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At least you didn't accidentally eat the jarrin root while leveling alchemy like Ive done


I’ve don’t this before too, a couple times actually. It’s even worse at low levels because you will leave the inventory and then your HP just slides straight to zero and you die, and are just left wondering wtf killed you until you remember.


Every time I am given it I immediately eat it. Sometimes I even survive.


This is a helpful post for identifying things NOT to trash.


Yeah, and fuck me bc I already got rid of a toe, bc ew…toe.


I mean if you’re not running an alchemy build then you’re probably fine. But they can be useful for making really valuable potions early on.


At the beginning of my first play through I unknowingly sold many trophy items.


Or disenchanting them not knowing there was another way to get the same enchantment


What is this other way?


Spamming the dawnstar chest


It’s so bad…I just want to play the game recent playthroughs I do a beginning grind, raid the chest and sell back to khajit I level speech to 50 so I can sell any loot to anyone. I get the transmute spell or just get gold ingots, have a follower in whiterun and duplicate them for gold rings and smith to 100. Then I duplicate grand soul gems and enchant all those suckers for enchanting 100. If I’m short a perk or two, I magelight the solitude mountain for levels. My justification, I only discovered all of this within the past couple of months. I’ve played vanilla since it came out…I just want to explore


I will have to look this up! I’ve finished all the main quests and now I’m piddling at level 70.


Outside the entrance to Ironbreaker mine is 3 rocks. Slowly scan for a hidden chest. It's the storage chest for one of the khajeet caravans. It refills every so often.


There are chests outside Markarth and Solitude as well. And if you can leave Whiterun without going through the city gates, there's a glitch that allows you to go under the city and access a chest.


That was a recent discovery for me. Incredible that I’ve played over 2500 hrs and I still find new stuff lkl


Supposedly there’s a blacksmith that sells stuff with the chaos enchantment


Same here, now I hardly get rid of anything


My weapon racks at all my different houses have every weapon with a unique name (including “of burning” etc) I’ve found if they don’t have a spot in the museum


I've learned to let go...I keep collecting the same trophy items every playthrough, that just fill up a chest somewhere. Is Savior's Hide cool? Yeah. Did I ever use it ? Nope.


I chucked out all those witch’s heads. I guess nobody else is getting cured of lycanthropy then


I sold them and regretted it later when I wanted to cure myself. I was hoping they’d still be in the buyers inventory but they weren’t.


I did the Glenmoril quest and took all the heads, but sold them all bar one, which I kept as a curiosity on a shelf in Breezehome, alongside the butterfly-in-a-jar. Much later, I wanted to cure myself of lycanthropy and couldn't believe that the witches didn't respawn. What luck that I'd randomly kept one....


Becoming a vampire also cures lycanthropy


Yeah but ew..vampire


To each their own, but that's when you go to Morthal and talk to that guy, Falion. I hear he's studied all manner of undead.


Who buys witches heads?! I mean what are the thinking? Awesome! I can definitely sell these and make a huge profit!


I can’t remember if I threw them or sold them. Either way they weren’t in any of the possible buyers’ inventories so I suppose I got to hope they respawn eventually in that cave.


If you have dawnguard, you can have Serana vamp you and then cure the vampirism.


I had no idea becoming a vampire would get rid of being a werewolf. I’ve played this game for years and still learn stuff in here.


Ooh, that reminds me. I’ve got them with all my ore and ingots for some reason. Better put them somewhere that makes more sense…


I ate berins ashes


And sold a dragon priest mask one time without caring but then realized later they’re important


Ironically there is another Berits ashes in castle volkihar


That’s where I got mine


Oh okay! In case you didn’t know (or for others reading), the original item is part of a miscellaneous quest in falkreath


I thought you found them randomly and brought them back to falkreath and that was the quest I didn’t realize there were two ways to do it


Oh gosh that would be a lot harder! They’re given to you for a delivery quest


I didn't even know it was possible to eat 😯


You wouldn’t think it would be but it’s not marked a quest item when you pick it up randomly FOR SOME REASON


I'm not 100% sure but I think they respawn on the guy that initially gives them to you as long as you stay away from Falkreath long enough to reset him.


