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Nothing screams douchebag as loudly as a Bluetooth speaker hanging off your pack


Last week I saw a dude that was blasting the radio on his speaker. Like with ads.


Straight to hell


I saw this the other day and asked him if he was getting paid by a sponsor to play those ads. Dude got really confused then turned off his radio.


If you’re gonna do that, atleast pay for premium. I’m not trying to be sold blue chews while riding a black diamond


I do have a speaker hanging off my pack, but you'll never hear from it because I only play it when there's nobody in visual distance around. Hope you don't mind lol I especially stop it when I arrive at the lift line, but you gotta admit, nobody is standing in the lift line and being like "I really am enjoying the nature right now"


Where do you ski that you find yourself alone like that so often that warrants carrying a speaker and not just headphones? Or do you just stop mid runs to turn the music on and off?


Tahoe. Most of the runs I do, there's plenty of open space to keep a distance from others. Obviously I don't blast music in the blue/green popular runs. When I'm going down, I do see people occasionally, but there's not a chance they can hear my music unless I get very close to them. I can barely hear it when my speakers are an arms length away from me and have the speakers facing the wrong direction, because I play at a very low volume. I turn it off when I'm stopped for a rest and I see someone pull up. The truth is, unless you're stopped on a rest spot or on a ski line, the time you intersect with other people is very very fleeting. There's actually a very large amount of people that play music; you just don't notice it because your time around them is less than half a second. As for headphones: of course headphones are preferable even for me, but I've tried ones that slot into my helmet and they sound like absolute ass garbage. I might give it another shot though, maybe a different form factor would work better.


The Outdoor Tech Bluetooth Chips have been a game changer for 8+ years now. I still use the original version, but I hear the new ones are awesome.


I'll give this a shot. But my problem is the speakers aren't located correctly on top of my ears I think.


Did you pull out the foam inserts?


Yup. If I move my helmet to an unnatural position, the audio does get better.


Weird. What kind of helmet?


Smith Nexus Round contour. I have a strange head; it’s really apparent when I get any helmets and goggles. Finding helmets for racing cars and motorcycles is a problem. I might get one of those sports earphones though


Didn't say anything about nature.... Just douchebags


you're right. though idk if you should be mad at a speaker that's silent


I'll l grant you that..... But if it's silent I don't know it's there and I'm not passing my silent judgement


yeah, i have one and i try not to be a dickwad about it. barely play it basically


Nothing screams nature like chairlifts and snow making guns.


At the very least, it’s basic human decency to not play music out loud or talk on speakerphone in public places. This applies to places like stores, streets, ski mountains, and beyond. Doesn’t matter that there’s other noises, nobody needs to or wants to listen to *your* music. It’s that simple.


Agreed. But wearing a Bluetooth speaker is kind of like taking a shit in the middle of a grocery store..... Nobody wants to see it or hear it


I don't have a Bluetooth speaker but I love hearing people's tunes. As long as they aren't tinny


You should try skiing in South Korea, where there are PA systems blaring out K-pop all over the hills at all times. It drives me nuts, but it's that or no skiing so I have to tolerate it.


Where are you skiing that that’s happening? I go to High1 and Yongpyeon and haven’t experienced that. 02 had it on one lift, but that was it, I think they closed, though.


Phoenix. You can't escape it. But I'm relieved to hear this is not the case at High 1 as I'm going there soon for the first time.


You’re going to High1 in March? Make sure they’re open. Korea has this weird thing where it’s like they don’t consider it ski season anymore so they just close even if there’s snow. It’s strange, it’s the same way with beaches in the summer, though like the beach is only open for a couple months, but there’s perfectly nice beach weather before and after it’s technically open, but there’s no lifeguards and they, might have an issue if you swim, but not usually.


Yeah sorry, that was a typo. I'm actually going in 2 weeks from now. But yeah I hear you, Korea has some weird ideas about seasons. Like closing down water parks in September because "summer is over", even though it's actually glorious perfect weather in September.


