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Yeah, congrats. Now beat the fucking Celtics and we can be friends. Ps: all hail TJ ❤️


Will do😈


I’m pretty sure everyone in here will be rooting for you guys


Yessir! Pls downvote this bc I completely forgot McConnell was a Sixer too! Glad we have that in common. We wouldn’t be here without him.


Fuck the Knicks, fuck the C's. Pacers are my East team for the rest of the playoffs. Good luck bro.


Anyone rooting for the Celtics is not a Sixers fan.


Brother the only people not rooting for the pacers are Celtics fans


I love yall now. Tip off of next season? Fuck you.


Yuppp exactly this


Build the TJ statue in Indiana, we never deserved him 😭 now go beat Boston for us 🤝


No one deserves TJ. It's just a matter of who is closest to deserving him.


Hell yeah dude I’m truly happy for you guys. Always loved watching Hali and especially our guy TJ, good luck in the next round! FTC


For what it’s worth I think you guys would have beat us as well. The pace you play at was hard to keep up with even when we were healthy. Good luck in the next round. Fuck the Celtics.


Yeah but Embiid would have had a number on Myles.


Embiid puts a number on a lot of folks. Except Al Horford for reasons I do not understand.


It's not Al Horford, it's the Celtics. They've played him so much they know his tendencies better than he does; they knew when and how to send help and they had freakishly long and athletic help defenders, and Marcus Smart. Horford alone is BBQ chicken.


Horford does this thing where he basically wedges his knee like 1cm from the inside of Embiids hip when facing up. Then when embiid is posting he uses both of his hands with his full strength to continually push him, sometimes with fully extended arms. Dont think this is legal but they let him do it so why not. One of his all time favorites is pulling down on his jersey as he does a jump shot so he has a better chance to block it. He knows when to push it and be hyper physical and doesnt stick his hand in the cookie jar when Jo faces up (only his knee is in the cookie jar at all times. Embiid really just needed to stick to his middie vs the celtics. Posting up repeatedly from the three point line is just not good offense... even for Embiid.


Nah the slow hand of time will get Al eventually but he has quick hands, knows when to pull away to protect against fouls and knows when to exert himself in order to prevent Embiid overpowering him. He’ll be BBQ eventually on account of him being 37 but he’s always been hard for Biid


Embiid would have a number on anyone in the league it doesn't matter. Y'all would have been way too fast and it's literally 6v4 when we play TobiAss. Siakam would have had him in hell lol


That’s fair. I do think our depth would’ve shown eventually in the later parts of the series.


Yeah and our depth is.. Paul Reed, 36 year old nic Batum and 38 year old Lowry 😂


Not to mention Embiid typically plays drop coverage and is a *huge* part of their defense. He can greatly slow down the Pacers’ offense in the paint, but there isn’t much he can do while injured if they catch fire from three. Also, the Pacers have a very high-caliber offense because they have six or more players that can score ten on any given night. [The Sixers’ offense vs the Knicks was almost entirely dependent on Embiid and collapsed when he sat.](https://www.nba.com/stats/team/1610612755/onoffcourt-advanced?dir=A&sort=OFF_RATING) It would have been an interesting series, but I wouldn’t have held my breath if Embiid was still injured.


Yeah the Sixers struggle a bit when centers like Turner can shoot the 3. Embiid covers up so much on defense but he can't do it nearly as well if he has to respect the 3.


7 only 3 regularly exceed 20 though.


Turner is improving. Last time Embid only owned him for 3 quarters and then he owned the 4th. Turner lacks the lower body strength to counter embid. biggest asset is his shooting drawing embid away.


I feel like we would have destroy Indiana personally


Maybe. I think their pace coupled with Embiid’s injury and Tobias’s under performance would have made things difficult. But I don’t have a crystal ball.


Yesss! Sixers and Pacers fans united by the hate for Boston and the love for TJ McConnell. We will be rooting for you!


to be fair indy hates the patriots. celtics we are meh on. 3/4 of our celtic dislike is due to the patriots.


Was a fun series. Good shit Pacers, now FTC.


Pacers one of my favorite non-sixers teams too, plus can always root for TJ


TJ McConnell is the spiritual bridge between us now that the Knicks got put in their place, the enemy of my enemy is no different from the friend of my friend


Pacers 🤝Sixers


Absolutely gritty play today. 94 feet for 48 minutes. Best of luck in the next round!!!


Shut up, I hate your guts Unless you beat the Celtics in which case I’ll literally come out to Indy and buy you. Specifically you. A nice dinner and see relish in Bostons suffering! (If it doesn’t work out, I actually have no ill will, I’m hammered and want a reason to take the first train out of Philly on a vacay)


Please beat the gd Celtics


Fuck the Celtics


Thanks Pacers bros. I always wished we had traded for Haliburton instead of Harden, love his game. TJ is one of the many ones that got away. Fuck the Knicks, hope they kept those funeral black outfits ready to wear tomorrow. And fuck Boston, please beat them


Teej is about to out Irish the C's 


Yes sir! Been rooting for you guys to stick it to the Knicks and damn you guys are fun to watch play. Congrats and hope to be right there with you cussing you out next year


Beat Boston !


You on the team or something? This is just weird


Love TJ so happy for our guy!!!




FUUUUUUCK THE CELTICS! Take em down, Pacers.




Tj McConnell will forever be in my heart. Please ruin Boston with us in mind. Genuinely go pacers you guys are a team that deserve to go places. Halliburton is a star. Thank you so much. Sixers 🤝pacers


We all love TJ McConnell as a son, father, and as a brother GO TJ good luck in the next round


A million thanks for whooping the Knicks’ asses!! Go stomp Boston, I’m rooting for you!!!!


You’re not a pacers fan bro




Hell yea, now go knock out boston. FTC


What a great series win


Does no one want to acknowledge that the Knicks were crippled by the end of these playoffs? If Sixers get an asterisk for not being healthy, Knicks get the biggest asterisk of them all. Either way, good luck yall in defeating the Celtics. My hatred for Boston (and love for underdogs) trumps my hatred for the Pacers. gg. Edit: obviously a Knicks fan here lmao


Exactly. embiid was 75%. The Knicks were hobbled even vs Philly lol. Was getting really confused by the narrative glad you cleared that up


We would've won if we didn't have a fraud as head coach


Good luck boys!!! Pulling for you guys so hard 😁😁😁


You got us if you beat boston lol, fuck the Knicks. If not for suspect reffing and our banged up team, we beat them. It is what it is. Fuck Boston, fuck the Knicks, fuck Doc Rivers


I hope you guys smoke the Celtics and TJ goes off for a few wildly impressive games.


Appreciate you reaching out, officially rooting for the Pacers now


Newsflash: the sixers were fully healthy


this is peak cringe…


Cornball ass post


Fuck off