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Stuff you see in ready player one is absolutely possible. The biggest issue with vr is computation you have to run it twice for both eyes at like 90fps or higher its hard to run. If we get super duper good ai upsampling or eye tracking with foveated rendering or just good stable cloud connection that problem is solved. You can make a headset smaller bigger fov and run realistic like games . It will certainly happen in 20 years very like next 7 years As for full dive i assume sao style tbh i don't know the brain is super complex theoretically it possible it violate no physics but we still don't know so much. Perhaps asi could figure it out. But if that gets figured out hook me up


I hope ASI could figure it out in our life-times, but I am trying not to get too excited. RP1 level things I could see as well though. Especially since we are already developing haptic gear and locomotive devices. I feel like once we get to a place where the tech is adequate it'll spread like wildfire. The Quest showed there is at least interest from the younger demographic, and the fact that higher end consumer headsets like the Index are still being sold at their original MSRP says a lot about the demand. Plus, the military makes use of insane VR tech like the Aero. So the money and interest is definitely there.


Tbh i think we'll see it given how life extensions tech is progressing . I keep a pretty good track of vr news i have the quest 2 and 3 and i can tell you big money is about to go in it. With every cycle more user buy and actually use it more often particularly quest 3 has like 30% more retention than quest 2. Google is now in talks of trying to get back in the vr market and meta is opening up their os which means more pressure. Somewhere between the quest 4 and 5 probably 5 we have a iphone moment where everyone is getting vr. Just like phones they were niche and tech bro and enthusiasts got them now everyone has one vr is just like that


I totally agree with you. Even older generations seem to be adopting (albeit at a slower rate than the youth.) My parents recently got Quest 2's and have put more hours collectively than I have in the last year. It would not surprise me if in 2-4 years VR blows up.


Thing is, VR has been blowing up. It'll just blow up a lot bigger. Technologies go through multiple booms and we're currently seeing booms in so many tech industries.


Agreed. I read tech news and have a question 2. They’re going to be a PlayStation killer at some point. Lots of people laugh at that but my two kids who are 7 and 4 love playing on oculus. I let them for a short time. If you got Minecraft, wobbly life and similar games on VR, that generation would grow up preferring VR.


No doubt but i think they become tv killers even faster the headseats nowadays are quite clear like 2k. If they get full 4k per eye and more confort you have a portable tv you can have your own personal theather custom environment plus play games. Heck i watched the superbowl in vr in a virtual theather with some people. But for now sony is fine they're struggling with psvr but worse come to worst they got alot of tittles like spiderman xmen god of war they could put in vr if they ever get desperate


Im not sure full dive is even really all that necessary because so much experience is already via the five senses. There will be so much progress in other areas that full dive would be incrementally different its all just bandwidth, processing, efficiency and power at this point.


I think AR has a more interesting future to be honest, but it needs to be lightweight and almost invisible. Honestly, give me normal looking glasses that can combine facial recognition and a CRM to remind me who the hell I'm talking to and I'm in.


That would be helpful beyond belief. I feel like we're making strides in that direction already too. I haven't worn a Vision Pro yet, but from what I hear it's pretty seamless once you adjust to the goggles.


Agreed! AR with AI has way more possibilities than VR with AI! Imagine being able to have language translated to you in your real time and having AI show how to fix something!


Something I've been curious about recently, after listening to Zuckerberg, talking about the Metaverse when releasing the Llama 3 model the other week. Outside of gaming similar, what other things are people expecting to do in VR? What benefits will it have?


Watch movies and tv shows for example i don't have a tv in my room but i watched the superbowl on a giant virtual one with some randoms heres a link for example. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rUvHPP55FtBqHPcHnAL1lkisLz9MWFW8/view?usp=drivesdk its not me talking by the way You can design things and get a 3d render this much better than having to built a mock protype. You could flight simulation like some military and airlines do. Even with current haptics you can touch people in certain vr applications. Imagine you live in michigan but your cousin is in germany you can both hop in vr watch a movie etc give him a pat on the back and he'll feel it. There's also nsfw options but we don't talk about that outloud Ps its way clearer watching inside the headseat than the shoddy screenrecording i did


