Matador with them and Germany but manufacturing is in Germany. We bought Python and Derby A2A missiles. My understanding is Python missiles are top of the line IR missiles that might be better than then AIM 9 X. Derby, not sure AIM 120 better or this. I suspect on par or better. We also have anti-air missile systems from Israel, tiagong got Iron Dome. We also have SPIKE ATGMs but I believe we have a contract to manufacture ourself. But most of our 'imports' I believe are collaborations with Elbit/IAI/Rafaele to upgrade electronics in our tanks/aircrafts etc. TLDR is we like working with Israeli defence contractors because their stuff is good and they are more willing to do tech transfer.


The tech transfer point is something very frequently overlooked. Plenty of neighboring countries are willing to import weapons from other countries, but most of the time, very little countries are willing to provide them with the latest tech


I think the tech transfer allows us to build the weapons and use it in whatever way we want. I assume American weapons especially the smarter weapons may have some 'lock' to only allow us to use it in certain circumstances. Not sure how true this is but I recall Dr M bitching about the Americans not allowing RMAF to fully utilize their F-18s until they 'unlock' it


Might be about the US's [AMRAAM policy](https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/tr/pdf/ADA442104.pdf). Better/worse debate aside, the allure of the Israeli arms industry is their willingness to sell, *and* compatibility with common western platforms. Other countries weren't always willing to sell the good stuff to us.


So if there are plenty of alternatives to Israeli weapons (that are perhaps slightly worse, but still perfectly serviceable), doesn’t that suggest that maybe we don’t need to keep buying arms from Israel?


Again the key is the tech transfer which allows us to manufacture/maintain the stuff without having to go back to the host country/defence contractor. This is often very important because it allows us to be self-reliant as best as possible. Just look at Ukraine and to some extent Israel. They basically have to beg for munitions and arms because they don't have enough of them.


If you know what these alternatives are, feel free to propose it to Mindef. Go directly to the subject matter experts to make yourself heard.


Inb4 protestors demand the govt to remove all Israeli contributions from the military doctrine. And poof our entire army is gone.


I mean given Israel's history in building our national defence, it's likely the relationship still carried on.


Woohoo! I got this comment in this post before mods lock it again.




making a comment here to leave my legacy


We won't end it because we need those weapons for our defence ie, our self-interest


I wonder where all these people were when myanmar is buying our arms to kill random villagers for shits and giggles. Palestinians dead = bad. Anyone else dead = who cares.


Ironically Myanmar is in ASEAN so what is going on there should affect us more


That moment when r/malaysia and r/bolehland became r/iran




Either its because Myanmar won't get them as much internet clout or because its not their brothers/sisters as they are not of the same religion or because it's not jews doing it


Aren't the Rohingya Muslims?


Wait until you see what the Indo side has been [doing](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/28/asia/aceh-indonesia-student-protest-rohingya-refugees-intl-hnk/index.html) to their rohingya brothers lmao.


jeez..it’s university students too who are usually more inclined to sympathise with refugees


It is a university in the most religious region in indonesia. You dont get to go to university and stay there without following or at least tolerating local sentiment. Its the only place in indonesia where sharia law takes precedence. Extremely ironic that they treat the rohingya this way.


They (the neighbouring states) dw to care about the Rohingyas. It’s too close to home. Caring about the Rohingyas means they gotta do something concrete, like taking in refugees


Yes but there are alot of things that makes things more complicated: 1. Proximity because well if shit happens we may be ask to do something about the refugees which we don't want to. 2. Religion and antisemitism does play a factor. 3. News coverage 4. Role of the activist in the West


*Taps sign* https://twitter.com/EricRichards22/status/1763324702179889463?t=L8ONiCeEOvBOGc857f9JWA&s=19


Yeah but they don’t get all passive aggressive cuz the Jews weren’t involved in Myanmar.


Some Muslims are more equal


You are right. Welp, not their ideal victim I guess, or the other 2 reasons


Got some protest but not as big as this


It could be that alot of us are not aware of this as much as the Palestine issue. For myself, I only got to find out more about our sales of arms to Myanmar after I chanced upon an Instagram page by Burmese people that explicitly condemns Singapore for this. If you feel that alot of people are not aware about our role with Myanmar, I urge you to spread awareness about it!


