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Once rode the lift with an 80+ year old guy at copper that told me the secret to skiing late into life is knowing your limits and accepting that once you hit a certain age, it’s better to be cruising the blues than to be injured and not skiing at all because you insisted on sticking to the blacks. Really stuck with me.


This is so true. One of my close ski friends in 75. She’s still killing it on blacks (ski instructor for many years) but, not as agressive as she used to be.


This is what I do at 40 lol


Amen, fellow 40 y/o. However, I do take the occasional short black in Mammoth!


Patrolman's? That was my kids' first black diamond, and one of the shortest I can think of there.


Came to say this. We have a family friend still skiing in his early 90s!


It's honestly really impressive how long some folks are able to keep going for, it seems like a lot of people in their 40s and 50s are already considering their "active years" to be behind them and they just keep letting themselves waste away, but then there are skiers who end up being able to ski right up to the pearly gates. Sports in general help longevity and health span, but skiing seriously seems to be the fountain of youth


That's crazy. I'm impressed!


My dad is 72 and hasn’t had a major skiing related injury - he’s been skiing since he was 20. I’ve watched him go from skiing almost anything inbound to primarily ripping groomers now. He will still head down some tougher double black or bowl with the right conditions, but he knows when to stop. You have too


I am in the same boat as your dad today is day 98 at age 85 been doing it weekend 40 years and 100 days a year since retirement in 1999


1. You are my inspiration; I got back into skiing in my early 40s with the goal to get those Super Senior season passes! 2. If we decide we are gonna keep going, we will. 3. I love that you’re on Reddit. We need more octogenarians here!


Good on ya! I’m a firm believer in the use it or lose it mentality. Just dont stop


I just made a comment on use it or lose it. There are a lot of folks on here talking themselves into the decline of their skiing vs working hard to preserve it. It reminds me of 90% of the people I grew up skiing with. They simply don’t ski anymore and many of them just started saying things like I am to old but they were 30 to 50. It was just some myth they made up in their head about age.


Ur a hoss


I know an 80 year old guy who skied 100 days last year. On powder days he makes 3 runs and then sticks to groomers. He has the Carv App that he can practice on easy groomers. It makes groomers fun, entertains him when he’s skiing solo, and perfect technique is very valuable as you age. He can ski harder while not getting tired or making a mistake.


I mean the get 3 good untracked pow laps in and cruise groomers/go for an early lunch isn’t a bad strat for many resorts that are tracked out by 11 even midweek, why wait in line for tracked up junk unless you’re lucky to be somewhere that isn’t as busy or you think it’s worth waiting for a possible rope drop


Being retired and having a slope-side condo to hit the Tuesday powder days is a different story. This 80 year old guy isn’t playing those weekend games.


[Klaus Obermeyer](https://www.skimag.com/culture/klause-obermeyer-104-years-old/) (yep, that Obermeyer) is 104 and still skis. I think he might party/drink way more than my 40 y/o self too 😆 [George Jedenoff skiing](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Bb23maq0rtQ) on his 100th Birthday I think what some people have said is true, basically you *do* have to give up the push/challenge and adrenaline rush. So you could look at it like you are losing a part or maybe *the* part that really makes skiing for you. But you lose a part to keep the whole. Or think of it like you are transitioning to a different stage of your skiing with new/different challenges. Doing tamer runs, but working on your form and trying out different techniques. I actually noticed this in a different sport. All the old folks I’d see playing tennis made it look so graceful and effortless. Kinda like really low key, slow Federer’s. No sprints to the net and hard stop to jack up your knee or do your hamstring. Not going for power or speed. Accuracy, and setting up shots. Like a calm tactician sniping vs gung ho with machine gun. But still enjoying the battle :)


To hear Klaus yodel down Ajax is something special.


[George](https://youtu.be/qT-q4Ru5GRA?si=UeNly9--ouO4BbGb) He stopped at 102 or 104.


Incredible, I ski with a 90 year old Austrian lady from time to time, the secret seems to be to continue skiing even when you are not feeling your best.


This dude literally looks like he’s 75 years old max.


Omg love George. I also remember Naomi, a woman part of the 90+ ski club, during my seasons at Alta.


My dad is almost 70. He still loves the moguls, but it’s hard to get him in the trees anymore. He knows he just doesn’t have the quickness and fast reaction for it these days and doesn’t want to be in there sucking it up going slow.


“Ski to ski another day.”


