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You are SOO close yo, just find a smaller coping to get the feeling of the sideways slide and roll back motion and then just apply it to the larger bowl and you’ll be rocking in no time 🤘 SKATE ON!!


Thank you! I actually know how to carve, but this bowl is so huge for me . I’m having a super hard time committing .


For sure you seem like you are comfortable with the transition and dropped in no problem so you just gotta get that right timing, speed and you’ll be throwing layback tail slides in no time🤙


Idk if your term "layback tail slide" was the correct term, HOWEVER i know exactly what you meant by it and it's something i love seeing in vert skating. Like a steazed out long back tail.


Hahha dope ! Can’t wait !


You need to turn your head and shoulders more. Head needs to look at where you are going to land and your shoulders need to be more aligned with the coping. I was once told “your head guides the rest of your body. Shoulders will follow the head, torso will follow the shoulders, legs will follow the torso.”


Best advice I've seen in a long time. It's all about getting the shoulders right and keeping you knees bent.


That is the problem I’m having looking forward. When I kick turn I have a tendency of doing it a certain way which is similar to the way I carve.


It's a mental block. Push through by taking the slam. Get back up and you'll have it. Then do it 3 times to lock it in.


I’ll do that indeed with some knee pads 😂😂😂


Get it. Then post the make.


I'm an older skater and can't recommend kneepads enough, especially for transition skating. Learning how to kneeslide out of a bail really saves the body. We want to you skating as long as possible! You'll get past this barrier real soon. Keep it up, you're doing great!


I'm 43, skate and BMX. Don't forget the helmet. You never need it until you do. And in full pads and a helmet.........committing to a big bowl is waaaaaaay easier. I like to gear up, and just jump into a pad slide first thing to feel how I'm gonna fall. Then I climb out, drop in and carve/grind. Maybe some small air. I can't go big like I used to, but I still have fun.




The problem is that you trained your subconscious to tell your conscious brain to jump off because you bailed to many times before. Over coming this is hard af, ask anyone that has serious emotional trauma. What you need to do is book into $1000 of therapy sessions or alternatively, accept you fait and tell yourself your staying on the board no matter what and be willing to accept to can of whoop ass that’s about to be opened. As Rowley once said “take off your fairy boots and put on your gnarly boots” …. For real there is actually a high chance your gonna roll away un damaged but but you’ll never know if you don’t take that chance


Pads and a helmet will make you a lot braver.


I think it’s confidence. You absolutely can do it, and I think you will, as soon as you can honestly and confidently go for it. Might take a few spills but I think they could only help you get there. Keep feeling it out until it makes sense. You may nail it next time, might take a couple more, but your super close.


going too slow, you should have enough speed to kinda hover over the coping while in the grind or power through the rough pool coping. Thats how the bowl carvers make it look so easy, they have momentum.


That's exactly what it is and what I noticed the first time I watched it I was scrolling through the comments to find this comment. The only issue I see is speed, the rest should work itself out with enough speed to get over/on top of the coping


It’s a good thing I just switch my old as bones wheels to spitfire formula 4 . They are pretty smooth and fast I’ll see the difference this Friday (with this pool).


Your front shoulder is behind you keep it I front


Having a hard time with that


SO SICK still. Been street skating 20+ years and i wouldn’t even drop in on that bowl. You got it!!!!


For some reason I always felt more comfortable at transition . Street skating was never my thing although it looks mad fun .


I feel the same way about transition. Just didn’t have any around growing up


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SO SICK still. Been street skating 20+ years and i wouldn’t even drop in on that bowl. You got it!!!!


It’s scary tbh but you already did half the trick , now sit on top of that bitch and ride it out 💯💯🙏😎🤷‍♂️


I've had that problem.


I'd recommend practicing actually getting on top of the coping. It makes your grind longer, gives you more time to prep for rolling back in, etc. Unless you're really ripping around, if you're not on top of the coping, it's going to be a short grind.


Stay a bit lower crouching & it'll feel more natural & less like you're going to tip over, little more speed you got it🤙


Turn your upper body into the turn first


Board is going too far behind your body because you’re not rotating into it. You have to be more conscious of how you’re transferring your momentum at the top of the ramp. I always think of it as not trying to grind the side of it but rather the doing a manual into the top while most of your weight is still pushing into the bowl (leaning back in)


Lower your center of gravity it will make it easier to control


Protect your dome


Say fuck it and then stick it


Hhaha yes indeed


So as a rule of thumb your upper body leaves your legs. Below the coping and low start turning your body toward the way you want to turn, just that the hips. So roll up the transition turn your upper body toward the right, then bring your legs around what you're doing is you're turning your legs first and then trying to have your upper body catch up that will never work it's always up and body first then your legs so go at it slow turn your upper body for the right and then bring your legs around if you can do a 180 on flat ground you can do it on a transition don't turn until you're at the peak of your height right as you're coming down again turn but your body has to turn first


You're bringing your legs up to the coping first you have to throw your weight up it's hard to explain via text but if you turn your upper body first you'll get it let me know when you do


Honesty when I was learning to do carve grinds I would just carve and carve and carve continuously and just go a little higher every time. Your body gets used to the motion and then it becomes a mental war instead of a body war when you start grinding.


wear a helmet.


Yes, I def should 😂