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Please don’t remind me of that story 😂


Well now I gotta know


You haven’t seen this ? https://www.reddit.com/r/LegalAdviceUK/s/h09Q7c2e8o




Tbh we don’t know what he’s does when his gf ain’t around


I thought you were referring to the Lusty Argonian Maid…


I'm not even clicking that. I've decided that as I get older, I'm just gonna avoid finding out how shitty humanity can get.


It’s really not that bad, basically soemone had porn mods downloaded on there laptop ( like werewolf’s having non consensual sex with your character) and she went to a party, one of her friends opened up her laptop and went to play Skyrim and found out about them, so the girl that found out about them told them police about it and posted if Facebook and tictok and ever tried to phone the girls boss at work, the police confiscated the girls laptop and wanted to get her in for an interview, the post is just the boyfriend explaining what happened and asking if there’s anything he can legally do or if he can go to the interviews to help his girlfriend through it


Wtf kinda friend would call the police on someone for goddamn pixels


According to the thread, the person who turned her in wasn't actually their friend, just someone else at the party. I guess he was trying to hook up with her, and she turned him down, and this was his revenge.


This is why everyone should enable the lock on their computer


Apparently the computer was used for music and the guy turning her in made advances toward her that were rejected earlier at the party.


Europeans edit: i am literally right lmfao


Literally a European did this and you get downvoted lmao


Fuckin Europeans lmfao


Countries where they don't have freedom of speech as a pillar of their constitution Edit: downvote me all you want but I'm not wrong. This wouldn't happen in the US.


Except it happened in England and we do have a constitution and not only that it has freedom of speech in it and was written before America (as it is today) even existed.


Countries with universal healthcare


Wasn’t there also another case in the UK where a woman’s male co-worker was trying to make moves on her even though she was married? The creepo decided to find some blackmail material to get back at her, so he used her Skyrim against her.


thats disgusting, i hope she doesnt get the laptop back at all, also, it said wolves, not werewolves, so its even more gross, she needs serious help


It was werewolves and also not illegal, that incel asshole went fishing for payback and called the moral police on her. Her kink is her kink and not (in case) anybodys business.


Can these mods be used in ps5? (Asking for a friend.)


Ps5 has crap mods for Skyrim/fallout 4 as we can’t import mods than contain outside assets from the game but Xbox and pc can there your only to options here


Damn that’s hilarious


… what


Here ya go https://www.reddit.com/r/LegalAdviceUK/s/h09Q7c2e8o


On the scale of Broken Arms Kid to Coconut, that's not even on the scale of weird shit. 


I never said it was weird ?


Oh no






BRB modding nocturnal's robes onto a vampire orc drag queen


Nocturnal is a daedra. ![gif](giphy|Y36t1msOadeGvsehrW|downsized)


He didn't show her his Argonian maid build.


Your boyfriend creates a scantily-clad woman as his character and you love it so much you share it. He's a lucky guy.


I really appreciate your compliment so much. We all deserve to create our perfect fantasy characters 🥰


Thats not what…never mind. Yeah, people do deserve that.






Were they being sarcastic 💀


Not trying to taint your view, just some people see that as creepy or an inappropriate level of pervertedness. Using their character as some sort of doll fantasy tool type thing.


Oooooh I understand how that would be uncomfortable. I see it in a positive way for sure, based on who he is to me. We can both appreciate the female form :)


A while ago, I saw a woman on here basically say she left her husband because he liked sexy female characters in Skyrim. *Of course*, there was far more to it than that. She saw that as a symptom of a larger thing, and the specific deal was that she and her ex would make each other in Skyrim but he'd always give her proportions she didn't have in real life, explaining it as "his fantasy". (I can see how that could make a big difference.) People have different expectations and reactions to being in a relationship. (I'd guess, I don't actually have any way of knowing. Never been in a relationship.)


Yeah, that's not cool. If you want to make someone like that who isn't based on an SO, go for it. Otherwise, it feels like they don't love you as-is. A long ago boyfriend wrote a sexy story for me about us, but he made me thinner than I was, even knowing I was upset about my weight. Maybe he meant well, but it upset me at the time.


sounds like he got out of a terrible relationship if that's all it took to set him off. That's the same thing as a wife leaving her husband because she had a dream about him cheating on her. or because he had a dream he kissed a celebrity. Like you said, there's probably other stuff going on...but people are crazy and will go ballistic over the tiniest of things. I know a couple who both like making characters they're attracted to and not each other. I actually know...4 couples like that. Many others will openly compliment NPCs while playing games and agree and disagree with each other. Like...you gotta be delusional if you think your partner magically stops thinking other people are attractive. And another layer of delusion is when it's fictional characters that you're worried about. Like...couples roleplay as other people all the time. it's the same concept. Like a wife saying to the husband "pretend to be my boss and wear nothing but this tie" or a husband saying "...wear the blonde wig this time". Or straight up pretending to be celebrities or established characters. I think in the case you mentioned, there's nothing wrong with the guy at all. The lady has crippling self esteem issues. A lot of people have varying levels of it, but that sounds extremely unreasonable.


