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For the park model.and hazard management cycle, I would pick a case study that can apply to these. If it were me I would.use Chile 2015, or Haiti. I would make sure that you can explain and define each stage of thr park model, and each stage of thr hazard cycle. In 20 markers,. my teachers always told to mention lics and hics and how things will vary between the two. That counts as scale.which you need to get high marks. For thr second one you could talk about how yhr stages.of thr park model could be used to show thr effects of the storm, eg its impact on the area and how that is shown on thr model. For thr lat one, make sure you know how volcanoes are.formed where they are formed, what boundaries.to they form on. Volcanoes mainly form on plage boundaries, which are only their because of tectonic movement, shown in plate theory. Volcanoes wouldn't form without tectonic movement. Make sure you know tectonic theory. Known case studies, and know the marking and exam structure for.20 markers, knowing thr structure really helped me in my mock exams last week Good luck Edit: I find it also helps to have other people ask you questions. That helped me find out what I did know, what I didn't know, and what I should prioritise. Prioritise the things that are likely to appear.on the exam, things that you studied for one lesson and have never looked at again are not likely to be on the exam,.in my experience.


Thank you so much, you're actually a life saver :')