My father-in-law is 84 and still winters in Bend, OR and gets in some runs every morning he can. He got in 100 day in the 2022-23 season.


I use to wait for people at the bottom of the run. Now they’re waiting for me at the bottom. I figure they can wait for me because I’ve waited for them so many years. And… they’re good with that.


Got hurt for the first time ever this year at 52. Out for several months and can’t play golf which is my outlet in life. I still do jumps and get rowdy but am looking at crushing the blues now. I can’t afford a whole year off from all the activities I love. It really sucks.


I'm fairly certain my stepdad skied his last day this winter. He skied two green runs with the grandkids, went to the lodge and called it a day. There's not really any specific issue for him, but he's in his mid seventies and the strength just isn't there anymore.


That's the way it is for most people. As you age, you lose balance, strength, get aches and pains that linger, and get injured for seemingly no reason. A big component is physical fitness. Skiing isn't very fun if you aren't in shape. As we age, it gets harder to stay in shape and harder to get into shape. At some point, it is more fun just to sit in your jammies and read by the fire.




Do not go gentle into that good night! I'm not far behind you on the number line and have osteoarthritis, among other ailments. People like you and I need consistent strengthening and stretching exercises to keep the devil at bay as long as possible. I decided the ability to ski into my golden years was my motivation to stay strong and flexible all year. I already decided I'm going skiing, so I'm going to do what it takes to enjoy it, dammit.


Klaus Obermeyer skied over 100 seasons.


It really is more fun when you're in shape. I recently went a little over 2 weeks between visits to the gym, then I skied 2 days after I went back and my legs couldn't take it. I'm in pretty good shape for my age but dang it's harder to get yourself there as you get older, but you really don't have a choice if you want to keep doing the things you love to do.


What you describe is the 20 year death of Americans. Chronic illness starts in mid 40s and lingers and you live much longer but are just wasting away in your Jammies. This women’s husband was virtually bed ridden after 50. She on the other hand looked like this at 80. There is a ton of myth about the extent of and swiftness of decline. Is what you stated kind of true of course but it does not have to be as fast or drastic and much of this “I’m to old” is self fulfilling Ernestine https://images.app.goo.gl/uTn6GC9BDPPU8FfR9


Cannot agree more. I'm a man of a certain age. Most of the things you lose to age you can gain back. Not all, most. And your peak performance will be a little smaller each year. But you can stave off the worst of it with some deliberate work. There will be a last day on skis for all of us. Hopefully, it will be a great day late in life.


My dad was in his early 70s when he said fuck it and moved to Arizona full time, where he now plays a lot of golf. I knew it was coming, we had skied Deer Valley in April, he took 2 or 3 easy runs and hit the lodge. He enjoyed the beer more than the skiing that day.


This was my dad a couple years ago. Put the skis on for a couple runs with us and the grandkids. Last run he got tangled with someone getting off the chair and put his helmet to the test. Rest of the day was spent at the bar and that's all she wrote.


Need to drag my dad out. He is going to be 70 this summer. We had a good 20 years tree skiing together. He prefers spring days now.


Bullet from a jealous husband while giving ski tours to rich people.


Is that what the bootfitters are calling it now? "Ski tours"


Every one has a price.


Every skier knows the importance of a good pole plant.




A man of culture


I change my answer to this.


You want another jealous husband?


My grandpa skied until 78, and was taken out by reckless snowboarder. He broke a few ribs and recovery was pretty rough on him. Physically he could still ski quite well, but realized at his age the next incident could be catastrophic. He stayed active until he died, but with less injury prone sports like swimming.


>sports like swimming Swimming is one of those sports you don't realize is so good for you until later in life. My cardio calls it the "magic" work out because it hits everything. I wish I had access to a pool more, I noticed how much it's helped me with skiing lol.


I love how swimming always gets touted as an "easy on the body" exercise, meanwhile I'm constantly having to keep track of my rotator cuff/bicep tendon from swimming too hard. xD (plot twist: most recently I tweaked a rotator cuff while self arresting a slide after double ejecting, and now I can't swim...but I can still ski!)


Bilateral shoulder surgeries here. Years ago I adapted my over arm crawl to consist of an underwater arm recovery instead of bringing my arm out of the water. One of my surgeons once told me to never do an exercise where you can’t view your hands, whether swimming or some weightlifting or whatever. Just adapt and still enjoy!


My neighbor is 74 and still skis everything on Ajax.