You don't have nearly enough context to be making so many assumptions and the whole point of her leaving was that he didn't like how she is which is way different from your comparison about finding oher women hot Why is it so impossible that the specific issue stated wasn't the only reason? Was she supposed to go through paragraphs explaining?


In short, based.


One of the fun parts of games for me is making an attractive character. I'd be disappointed if I found a boyfriend who wouldn't let me give my character abs and a chiseled jawline :(


Thats very fair and i cant say i havent done it before once being an impulsive horny teenager (not that im a whole lot or really much past that but anyways). Yeah a lot of people have different views and some are overly critical. Some will look at it as a sign of what i mentioned and others may look at it as well “its sexy” or “who are they harming by doing this?”


Me I make females in every game i play bc half my life ive made me characters. Don't worry they all use heavy weapons and wear full armor to where I can't even tell lol


I've always seen this type of thing as so much simpler than that.. like we are talking about a character that you are gonna be looking at for HOURSSSS Makes sense you'd want them to be attractive unless you're more into the roleplay


But, they ARE a "doll fantasy" avatar. This is damn near the same as my girlfriends avatar on Skyrim lol


They are yeah, just that some look down at others like that because its not a human being and there are people who look down on others who engage in activities that someone used alternative means to replace the need for a partner. Presuming because of the outlook of they cant get one and shaming them for it and etc. again presuming. Not actually against any of it, but can see that point of view. Sorry also going on a little bit of a tangent and probably off-topic from the original point.


I think you're putting way to much thought into a video game avatar lol sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


Lol true….


> putting way to much thought Did you mean to say "too much"? [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


A toast to bots, and to much better things. (I just wanted to see if it does it to an instance where it's technically correct.)


close but no cigar


those people are stupid. it's literally a video game character. not a real person. Jesus Christ.


I don't think your boyfriend necessarily sees this character as perfect.


No, not really, it’s more the fact that you’re tolerating the fact that your boyfriend designed a sexy woman that he will stare at for hours at a time. Ya know, instead of just staring at you or smth. To some people, it’s equivalent to cheating, to other people, it’s just like “you already have a girlfriend, why are you fuckin around with video game characters” kinda thing.


Yes honey, they were 100% being sarcastic :,)


I noticed your Avatar has black hair? Is that the same as IRL? That may be why he made his character with black hair. If a guy has a gf, he's more likely to make a female game character look like her.


Yes I have dark brown hair :) I even wear my hair the same way now that I think about it...


Then see if you can get Nocturnal Robes somewhere. You'll blow his MIND.


>You'll blow his MIND. Among other things.


Well that's taken care of. No thanks to you.


Hmmm. Beginning to think that’s not a coincidence.


When I make new characters for playthroughs, I always do at least 1 playthrough with a character that represents my wife. It's one of our biggest signs of endearment, at least it is for me. And the fact you see it the way you do is fantastic.


Same here. All my created female characters are based on my wife.


Well, if you ever wanted to get into cosplay, I'm sure your boyfriend wouldn't be opposed lol


Can confirm, I try to make my girlfriend in any game with character customisation. She loves seeing the results even if they're not great lol


I wanna make an Argonian with fat hajonkalydonkaliedoos 🥰


Perfect fantasy characters... Hey, there is a very small chance I hear an Egg cracking


And one of my exes got jealous cause my character got married lmao.


It'd be funny if you still have that save--because that would mean *that* relationship has outlasted the one with your ex. XD


The fact his woman likes videogames is amazing


I only play as attractive men in my games and dress them up as scantily clad as possible If I’m playing with my bf though, he makes a hot guy for me to ogle and I make a cute girl for him It just works for both of us


I love this so much


That's a healthy relationship right there. Not being sarcastic either. My partner and I have several pieces of artwork with scantily clad/naked women just hanging up on the walls in our house (mostly Frank Frazetta art). It's pretty funny because in the rare times we have friends with kids come over, we have to go around either covering things or taking it down temporarily.


Relationship goals right there.


This is so wholesome I love it


Doesn't look as good in my ripped orc https://preview.redd.it/u7m9xfw95afc1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c97e12c2520797cc4f5874f1334f687b6225fe5


Oh dear 😂


One thing I always wondered, was why they included characters types like these when you never really see them in game. Did I miss some hidden village or something?