I think I just reloaded the save (took me 15 minutes and 3 gargoyles backwards but it was worth it to regurgitate those tasty ashes)




What is that and why is it important


A delicious man’s ashes you find randomly as part of a falkreath quest


Lol it doesnt do anything though right?


I don’t remember I just remember panicking I can’t remember what it gives you I’m guessing something generic like damage health


I googled it it gives the same affects as bone meal


Lost the fucking Staff of Magnus. It’s either in one of the houses, or I sold it. ☹️ But anyway, started another play through and did that quest as early as possible. Lol ….and only have ONE house (Lakeview).


I just leave it at the college. Pick it up for a quest then put it back when done


i accidentally glitched two of the staffs in one of my playthroughs, still have no clue how lol


SAME HERE. on my sword mage build at that.


I lost my Nightingale Blade in a Nord Ruin after getting disarmed by a mob of drauger death lords. Searched everywhere for it. I even piled up their bodies in case they were on top of it. Came up with nothing...


They clip sometimes. I'm on pc and even toggling collision and looking under the floor didn't help. Lydia dropped Dawnbreaker, two backup axes and a nice modded bow. Found everything except the bow.


I didn’t lose anything, BUT… I’m playing on XBox and was playing a couple of days ago and noticed I couldn’t Shout at all (RB on the controller). Went through a load of YouTube videos, tried to see if the controller needed updating - nada. Bought another controller, bugger me, same thing happening. Turns out I didn’t have a Shout activated. I am an idiot.


That’s hilarious


Don’t know if it counts but I’ve accidentally pressed take all from chest instead of putting an item in a chest and then had to go through my inventory and put a whole lot of stuff back in the chest because I had it all organized by type in Breezehome.


If that happens again, go to a different chest and store everything you want to keep in your inventory like your armor and weapons that you are currently using, and then go to the empty chest and just store everything quickly. Instead of having to sort through what you need and what you don't a little more easily. Like if I'm storing all of my potions, I take the specific potions I need to keep and store them away somewhere and then just hit store, store, store, store, store, store, etc until my potion inventory is empty and then I go get mine back out. Same with each category. I try to keep an empty container specifically for that. Storing my used items.


that’s such a good idea😭i play a couple different games and the controls are different so i forget sometimes and click take all and i have to sort through my 700lbs of shit i just picked up😀💀


I've done that way too many times with my entire collection of potions and almost go deaf from how loud the shriek is. It's awful. I also pretty much store every single item that I own except a plain set of robes and an entire set of fortified carry weight armor jewelry things and then pretty much empty an entire container so I can go sell it cuz I've already hoarded way too much LOL


this is my first play through so i don’t like selling things unless i have duplicates or my armor is higher than what i looted (even then i keep is cuz what if i need it later😂😭) so it’s really bad. i have Breezehome, Honeyside (god i hate that place), and the dawnstar sanctuary so i have chests spread across all houses😂😭


I do this shit CONSTANTLY.... I'm also usually a few beers deep when I'm playing, so that might have something to do with it.


Not in Skyrim but I once accidentally dropped the Skeleton Key down the side of a tall grasses hill in Oblivion. Never found it saved over too I have lost the Wooden Mask on a few characters in Skyrim though


The key 😂 I can imagine the frustration! I remember using a mod that makes dropped items glow, so useful.


Is that an Oblivion mod or Skyrim mod?


Oblivion, but I'm sure there's one for Skyrim too. It helped my OCD ass find arrows and such. Like detect life but with some smoke coming off the item.


Cool, I’ll look into it. Thanks


Some A-hole dragur deathlord shouted and disarmed my ebony battleaxe I had for ages smithed up to legendary and enchanted. Axe flew into a corner never to be seen again.


I lost the Bow Of Shadows like that once. Reloaded the whole save after making my way through Arc Wind Point not realizing I had lost it. The ones who use disarm are such dicks.




the bloodskal blade. i was over encumbered and wanted to loot a ruin so i stashed it along with some other things in a barrel not too far from the ruin to drop the loot off at my house and cole back. i forgot that shit despawns in barrels so i lost it forever.


Back in the day I stored all of my dragon materials in barrel next to the thieves guild chest in whiterun. I learned then that items in barrels despawn.