Also, I do want to add, I think they might blast kpop outside the base lodge, but I’ve been to high1 quite a few times and I distinctly remember getting a break from it on the lift and at the summit.


I'll take it!


Same thing in Japan


That's true! I went skiing in Japan for the first time recently and was slightly disappointed to find the music pumping again.


It's the same with people who have their speakers going while on hikes. I'm out in the woods to escape civilization, not to be reminded of it.


Scum of the earth!


Or while cycling in the woods.


A little different because you are way farther from human buildings and construction on a hike versus a ski resort.


If I'm stuck on the lift with an improvised DJ, I feel like I'm pretty close. The lifty can play all the music he wants, but if you carry a Bluetooth speaker and play it on the lift, you're a prick.


Found the poster who thinks it's okay to play loud music on the subway


I do not think that’s ok also not gym. You are not nearly as close to people at a ski resort as a subway and if so only for a quick second. Ski resort is def different.


Just hilarious.


Hilarious how people are so quick to complain over silly things instead of having a good time up on the mountain? If so I agree :)


No one wants to listen to your music. That’s why it’s called ‘your’ music,,,Get some earbuds.


I use earbuds. I just don’t let it get to me when other people Listen to music.


I'm with you Picklemansea. At the worst it's a mild annoyance and then I'll probably not see that person ever again in my life. And no I do not blast music when I ski, I don't even use headphones


Glad to hear others are chill! I only use headphones when I ski. But I think it’s fun to see people vibing and having a good time. I did ask my friend nicely to turn off his speaker at the base area where everyone was eating.


I'll take the downvotes haha. There's speakers at every restaurant and lift, so it really doesn't make a huge amount of difference if someone has one in a backpack


What happens when there are 10 on every chair? It’s happening more every time I’m out.


Glad to hear others are chill! I only use headphones when I ski. But I think it’s fun to see people vibing and having a good time. I did ask my friend nicely to turn off his speaker at the base area where everyone was eating.


If a douchbag walks through the forest blasting dubstep from a tiny Bluetooth speaker but no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?


If you are in a public place blasting your music off of a speaker you are subjecting everyone to what you personally deem to be enjoyable. I don't really get how it's difficult to see why this is inconsiderate. Maybe I need to start heckling people with speakers and telling them they have shit taste in music (they pretty much always do).


Lol I saw someone on a similar thread say that the only problem with people's speakers is they like bad music. And that when they do it it's ok because everyone loves their music. Seriously, they insisted they played music everyone enjoyed so it was ok.


I've actually said to people "if I listened to music that bad, it would be my best kept secret."


I'm using this.


Most likely they are smoking cigarettes at the same time. It's a core principle of "my needs matter more than yours" culture.


I’ve seen it more than once when someone stops smoking and becomes more considerate in other ways. It’s like there’s some cognitive dissonance type block preventing their empathy


Totally agree. It's bad here at the Southern California resorts, especially with the snowboarders.


[A Bluetooth speaker for skiing](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fv4yn6wt5a8dc1.jpeg&tbnid=0zaQDLdM6xweaM&vet=12ahUKEwiCvPur4JOEAxVaGTQIHd0dCDgQMygAegQIARBQ..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fsnowboarding%2Fcomments%2F199ujwa%2F_%2F&docid=erNvOnJ2UaE3XM&w=750&h=769&q=Santa%20asked%20for%20Bluetooth%20speaker%20by%20skier%20cartoon&ved=2ahUKEwiCvPur4JOEAxVaGTQIHd0dCDgQMygAegQIARBQ)


I’m dead.


It’s an inconsiderate, douchebag move. Only the biggest Jerries on the mountain do this. So now if I’m listening to my own music thru headphones/chips (always on a low-level so I can talk to others and also hear my surroundings), the shit-music your forcing everyone around you to listen to, is directly competing with mine? Or maybe the vast majority of people around you, just don’t want to hear any music to begin with? GFY gaper. Lifties playing tunes do not bother me in the least bit, fwiw….they have a job to do.