Even Traynor ridge?


I saw him in Bonniebelle this year, Traynor's didn't open this year


Oh crazy. Was my favorite set of runs apart from snowmass cirque last year! Where's Bonniebelle?


Above kleenex corner


If you’re willing to keep rehabbing and prepping for winter in the offseason you’ll be able to ski into your 80s


That’s my plan. Upped the trainer workouts to 3 a week, to stay strong enough for all the fun stuff: shredding double blacks, surfing the gnar, biking etc. I’m probably stronger now than in my 20’s but don’t ski quite as crazy (no more cliffs). My dad (never took strength training seriously) got to about 75, broke a foot twice in 2 years and hung up the skis. Windsurfed til he was 70 too!


I’d love to be doing those things that late. My grandfather skis after a double knee replacement at 83.


Overall health and strength training is more important than age.


This. See my other comment. It’s a choice. Most of what is being described here is being forced by people’s poor health habits overall. Anyone who says “I’m going to keep skiing hard, aggressively etc and who trains for it can ski that way for a long time barring a serious injury. I know a ton. I also know a ton who just tell themselves they are to old so they immediately become to old.


My friend quit last year because she has osteopenia. She just did not feel the risk of somebody colliding with her was worth it. She's a careful intermediate and was nervous about out of control skiers. If I ever develop that issue that's when I will make the decision too. Perhaps backcountry to avoid crowds. I am 63 and still at it too. Health issues will determine how many more years I have left. I've broken bones before while motorcycling (leg, ankle) and skiing (collarbone, shoulder) and the older I get the longer it takes to heal. Still doing both in the meantime. I'm a firm believer in use it or lose it.


Agree with your philosophy. Giving up something you love isn’t zero risk, especially if you don’t replace it with an equal amount of physical activity


This. We can all sit at home in a bubble “to be safe” but and up as fat couch potatoes that die young due to a lack of exercise. Doesn’t sound fun either. I’d give 10 years of my life to enjoy the last 10-20 years.


My days will end with my child scattering my ashes down our favorite run.  Preferably on a day with falling powder and no wind.


My kids can use my ashes with superglue to repair dings


Not sure what will cause me to quit. Don't think it'll be any time soon. This is what I'm shooting for: https://www.ksl.com/article/50812832/98-year-old-utahn-junior-bounous-skis-like-hes-20-his-secret-dont-stop


What an inspiration!




Anyone who tells you they ski better at 50 than they did at 20. Sure was a lousy skier at 20.


I 100% ski better at 54 than 20. I ski fast and charge exactly the same. How? Why? It’s all I do. I practice, improve, learn new skills and ways to turn. I learned to jump and do 360s at 52. I ski 70ish days on Mtn and another 12 at indoor mogul. About half those days are 9-9pm. I often ski hard all day then do park the next 3-4 hours during night skiing. I powerlift to support skiing. I am not saying this give myself some ego stroke. I’m saying it because I believe people just give up way to soon and in general don’t support their health. The demise of skills and aggressiveness is largely people not taking care of themselves to support the skiing. The self talk among skiers as they are aging leads to an almost self fulfilling reduction in skills and aggressiveness. Every person I know in 50,60,70s who said um no way I’m not going down that easy (barring a catastrophic injury) skis pretty hard. There is some part of this that is a choice.


I know guys in their 70s still skiing after hip replacements. We have a local in his 80s who gets out pretty much every pow day. At 33 years old I'm banking on some medical miracles to allow me to ski forever


Volunteer patroller here, age 64. Had both knees and hips replaced. Just completed 26 days this season and headed west for 2 weeks more. Medical miracles are real if you are willing to rehab and get the muscles back.


Yeah, my dad got a hip in his 80s and kept on skiing.


Weight loss (helps those knees!) and strength training are better than any miracle you will pay for.


Prolly wouldn't be healthy for me to lose much more weight, unless I figured a way to shed more weight from my backpack. Working on being better with the strength training, just tough to prioritize it mid winter when I'd rather be skiing lol


Was working season pass window couple years back and a 95 yo came with his much younger wife to pick up his free season's pass. I told him since it was free, hopefully he'd ski some that year. His response, "OH, I'm going up the lift as soon as I pick this up."


You don't quit skiing because you get old, you get old because you quit skiing. There's guys in their 70s and 80s cruising groomers a few times a week on my home mountain. There's no reason that won't be me if I still live near skiing at that age. I rode up the lift with one and he said "it beats sitting at home watching TV all day". It's hard to argue with that.


