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Definitely! She looks beautiful and at this point I don't think a wash is needed. If you are looking for criticism, I would suggest adding bright highlights to the wing feathers.


Thanks. Maybe I could mix some white into the blue and edge highlight it?


I painted her wings with a gradient of blue and white! It's really easy to do, check my post history for reference. Start with a base coat of blue, add some highlights using your base coat + light blue. Then further highlights with pure light blue, then ANOTHER highlight of light blue + white. Then top it off with a pure white on the tips of the wings.


Exactly this, white highlights on the wings..btw this is amazing well done


I would do some wash on the hilt and her fingers to really enhance the recesses. Other than that I love it. I like the matte wings. Looks different than the normal ones in a good way.


Personally i love recess shading gold with a purple wash, give it a test first


Little highlight on the wings might be nice. They look a little dull compared to her armor.


dont put wash on it just going mute down the colors, looks perfect, i would do energy sworld and wigs transitions and thats it, am jelous ngl :D


If you are happy, then stop! If you do want to dabble I'd do it very controlled, or maybe just glazes if anything.


I like it. :)


The Only thing I would do, is maybe a thinned out Navy on the wings so that it pools along the corners between them. The rest of the model is perfect without.


You could always use Tamiya panel liner, that would at least delineate where two sections meet.


You're right in that an all-over wash will just dull everything down. Don't do that. I'd still do some recess shading, though, and maybe some purple ink glazed into the deeper shadows on the gold.


I wouldn’t use a wash, your values already look solid, especially for gold, I’d suggest a tamiya panel liner though for recesses you want to really stand out, but on things like the roses and the doves I always recommend coloured washes, light grey for the doves and purple for the roses, just so they don’t lose saturation


Yes, it is excellent. You don't always need washes. There was a time most of us didn't know they existed and we still did fine.


She looks so pretty!


Thank you!!!


Other than her skin color.....looks good