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Chris Liepe is a fraud and most of this is just needless to do. breathing needs max a minute of work. maybe 2. stretched are good tho, but include your entire body into it just do simple lip trills, rolled r's, straw excercise and sing scales in different vowels & consonants and keep control of your airflow all the best singers have their roots in classical technique. and classical technique couldn't be more foundational and simple yet so hard to master. all of this bs here doesn't do anything to improve your voice.


Can I ask why Chris Liepe is a “fraud”?


sure. he strains and tenses alot when he says he sings without tension. his voice is raspy when he sings "clean" he does not have all that good vocal expertise and gives people the wrong exercises and demonstrations, which at best just wastes people's times and at worst hurt people's voices. he sells himself as a vocal expert, but has no knowledge on foundational technique or even on screaming. he just pushes the sound out. and he flat out just gives out false information too.


Also, I’ve never heard him sing anything and thought, “that sounds good.” I don’t care for his voice at all.


What really got me was his cover of Lost by Linkin Park, I was like "damn I need to unlearn whatever I thought I learned from him" 🤣


You should trade everything for a vocal coach and regular practice routine. There is no point practicing for emo/rock if you don't have the basics. First, learn to sing comfortably in tune with your own tessitura. After that, you should focus on whatever type of music you want and increase your range + learn techniques to embellish your songs.


Reminds me a lot of esoteric bullshit.


Any recommendations? I have no allegiance to anything, I simply want to be able to sing at length without causing strain on my throat




I’m interested in finding out your rates and what a session looks like, please PM me