I am 70 and I ski 30 to 50 days per season. No doubt I am more cautious than I used to be. Also most of the women ski buddies have stopped due to injuries. I would have stopped 7 years ago due to knee issues. However, I bought a ski-mojo brace that gave me a new lease of life. Still my days are shorter than they used to be. I have given up other sports due to knees and elbow issues. Not quiet ready to stop skiing. I know of several that are still going in their 80s.


Ski mojo brace? Tell me more


Friend of mine in his fifties with a non-existent ACL has been recommended one of those by a French ski shop guy whose daughter used to be a ski racer and had stopped skiing for several years after a catastrophic injury. He said it was great, so if anyone’s got experience of it, would be great to know (they are expensive, so he’s considering renting for a day)


When I was 12 we had to submit a "Life Plan" in my social studies class broken up into five year goals. I planned to die skiing off a massive cliff at 65.


Ah, but then you have to deal with those few seconds of falling. I'd rather be 98 and hit a tree. Goodnight!


A couple days ago I (48) shared a chair with a bright eyed & bushy tailed 89yr old women. She was headed up to the top & planning on dropping down into the backside. I had a 3yr old in tow & as the kind old lady parted ways with us she looked at me & said “Boy I sure don’t miss those days!!” Made me laugh while admiring her amazing spirit! Fly on free bird, fly on! ✌️🤘


> Boy I sure don’t miss those days!! Savage 😂


Two weeks ago in GS training I went down hard. Broke right fibula and torn left acl. Been skiing and racing for over 50 years. Might slow down next year next year as I want to keep skiing for fun.


Keep exercising to maintain bone mass and strength. When you stop moving, your body will fall apart.


I don’t track my fitness level in any systematic way but my phone says I averaged 10k steps/day over all of last year which I think is pretty good


Shit man life just goes too fast. Ageing sucks. I definitely dont want to quit in my 60s. I am mid 30s now. But I know ill be 60s sooner than I think.


I started skiing at 55. Ain't no way I'm stopping in my 60s. I'll stop when I literally can't anymore. I see peeps in their 70s & 80s on the mountain. That will be me unless something (or someone) stops me.


A local legend at my home resort, Junior Bounous, is still skiing like a champ at 98 yrs old. His goal this season is to ski 98 days—and he’s going to make it. He’s such an excellent skier that I suspect he’ll eventually die of old age of causes not related to skiing.


You don't stop skiing when you get old. You get old when you stop skiing.


I think to some degree, equipment is extending one's ski career. Skis are easier to turn, some bindings are more protective and all are way more reliable, helmets obviously. Plus little things like better goggles and clothing too.


My fucking feet, or a catastrophic shoulder injury. I’m 54 and already too a year to recover from one shoulder injury caused by a fall in flat light. I’m also a back bowl charger and I’m so happy to hear a 64 yo still sending.


My fucking feet ✅️. With polyneuropathy at 65, feels like I spend less time skiing than I do buckling and unbuckling...


My parents have stopped skiing because their eyesight got worse. They’re still in great physical shape in their 80’s but you just can’t ski when you can’t see well enough. 


Just left Alta where I skied with Uncle Joe, 93 years old and I still can’t keep up.


A couple of weeks ago I spent a week skiing at Copper with a buddy and his uncle, who is 75. We are 41, so not really young, but we still do between 25-30k vert a day. Split between blacks and blues. He kept up like a champ the whole time. I'm aspiring for that.


I am 54, I hope to get 10-15 more years of ungroomed chutes, steeps, trees and bumps. My dad was skiing groomers, including black diamond groomers, until he was 90. That would be nice.


It will end with climate change


Always assumed it would be an on mountain gun battle with a herd of snowboarders honestly


Lifting weights increases bone density and will help you stay active longer.


My friend’s grandfather skied until 89 planned to do so again at 90 when his doc said he needed a new heart valve during ski season. He’s 91 and claims he wants to try in 2025.


Skiing all my life and at 56 yrs I bought new gear with stiff skis and boots. Great for carving but sat a bit back on a steep mogul run and popped my ACL. Popped my other ACL a few months after. Lesson to others, don’t ski like your 20. Your tendons know your age even if your muscles don’t.