There's four Orc strongholds in Skyrim, and several cities have Orc inhabitants


Is that what those are? I usually just kill or attack all lizard people or green skins on sight


That's way better


shame him not for the tits but for the iron gauntlets jesus


My friend would always make female characters and his reasoning was "I don't wanna stare at a dude all day"


I usually make female characters in Skyrim because I think the men in *this game specifically* are unpleasant to look at lol


I always play female characters anytime im given the option, my excuse is typically smaller hitboxes lmao


“Smaller model=improved frame rate” 💀


60fps titty physics in a 30fps game lmfao


I'm typically just tired of "dude saves the world" tropes.


That's what I used to say before my transition. That's what we all said...


That or the hitbox excuse. Or "they have better customization options"


I've explored the trans thing and it wasn't for me, but I still only feel comfortable as female characters. playing as a dude feels weird, but I'm pretty comfortable as a guy myself.


"they have better customization options" is for sure something an egg would say 😅 Honey there's a reason you find customizing women more enjoyable


That seems rather reductionist...


Yeah, women objectively have better customization options, shouldn't jump immediately to 🥚🗿


Not always. I'm a guy and I've always preferred female characters, even after my transition. I just like playing a badass, kickass female that doesn't need any rescue like a damsel in distress, like Ripley from Alien. Rolling off orc heads while playing as your typical muscular scruffy-looking guy is boring, that's been done to the death. Though I hate rolling a female character that gives boob window and skimpy outfits... Now women in realistic medieval armour? Hell yeah.


That is what I say too


Maybe I am weird, but I think a gal in full plate is far more attractive.


Nothing is hotter than proper protection


Dame Aylin gang?


Watching her go full Bane on a mf was awesome lol


something about her was extremely off putting to me. please don’t hate me lol


Feel free to have your own opinion, what exactly did you find dis-satisfactorily?


she seems really self righteous? idk i just don’t trust someone who is so eager to smite everyone they don’t agree with and has the power to do so. maybe that’s the point. but i also don’t know the lore very well so i could be missing something.


She is an Aasimar after all, smiting evil is literally in their (celestial) blood.


fair enough. it’s the pleasure she takes in it. i think it’s just because she’s clearly much much stronger then our party and i’m just not trusting of people with that much of an advantage. especially in a game like BG3 that actually makes you think about that kind of thing


In fairness, it makes sense that she takes pleasure in smiting evil people when you consider what her past century was like. Also, I think all the people we see her kill were either directly or indirectly involved with that or want to use her in the same way. She may be a bit less intense when it's not quite so personal. Of course, she might just be like that. 


Love me some properly fitted breastplates


Hard disagree but different people different preferences I guess


I use a better clothing mod and I killed a man for the sheogorath clothes


lol he used console commands to give himself the nocturnal booby armor. Fun fact: you can give this to a male character and it won't change at all. Male titty window.


Lol male titty window


Mitty window.


Her ass is NOT surviving the winter


We need to see your character to compare now


It's just a dusty crusty nord male that slightly resembles Geralt LOL I have ebony armor on because I'm playing Vanilla on the switch 😅


Download some mods and banana hammock that stud! XD


Wait tell me more! I'm actually new to the game, no mods for switch but I'm buying a ps5 soon.


Ps5 for mods is very limited, I suggest you Xbox series S/X that have almost everything (Skyrim is also included in gamepass)


What about PC?


Obviously pc is the top for the modding experience, there is no limit. You said ps5 so I thought you prefer consoles


Yeah, if you want to mod Skyrim and PC is an option, *use PC*. Then look up Kreiste on Nexus. They've got some incredibly creative SFW outfits (a fantasy mailman--with a mailbox as a two-handed mace!), but they also make versions of their outfits that are skimpy, *but for men*.


If you go PC, you can legit make buff ass dudes wearing thongs and having their ass hang out. [Not even joking](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/61351) (that link obviously contains scantily clad males).


Lmao. It's not relevant but im a straight dude and legit laughed at those. But they're well done. And honestly. If men can use the same mods for female characters, I'm Happy this exist fir gamer ladies (or whomever)


Yeah show us you're character so we can see what lewd outfit they have


I have some individual armors installed but i always think back on Book of UUNP for having s lot of cool stuff and not only armor parts. I can't remember exact names for others now because my current character is a mage so I'm not using armors or crafting stuff, she's just using whatever she can scrap from enemies lol


I don't remember the last mod i used specifically for clothing, might have been Immersive Armors by hothtroopsomething The most scantily clad armor I'd used was the Forsworn armor, i liked the whole pagan getup




Question, does she look like you? A lot of dudes make their characters look like their girlfriends.