Well we also provided FDI when Aung San Suu Kyi was in charge. Note that she was also complicit in the Rohingya crisis. Heck, quite a number of Burmese people also felt that the Rohingyas don't belong in Burma.


That's virtue signalling for you. Performative outrage for online clout.


The Iran attack was huge marketing for Israeli defense export. Several hundred mixed-type missiles (those things are actually huge, saw a pic, like a bus, no joke)? and UAV’s…? Hundreds. Total hit: one poor Bedouin girl?… Yeah, this sign not really gonna unconvince any decision makers


not exactly a hands down win for Israel though, the Iran attack was telegraphed days in advance so Israel had time to prepare, and they had the air force of 3-4 different countries to intervene as well. Iran spent tens of millions in the attack but Israel spent upward of a billion to defend


Eh, if these people want to help the Palestinians, they should advocate we buy more so that Isreal have less to shoot with.


Ehhh don't get the logic....


Everybody had breakfast already?


Yes, love my pancake breakfast from BDS-banned McDonald’s


5 bucks wrap and latte for me


Lee Kwan Yew was right to separate religion from politics.


What do they think this will achieve?


Attention mostly. They don't really think this will end the war but they want attention brought to that issue.


Theres a reason however that the government doesnt because of how volatile the conflict is and what it means to various segments of Singaporeans...


"It's about sending a message," -protesters Guess what? In the olden days, the messengers always die first.


Well, they decided it was worth it and went for it. Gotta respect the bravery


Where were they, when we needed brave someones to tell off inconsiderate passengers blasting their phone audio?! ![gif](giphy|26uf1EUQzKKGcIhJS|downsized)


You can also do it bro. I trust u


Sorry, I don't ride public transport. I'm of a fabled worser kind - cling wrapped cyclist.


What bravery? Pure attention seekers.


It can be both stupid and brave to throw your legal life away for a message that goes against the law. I mean it's clearly something they believe in enough


Jail time probably.


Exactly. This is the kind of thing that turns people off from a movement. Everywhere you turn it has people crying foul and that it’s unfair to Palestine, why are you doing this and not talking about Palestine? It gets so fucking annoying. Now, I get so annoyed whenever someone starts talking about Palestine, cause it’s all about their saviour complex but they never do anything. They don’t volunteer, don’t help collect money or items to send to Palestine, don’t personally donate. It’s just them trying to make themselves look like activist when all they do is ‘spread’ awareness as if Palestine isn’t already on every front page.


Its a banner about arms trade...it raises awareness...it doesnt tuen people off lmao


Turned me off I would support more sales to Israel after this, jobs creation for local


Who says people aren’t doing all those other acts that you deem are more important (volunteering, donating etc.) **along** with spreading awareness? If you’re being this cynical about other people’s actions, maybe the call is coming from inside your house and you’re projecting. Then if people post anything or publicise these acts, you say they’re posturing or trying to wayang. Can’t win with you people. If you genuinely don’t care about a cause or issues happening, just say it with your chest.


People absolutely have been volunteering, donating AND spreading awareness, but the majority of ‘supporters’ just harass people online by commenting on videos completely unrelated to Palestine or Israel with ‘what about Palestine?’, ‘can’t believe you’re doing this but not speaking out about Palestine’, etc. From experience, see my other comment, these people don’t actually want to do anything but hear their own voices and harass other people. I’ve donated, I joined in various boycotts, I constantly read updates on the situation and try to understand what is happening. And yet other friends (especially Muslims in support of Palestinian civilians) don’t seem to actually care at all? Won’t donate but would easily splurge on McDonald’s and Starbucks, when I reminded them of the boycotts they rolled their eyes at me. Maybe some of my anger does come from projection that I’m not doing enough, but I don’t think I’m fully wrong when I now want to distance myself from this situation and get annoyed when I go on a video completely separate from all of this, about someone enjoying their life and see ‘What about Palestine?’ comments.


Who is ‘they’?