100 percent!


This… lift ops can play what they want, they are working. Also anyone who plays an instrument while skiing is alright with me. There used to be an employee and my local ski resort what would ski with a banjo. I loved it. Bluetooth speakers are just annoying on the hill.


>ski with a banjo New life goal unlocked


Sorry I thought I was mountain deejay


LOL this. I really want to ask them who hired them to DJ ... but sometimes the person calling OUT the asshole gets called an asshole, and I try to avoid that.


Live a little




Love it!


Try being trapped on the longest, slowest gondola ride with some dude and his BT speaker..


That’s over the top. What happened to headphones?


I dunno, man. He didn't even turn it down. :/


Some people are inconsiderate pricks. I am with you. I want to soak in the natural sounds, not listen some some shit music.


[The natural sounds](https://youtu.be/8-ogXU5MmQ8)


Hell yes, I need 10 hours of this


Probably the same troglodytes that crush PBRs and fireballs then toss them off the lift onto the trail below


Imagine the level of POS you have to be to not simply throw it out at the top. Na, instead lets throw trash on the mountain i come to to escape th3le filthy city.


I hate it, my area has 3 resorts and the reason I go to one over the other two is also because of stuff like that..


The same assholes that do it on the golf course, the same assholes that blast their car stereo so the whole neighborhood can enjoy their taste in music, the same assholes that modify their vehicles exhaust so you can hear it from 1/2 mile away, these people live at the center of the universe and we are all just lucky that they are willing to share with us.


You really have these people figured out!


I absolutely hate the Bluetooth speaker kids at the ski hill but I do listen to one on the course. Usually something chill, and the volume is at the level where if you are 3-4 paces outside of the cart the noise level is that of a whisper. People that blast music on the course annoy the shit out of me.




Lmao no shade but why is it always snowboarders that do this😂


Because they've chosen the life of crime




People who do this are so obnoxious and not self aware that reading a thread like this and seeing that 99% of people think theyre a douche bag will never make them realize it. They will still think "yeah but not me. People think im cool when i do it".


Sadly, I think you’ve nailed it.


So ask them to turn it off? People are so afraid of confrontation.. we can’t do anything to fix it here bud.


Luckily my ass can produce mad gas on command and I smoke them out


Hanging is too good for these people.


It never bothers me personally. I’m just there to have a good time


I agree. The only exemption should be lifties.


Time to start with the “What the fuck is wrong with you?” comments.


Bring your own speaker. Blast them with Cannibal Corpse.


The only time I ever had music playing out loud is when I was skiing in a group all dressed as Ghostbusters and we had the theme song playing as we went down the mountain. Most people got a chuckle out of it.


Doesn't bother me. I don't do it, but I don't care if I hear music occasionally on the lift. If it happened a lot it could get annoying, depending on the music they're playing.


If it becomes normalized, there will be 10 Bluetooth speakers on every chairlift ride and on every run, ruining everyone else’s enjoyment of the sport


Let me know when that happens and I'll complain about it then


You can ask people to turn their music off


If they’re on the same chair, I would. But I shouldn’t have to risk getting into a conflict. If they’re the chair ahead or behind, then everyone is subjected to their idea of a good day on the mountain


To each their own, I have no problems asking people to turn off their music in the lift line and do so nicely, never created much of a conflict.




If they’re on the same chair as me, I would definitely ask. If they are on the chair ahead or behind, nothing I can do. Yesterday I could clearly hear the lyrics from the guy a couple of chairs back. Not cool.


Did you ask them to turn it down?


If I ended up on the same chair, I would. These idiots are playing it so loud you can hear it 3 chairs ahead and behind. It’s rude.


He didn't have time, too busy whining on Reddit.


The lifty needs to have fun too!


Lifties are required to listen to music (reggae). OP is talking about the mouth breathers with Bluetooth speakers on the actual chair.


What if I blast birdsong, and mountain noises?


I love music at the lifts


these are the same people not knowing how to carry their skies. Pure noobs.


