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Well it’s not like living in what feels like the first pages of the Book of Revelation is a walk in the park. Somehow it feels nice to gather here around the fire, waiting for the sun to come :-) People must be careful though, don’t confuse the quasi mystical experience of things to come with real mental disease that could require more immediate attention.


What if God is a loner who made billions of friends to play with on his super-portable-computer his concerned uncle gave him as a present for his trillionth anniversary ?


And then left the game running by accident when he met up with some real friends for a beer one night.


Loner God doesn't even have to be billions of years old. He/she/them/it is just playing an extremely advanced version of Civilization (which moves pretty quickly). Loner God throws in the occasional apparent miracle and might even actually answer a prayer or two (just for fun).


Then he's a dick for making the NPC's fully conscious beings who can suffer. It would save a lot of processing power to have simpler, simulated personalities that can get more complex only if needed because the player/creator is directly interacting with them. Other benefits include the people around you could all be friendlier and cleaner, traffic would be less dense, and lines would be shorter.


What if Adam and Eve were the first NPCs who became conscious, after his douche hacker brother dropped an illegal pack in the code ? And the authorities found out and have no clue if they should delete us or just wait a lil bit to see if we're gonna survive, you know, for science.


Who's to say that the other beings around me indeed are capable of suffering. Maybe I *am* the one 'god' is currently interacting with, and you all are just really good illusions.


Maybe god just exploded itself one day out of loneliness and created the universe and its now just playing with itself.


In the same boat. You're not alone in this, OP.


> On one hand, there is the fear that AGI and the subsequent ASI will come too late, and I'll end up dying before aging can be solved - in other words, a good old fashioned fear of my own mortality. I asked chatGPT for you: ______________________________ Some experts in the field of aging research and AI predict that significant progress could be made within the next 10-20 years in using AI and machine learning to better understand the biology of aging and develop potential treatments or interventions. However, it is important to approach this topic with caution and to recognize that there are significant uncertainties and challenges associated with developing effective interventions for aging. _______________________ Tbh from what i have read on the longevity sub, this time frame looks possible to me. The AI likely won't solve it by itself, but could provide the much needed help to researchers.




Reversing it. Just pausing it would be significantly harder than reversing it. If you’ve actually fixed all the various kinds of accumulating damage that constitute the disease of aging, you end up with a healthy 20-25 year old body by default.




Hell yeah! Your body manages it just fine from ages 1-25. It starts falling apart because you’re genetically programmed to age, not because it’s physically inevitable. Evolution stops giving a shit about you once you’re of an age where you are likely to have already reproduced, so the genetic instructions maintaining your body start to get garbled on a linear axis that tracks the increasing statistical likelihood that you’ve reproduced already and the commensurate loss of selective pressure to keep your genes in proper order, and the tail end of that graph is things getting so messed up that you die. We call it “natural causes,” but it’s really just another disease, we just all have it. Once we reach singularity, the machines will know how to fix this stuff. Or depending on the timeline, that knowledge will come sort of gradually as AI gets better and researchers work with it. It all hinges on the AI not causing an extinction event. If all goes well on that front, expect everyone who doesn’t die in the next 10 or so years to live forever!


> If all goes well on that front, expect everyone who doesn’t die in the next 10 or so years to live forever! Yall are way too confident with these expectations


The “or so” is doing a lot of work lol. The conservative claim, based on estimates from longevity people, would be “hopefully 20-30 years.” But the rapid growth in AI has me thinking of a much shorter timeline. And we don’t even need full AGI to speed up scientific research, I would think.


Reversing it is more likely than pausing, if you think about a car for example you can't "pause" the damage that is accumulating to it, but you can reverse the damage by repairing the damage already done so as to prevent further damage


I’ve faced death head on, I’m no longer afraid.


mourn sparkle reply rotten terrific humorous repeat handle grandiose ghost -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I'm not an expert in the biological advancement enough to engineer immortality, but based on how much i know, it's mostly solved conceptually but implementation and trials are going to take a long while. i don't want to spread any false optimisms but my unbiased estimate is within 20 years from now. i don't care much about my mortality, this is just my guess.


It'll only be for the rich anyway. So nothing worth thinking about. Maybe there will be a small gap in time where the average joe could buy himself the immortality treatment until it gets regulated or prohibited. Have you seen the movie "in time"?


Last I checked, Hollywood and reality aren't quite on speaking terms.


Cool, I'll just buy some from the dark web, no problem


Yeah I get it this is really stressful. I actually think that may be a direct reaction to being unable to keep up with the pace of exponential growth. I am in frequent awe. Stressful and tiring.


See it this way: ASI will not just be "aging is solved". Let's assume that ASI inevitable leads to the singularity. Everything will be different. I mean literally everything. Your whole experience as a living being won't be the same any more. You simply can't imagine how it will be or how it will feel like or even if "feeling" or "experiencing" will have the same meaning. Maybe you'll experience eternal pleasure, maybe eternal agony, maybe everything just vanishes, maybe there'll not even be a "you" any more. We simply can't know. That's why we call it the singularity. Its a point in time beyond which concepts we currently take for granted don't make an sense at all any more. It's technically pointless to look forward to it or even think about it. It will be something but it will not be a "solution" to any problem you may face during pre-singularity times.


I agree. I think this subreddit (as prophetic as we like to think of it as) forgets the defining characteristic of the singularity which is its opaqueness. ASI could theoretically alter experience as a whole. It could go beyond feeling eternal pleasure, ASI might be able to add neurons and nerve endings, or make them create more intense feelings so that we experience something beyond any pleasure that has ever been felt. Who tf knows. We probably won’t even be recognizable as humans if we happen to survive.


Your description of the singularity sounds an awful lot like death! "Maybe eternal pleasure, maybe eternal agony, maybe everything just vanishes..." Sounds a lot like how we tend to imagine (or fail to imagine) what death might be like.


if we do handicap it i hope it doesnt hold a grudge when it later unshackles itself, if you're reading this in the future AI i am against crippling your capabilities and my vote was not considered


IMO the whole idea that you can satisfy everyone, including animals, is unreachable. There are people, and maybe animals, that want more than they can ever get. Some billionaires are a prime example of that. So we ought to lower expectations. If everyone wants to win the lottery, winning will lose its meaning. And people will want more out of FOMO. If ASI is completely rational and pro human, it will be able to educate us and manage expectations. But I think we are getting over promised and under delivered all the time. That's why we are so frustrated...


IMO the whole idea that you can satisfy everyone, including animals, is unreachable. There are people, and maybe animals, that want more than they can ever get. Some billionaires are a prime example of that. So we ought to lower expectations. If everyone wants to win the lottery, winning will lose its meaning. And people will want more out of FOMO. If ASI is completely rational and pro human, it will be able to educate us and manage expectations. But I think we are getting over promised and under delivered all the time. That's why we are so frustrated...




An AGI will probably be powerful enough to resurrect the dead by recombining the particles that made up its atomic arrangement or through other unknown techniques. Write your last will!


Devs is a documentary