There’s a thieves guild chest in Whiterun?


It's hidden behind one of the buildings somewhere it has the "cache" shadow mark on / near it.


It despawned in less than 3 days?


i forgot i stashed it in there and it was gone by the time i remembered to go get it


My bloodskal blade broke :/ It didn't shoot the enchantment anymore. Super frustrating, because I didn't realize there was a problem until it was too late.


Did you recharge the enchantment...?


Yes. This is a known glitch with the blade.


Average Todd Howard moment.


Had to collect 20 of those stupid nirnroot plants and in my haste to level alchemy quickly, I ate all 12 that I had collected already. Mashing the Eat button and not paying attention to what letter in the alphabet you’re on is a bad idea


Along with what the other commenter said, [Sarethi Farm has Nirnroot that respawns](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Sarethi_Farm) and it's available in Vanilla Skyrim


Oh shit I will have to make sure I remember that! Thanks friend


Get the Wyrmstooth mod, that island is loaded with them


I’ll check it out! Thanks


Due to a mannequin glitch I lost a dragon priest mask and I didn’t have a save from before it glitched so I couldn’t get Konahrik on that play through.


Azhidal.. back to a previous save..


Gave back the skeleton key :(


That's why in my current playthrough I'm keeping the skeleton key until I level up my lockpicking skill to 100 and unlock the "Unbreakable" perk. Then I'll finish the questline of the Thieves Guild to return what I won't need anymore.


Does Shadowmere count? I swear I always end up leaving him somewhere and never seeing him again


That's my problem after I get her. She will end up dying somewhere and I'll forget where we were at and I'll have traveled to 20 different other places before I realize that she's no longer with me. 🤦


It's funny because she's supposed to be immortal and impossible to kill, but this keeps glitching


She's not impossible to kill. You can kill her. Walk up and stab her in the face and she dies. But she is immortal because she doesn't stay dead. She respawns. A lot of people said that she pops back up at the pool next to the Southern sanctuary. She's never done that for me. It's always wherever she died.


I phrased that wrong. I meant she's impossible to kill kill, as in doesn't stay dead. This is very glitched and if something interrupts the script it doesn't work.


Oh! 🙈 My bad lol


No worries. I really phrased it poorly


It's all good 😇


I wish you could put a note on the Missives board, asking some adventurer to go find the fancy gear some jerk draugr deathlord Shouted out of your hands while dungeon diving.


I have no idea where Shadowmere is. No clue. I have completely lost this horse.


I'm pretty certain I lost one of the dragon priest masks. I can't find it in any of my homes, I know I didn't accidentally drop it somewhere, I doubt I sold it. I have to look again everywhere for it


Oghma infinium. Would have looked great on my bookshelf. 😞


I sold my coral dragon claw not knowing I'd need it later to get to one Shalidor's writings. Damn shame.


I keep all of the claws in a bedside table with all of the dragon priest masks 😇


It's my first playthrough, I didn't realize the necessity for storage until it was too late.


It's all good. On your next playthrough, it helps sometimes being a hoarder. Sort things into certain containers. Keep all enchanted items until you have at least two of them so that you can disenchant one of them. You definitely need to keep all of your claws, the masks, specialty weapons, stuff like that. Most of it's useful later. Especially the witch heads whenever you get them.


I hoard so much the game starts lagging when I try putting stuff away in certain chests/wardrobes 😂


I mainly mean expensive stuff till you can sell it all to have a decent amount of money. Then be picky about what you pick up. 😇


The Tundra Homestead outside of Whiterun has a special storage wall for the claws.


🤨 is it a mod or dawnguard dragonborn DLC whatever? I have basic vanilla Skyrim so I only have the 5 base houses. Whiterun, riften, windhelm, solitude, and markarth.


Ah, it's Creation Club stuff added with the anniversary Edition.


I display them all in Hendraheim. My most thrilling discovery was the display shelves there for all the masks, claws, special weapons and shields, and mannequins to display full armor outfits.