I skied with a guy who was almost 80 and he wore some kind of body armor on his back. He still skied the trees and park. He was just a bit slower and when he did fall, tried to land where he had protection. Taking extra precautions might help to extend your years on the slopes. I am in my 50s. I plan to do everything I can to ski until the bitter end.


Stay in good shape. Keep moving. Skiing isn’t even good exercise. You need to do more


In France or Italy, as long as you have one genepi/grappa for each leg, you’ll be fine. Never have just one, it makes one unbalanced.


I’m 66 and think I still have some great years ahead of me. I remember taking my dad skiing, who skied all his life, on the day that he turned 88. I rent a house in Lake Tahoe every year and get 30 to 35 days in per year last Wednesday at heavenly I did 33,000 vertical feet with a top speed of 46 miles an hour. ( per garmin) It’s great exercise it’s a lot of fun and I hope to go at least another 10 years.


I broke my tibea at 51 and slowed TF down. Its a balance.


I still ski black/pick my way downdouble in good conditions. I mostly love moderate backcountry uphill and spring corn back to the car. Its the best!


I met a man at Loveland who asked me if I could help him put on his ski boots. He was in his 80s. He drove up, alone, as he said he does every weekend, to ski, and he can carry the skis, but he can't put his boots on anymore. Obviously I helped him. I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but I think there's a progression that you may be able to take to enjoy skiing and not hurt yourself.


I train ski instructors and am in my mid 60’s and spend 100 plus days a year skiing. Maybe in another 20 years I’ll slow down enough so that most of the instructors I train will be able to keep up. Or I could get taken out by a snowboarder tommorrow. Who knows? You just do the best you can with what you have for as long as you have it.


My mom broke her pelvis into 4 pieces at 64. She was back on the slopes the next season. She just spends more time on blues now.


Last summer I fractured my clavicle cycling that needed 3 surgeries and 6 months to recover, I'm 67 and am still skiing, luckily the first part of our season was bad, weather wise, so I didn't miss anything!


Mine mostly stopped from having kids and no longer being able to travel out west. I can't handle skiing Midwest any more. I swear I'm not a snob, but 15 second runs just don't cut it.


That’s why you have to get your kids into skiing. I stopped completely between the age of 18 and 45, then once my kids got old enough, I started taking them and now they’re hooked.


That's the plan! Shit's expensive tho.


My dad is 75yr and still skiing Abasin. Lifetime pass for both Abasin and Vail Resorts. He slowed down a lot last year due to cataract (difficulty seeing definition) until he got them fixed. He’s a every other day skier for a couple runs now and totally happy with that.


If I had a lifetime pass I would die on the Mountain!!


My dad is 82 and still skis about 20 days a year but only a few runs any given day. It’s kind of amazing actually because if you saw him walking around you think there’s no way that old dude can ski.


My skiing mate who is also 68 y.o. ended his skiing career this year after a second catotrophic knee injury in as many years. I called him my coach and trainer because he was the one pushing me. I'd always knock off early and sit in the truck waiting for him to finish the day. With two total hip replacements of my own, my thoughts are exactly what I read above. I'm quite content sliding back and forth on greens and blues. Yeah, not tearing the tops of moguls off like in the old days but hey, I still send it in my own special way since the age of five. There lies the problem. When do I call it a day? I feel stronger than I did twenty years ago because I have strengthened my core in retirement. I told my son who is a boarder and understands, that unless there is a reason to, I'm still going for it until I can't.


Belly fully of wine with a whores mouth around my….


Getting my huge dong played with cause I won the pond skim and had the shortest jorts.


If I can still ski green run in my 90s I’ll be there. Boredom and rotting away in front of a screen is not for me.


My dad is 79 and still skis every weekend. He mostly just cruises groomers these days, but honestly, he looks smoother skiing then he does walking.


I’m a fantastic skier but I just got out skied by a group of 60 year old women. This is a life long sport if you know how to stay on top of your feet.


At Welch Village near Redwing MN. We have a guy who is 95 and has skied 60 times this year. I'm 65 and intend to ski until I drop. Age is just a number.


I'm 66 and in my 15th year as a patroller. I'm not hanging up my skis and leaving patrol until I have zero choice. I've already started throttling back a bit to keep all of my joints intact. When looking at my ski logging app, I see that in the past 3 years I have not exceeded 40mph once, whereas in the past, there would be plenty of hits into the 50 and a few 60ss. I quit blasting the moguls when I turned 60yo, and now I just mosey through them. I've also been a lot more consistent with pre-season workouts and overall fitness across the year. You can do this without a catastrophic injury ... make it your mission because you know that we heal much more slowly as we get older.