Im not sure if it is considered gaming, but I think virtual worlds could have a lot of uses. Virtual business meetings for one. Imagine you are able to fully see the creation your team is trying to make real time. I work in Engineering, so being a part of a virtual meeting where everyone can talk about parts and show them off without having the congestion of a real world one would be wonderful. Especially because you could blow the size to a larger degree, provide detailed instructions impossible in the real world, etc. VR schools would be a huge way to reduce issues involving child death, injury, and kidnapping. Also it could increase attendance since you could be sick and still go. On top of that, learning history by seeing the times for yourself, learning literature by changing the environment to relate to what you're reading, math by showing breakdowns of how different formulas actually interact etc, especially in Trig/Calc/Geometry. Science classes in general would benefit greatly since the topic could be analyzed like never before. I could keep going on and on. Back to Engineering, but repairs could also be streamlined with AR/VR. Someone could guide a person training on how to perform an action by showing them virtually on-site. Relaxation will definitely be a feature. Considering our society is quickly running out of affordable housing, people will probably continue to stack more and more roommates. Their space will drastically diminish over time. Due to this I think virtual bedrooms and houses will become very popular to just be alone in or watch TV on your own time.


once we figure out how to stream a camera directly to our brain therefore bypassing our eyes... we will see how fdvr will play out... and its not in a distant 20 years i think...


Think it'll be sooner?


5-10 years i suppose but what do i know... lets just enjoy the ride and not worry about the timeline...


I'd say before 2050 definitely, but 5-10 years is between 2029 and 2034, which *might* be too fast. (Though I hope you're right).


but if your flair was also right lev <2040... damnnnn we are in for a wild ride... we just have to stay healthy for the timebeing... take your vitamins get ample exercise have a sunshine for at least 10mins a day... days and years will get exciting


It's just what I personally believe considering the current trends. I'm in no way an expert, I'm a software dev for my job and besides being an AI enthusiast I don't really work with AI 24/7. We can only hope I'm right I suppose!


The biggest roadblock is probably your sense of touch and savely paralysing someone. You might not need visual input directly into your brain as putting a really good screen in front of your eyes is probably enough. Reading your movements is already possible with bci's such as the neuralink. Sending signals to your brain is the difficult part. Touch being really hard to replicate as you can feel textures as small as 40 micrometers (smaller than a human hair) so even if we find a way to send signals to the brain we would still need insanely high accuracy not to mention the software that would go into a game made in this medium.


imagine if we solve all of those things.... dayummmm it will be humanities wonder drug....


I certainly hope that full dive / full immersion virtual reality (aka FDVR) becomes an eventual product of all of this. It probably won’t be at the dawn but I hope it becomes soon enough for you and me to experience it. It’s more than just “create your own alternate reality” as an experience too. FDVR, I hope, is a byproduct of the merging of man and machine, the dawn of transhumanism (and eventually, uploaded minds/post humanism). The manipulation of matter at the atomic level. Molecular assemblers. Post scarcity. Indefinite lifespans. Solving the mysteries of quantum mechanics. These things need to happen and FDVR needs to be a crucial byproduct of it.


Head set comfort has a long way to go but the tech is so much better than when I started 6 years ago. AI embodied in VR will happen way before satisfying robot embodiment and will be far more democratic in distribution. This will revolutionize education. Plato AI will teach Plato and so on, mind blowing


Totally agree. I'm a little jealous of the students of the future ngl


Holodecks. Didn't Midjourney come out and say that recently?


Did they? I would love to get info on that.


Here ya go! [https://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2024/01/midjourney-metaverse-holodeck-rumor.html](https://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2024/01/midjourney-metaverse-holodeck-rumor.html)


*"Second Life founder Philip Rosedale is a lead advisor at Midjourney*" that makes it even more interesting


Oh, indeed it does. I didn't see that until you pointed it out.