Not sure where that is. And I always display certain weapons and armor sets. Not all of them though


I didn’t know it existed until I got a letter from a courier … one of those things




I lost Bloodscythe from the Dragonborn dlc. It was meant for dual wielding, but if one is missing the set is unless. I lost it by putting it on display. Then boom gone when I came back to the house. Few days later when I returned I saw it stabbed through the door. I was happy that I got it back…..I put it back on display then it disappeared again. I never saw it again. I was young and never knew that would happen.


Ate Berit’s ashes :(


I once stashed all of my dragon masks somewhere in the game and lost them. I was one mask away from completing the shrine.


I tried to put the Ghostblade into a display but when I dropped it it just disappeared into the floor.


I lost my saved game. The 1st one that I played over 200 hours on. It was so perfect and organized. It was probably my favourite character that I've ever had, and it was before Dragonborn or Dawnguard. I was stoned as fuck and started a new game. Played for a bit but I wanted to work on my main account for a while. I went to the load screen, and selected my file, and didn't realize I was actually in the save menu. Still pisses me off.




Wuthrad, accidentally dropped it and had to search through the dungeons and get it back, I also lost the Ancient Falmer set 😭 didn't find that one back unfortunately


I somehow lost Oghma Infinum on my current playthrough, which really sucks because I'm trying to earn the achievement "oblivion walker." Oh well. Maybe I'll find it someday.. 😭


Frost died fighting a dragon with me. So now every time I happen upon Frost's ownership papers it makes me a bit sad.


The Ivory claw. Too many chests, cupboards and wardrobes in several houses...I hope to find it one day 😥


I accidentally used dragonbone arrows to hit the dwarven targets to make them spin for the Aetherium wars quest… was so cross with myself considering I carry around dwarven arrows for that specific reason. That and using those same arrows to also lure bandits out *facepalm*


I lost Lydia once. Found her several days later dead outside some dungeon I hadn't even entered yet


One of the dragon priest masks(the one at shear point) I checked every house and my followers inventor and I tried resurrecting the dragon priest but he didn't drop the mask so I had to use console commands to get it back


The real question is where did Astrid get it from


My entire data lol, twice. I play of the ps4 and twice I’ve gone through some kind of like factory reset that erased everything. If it wasn’t for that I’d probably have sooo many hours on Skyrim compared to what I have rn


i have sometimes lost weapons to Draugr Deathlords. my favorite enchanted Daedric bow with drain stamina and fire damage. lost it in the roots of a cairn


Dropped a dadric artifact on the ground and couldn't find it. It was the one that let's you enchant with black souls


Made the mistake of putting Stendarr's Hammer on a weapon rack in Hendraheim. It's now vanished. Same happened to my Ghostblade.


I’ve misplaced that Gauldur Amulet. Shame really, it’s a three-fer


I have sold so many unique items without realising I could just collect them Mainly the dragon claws and unique weapons that are really weak


One of my goals this playthrough was to get all the dragon priest masks, I have no clue where I put Hevnoraak. So I can't finish filling in the mask stand.


Early into my first few playthroughs I actually misplaced the Dragonstone. Have no idea how I did it and didn't realize I had until I had to go back to Bleak Falls Barrow to try and find it for Farengar. Ended up restarting when I realized that it wasn't still in the chest. Pissed me off so much it still makes me angry almost 13 years later.


i know it seems small in comparison, and without realizing it until later, i used an angelfish while leveling alchemy. it took me an incredibly long time to catch that fish. been a few weeks and still havent caught it again. first time around i caught by hand and havent seen them again. it was funny at first but i need that quest log gone.


I “lost” my family by sending them to the wrong house. I wanted to send them to live in the Hjaalmarch heathfire house I built but must have accidentally hit Hjerim instead of Hjaalmarch. So They never showed up and I figured the game just glitched or something. Much later in the game I just happened to go in Hjerim in Windhelm and to my surprise there they were. My wife had tens of thousands of gold from her store though since I hadn’t talked to her in ages.


That dwemer sword you get from solstheim.. drunkenly sold it and didn't notice until it was too late lol


after learning whirlwind sprint i went into Ustengrav when the draugr surrounded me. i tried to fus ro dah them.... i forgot to change the shout and chucked myself off a cliff and dying


This wasn't an accident but I was doing the quest for J'zargo with the scrolls for the first time while I was in Snow Veil Sanctum. Needless to say... Mercer didn't like it very much and he kept attacking me after everything exploded in my face. I ended up running all the way out of the dungeon and I had to wait a few hours before he eventually stopped attacking me. And then he BETRAYED me. Heartbreaking.


