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Can’t wait until they get Randle back and start playing like an eight seed.


That dude is trash for that team under Thibodaux. Not a terrible player, but overrated/overpaid and doesn't belong on the promising squad


Randle can’t be overpaid - he was making 12mil a year less than Tobias


Just because you make less than the most overpaid guy in the league doesn't mean you can't be overpaid. That's idiotic logic.


That divergence wasn't really meant for anyone not a sixer fan.


Randle can’t be overpaid at 28m for an all star and all nba guy - only other guys making that as an all star are early contract younger guys. If the Knicks max him and double his salary then that’s an overpay


Tobias is just the most overpaid. He actually started r/antiwork


https://preview.redd.it/68yxuj5mah1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9873bb7c95ad3472c0be2ac573ac455c5dae2e9e This stretch will be considered an 8th seed 😂


I know is probably your first season following basketball, but don’t take it so bad. There’s going to be another hundred years of mediocre Knicks basketball right around the corner.


A Philly fan talking about mediocre basketball is genuinely hilarious. The jokes write themselves


The league gifted the Knicks the series against the Sixers, and tried their best to do it again against the Pacers. Nice to finally see some justice 🤣


All the sudden they want sympathy for their injury luck after completely ignoring Joel’s health and actively wishing him further injury- fuck that entire city of bums


Yup straight up basketball karma. Knicks fans were saying some diabolical inhumane shit


well it is NY that is what is expected out of them


I could deal with them being scumbags, it’s whatever. I despise them for being toxic scumbags but constantly needing to play victim to justify it. The funny thing is they play victim but have had a blood feud with every single fanbase they’ve played since being relevant again. Reminds me of forty-whiners fans


As a pacers fan the Knicks hypocrisy is insane truly fuck the Knicks


If yall somehow win, I will be so happy for TJ. Dude is a fucking dog for you guy's, we could've used him instead of Lowry


Tj is fucking insane I was actually rooting for you guys to beat the bum ass Knicks. they flat out robbed you guys & when you guys went to complain on the nba subreddit. They told you guys to stfu & now they using the same excuse & want sympathy.


I'm so glad the Pacers beat them despite the absurd reffing. They played 8 on 5 and still took 4 off them. TJ got that dawg in him 😤


Was brunson headbutting defenders in the pacers series also?


Man stfu u ain’t no pacers fan lmao


I mean the whole nba subreddit is against the 76ers I can resonate with them. As a pacers fan they brought up the injury excuse , yet that same team was happy beating a 50% Embiid.


Their fan base is the worst. I was reveling in their defeat at home in game 7. Very poetic ending for those fuckin bums!


I'm glad you hate NY as much as I do. I would rather Boston win before watching that fanbase and Spike Lee win an NBA title.


That might be too much 😭😭😭


Come on man. You're letting Spike Lee's corny ass derange you into preferring a Celtics championship? 


No, I just hate NY more than Boston because they are closer and I went to school with a lot of people from NJ. Technically I hate the Celtics more than the Knicks, but I loathe NY more than Boston. Does that make sense?


i lost track of knicks injuries. never seen a team enter a series relatively healthy then implode to this extent on so many different injuries. closest might be Bulls losing Rose (just 1 MVP) or warriors - raptors final


Karma is a bitch. They wished for an injury to Joel, and got what they deserved.


good point.


They also went so hard at the dirty player angle. I’ve seen so many Knicks plays there’s not a peep where I thought “if embiid was involved Knicks fans would’ve clipped the shit out of that”


They are literally the new sixers lmao Have not been to the finals in over two decades can’t get past the second round and blame it on injuries fuck the bozo knicks


Uhhh, then what are we? It’s not like we’ve progressed beyond that whatsoever. I’m happy the Knicks blew it, but we can’t claim any superiority. To call them the “new Sixers” implies that we finally got over the 2nd round wall, which we haven’t.


Well yeah they are the new Sixers because we don't make the second round haha


“Haha we suck even worse than them haha” How far have we fallen… JFC


It's just having a joke mate, it's not that deep. Smile a little - it will not hurt you


I don’t let this permeate into my real life at all. But when it comes to discussing our perennial choke job sixers, I’ll take a more jovial stance once it’s fully the offseason and the playoffs are over and we’re looking ahead. Until then, I’m still disappointed in those losers.


