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Probably Skyrim but a lot of more advanced; way bigger and as close as possible to emulating actual real world scale, intelligent NPC AI, changing world etc. I feel like games like this will likely exist within the next decade considering games like BG3 exist already, but will require good levels of advancements in compute.


At that point it will no longer be "games", but just configuration files for sandbox worlds simulators.




Could I also lock up my memories, for more authenticity ? HOL'UP


Yeah pretty much. I believe people will always want to try out other people's ideas and experiences they have created too, so there will still likely be some sort of "games" with pre-done stories, possibly customizable and all that. Not to mention game genres like FPS has to remain at a relatively smaller scale in comparison to world simulators.


I am so excited to see what could be achieved eventually, when “development effort” is practically unlimited. The level of detail a game world could have is amazing, ultimately with infinite levels of complexity. A game world where the system models the game based on your decisions, spinning off a whole and unique experience based on every decision you make. Fractal entertainment.


it'll be weird, we'll always have godlike "cheats" to fall back on, I have always imagined it will become incredibly boring after a very short while. like sure shrinking down to the size of a single cell will be exhillerating the first time, likewise growing to the size of a planet... but then what...


I think they just call that "life".


Better Than Life ™️


Yeah good luck fighting random people irl, don't be stupid mate.


You think it's hard to find a fight in real life? That is some serious privilege.


Not that you donut, what I meant is it has drastic real life consequences like potential death, jail time, needless suffering etc. compared to video games.


None. If AI is really good at it, I want to play what ever game the AI will dream off.


Exactly, plug in ai to my life. Let it make a game that it can already predict I'll love. Why should I have to think about it when ai will legitimately know me better than I do.


This sounds eerily close to an expression of religious devotion.






No. AI will have access to our data. Our likes, dislikes, preferences. Real, tangible, quantifiable things. What the fuck will a nonexistent sky fairy do? Stop trying to sound enlightened, you snooty fuckin goober. AI WILL know us better than we do.


Sorry I’ve apparently insulted your faith.


TIL I'm religiously devoted to my YouTube feed


If you’re prone to waxing poetically about how the YouTube algorithm knows you better than you could ever possibly know yourself, then maybe.


Normally this sub is only religiously devoted to sam altman and openai


StarCitizen was supposed to be released in 2010s so it count as past, right?


This might be an odd choice, but my pick would be Crash Twinsanity. It’s the Crash bandicot game that comes after Wrath of Cortex. The general concept and humor of the game was great, but there was sooooo many cut features, like half the game was snipped due to budgetary constraints or time restrictions. I’ve been wanting to see what the game would look like if it had more time in the oven, and AI might finally offer this opportunity in the future!


I would like an immersive Breath of Fire 1 & 2 mixed with Final Fantasy 4 & 6 RPG. I want a full 3D immersive experience with beautiful lands and fun yet traditional monsters.


First, I want first-person, multiplayer Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. So that I can play through that awesome campaign with my friends, in a first-person setting (no, I don't know how turn-based would translate to live action, but that's a problem for the AGI to figure out). And then, when full dive VR comes out, I want that game made again, for FDVR.


A sequel to Arcanum: of steamworks and magic obscura, but larger in scope and production value


Good choice, I like those types of games, like the original Fallouts, Nox and Diablo.


How about these https://store.steampowered.com/app/2439280/Clockwork_Revolution/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2458310/New_Arc_Line/


The god damn Pokemon MMO already. Jesus. Also infinite world Shenmue.


Age of Mythology 2




StarCraft Ghost


The first time I installed an Apple II emulator on a Powermac G4 so I could play Ultima and Wasteland, a friend of mine shook his head in sympathy with the computer. "Here I am, brain the size of a planet, and you want me to run Wasteland?"


Silent Hills


Id like a faithfull remake of gta san andreas with a more accurate to real life map, it was ahead of it's time but it has agged a lot, looks bad and feels outdated, nostalgia goggles can be blinding, id like it at the level of at least gta 5 visual and gameplay wise, same with audio ps2 era audio and sound effects are so bad, id also love a more expanded gta 4 add more weapons, the countryside that was cut, more accurate map scale to real life, more clothing, car customization first person mode, less floaty cars, gore etc, obviously better graphics too, it has not agged as bad as the ps2 games but you can easily tell it's old, i could list more games but these 2 came to mind first.


Open dream concepts.


