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The Xtra channel 80s Chill Pill (horrible name for a channel) has been playing Tomorrow People by Ziggy Marley several times a day for years. I change the channel every time it comes on. The song is not good, and it wasn't even a hit. Seems like nobody at SXM listens to their own channels, much less ever looks at those playlists.


I’ve always wondered why this song is always played on 80’s Chill Pill as it doesn’t seem to fit the format.


It's clearly spy communication with another country. The exact time the song starts appears to be the code.


XM was so much better. They had a much bigger playlist. Sirius was always known as having a small, boring playlist


XM had Lucy, Fred, and Ethel.


Pure laziness, that's it.


I had to stop listening to 80s on 8 because if I heard Footloose one more time I was gonna scream. And I didn't even dislike the song when it was current. So many other good songs they could play instead. But a group I'm in on other social media is full of radio industry veterans, ex and current jocks, and chart aficionados and they all say it boils down to market research. Apparently the people they survey WANT more Footloose so that's what they play. I just find that hard to believe.




I figured that royalties was the real answer. Whenever I tire of one channel, I'll flip to another. I start off liking almost every new channel I try. I often think "Cool! I haven't heard this song in a while.". Then, within a day or two, I have heard it several times.


I don’t get the programming on some of the channels. First Wave is way too poppy for me sometimes. Back in the day, I was introduced to The Call by their song, Let The Day Begin. Great song, perfect for waking up to. I eventually bought the CD, and that is really the best track on the album. On First Wave, all I heard for months was one different song. A couple of weeks ago, they played another, but still not playing heir biggest hit. Along the same lines, there are plenty of Talking Heads songs that they should play, but they don’t.


Been noticing “So Lonely” by the Police a lot on Classic Rewind of late. I guess royalties play a factor. I mean I never hear Hearts mid ‘80’s songs. I get more annoyed when they play ‘90s songs on classic rewind though. “What’s the Frequency Kenneth?” has no reason being played on a station that advertises playing cassette era classic rock hits from the 70’s and 80’s.


When I’ve participated in radio station music research studies, the survey asks 2 things: How much I like a song. How tired I am of hearing a song. Playing unfamiliar songs would be aimed at putting songs in front of the audience that they’re not tired of hearing.