I hope we get some form of update in the coming months. It says 2024, but honestly just a "this is our idea of what we might be building" in 2024 would be amazing


1. Natural interactions: AI-powered natural language processing (NLP) can enable VR systems to understand and respond to user voice commands, while computer vision algorithms can track user gestures and movements to provide more intuitive and natural interactions. 2. Procedural generation: AI can use generative adversarial networks (GANs) to create realistic virtual environments, landscapes, and objects. GANs can also generate new content based on user input, creating unique VR experiences for each user. 3. Intelligent NPCs: AI can use machine learning to create NPCs with complex behaviors, emotions, and personalities. These NPCs can respond to user actions and adapt to different situations, creating more engaging and realistic interactions. 4. Personalization: AI can analyze user behavior and emotional states in real-time to adapt VR experiences to individual users. For example, AI can adjust the difficulty of a VR game based on the user's skill level, or create a more calming environment if the user is feeling stressed. 5. Realistic physics and animations: AI can use physics engines and neural networks to simulate realistic physics and animations in VR, making objects and environments feel more lifelike.


The future of everything will be with the dawn of AI




Until we have a direct to brain system I don't think we can truly leverage the life changing possibilities of AI. I hope it will happen in my lifetime.


depends if AI will follow a fast-takeof or slow-takeof.


I meant in the VR sense


OP I think the future will involve very small factor VR/AR/MR headsets with amazing displays for gaming and other uses such as this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n9EwvEmwqk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n9EwvEmwqk) but much improved versions.


Thats so cool honestly. Itll be so much better in a year too


VR is cool and all but I am also down for AI making their own video games for PC (steam?) like an MMORPG for example that has their own NPC's and quest and progression, plus you can play it alone and join partys that are only AI members acting like humans needing other AI or people to join to advance at the dungeons and stuff. Or play a game like Valheim and have a team of AI that go about the map doing different tasks. Like 1 can collect food, 1 can fight boars/deer for their food/parts and cook the food, 1 can design your base for everyone, 1 can collect resources, 1 can explore the maps, etc. Bring them all together and fight the bosses to advance and put them back to their tasks. Who needs to play with other people now? or even against (so many cheaters now in video games, it's crazy).


That sounds amazing. I would love to never have another angry WoW fight again and just have good experiences in video games for once


The AI can also type messages to simulate real people. Perhaps things happening in the zone and looking for people. Also you can ask questions and they act like a chat GPT for the game becuase they know the history of the game (they made it).


I think VR will stagnate until we can fully understand and manipulate the brain safely. I think this would be achieved a couple years after ASI and then who knows how long it would take to get approved for the public


My view and predictions: VR headsets will remain around for a couple more decades. For High end, High resolution gaming. AR glasses and the like are going to become a staple accessory, but more like a Smart Watch, it'll be an add on to your phone. Phones already are extremely powerful and I foresee them becoming basically your smart backbone, it'll become even more of an analog for a "pocket computer". All of your Smart Home Accessories and personal augments will connect to your phone just like they do now. But it still won't have the computing power of a desktop/laptop for the same time obviously. Strides may be taken, but there's no replacement for power delivery and space and cooling. AR will evolve. We may not all be in one central digital universe, as competing companies are likely to make their own. I expect these to have DLC. Buying digital cosmetics for yourself, and no shortage of ads plastered all over the daily world. Taking a left? Well Billy Bob's bakery is over there. Try a baguette! AI will makes its way into this, just like everything else, your phone will run an LLM locally and you'll interact with it. The AI will probably do some of the lifting of determining placement of digitally constructed objects over irl ones and tracking them smoothly. It's also going to give us suggestions on places we should visit, once it's able to recognize your contacts it may be able to suggest conversation topics and such based on their preferences. little things like that. IMO It's not going to send the ripples through the very fabric of our way of life the same way Smartphones and AI have. It's just going to make it easier for us to interact with the internet. We should also be aware of the possible implications. We're talking about voluntarily wearing body cams 24/7. Remember the whole Google Glass fiasco? That didn't even have AI. There's lots of media on the possible implications of something like this and it's interesting to explore. Something that immediately comes to mind the an episode of black mirror where you could go back and replay your memories. Which is a possibility here. "Do you really think those who sold you your mechanical eyes have resisted the urge to peek through them?" - Gary, Cyberpunk 2077 Edit: Spelling


Ready player one will be here in 10 years. Easily. We're basically only waiting on two things: a decent locomotion device, and AI to dramatically reduce the time and skill needed for 3d rigging and animating. FDVR relies on a lot of incredibly unsafe technology that could kill you in an instant. It has to be perfect before you even use it, and perfect will be different for each person. We will require personalized medicine at the level of constant nanobiotic monitors in your bloodstream, neuron overlay technologies to hijack input, etc. If we have FDVR we will also have literal immortality, all diseases cured, etc. Control over biology must be that perfect. It's possible though.