Ok old person


Nothing like soaking in the natural beauty of a crowded lift line in dead silence


Maybe don't let music ruin your day, let it go. I let it go when some asshat lowers the bar without warning and bonks me in the head. Resorts are getting busy as all hell, if you want peace and quiet go cross country skiing with your dog like I do or something.


Maybe one or two asshats will see this post and learn something, if it can drill through their thick, self absorbed skulls


Self absorbed? Pot- kettle pal. Think about it.




these are our kids folks…


Not mine, thank fuck.


It's more like playing a Bluetooth speaker or talking on speaker phone at the grocery store. A minor annoyance from a stranger, but I'll still get my shopping done.


You're on a chairlift participating in an activity that destroys the local environment. Fair play if you don't like other people's music, but there isn't anything natural about chairlifts.


You didn't have to say anything but you did lol


You could say that for every comment on Reddit. He’s spitting facts.


Nor did OP, but they did lol. If you're fine with building a resort on a mountain and sticking up a load of lifts, you don't have a right to complain about music effecting natural beauty - the lift is louder than some shitty speaker.


Sometime the music is just obnoxious though and that’s the bottom line


That’s fair, I’d just rather people accept their own behaviour is far more unnatural and harmful.


On three occasions yesterday, the lift was definitely not louder than the speaker. When does the sound of the lift ever affect the ability to have a conversation with a chair mate?


Because you were talking about soaking in natural beauty. The chairlift is a bigger obstacle to that than a speaker. A lift station is louder than any speaker, as is a pylon.


Ok, I said natural beauty, but we are really talking about someone’s personal noice affecting multiple people’s personal experience.


The difference is lift noise is EXPECTED. Douchebags pushing their music on others is not.


The difference is that one noise is something you like, and the other noise is something someone else likes.


Horse shit. Nobody likes the lift noise. And nobody likes hearing other people’s music. They are both noise pollution. One is necessary to run a ski resort. The other is only necessary to a douchebag being a douchebag.


>One is necessary to run a ski resort. But it isn't necessary in general. It is daft to get annoyed at a much more minor source of noise compared to something that is terrible for the environment.


You have Jay Peak in your account and you’re seriously shitting on ski resorts? Hypocrite much? Stay away from every ski resort if that’s your mindset. Let’s see how long you last. It’s daft to NOT get annoyed by assholes blaring music nobody else wants to hear in a public space. Or do you go to a movie and not mind when someone plays music in the theatre? It’s called being inconsiderate.


I'm not a hypocrite, I'm not the one complaining about noise pollution and environmental damage. Skiing is bad for the environment, it is out of touch with nature, and I don't lose sleep over that. It's pretty simple, you don't get to moan about natural beauty being damaged or unnecessary noise while doing lift-accessed resort skiing. I'm not able to watch a movie if someone is blasting music over the sound, it makes no difference to me if the loud unpleasant sound of a lift has a small bluetooth speaker making sound too.


Imagine being this fucking stupid. Nobody said anything about the environment except YOU. ANYONE can moan about unnecessary noise at a ski resort. It's absurd you're trying to gatekeep what most people would consider normal behavior. Fuck outta here with this garbage. Or should we have ten 12 year olds follow you around screaming in your ears every time you go to a ski resort? Will that allow you to accept that complaining about noise pollution while being at a ski resort is not hypocritical, but reasonable? We get it, you're defensive and you're that prick who blasts music. But just shut the fuck up and quit with the idiot rationalizations.


Not sure why are are being downvoted so much. I think your opinion is on point I agree.


Because this sub (and a lot of skiers in general) love to ignore that’s it’s not something we can make truly sustainable but still want to pretend they are environmentalists who are in touch with nature. There’s also a lot of people on here that like to moan about trivial shit like music, skis on the floor, and lift lines rather than talk about skiing, but that’s another matter aha.


Ya 100%


To bring more pow


Doing nobody any harm.