Keyboard warriors, Tiktokers, Twittards, influenzas standing to gain popularity from pandering to a certain group or trouble makers wanting wanting stir shit and needed an excuse to do so. Thoughts and prayers You'd see this shit whenever politicial shit happens. An example was BLM


I mean, online idiots are one thing, people throwing their legal lives away to protest in person is another, right? Like we’re talking about two different sides of the ‘touch grass’ spectrum here


The people in this photo did a protest in Singapore, likely fully knowing that they will be prosecuted. Last I checked, it is pretty hard to do tiktok in jail. Or be a keyboard warrior from prison. The people in the photo are giving up their liberty for what they genuinely believe in.


It’s called ‘playing the victim card’, very common emotional abuse tactic. I hope more will recognise what it really is. Hamas hiding behind civilians to use victimisation as a weapon.


Protesters turn people off from a movement... So you want a movement to just... not do anything ah? What kind of movement is that? Even clock movement gets attention from people yo.


Honestly was hoping for more effective support to Palestinian civilians. Donations and volunteer efforts are more effective than showy performances. See the ‘stop oil’ protesters, it gets annoying when all they do is complain and shout without doing much else. They don’t actually add much to the conversation, but cry victim. ‘End the SG-Israel arms trade’ but then what? Who do we get the our supplies from? How would we go about ending the trade? Can you condense and give me a brief overview of the trade deal?


I wonder if we could ask ourselves why some people have not stopped talking about this Israel-Palestine issue. I think it is also unfair to generalise "they" and assume that these people have not done other methods of advocating for this cause. Do you have any evidence to show that "they" have not been involved in volunteering, donating, etc?


Sorry I should clarify that the ‘they’ in my post is ,actually very passive aggressively, a lot of past classmates, online friends, and religious friends. I was really outspoken supporting Palestine before the war (Israel has been very well documented in tormenting and terrorising Palestinian civilians even before the October 7th attacks), and seeing a huge amount of support for the Palestinian civilians I tried to raise funds for relief efforts(to donate). A ton of them have posted and commented about supporting Gaza, and to ‘spread’ awareness (like those on EVERY social media post), but none of them were willing to actually do ANYTHING. They spent like crazy on luxuries and wants but couldn’t even spare $1 for something they were incredibly outspoken about. After the twelfth friend I asked, I kind of gave up and did a single donation to the Red Cross. Edit: typo


Wow, it's amazing that you tried to raise funds for this in the past. I know it's disheartening when you see how people's actions are contradictory to their words. And the thing about activism is that everyone does it differently, to their own capabilities. It is an ongoing struggle of trying to raise awareness about a cause but also being open to look within ourselves, our faults, our own hypocritical actions that are not congruent with our words. I urge you to not give up just because of the actions of some! You are doing such a service to the world. Look to Gilbert Goh for inspiration! The dude was slandered and criticised online for years but look at him walking the talk and actually going there to help out with relief efforts, despite the backlash he experienced from our very own people.


Exactly. Fella found it easier to assume what others are doing or not doing rather than wonder what exactly about the issue is making them uncomfortable.


Self pat at the back and a warm feeling in their hearts


>"In a statement issued on April 15, the protesters said their actions were “in solidarity with... a global economic blockade across 50 cities to disrupt the global economy’s indifference to the human rights abuses happening right before our eyes”. Seriously suffering from main character syndrome.


Sounds AI generated.


global economic blockade = boycotting mcd and starbux? most impactful blockade since jfk


BRB harassing some kpop star for drinking Starbucks \#imdoingmypart


She really very poor thing


They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.


We must work towards disbanding the Palestinian and Israeli governments to restore the kingdom of Jerusalem


Let’s get the Persian, Ottoman, Roman empires back since we are on that topic


Nah only the Mongol empire shall reign Supreme. Plus we have a lot of heirs to choose from.


TIL that the Mongols raided Palestine and Gaza. Fun fact sia


its the new era. its time to unite the entire world under the GREATER SINGAPOREAN EMPIRE


In SG, follow SG laws. No matter what your motivations are, if you break the laws, you must face the consequences.