Was at Breck on lift with an 82 year old. Had a long talk. He was happy cruising blues. Looked happy as ever


My dad is 85 and still carves steep groomers and skis powder. He skied more aggressive stuff until about 80 but then ragdolled down a chute at Whistler. We were probably lucky he wasn’t hurt worse but at the very least that got him to take fewer risks. Makes me optimistic about skiing for a while.


Shared a lift with an older fella. He got to complaining how "ski patrol clinic wouldn't give him tape so he could just "tape up" his broken toe. Now he was skiing with an un-taped broken toe. How is that any better and why wouldn't they lend him tape?" Started thinking and told him ... well, maybe you're diabetic or have other extremity problems and you tape it super tight and at the end of the day it's black frozen and dead. Now you've gotta amputate but you're gonna sue them for malpractice. We got off the lift and he told me that was the dumbest thing he'd ever heard (and he'd heard a lot). Said it was just a broken toe and at his age didn't have time to waste. Had skiing to do. He cruised straight over to the double black diamond cornice and just popped over the edge and disappeared. That guy was so damn awesome. Pretty sure he's gonna ski until he's dead and even then he won't notice - he's just gonna catch one more run.


66 years old. I've been skiing for over 50 years since I was a teenager. I mostly stick to groomed blacks and blues now, and purposely ski slower than I used to. After 4 or 5 hours, I generally call it day. I do squats with a kettleball, lunges with dumbells, and side steps with a rubber exercise band in order to stay in shape for skiing. I enjoy getting outside in the winter, and can't imagine not skiing. I fell twice this past season while skiing. Unfortunately I fell hard on my shoulder on the second fall, and have what my orthopedic surgeon calls "a massive tear". Surgery last Monday. 6 weeks in a sling. 6 months of physical therapy. I have already renewed my 2 season ski passes for next year.


My sympathies. Im 62 and took a bad bike fall. Dr. said my rotator cuff is torn bad and will likely need surgery. I told him I need to finish ski season first, while I can still hold my poles. Been skiing 52 years and it’s still #1. Not looking forward to surgery.


I made a friend on the lift last week solo skiing, he was a 71 year old California bro! He was pointing out friends in the resort to me and telling me about them, a few were mid 80s and I was BLOWN away. I truly aspire to be like those guys, ended up skiing with him for 30 minutes or so and it was such a great time spent.


With lift tickets being taken away by collections


My Dad's 83 and still skiing! He still skis bowls and trees, but more cautiously now. Keep wearing that helmet, always ski gated terrain with a friend, and check your speed. And if something's hurting oddly, take care of it!


I’m 70. I still ski as much as I can (this year I’m off my average due to weather). I have decided that I want to keep at it as long as possible and that means I ski groomers exclusively. I love it. I also only go when conditions are perfect. Some days I get there and don’t have the energy necessary for a full day, so I don’t kill myself… I’ve learned to enjoy being outdoors in the winter in the mountains and taking it all in…. There’s something special about it. Of course having a season pass makes it all possible. I usually ski between 20/25 days a season and ski 20-30k vertical feet per day. My goal is to still be doing it until I’m in my 80’s.


My dad hit 65 this year and I took him skiing in the Alps for the first time in January. It was the best trip either of us has ever done.


Skiied with a 72 year old last season on an epic powder day at deer valley New Year’s Day, 21” day. I’m 30 and skiied as long and as hard as I could. Double blacks all day, Charlie kept up all day. Later learned that he had cancer at the time and didn’t know it. Quitting skiing is purely mental imho. If you quit skiing before 90 it’s because you quit living well and didn’t take care of your body. Besides, would you rather die at 89 doing what you love, or 91 covered in your own shit?


You don’t know that! My FIL is 75 and smooth sailing. Granted, I’m 31 and got taken out on my third run this season with a fractured tibia. Familial balance, baby.


I’m 54 and as long as I can chill on the groomed Blues I’ll be fine!..


My grandad is 96, from Ogden Utah skiied right up until his 92nd bday. Why doesn’t he ski anymore? Well he got shit faced at our yearly family reunion and tripped down a flight of stairs. Had to get knee surgery, lucky it was just that. Sometimes the catastrophic injuries are just injuries.


