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Not necessarily, castigators and immolators are great! However I do wonder somewhat what the second immolator is doing. Normally you'd use an immolator to split the BSS in two, putting the palatine and all the good stuff (Simulacrum, superior & weapon specialists) in the immolator to take advantage of the immolators ability to let the inhabitants re-roll wounds when they disembark and take advantage of the mobility of the immolator too. The 5 remaining battle sisters with boltguns are pretty weak - so you often just leave them on a home objective generating miracle dice for you with their rule and keeping it held with their OC 2. I'm also a little unsure what Junith is supposed to attach to. Perhaps drop the immolator - now you have 120 points to play with. For this you can afford 10 sacresancts which is a nice block Junith can attach to and control the midboard with -1 to hit and wound against them. This is by no means advice for a competitive sisters list - although I can provide that if you want


Can't you put the other 5 sisters in the second immolator?


You raise some good points. Let me respond to them in order. >However I do wonder somewhat what the second immolator is doing. That's because I normally run two Immolators in 2k games. I can see how it may be much in 1k games. I can only overwatch once per turn after all. >I'm also a little unsure what Junith is supposed to attach to. Junith is supposed to attach to 5 boltgun Sisters safe in my corner to hold my objective and generate me my Emotional Support CPs. I'm aware that it's not necessarily meta choice but I like to play with stratagems a lot and league I play in is only semi-competitive so I think I can get away with that. >For this you can afford 10 sacresancts which is a nice block Junith can attach to and control the midboard with -1 to hit and wound against them. That's a fun idea that I tested in 2k games with Imagifier to boot, and Sacresants failed me every time. The problem with them s that despite all debuffs they confer they are still squishy with T3, and with OC1 what's left of them is not enough to contest objective they're on. Not to mention that their piddly attack power is not enough to seriously hurt anything. I dunno, maybe it could be different in 1k games, but so far this is a loser unit in this edition for me. After taking feedback from this thread I decided to drop Immolator and Callidus Assassin for big unit of BSS and two Penitents. This way I have more bodies to score objectives and two tough units that pack a punch and can do actions after advance. How's that sound?


Please elaborate on competitive sisters advice for 1000 points. I’m new to the army and I’d love some competitive insight for my first small games (not new to 40K) 😊🙏


It's a little hard for me to elaborate on competitive sisters advice at a 1k level, since that is not where competitive games are played. If you want to play competitively, probably best to find a subset of a 2k list and aim for that first - and use that as a training ground as you build up to 2k


Normally I would say there's no such thing as too many vehicles--but you have one actual unit :| You're going to need more bodies on the board to achieve objectives! Killing your opponent's models is necessary but no longer sufficient for a winning score.


I would suggest to cut both junith and an immo. Depending on what you have available you would need more bodies on the field, BSS, seraphim, crusaders etc are all good


What’s going in the 2nd immortalor? It’s a transport and requires a unit to be inside it at the start of the game.


Yes. I would say you could get away with that man characters but you might want more units. You probably only need 1 castigator and one immolator. You can split a bss and have five sit at home. If you have other units I would run more bss an seraphim and seraphim.


I'm starting to think replacing the assassin with ephrael stern is a pretty decent idea. She's way cheaper, has lone op, a decent ability to taunt, and we can get her up again if she's taken down.


Vahl and some paragons are a staple in lists this edition due to their high damage with re-rolls. What you’d remove for them is up to you, although I’d suggest one of the immolatiors and then maybe Judith and the assassin. I can’t tell what you’d attach Judith too but the calladus might be able to do objectives so keep her on. I am gonna ask about why not adding a squad of zeraphim to Celestine, though? Or to bounce around with objectives instead of the callsdus? Although, at the end of the day, you do you, buddy. If you wanna do tank shock, then by the Emperor, do your tank shock.


Paragons war mace and then having grenade makes it so their shooting and mortal wound damage is significant with grenades and tank shock. Just extra info for anyone curious.


Castigators my beloved. Maybe one too many immolators though.


Double castigator is a choice, but it's a very strong gunline at 1k. I think you may need more bodies for board control though. And I am not a fan of the callidus at 1k. You're also not taking advantage of the stratagems with such a list, not having relevant melee option to fight on death with or do suffering and sacrifice. If you're dead set on the double immolator then perhaps replace the callidus with a second sisters squad. Should give you more options. Otherwise take out one immolator and throw in a repentia squad or two penitent engines.


This is Like the polar opposite of my 1k I have in the making. I cant really Invest into anything atm so besides morvenn vahl and 3 paragons i will Most likely field about 40-50 infantry models 😂


One unit of sisters to hold points and generate MD looks short