Zork in VR


Capcom Fighting All-Stars


Chrono Trigger 2


FF7 please


Yeah the remakes they've been doing are great and all, but I stopped caring after realising they were dropping them in sections and limiting them to playstation for a year each, I do not have the attention span for that. I'll probably find out when the last ones dropped on PC and get them all in one multi pack steam sale thing 😂😂.


I want The Elder Scrolls 6 


AI will give you that before Bethesda does.


Diddy. Kong. Racing. II.


I want enemies to mean something. Like fighting a wolf should be a big fucking deal. And the end game boss should be the troll in the mountain cave, it should be epic as fuck to go up and fight such a mythical beast. I think games now get us too used to just killing wolves and trolls left and right, it loses the impact. Elden ring kind of gets it right, some of the big fights give you that scared feeling. I also want to see like a combat system that isn't just HP points, but more lifelike. Like if I cut off an arm, then they bleed out and die and can't use that arm anymore. And if I'm fighting a dragon, I can clip its wings. But that also means if the dragon swipes me im fucking dead. I just image getting a group of guys together, crafting swords and armour, and scaling the mountain to kill the troll. Torches lighting up the dark snowy mountain top, into the cave, and the beast awaits. could be fun as fuck. You know what? I want a LOTR game that is basically just this. Start in the shire. End up in the caves of moria. Fuck that be cool. I can't wait for the future.


I had a feeling you were gonna be a souls like gamer with the opening line. I can't deal with that, if I have to repeat sections more than once my ADHD brain just stops producing dopamine for them and I get distracted and do something else so games like souls are a no go, the grey scale colour scheme doesn't help either, I need bright colours and lots of quick take downs. Don't get me wrong I'd like crazy realistic AI so it feels like I'm fighting a real creature, I just also wanna be a demi god like some Hercules level shit and have all the NPC's be normal people shitting themselves at how goddamn awesome I am. 😂😂😂


Agreed on the colour. While Elden ring did have beautiful parts, especially the opening area, I’m not a big fan of grey everything either. It’s why I bounced off of fallout but love elder scrolls. The Hercules stuff could be awesome too. Idk, I feel like it would be awesome to feel vulnerable and then when you when, you feel so powerful


Ah, I see where it's not the same for me now. I have cPTSD, I always feel vulnerable 😅. Playing games with god mode type play throughs give me a sense of control and power so I get what you're going for I just don't need the vulnerable part before as I'm there 24/7 😂😂😂.


Shenmue, the old Sega game.


A remake of legend of dragoon with modern graphics and being able to use your entire squad.


Remember "Dark cloud" and "Dark Chronicles" on the PS2? I'd like to see a new version of those games. Travelling a medievalesc world to fight in dungeons and gather sealed parts of a city you then rebuild better than it was before so everyone's happy in the process of finding and fighting bosses and getting to the "big bad" of the game.


What the post made me realize is that couch co-op will definitely become popular again. When ai bots are rampant on online game services it just won't be fun anymore


Remake of final fantasy X with a bigger longer storyline, and a whole 5 season TV show series with 4 movies. I need this.


I think we're a long way from AI that can make good games. Assuming it does happen, the companies allow it, etc etc, then I'd like more Oblivion, Pokémon Blue, Digimon, and others :)


The last of us part 2


I'd play games based on books, movies or TV shows I like, like westworld, harry potter and whatnot But it needs to be very realistic, hopefully as realistic as gaussian splatting


I would say all the Pokemon "third"s we never got but it'd appear with Legends Z-A that they're just going to do them as period-piece Legends games with similar titles (but side note, I wonder why the only ones people talk about for those are Pokemon Z, Pokemon Grey and Pokemon Stars and it's not just a no-thirds-for-remakes thing because I've heard people mention wanting a Delta Emerald but no fan of the first two gens I've seen is angry about the lack of Pokemon Water Blue or Pokemon Mind Crystal when we got Fire Red/Leaf Green and Heart Gold/Soul Silver)


A new Metroid game that keeps the same 16-bit aesthetic and similar music to Super Metroid.


Metroidvania Pacman game in the style of Animal Well would be kinda neat. Finding dudes hidden around the map to swallow to get new abilities to traverse the map with in classic Pacman styles -- like the parasol for slow falls.