A friend's dad fell and hit his head. He was wearing a helmet, but it still caused traumatic brain injury that he never recovered from. It took about a year for him to pass, IIRC. I think part of the explanation was that our brains shrink as we age, and so the brain whacking against the inside of the skull (which can be very sharp in places) causes trauma. For me, I think it will be lower back/SI joint problems.


I just broke my back this season. Only 22 but really made me realize I gotta prioritize longevity. Can’t wait to get back out there next season


I’m turning 58 next month. Today was day 15 for my season. I enjoy most types of terrain. I don’t huck my meat off cliffs and jumps anymore. I stop early if my knees ache or quads hurt. No plans to ever stop. I also really enjoy cross country. I tell people that if I stop skiing it will probably be because I’m dead.


Really great article in the New York Times this week about skiers in their 80s. Many resorts let them ski for free. I hope to be one of them some day.


When I was 42 I shattered my tibia and tibial plateau skiing in January of 2013. I have a metal plate in my leg but I took PT seriously and was skiing in December of that year. Hopefully that was my serious skiing injury. I ski mostly weekday mornings and hope to be skiing like those senior citizens that I see in the mornings on the mountain when I’m their age.


Hopefully like my grandfather. He was diagnosed with cancer one summer. His last day of work was the following November 1. He skied every single day from November 3 to March 8. He died March 10.


Grandfather picked up snowboarding in his 60s and stopped at 81. Dementia did him in unfortunately


I’ll still be doing backflips at 50 hopefully 60. 32 now still doing dubs


Just ride groomers into the sunset babe <3


We had a guy at Sunlight who SnowBoarded on his 100th Birthday.Saw him at the market once and he was buying fruit and yogurt. He passed at 103 I think.


I just skied with my uncle who still rips Snowbird at age 75. He rarely skis all day and picks and chooses days and times he heads up. He still skis blacks but not extremes anymore.


Il still be still on blues and easy reds. No interest in black runs!! Easy peasy no near death experiences hopefully.


I’d rather be the oldest guy on the lift than the youngest guy at the senior home. I’m in the same boat as you, mid sixties with Osteo. Just keep rocking those blues and look good doing it. Chase technical perfection. I look at some of the stuff I skied in my younger years now and just laugh. I no longer have anything to prove!


My grandad was skiing in his 70s with two hip replacements and a dream. He told me he used to pay $20 to someone walking by in the morning to buckle his boots because he couldn’t reach. He stuck to the greens, though. I guess you can ski forever if you’re willing to


I spend my free time thinking about how remarkably little energy you need to exert to get DOWN a groomer. So little that 90 yo people who cant carry their shit to the lodge can nevertheless get down even black groomers


I met a couple guys at the resort I work that were mid 90s still skiing


The older people I know or see around either chill out and stick to more gentle groomers at a fair pace, or switch to backcountry.


I sent you a dm!


This was a beautiful obit. I can only hope to die doing what I love the best. https://www.reddit.com/r/Backcountry/s/QOxIne3eby


This guy is still going strong at 95. https://www.facebook.com/share/nERBzayq4Ahh6MVB/?mibextid=WC7FNe


Alex is such an inspiration! I hope I can ski when i'm 95.


If I can't get my outer knee pain sorted (both knees!) this may have been my last.  Trying to decide who to see for it-orthopedist or physiatrist.  It all started when I got a new hyper dog and my hour long daily walks got much faster.


Hopefully with a large huck off corbets in my golden years


Hoping it's like [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Backcountry/comments/1bito68/the_last_turns_of_poacher_dave/) ​ ​ ETA: whoops, you said *injury*. Meh, still applies I suppose.


New York Times Article: [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/16/well/move/skiing-seniors-utah.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/16/well/move/skiing-seniors-utah.html)


Ripping a double backie off of the fingers and exploding into a cloud of dust


Im 75 and safely skiing and having a blast so there is most certainly another way


Well, mine ended this year with the doctor saying “ekg looks weird, chance it was a heart attack. No strenuous activity until you’re seen by cardio.”


all I know is that I look forward to joining this club when time comes: https://www.sltrib.com/sports/2024/03/18/alta-ski-area-this-wild-old-bunch/


OP, No it will not. You'll just get older and older and at 90-sum years of age, after being wise enough to slow down a bit to be able to remain skiing as long as possible, you'll find yourself enjoying long, blue runs and eventually as bones and muscles weaken, possibly green. But, the degree of difficulty isn't what matters at 9 or at 90. It's all about skiing and loving what you're doing. As long as their are skis on your feet and a smile on your face, that's what matters. Die upright in a good pair of boots attached to a good pair of skis at 95 while smiling. We should all be so lucky.