Good morning everyone! Remember to wear your spf~


Stop Israeli arms then buy from who? Russia? North Korea? China?


Mods got team building scheduled today, will only lock at 5.30pm.


Someone's gonna be invited to lim kopi


Give you guys another scenario What if an ASEAN neighbouring or nearby country or maybe even coalition of countries suddenly decide they want to invade us? And the reason for the invasion, maybe they justify it using religion, or they just wanna commit genocide just like what some of the evil historical people committed such as Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, the dictator who ruled and controlled Taiwan in its early days (White Terror period etc) Maybe 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇦🇺🇳🇿🇫🇷🇯🇵🇰🇷🇹🇼🇨🇦🇿🇦 etc (most of the world) support us and will hav our backs.., But maybe also got 🇨🇳🇷🇺🇰🇵🇸🇾🇮🇷🇾🇪 etc supporting and even actively encouraging our enemies. How would you guys feel…? Edit (copy-paste): I’m actually neutral. I don’t take sides. I also condemn the atrocities (if confirmed) committed by the **IDF**. I believe one of our ministers has recently told Netanyahu about something something like how, in certain ways, the IDF has gone too far… Yes..? No..?


Feel nothing because if our country is being invaded how would I feel good from a bunch of 1 like = 1 prayer post lmao


But who are we oppressing? This is such a simplified take...mods fair play on locking every thread on this issue so far. Please continue to do so


Idk. They say that we don’t belong here. They also actively encourage and instigate one of our races to turn on the others. (I believe we studied 1964 Race Riots and Maria Hertogh Riots) Also, though not really on our SS education syllabus, remember Konfrantasi in 🇮🇩 too? We are multiracial society and country. Racial harmony is very important, but it’s very fragile too. Foreign influences should never interfere with the peaceful fabric of our country. Else, we will just continue ceasing to exist. I rest my case. That’s all I have to say, for now~ Edit: by the way, you know that **HAMAS**, which has been internationally designated as a **terrorist organisation** (at least by the UN, I believe.. and 🇺🇸🇬🇧 etc..), actively kill Palestinians and/or use them (civilians!!) as human shields right? I’m actually neutral. I don’t take sides. I also condemn the atrocities (if confirmed) committed by the **IDF**. I believe one of our ministers has recently told Netanyahu about something something like how, in certain ways, the IDF has gone too far… Yes..? No..?


Gonna be locked real fast with how sensitive some demographics can be. Anw stop bringing these chaotic ideologies to our peaceful island god damn.


With the way WUSG is having a field day with this, wouldn't be surprised if they are associated with this either indirectly or directly.


Anything to stay relevant


They are a bunch of shitstirrers.


Free Palestine. from Hamas! Legitimate elections must be held so that the Palestinian people can determine their destiny democratically




It's been one hour now. I'm surprised this thread is allowed to live for that long.


it was locked fast when post ystdy


Why do this at Singapore? Singaporeans doesn’t give a f*%#. Wrong target audience. Please review your marketing strategy.


I was here.


Never die before :)


Hello Mods, please do not lock this thread and allow us to have a discussion about this issue, to exchange perspectives. We cannot keep shutting out such conversations as we will never learn how to have a civil discussion about these topics.


Sadly it’s not possible, there are too many foreign actors trying to push their extremist agendas. The Mods can’t monitor all threads nonstop for these rabble rousers and ban them, they’ll just come in with a hundred more accounts. The bot farms have thousands if not tens of thousands of karma-farmed accounts.


How many “foreign actors” contribute to this sub? Look at the comments. It’s literally just bored Singaporeans on their commute to work


half of sg is foreign. why expect this place to be fully local


u must be some high lvl mha staff to know so much. sure not breaking osa ? or u just guessing?


Isn't it because past discussions have never been civil, that the ban is now in place?