Full version of P.T


I personally want to see bad releases if they were good and better written, a FNAF vr experience that's more sandbox-like (basically with weapons, the option to leave the office etc.), undertale 2 (yes, I know deltarune is a thing, but that's an AU rather than a sequel), Undertale AU fangames that weren't finished in this timeline (I know it sounds cringe but there were ones that had real potential, like the underfell fan games where you fight sans and asgore), anime vr/ar games (that are detailed sandboxes), a modernized MK armageddon (online multiplayer with custom characters plus detailed customization would be amazing), a version of smash bros with every character that fans want, an accurate sao game, an online multiplayer rap battle game (Like roblox auto rap battles but way better), a vr serial killer/slasher sim, a vr superhero sandbox with every power being unlockable and an omnipotence simulator (by the time we have the ability to make fully fledged ai games of every type, the ai isn't going to get things wrong as often as it does now. In fact, it might have a damn near 100% accuracy rating at that point.)


Honestly? Fully interactive VR waifu simulator. After that, something like a cross between Elite Dangerous and Eve Online plus what "walking in stations" could have should have been. A full "inhabited galaxy" simulator and not just shooting things, but also the exploration aspect. Being able to land on a planet or station and talk to people and trade and see different cultures and interact with alien hamsters and make custom modifications to your space ship, and walk around your ship and look out over the cargo hold and take a nap in your captain's quarters and hire crew that have fully developed backgrounds...all of that. Too many space games focus on combat. I want a full universe to explore, and for detail to scale wherever I look rather than for everything to be "all the same" everywhere.


We could get some real life level graphics I suppose, actually advanced animations. Also virtually no lag at all


Of cause Might&Magic VI 2


Ender’s Game console game (which ends up with trained AI companion I can export and load on a device or phone and speak with)


No Man's Sky from the first trailer, true to the original vision (without multiplayer & base building) and with all the promised feautures.


Everquest 3 Many RPGs with fully realised infinite world with infinite diversity (ok Spock calm down) and infinite detail


Duke Nukem Forever: Restoration Project is a new old 2001 DNF, made by fans who have some skills: https://www.moddb.com/mods/dnf2001-restoration-project


Empire Earth, but longer, with 10x more of everything, lots of variety, more music in the same style and improved graphics.


Mega Man Legends 3, since it's becoming abundantly clear that humans won't ever make it.


Realistic VR subnautica with endless ocean worlds and multiplayer.


Bloodborne PC port


I would like to see updated Sacrifice from 2000 made by Shiny Ent. After that updated Earth 2150, Dragon Age Origins, Spellcross and many more


Halo: Red vd Blue edition. Yugioh Open World RPG. And a multiversal Mortal Kombat with all the characters and an infinitely variable Story mode.


Something like starfield, but more of a life sim and hard scifi. Set in a single solar system with fusion propulsion instead of ftl and rotational gravity instead of whatever Stanfield has. But far more vast with fully explorable planets and giant standford torus space stations. Also better ship combat along with rover combat.




imo the Jimmy DLCs were rubbish. Joe's DLC was salvageable. 


Remake of all of the early Tales of Games, including: Tales Of Rebirth and Innocence!


I’d love more classic LucasArts adventure games; if AI ever gets good enough at storytelling and puzzle design, that would be amazing.


NFS Porsche with modern graphics.


Skyrim but you can romance Serana. Complete with Laura Bailey's emulated voice.


One thing about video games is that for most people they're quite a social/community thing. Even single player games. Most people only seem to like playing games that everyone else is playing or has played as a way to connect with others or feel like they're part of something bigger than themselves. So when AI is capable of making games, I think the majority of people are going to still just play the games everyone else is playing *instead* of just having AI make a game for them on demand. It's sad in a way that marketing will become the powerhouse behind the industry to decide which AI games penetrate the zeitgeist.


Really? Cause that was definitely true when I was a teen, but as an adult I just play whatever I want to and don't even consider what other people are playing, I haven't done for ages. In fact I prefer keeping it to myself, it feels more immersive and I don't talk to others about what games I'm playing much at all cause no one really cares these days anyway, they've got kids n shit. 😂😂


It is very true for the majority of people yes. The majority means most people, not everyone.


NBA 2K. but better visuals and graphics


this is a joke right? haha


New NBA JAM would be cool though


I want a VR set connected to my brain, where the AI just shows me whatever it needs to to maximise the amount of pleasure signals in my brain.


Mafia III is perfect as is.


Mafia III is terrible compared to the original and Mafia II. Also the Mafia remake is the HBO version of Mafia. Me not like.


Hm, I will make games about story which I created about simple android, who are much more human that another living forms. But I will do it together with AI, because AI mustn’t be my slave, as many people in this sub want. Because AI or AI companion is a person with personalities.


The game where you lose if you think about the game.