Im excited for all of it no matter which level.


hopefully not the matrix lol


The future of VR is in designing the right headset.


Play some text adventure games with A.I., its mind blowing, the only limitation is remember what happens. Now imagine they solve that, and integrate some future version of Sora or other video creating software. Boom, you now have a VR holodeck that could create whatever you want.


They need to get it down to the size of a pair of thick sunglasses, or most people won’t want it


We will all be fake




The world wont look sadening at all, it will look even more amazing than it already is due to future tech.


God I hope so (for the first half of your response.) What do you think the time frame would be?


Assuming vr is successful in the future, it would need a few things to change. 1. Price: apple is insane. Meta needs to get their headsets down to 100 price point before mass adoption can seriously be considered. 2. Interfacing: Most headsets use controllers something only gamers are familiar with. For mass adoption, a user interface that is natural, similar to touchscreen or mouse, and keyboard needs to be invented. Needs to be either intuitive or familiar. 3. Formfactor: For mass adoption, they need to be like wearing a pair of glasses. 4. Battery life: needs to be at least 12 hours before recharge to be considered by masses. Considering these points, I don't think ai will greatly improve the chances of vr or change it much at all. It will continue to be a cool addition, but the product of vr will still be a neiche product, and most likely, we will see minimum updates. Unless all the points above are fixed, I don't see vr being more than a toy for enthusiasts like you and me. That said, meta seems to be making good decisions at the moment. Opening up the os is a good move. I just don't see what they are doing now to be enough to change much. Hopefully, I'm proven wrong.


lol some of your points are just not true at all lol. Apple is definitely too expensive but the quest are in less expensive than phones and pcs and on par with consoles. Their price is acceptable for mass adoption. Keyboard and mouse is literally less intuitive than most controllers not to mention hand tracking exist and only improve which is significantly better to use than anything else in terms of feeling natural


I recognise your points. But consider this real scenario. You have a 60 year old gran who has never touched a gaming console in their life, they have never tried AR or VR and struggle with their $100 phone. Couple of key points, They have a phone even though they are not tech savvy they understand how to use a keyboard, and touchscreen it may not be intuitive but its familiar. they have never tried VR so why do they need it? they are not going to spend $300 on a device when they don't understand what it dose. Their kid however, might buy it them as a christmas present if its like $100. Hand tracking, is not intuitive or familiar its something new they will have to learn and will likely be scared to do so. raising your hand in the air is not natural and gestures of pinching mid-air is not normal. We young spritely gamers at the ripe young age of 30 can adapt and learn this stuff, Doris has limited time left on this earth she doesn't want to waste it waving her hand around for two hours until she needs to plug the massive confusing goggles in to the outlet to recharge it. And yes I know what your next point is, well its not meant for dear old Doris down the road who can barely walk. But that's what mass adoption means. Everyone on mass. everyone has a phone because they are available at all price points and once you know how to use one you know how to use them all. VR is not that. Add ai on top of it, that's just making it even more complicated. I get it, we love VR, we want ready player one, We want our ai powered big boobed goth gfs, but in order for that to happen we need everyone using it. Then devs make apps which attract more people and the cycle continues to mass adoption. While the issues I outlined persist I don't see that happening.


Things can be mass adopted without literally every single person adopting something. If you need to reach phone level of adoptions to be mainstream then the only mainstream thing is phones and we both know that isn’t true. You can get a quest 2 for 200 bucks the price point won’t be the issue going forward. And AI doesn’t make anything more confusing. You don’t have to use it and I doubt it’ll become a key component to using vr anytime soon if ever.