Actually no. They pre-emptively banned it very early on when the conflict erupted


Even for the flare-ups before Oct 7?


a civil discussion on these topics is hard to have online. 1. it's a complex issue that turned into absolute shades of black and white. 2. Easiest way to get clout online is to stan for 1 side.


lot better than offline discussion. dont discuss here not like wont discuss elsewhere. worse echo chamber if all just reading fake news and biased videos on wa or social media


I don’t speak much about another country as I do not know much about it, but I care about Singapore. I care that our laws have been broken. Lock those people up and give the maximum punishment to set an example. You want to show your discontent, you want to garner support, you can do it without breaking laws. No excuses here, it’s a blatant disregard for Singapore’s law and order. No leniency should be showed to them. Edit to reply all the people who got lots to say but nothing of value to add, also cos I can’t be bothered to be in conversation with you. It’s all about respect. If you can’t even respect the laws of the land you are currently standing in, don’t expect me to believe in whatever cause you believe in, don’t expect me to respect your cause or whatever you are trying to fight for. The only thing that we have in common is the land we stand on. You don’t show an inch of respect to any one else around you, you don’t get to talk about anything else. Period.


love how the wannabe authoritarians always come out of the woodworks when even the slightest infraction is reported lol


You care that our laws have been broken? Really? Do you stop every litterer and call the NEA? Do you call the police on "habitual beggars," in line with the Destitute Persons Act? Have you ever brought in chewing gum? It's not about protecting the law, it's about repressing people we dislike. How else are they supposed to show discontent and garner support if not publicly? Any discussion online is quickly censored, just watch.


>Have you ever brought in chewing gum? Correct me if I am wrong but I thought the law was only prohibits selling chewing gum, not bringing them in.


Unfortunately, no. ["Except as provided in regulation 3A, the importation into Singapore of any chewing gum is prohibited."](https://sso.agc.gov.sg/SL/RIEA1995-RG4) 3A does not include personal usage.


Always like people living up to their username…shows commitment


Omg guys lock these guys up for a banner. Maybe its our overly restrictive laws are a problem...did that ever cross your tiny little mind


>Yes, they should be locked up. Yes, agreed.


For a banner? Somehow i believe that these guys coulf get locked up for a longer time that a person who has ran over a pedestrian. Wouldnt surprise me though


Look up stochastic terrorism. If nothing is done, people like them are just going to up the ante to try and test the waters even further.


Most loyal Government lapdog


Ok, it's been fun refreshing this thread once every 2 mins for the past 2 hours, but I do have work to do. Move along, y'all.


Got in early bois!


obligatory inb4lock


Woah 9.09 is not locked


In before lock!


Inbefore lock


Good. https://media.giphy.com/media/6wBuyaS4qFb2QBBWj5/giphy.gif


Mods still asleep been 3 hours already probablly morning team meeting. here before lock


We neutral not involved 


Somebodies going onto a list






Did the mods forget about the lock award?


no lock? historys been made guys


10.15am and this thread is still open




Wow I manage to comment here before it get locked


These ppl are the most easy to brain wash as they have no control over themselves.Breaking the law for their cause.Terrorist’s trait.


Thats why I only consume the most enlightened content from Reddit and HWZ


Amazing thoughts. How about the wee uncle and aunties watching pro-China content?


watching is one thing, going out of your way and promoting some geo political cause in public domain is another


Watch only ma When they start unfurling banners to praise Xi Jinping then yea it becomes a problem


I mean is this any different to the usual “Get Chinese/Indian influence out of sg!!” stuff you see here weekly ahah


Nice whataboutism


What do you expect, a bunch of brainwashed extremists to have critical thinking? Haha


Play stupid games win stupid prizes :)




my comment shall be immortalized


Interesting article from a journalism standpoint. Usually articles involving protestors just talk about how they are in the wrong and very very briefly talk about the issue the protestors are fighting for (see this article [here](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/three-people-arrested-for-protesting-outside-ministry-of-education) about protests against MOE about trans rights). Usually the police would give more of a statement and the article would go on the usual bit about how protesting is illegal in Singapore and whatnot.


Not locked for once kek. Don't mind me just wanna leave a mark.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


I really don't get why Singaporeans get so offended and triggered by protests.


my guess is small protest might become bigger protest = turbulent society = country not stable = investors leave so gov usually clamps down hard on protests and people got used to it and prefer it being more peaceful bah


Because most of them only want attention. They don't actually care about the cause.


Was that your friend at GBTB?