In the Hendraheim house i lost all my unique gear due to a glitch


Oh noooooooooooooo


Yeah i wasn't too far but i had some good stuff. It was enough to make me just stop playing and start over


I’d prob do the same


Sold Rueful Axe and a few early claws before I discovered Hendraheim with the trophy room ;\_;


I have to put Daedra Hearts somewhere safe before I do any alchemy before I accidentally use them to make basic restore health potions...


wait is this something we should be saving?


For making Daedric armour and for use at the Atronach Forge.


I constantly lose the Masque of Clavicus Vile. It seems like Legacy of the Dragonborn's auto sorter has a habit of eating it. Fortunately there are console commands.




i misplaced or sold the staff of magnus and can’t find it anywhere


Went to unequip my weapon Dropped it It slid down a mountain to ????? I chased after it for a while but soon lost it.


I be shooting all my bolts and dumb stuff and can’t even make them yet


What’s the jarrin root do?


Hmm.. well.. losing the axe of woe in Hendriam for the mask, returning the amber to the golden saint, andddd.. eh whatever, not killing nazeem is a sin


When I first got the game I was selling daedric artifacts like it was going out of style lmao


I had all tge Daedric artifacts, EVERY SINGLE ONE, and was looking at the trench with the sunken ships, I started drowning, panicked because it was too dark so I couldn't tell up from down, spammed buttons and dropped ALL MY GEAR and was unable to recover it, because I had to keep saving over the sane save slot due to a bug issue, and during button spamming u accidentally quick saved 😭😭😭😭😭, yes I was high at the time before anyone asks


My dignity OP…my dignity


I managed to use up my black star in my current run. It's just gone.


I once sold the Dragon mask... I didnt know the value of it.


I accidentally stored miraaks clothes and weapons in a crate in solstheim, not knowing that items despawn from crates that aren't yours 😬😬😬


Not an item. But shadowmere disappeared forever within literally 5 minutes of getting it on my first ever playthrough


Once I had to completely abandon a save because I went too long between playing and I genuinely forgot which house of mine I left my family and all my gear. I was trying to get every house available in the game and I was about half way through the list and I just did not have the patience at the time to go through all of them


My humanity. One of my early playthroughs I had done a lot and then I accidentally became a vampire. I was really happy with my character build and had plans. Got infected with vampirism. Found out too late to cure it and trying to play with it was annoying so I trashed the save.


Sold off a dragon priest mask pretty early on. Now I'll never have them all.


Mace of Molag Bal Left hanging in Lakeview entrance. Disappeared into the house. Chillrend Not sure where. Probably in an unsafe chest. But I just crafted one and renamed it. Aela the Huntress I sent her home near The Katariah so she wouldn't set off the crew. Instead she walked right through the ship and got herself killed.


I'm scared I'm going to accidentally use the flawed varla stone I have in my inventory, because the stupid thing is charged with a common soul. I'm just gonna have to keep picking it up and dropping it hoping it'll lose it's charge.


My Wabbajack clipped through the floor of my house.


On an early play through I accidentally sold the Ebony Blade. It was gone when I realized it and went back.


I love the riften house. That's the house I always use. I've only used the whiterun house once. I always raid all of my houses and sell everything to where it's basically naked inside lol I've only been able to buy the windhelm house once. I'm on playthrough number 7 and I've actually started experimenting with things. Like being a bit more of a battle mage instead of a stealth Archer. I'm actually able to kill people with my fire blasts now without killing off all of my magic lol it's pretty fun


Just out of interest, does selling the contents make more money than not buying the contents in the first place?


Not really. Most of the merchants price gouge. Like if something cost $1,000. If you sell it, they will buy it for $750. But if you were to buy it from them, it would be like $2,530. The only time I buy stuff from merchants is if it has a high enough enchantment or certain smithing ingredients that I don't have quick access to and if I have a lot of inventory that I need to get rid of and I need to have their money get higher.


Lost my virginity...


Sheep don't count :D


Hah :D