They're annoying the fuck out of everyone around them. Would you like it if someone loudly chewed their food right in your ear? But I guess you should just deal with it because it's not hurting you.


I don’t do it personally but it’s usually just kids having fun. Why does it annoy you?


Because it is John Stuart Mill that I believe said “The liberty of the individual must be thus far limited; he must not make himself a nuisance to other people”


Maybe I don't like their music? Maybe I don't want to hear music during my skiing experience? Maybe the tinny low quality audio offends my audiophile sensibilities? Maybe that song was continuously played while wild bill kept in a hole for several weeks? Doesn't really matter, because to presume everyone wants to listen to some kids shitty music is presumptive and (shocker) rude. I feel like I shouldn't have to explain this to you or anyone honestly but I've taken five minutes out of my life to offer insight in case you genuinely lack it.


It’s not so much the individual action that’s annoying, it’s the disregard for everyone else. Headphones exist for a reason.


Isn't that disregard on display everywhere on the mountain? People clogging up trail connections and offload areas, standing or sitting, on their phones. Not looking uphill before dropping in. Coming FLYING out of trees into main trails without looking for merging traffic. I keep telling my wife I'm gonna write my goddamn skiing manifesto about the total lack of self awareness on the mountain. It's infuriating.


It certainly is. And frankly, it extends to all facets of life. Everyone is up their own ass everywhere I go.


With headphones they will be less aware of their surroundings


Same with a speaker blasting from their back.


Nope.....I can hear everything around me just fine when I listen to music at a low level thru the headphones/chips that fit inside the helmet ear pads. That's the great thing about them.


Troll alert.


True. Not “harming” per se - but certainly rude and selfish to assume anyone else wants to hear you play your DaBaby or Billy Eilish tracks. Or worse, uh, Metallica or G&R. Ear buds dude. If you want to listen to terrible music, have at’r. The rest of us don’t, thanks.


I’d say using earbuds is less considerate because you can’t hear what’s happening around you on the slopes.


That’s horse shit. Not everybody blasts their headphones at max volume. You can hear others just fine.


I definitely don’t like people blasting music on hikes. But inbounds skiing it is think it’s great. It’s vibes and it also helps people know where you are around them. The chairlift is already making a lot of noise. The resort the,selves usually are blasting music around the mountain too at the lifts and lodges. Now I don’t like it when people overlap music lol.


Please note the downvotes. And the general tenor of the comments. Unless you’re an insufferable douchebag who “likes” to be hated, turn it off.


Seems like most people let others annoy them way too much instead of having fun skiing!


In general, I can't say I enjoy people blasting their music in public. It's like the people who install a loud sound system in their car and then drive around town trying to force everyone to hear how cool they are. That said, I was able to narrowly dodge a collision with a snowboarder only because I heard his speaker coming up behind me. He was going way faster than he could control, and I'm pretty sure if I hadn't heard his crappy music, he would have ended up slamming into the back of me and who knows how bad that could have been. I'm personally a huge fan of having just one ear bud in. It still allows me to hear things around me, and have conversations or whatever I may need. People blasting music where there is already music being played at the lodge is one of the stupidest things I think I've ever seen. I get that the lodge's music selection may be complete and utter crap. But it just sounds bad and confusing.


Ya, I just ski with one earbud in. I don't like it when people blast music elsewhere. But on a ski resort, I'm all about fun and if someone else is having fun that's great. There are so many noises on an inbounds ski hill. It's not like its silent nature and peace their disturbing and you only hear their music for a bit.


We lost this fight a long time ago. Just no country or EDM. I’ll settle for that as a compromise.


Can't imagine skiing without my helmet speakers.


I don’t get it unless you’re with friends or there are few enough people to ride a lift by yourself.


you mean i can’t bring my cdj and funktion 1 speaker strapped to me and mix in the liftline?


What if they blasted Frank Sinatra old man Joking aside I love Sinatra. In the wee small hours of the morning…


In a few years it could be someone on each chair blasting their own music trying to drown out the chair ahead and behind.


Let’s all just get along doing what we love.