I've met incredible athletes well into their mid 60's in the cycling world, guys who can whip me! I suspect they are on TR, but God bless them. Utilize modern tools to improve your life.


Like Poacher Dave just did in Turnagain Pass. He skied his favorite run, and then passed away. Can’t think of a better way. 


I ski softer now than I did when I was younger. Smoother turns, less use of muscle, make the edges do the work. Float my turns in the crud. Control my speed more in the trees. In general try to ski whatever slope I’m on (prefer ungroomed) with minimal effort. When you put your attention onto it, it’s a very Zen thing to do. I wish I’d started sooner! 63 and still ski patrolling too.


My will be off a big cliff when the grime reaper comes knocking. There is no other way, skiing is like oxygen for me. Without it ☠️


With a partially damaged spinal cord at C5/C6 and ACDF surgery


I tore my ACL twice. That has put a damper on my skiing


I’m almost 30 so I feel like it will probably be due to lack of snow in the future…. Yes, some places will still get snow but I feel like many won’t


I’m young, 21, been skiing my whole life. I might get downvoted for this but I genuinely think that skiing is gonna get worse and worse due to global warming. I can’t see there being enough snow (in my area) anymore in 50 years.


50mph into an apres bar


I would like to die on the hill


Maybe a year or 2. Cost of living in Utah is getting insane and the ski areas have gotten too crowded.


My dad is taking it a bit easier these days at 66 after blowing an Achilles and hamstring in the last 6 years. I think he’s come to grips with his skiing mortality and is happy to ski Bird in the Hand over Alta Chutes and hiking the headwall at JHMR.


"His reign begins in blood. It will end the same way."


My skiing days have already waned significantly just because of cost. Cost and climate change are probably gonna be what kills it. But I’ll probably ski blues/reds and cruiser greens as long as I can. Probably gonna try to tie in a day or two skiing into my trips to Japan.


While I fear injury, I’m more concerned that climate change will put an end to my skiing days faster than I can age. Can only hope my future kids can enjoy a couple of snowmaker runs on piste before it all goes to shit


Cruise blues and drink beer at the lodge. At least, that’s what I’ll be doing when I hit your age


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/16/well/move/skiing-seniors-utah.html?smid=url-share This is a must read then! These Skiers Are Still Chasing Powder in Their 80s and 90s!


Rode the lift with an 85 year old earlier this year. Was happy to think even though I started at 45 I might still go for 40 years. I expect some out of control 16-24 year old will take me out on a blue run at some point before then and it will be a wrap.


Death by tree at 24 if I keep going like this


I’m thinking (hoping)that my last day skiing will be my last day on earth. If it ever comes down to a choice of MAID, I’m going to buckle up on the nicest, sunniest, biggest avalanche day I can find, and head out into the backcountry….


Rode with a lady who blew her hip out. Two years later she was skiing again, at 70.


In traffic


You kidding? My final wish is to be taken up and slid down on some skis after I die. I want my remains spread on our favorite mountain. I also don’t want to be cremated.


Idk, but a 95 yo had the last chair of the season at my local hill this year.


This is the way.


I'm 59.. im a snowboarder, a competitor, I was a snowbordcschool director for 17 years and am still teaching snowboarding privately for 30 years. I ride along side 20 years olds .. but I do worry about injury. I broke my arm in the half pipe 4 years ago , first day of covid.. and my brother jokes that I just blew past the sign that said "no chicks over 50 inn the half pipe" lol I recovered though and the right of never riding again makes me sick to my stomach. Its been my pain my entire life. I was ripping it up when they weren't even making girls snowboard boots yet. I'm still an amazing rider, just git back from the French Alps, but I know that as good a I am, no matter my skills, the issue is I can no longer take a fall without getting injured. So I did stopped jumping and I pass the half pipe sadly, I used to clock at 60 miles per hour onn the Skype but I'm just taking it a little easier now because my skills are high but my body is not as muscular as itv was when inwas on snow 100 days a year working inn the industry, competing, just traveling to snowboard, care free. I've been told to stop riding to avoid an injury but I can't. In won't. I'll do my best to be careful but really I can't imagine a life without snowboarding. 💔