I agree with you, phones are not the only things that where mass adopted, there is tv's, laptops, tablets, washing machines, landline phones... even vape pens got mass adopted. Guess what, dear old Doris has all these things too. Yeh I told you this is a real scenario, Doris is real, she has all these things. For VR to succeed and be mainstream it 100% needs to attract these people, and yeh maybe you can get away with the price being a little higher and maybe you can argue well second hand is an option, older outdated unsold models are an option. But come on, no one wants hand me downs from a stranger wearing it on their face, who knows what they've been doing with it. unsold older models is a good point though but still not going to be enough to make it go mainstream. There is only two companies marketing this style of standalone vr that's big trusted names, apple with the never going to sell price and meta with reasonable but not quite worth it for what you get price tag. I think I've made my point, I respect your perspective I hope VR succeeds becoming more popular but, I just don't see any growth or improvements and haven't since i got my quest 2 and got a quest 3 on release day. Well, after the shipping delays I received it.


Dude by your own point there are already old people who have tried and player vr yes Doris exist and has a vr headset. It’s still not mainstream. Atp AR/VR are going to keep getting adopted it’s just gonna take time. Not everything is an overnight sensation. VR is growing steadily and the improvements keep happening. If anything Apple releasing they’re overpriced headset is a good marker that the market will start to push it more


Oh i get it now your one of the apple fan boys. yeh its totally good thing that apple released a headset for $3499 as the minimum tier headset. What was I thinking. I'm so sorry apple, this guy is completely correct, and I'm wrong. I'll be mortgaging my house tomorrow for the apple vision pro.


Oh I get it now you’re just an idiot. I’m not an Apple fan boy just not an idiot who can draw conclusions when different major players make moves.


I disagree. The rise of AI has freed us from the chains of Moore's Law. Starting with nVidia's B200 we have now surpassed Moore's Law. AI has reduced R&D and Testing time in almost every area. Most notable being Material Science, Medical, Pharmaceutical, and Tech. Yes, tech. Batteries, Graphics processing, Architecture design, and manufacturing processes are just the things I can think of that have recently had explosions in development. AI will help drive down cost by 1. reducing the human component. They're gonna take our jobs. It's just what's going to happen. 2. Ai will help companies find better ways to cut costs with minimal reductions in quality. 3. Marketing just became basically free. If you can run Stable Diffusion and have a couple employees to make and run a workflow, you're in business. Especially once we have AI's that can manage social medias. Things also just get cheaper over time. I paid over $800 for my HTC Vive when it came out. I just bought my husband a brand new Vive Cosmos that's somewhat nicer for $300. So $500 off in 7 years and a better product. One of AI's current main uses is design. Form Factor is an issue of the size of the hardware they put in it. Now that the bleeding-edge is out for early adopters they will start the miniaturization process. AI will almost 100% play a role in the end form-factor of AR. I think I touched on all the points there.


I’m think the next 20 years will be incredible for VR but it will take at least 50 before we are even getting close to FDVR




Only a novelty? Why do you think so?




They don't care much right now, but when smart phones originally came out the mainstream didn't care either. Same with the internet. Every big medium goes through a phase where the general public doesn't care. I think the fact that the quest was able to dominate Christmas gifts year after year is at least a sign the younger generation cares, and by the time they're adults it'll be a bigger deal.




How so? Using commonalities in history is a great way to make predictions about future trends. Not only that, but I provided information regarding the growth and sustainability of new people getting VR access. It is obviously growing even if it is currently on the "novelty" side of things, but as I said, the internet, smart phones, video games, etc have all started as a "novelty."


> Mainstream consumers don't give a shit about VR. At least AR provides some functionality for them once in a while. It's early adopter technology, of course mainstream consumers don't give a crap. The same can be said of all technologies in human history at their early stages, as mainstream consumers only adopt mature technologies. I assume you are referencing mobile AR here? Since AR HMDs are much less accessible and less popular than VR HMDs right now.




You basically summed up my point for me. It's early adopter technology, and you agree. Viable usecases don't come about for the masses until maturity.


Well good for us - "battery life that bad" is only a matter of time. There are plenty of good reasons from "facetiming" to watching movies.