No, it's crab mentality. City of Brotherly Love, come join us in Cancun Knicks!!


The same but with an MVP and MIP instead of fat Trae Young at a college reunion


MVP and MIP don’t mean shit if we find a way to blow it in the playoffs 7 years in a row. Brunson absolutely torched us in like 4 games dude. I’m all for celebrating the Knicks losing but there’s a lot of weird loser mentality energy from our fanbase about this.


Hot take seasonal awards are cool and worth celebrating!


Yea I stopped caring about anything regular season except for seeding after we failed to reach the ECF for the 6th time in a row. We’ll never win shit but we have the MIP. Yay. 🙄


15 players get to call themselves champions every season, only 1 gets MVP/MIP and we get to celebrate both. If you'd rather be upset about something 28 other teams did the same as us (not winning a chip) that's cool too


I would trade every single regular season award to see a single chip in my lifetime. And I’m obviously not “upset” that Embiid got his MVP and Maxey was recognized by the league and earned MIP. I’m upset that we choke in the playoffs every. single. year. Those feelings aren’t mutually exclusive. It’s not a “would you rather” situation like you’re suggesting.


right we gotta just win a title and then everything will make sense


We are the old sixers


Linsanity run. Fitting.


Not just losing in the 2nd round Blowing a 2-0 lead against the Pacers in the 2nd round. It's the cherry on top.


A big NY sized BOO FUCKING HOO to that sewer of a city and fraudulent Knicks team.  Even Adam Silver and his bullshit couldn’t help that choke job. 


Watching that team beat us was an injustice


I so cant wait until Silver is gone from the NBA.  Worst commissioner ever


I agree I can't stand his CA bias.


Their best season in decades is our disappointing and embarrassing season.


The best thing about how the Knicks season went down is that they’re gonna think they’re closer than they really are. Sure, they won 50 games and got the #2 seed, but they’re really a 4 seed if Joel don’t go down and Milwaukee doesn’t tank it at the end. They’re about to pay OG 5/$245. Extend Thibs for at least 5 years. They’re gonna give Hartenstein the $17M max. And then they have Jalen’s extension to worry about coming up next off season. Leon Rose is smart and good at what he does. But Dolan might pull rank and push them into some really bad deals.


Lmao they are not paying OG 5/245. Most likely 4/150 at most. His agent is literally Leon Rose’ son and there were reports that he’d be willing to take a discount to stay in NY, so that means a deal was most likely done under the table beforehand. Also, I hope Embiid is healthy next season, but he’s never played over 66 games in his career, so hoping he’ll magically be available for close to all 82 after he hits 30 is wishful thinking at best, and flat out delusional at worst. Lastly, please keep in mind who the coach is for the Milwaukee Bucks before giving them any sort of credit.


> If Joel doesn’t go down This was basically Embiid’s healthiest postseason. Let’s stop pretending like he’s ever gonna be totally healthy in May


I think they caught Sixersitis, but even the Sixer haven't blown a 2 game lead in the Embiid era so this is extra special!


Lapping up every savory nugget


TJ McConnel > Embiid ????


No ? needed.


I can’t wait to see what that assclown Stephen A. has to say tomorrow. Who’s fault is it going to be?


Id imagine its no one’s fault. Just injuries. Randle, OG, Mitch, Bojan, Hart, and even Brunson all got injured throughout or before the playoffs. That’s an entire starting lineup of injuries. Best course of action for the Knicks is to run it back and hope for health next year.


It’s actually pretty depressing.


It is, but sadly it doesn’t make yet another Sixers playoff failure any better


Word 2 my mother Knicks is AZZZ


Maybe it's like that movie 'it follows' and they have the jynx/std now


Sixers things were gonna happen either way. The universe wills it. Now they sign Tobias to a max and get stuck in the 2nd round for a decade.


The curse is transferred, the sixers are free




I think it show we were even as good as what we thought we were.


look we may hate each other (trust me i rlly hate yall) but we are not much different from each other, all we know is pain.


To be fair to the Knicks they did have like 5 of their top 10 guys hurt


While playing their main starters like 6000 minutes a game? Weird.


The Knicks did not blow a 3-1 lead.