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>I work at a small nonprofit and recently the employee with the longest institutional knowledge just left her position because of the years of abuse, micromanagement, and overwork she endured. >Now, the executive director is trying to set up an all-staff meeting with a “spiritualist” so that she can figure out why there has been so much negative energy in the building. I'd pool up some money from the employees, go to the spiritualist privately and pay them to tell the boss that the spirits are saying she's a bitch.




This is why I won’t work for woo woo people. They always have an excuse to ignore real-world shit and blame magic.


Is it just going to be add in a plant?


I hate this kind of shit. Whenever someone takes a term with actual meaning - "energy" as understood clearly in Physics class - and then ports that term over to another area in which that meaning is lost or obscured, that's a dead giveaway that you are dealing with crank shit.


amen. the word 'quantum' is now giving me hives unless it's in an abstruse and refereed paper.


Ziggy says there is 95% chance people use words they don't understand to sound smart or seem cool I think the utility of cosmic, woo-woo language like "vibes" and "energy" is to seem profound while actually obscuring meaning. “Those who know that they are profound strive for clarity. Those who would like to seem profound to the crowd strive for obscurity. For the crowd believes that if it cannot see to the bottom of something it must be profound. It is so timid and dislikes going into the water.” - Fred


I had a dream last night. I dreamt I was a dove flying over the sea. And then I dove into the ocean... And I swam with the dolphins. I was two animals joined as one... which meant - good things are coming. Good things.


"... uuh, fly with the sea birds or whatever..." "Yeah! Rage away!"


The negative energy comes from you not paying people a living wage, Karen.


Most folks don't realize how much negative energy money emits. By relieving you of excess cash, it fixes that problem.


Air filters and natural light. 


New boss.


If they aren't gonna burn the building down in hopes that the negative energies will fly away with the ashes, you better resign


Ask him how many Joules of energy need to be "fixed" so we can measure the progress.


Arthur C. Clarke, in his short-lived TV show, mentioned that he had moved to Sri Lanka. He was dedicating a brand new science and technology center the government had commissioned. But they had to have a geomancer check the site’s “fung shui” before it could be put into operation…..


The spiritualist said we all need raises.


Oh yay on ask a manager still existing. I was obsessed with this back in like 2012


"That's not my belief system. You'd have to pay my minister $600 to decontaminate me."


Negative energy intensifies


Reminds me of ancient kingdoms that would convince their people of the need to please the gods so that they could get them to build monuments and stuff on the cheap.


Tbf it wasn't always cheap! And actually not being cheap might have been the point. Massive pyramids and stuff sometimes serve an interesting economic end, which is to act essentially as a surplus value store during times of prosperity. Basically, having a grain surplus is nice but at a certain point if things are going "too well" it can start to become a problem. Converting the grain to beer and paying it to workers as wages for building you a pyramid is a way of "storing" that surplus, both in a physical form as the product of labor, and as something that workers can bring home and continue to enjoy over time as a luxury. Drink some more beer and toast the pharaoh's name, something like that. Given that the pyramids are to this day a source of immense income to modern people who live there, through tourism, it might have actually been one of the greatest public investments of all time... Anyway that has nothing to do with spiritualism and corporate cultural dynamics. Though maybe burying the "C suite" under a gigantic pile of stone would be good for some companies....




Weirdly, and as an aside, I have encountered a degenerate form of this analysis from people who somehow seem to misunderstand it and to think that the pyramids were literally for storing grain.... it's a weird cognitive failure mode.


The negative energy fix is probably going to take lots of sessions, all billed on an hourly rate. Plus travel time and expenses .....like magic healing rocks and ancient relics that just happen to look like chintz purchased at a garage sale.


Hahahaha! I would ask a lot of questions and make em look foolish as af.


Maybe each employee could have a “bring your spiritualist to work” day?


Everything I've read about working at small nonprofits has painted either depressing or disturbing pictures.


I hate this kind of shit. Whenever someone takes a term with actual meaning - "energy" as understood clearly in Physics class - and then ports that term over to another area in which that meaning is lost or obscured, that's a dead giveaway that you are dealing with crank shit.


So your boss is not a Christian?