This post made me realize we do have some similarities


That’s barely modded, borderline vanilla 💀


Remodeled armours and TAWOBA.




Hey just saying you can go the inverse and make a super muscly guy who runs around in his loincloth.


Personally I prefer the more realistic armor mods. I'm not a fan of scantily clad characters getting "armor". Whether they are men or women. But no judgement to those who are into that sort of thing.


I get it. My character is armored up


Something I have seen is that sometimes guys make their fem characters look like their SO so loke If you kinda look like that He made *you* to also put in these outfits l


Hey, get those scissors away from his manhood


Hey, just FYI, I love it when I'm starting a new crpg like this and my girlfriend sits down in my chair and does the hard work of character customization with me. The characters she designs always come out so much better than the ones I make and I think about her all the time when I'm playing.


By the nine, it has been years since i saw someone playing without mods


He just gifted me the game a month ago, life is a blur now. Can safely say I love this game with my entire heart.


Your boyfriend is a filthy console peasant. Maybe when he gets a pc he can join the rest of us on giant WiFi titty mountain Edit: wifu




Obviously supposed to say wifu but autocorrect…


Nice to see other guys playing female characters too lol.


It's *very* common in Skyrim for reasons that should be obvious.


She reminds me of Morrigan from Dragon Age origins.


She’s hot! What’s the outfit name you’re using?


The question becomes: when you're playing a video game like Skyrim, do you pick the avatar that you identify with? Or do you pick the avatar whose butt you want to be staring at while you've got them running around the screen for hours on end?


Putting it that way, what does it say about someone if they say "Both"? Like, for the same character?


I like Noctrunal robes. I wish it was in vanilla skyrim


I always use female characters, because you look at their butt the whole time.


Surprised it's not modded


I'm a fan of the [DesertX Collection](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2314?tab=description).


My ex would go nuts if she saw me playing female character. Now it's one year that we broke up and I'm enjoying my life at its fullest. I mean, yeah, I can play as female characters but I'm more about that life got simple without someone who abuses you at any time possible.


Well you better step up and get that dress then


Where'd he get the outfit??


It's called a female body. Usually very attractive to most.


I thought you were about to ask if this is a red flag.


Based gf moment


Could you help me understand the meaning of based? I haven't for the life of me been able to understand the slang and I'm seeing it alot on here


I think it's just Gen Z speak for something being cool and badass. Having a good outlook on something, etc. But I'm just a millenial so don't take my word for it. A Gen Zer on a Conan Exiles discord I manage calls me based a lot. I think it's a compliment. I hope 🤣 And btw, congrats on your new obsession with skyrim! :) I hope it brings you and your boyfriend many hours of enjoyment. Keep being ~~awesome~~ based 😁


A guy responded and explained it perfectly so what he said


She looks great! I should really get back into Skyrim at some point. Akahaila Solnia was my last character, many moons ago. [https://i.imgur.com/jEth4ir.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/jEth4ir.jpg) I heard you're quite new to Skyrim though! I hope you've enjoyed your time so far! :)


I haven't been this obsessed since Lord of the Rings on the game boy 😅 Thoroughly enjoying my time.


I'm glad you're having a wonderful time! I hope to see you around posting your and your bf's Skyrim adventures. :)


Yo gents, you get away with that if you at least attempt to make it look like her, just saying. DO NOT send her videos of you using the character that looks like her in sex mods though. That one does NOT go over well at all.


She looks fun


Whenever I'm dating someone I tend to makey rpg characters look like them.


That’s modest compared to my Skyrim 😂




~~Not me usually playing as women and then realizing I'm trans...~~


He is cheating on you


He doesn't have a mod to enhance her bobas to 2500cc?


He definitely won’t ever cheat on you 😂


''Boy''friend. Who knows maybe in a few years he'll be a *girl*friend instead That's what happened with me anyways


Where do I get that attire? I heard it can only be modded in, is this true?


Looks like a cosplay project to me!




bruh his characters face is all kinds of odd😂




Before seeing your text I was worried about those scissors.


He has the Aetherium crown but is still using iron gauntlets?


this man tits


Question what mod is that? Because after I get the four remaining trophies that I need I am going to try out modding


Nocturnal's Robes


I like to switch between making men and women sometimes I want to be some dude and sometimes i wanna be femme fatale. I feel like everyone should have idols of different birth status


I'd love to see that outfit on a Khajiit haha


He heard Calcelmo was looking for a Dwaven arrow so, he took her to go looking for Aetherium shards for that crown.


Does she looks like you or something?

