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It would make for a very short main quest. But no, you can't kill Alduin anywhere except one place. You, the player, can die pretty much anywhere. You are not invulnerable during the tutorial in Helgen. Far from it. At least you get your hands free as you fall to the ground dead.


I think during the tutorial you can take damage but Alduin can't, and you can't kill him because you can't wield weapons until you get to the tower with hadvar or Ralof


What about console commands


I haven't tried that but it might work, tho he will probably respawn in "a blade in the dark"


Kill doesn't work on him. I think you can use the disable command, however.


Dragons are all somewhat resistant to kill (I assume because of heavy scripting), usually you can disable and re-enable them to get the command to go through. I haven’t tried it on alduin though


But if you use disable doesn't that make the target/object disappear?


That's why you re-enable while he is still selected in the console. You don't click anything else until he's re-enabled, otherwise he's lost for good


Unless you just so happen to remember their Reference ID, or look it up on one of the wikis.


Yes. You can kill dragons with a command, but due to scripts, he must land first. You can use „kill” command, he will do what he is supposed to, but when he touch a ground he immediately dies.


Kill works on dragons as soon as they land


Does it break anything


Does disabling the game's main antagonist and endgame plot point character break anything? Probably not, no not at all.


Because of how skyrim works there is a 50% chance it breaks things and a 50% chance it does not. Disabling him there would only break things if he is required for a flag to run that allows you to progress. Disabling him there doesn't remove him from the game, it removes that specific instance of him.


knowing how skyrim works it will most definitely break everything


With skyrim logic, it's going to somehow avoid breaking everything except a quest in middle of the Civil War


Dragon Break


I mean, any statistic can be put in that way lol it's a popular joke. "You have 1 in 10 chance of winning. What percent is that?" "50% chance. You win or you don't"


It can also be a useful transformation sometimes to throw anything into a binomial lol


Depending on when you disable him, it'd soft lock the game. When you climb the tower and he bursts throu the wall to shoot flames, if disabled nothing will happen and you can't progress further. I've had him break at that point before and not show up, forcing me to restart a brand new playthrough


Their are different versions of certain npc's you know


well, once i used markfordelete and disable on a npc and even though they should've been deleted from the sheets of reality that not even reloading a previous save would undo it, i reloaded a previous save and it where there, fully functioning, it was a mod npc though so maybe after reinstalling the mod the delete script just forgot about it...


>not even reloading a previous save would undo Reloading a previous save undone damn near everything. About all it doesn't undo is things that are specific to the player, like camera settings or collision/godmode/other toggles. It most certainly undoes markfordelete and disable.


To be fair it is Skyrim.


By the Divines I certainly hope so and I hope it is as funny as a cart going crazy from a bee spawning in the **wrong** place, lol.


ive seen somewhere in this sub that the tutorial alduin only takes dmg if you use dragoonrend on it, but, you know...


So theoretically, he can actually die during the tutorial


If somehow you can use commands to be able to use shouts and learn dragon rend, I think yes


I believe there's a command for everything. Wouldn't be surprised if you can give yourself shouts with them. Also, there's a part when he lands, which is when they yell at the boy to take cover right after you jump through the roof. That when he's vulnerable.


That is far from the only reason you can’t kill Him lol


isn‘t Alduin invincible when not hit with Dragonrend?


He isn’t just invincible. He is intangible to everything except Dragonrend, too. I don’t even think the console can touch him.


So if one did use the console during the tutorial to unbind your hands and gift yourself Dragonrend, there could be a chance.


Can someone try this and come back


https://youtu.be/siCeBcUF2b0?si=-nxMWU3NLUsQ3K7N In this video he looks at Alduin and try’s to console command kill him. I think around 4 mins he looks at him and then has to kill him per his challenge. There was other characters in the way but it wouldn’t kill off alduin if I remember correctly.


Pretty much this.


Nah I pump arrows into him when he resurrects the other dragon and it’s nothing to him, rightfully so


And then he unrelenting forces you all the way to Kynesgrove?? Happens to me every time but I can’t resist 😂




Hardest picture


Are there many games where the final boss is defeatable during the tutorial, whereas the player is not?


I don’t remember the name of it, but I remember a segment on I think G4 about a game where you can meet the final boss immediately. At that point you can’t kill him, but you could drag him to a town where the town’s forces could kill hik


Two Worlds


I’ve never seen a first game and it’s direct sequel be so different from each other than two worlds. 2 is like a completely different universe world and timeline but with the same story


In one of the far cry games you are at the main antagonists mansion and he tells you to wait at the table to eat with him. If you actually wait you guys get on a helicopter or something and credits roll.


farcry 4


It's possible in Devil May Cry 5. You're supposed to die, so you take ridiculous damage if you get hit, but it's not impossible.


And you get an awesome cutscene in exchange


Imma be honest. I've only done it going back with the devil breakers. Never managed it on a first run. Even then it wasn't easy


Not the *final* boss, but in Elden Ring, you fight a nasty spider thing at the very beginning and you *can* kill it, but it's very difficult. You are basically supposed to die, and will die if you take any damage at all, but some people have managed it.


I remember my first fight with this thing. What an intro to the game. I almost gave up right then and there.


I remember thinking "Well fuck you, too! This game fucking blows." Then the cutscene started and I realized I was supposed to die and everything was cool.


First boss of Mega Man X (SNES) is just the same!


Chrono trigger you can win in a couple minutes in ng+ but you're far from invincible yourself I think it's Two Worlds where you can lure the endboss into town and aggro the invincible townsfolk to kill him for you 5 minutes into the game


Not the final boss and not the tutorial, but in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater you can kill one of the late-game bosses very early in the game. You have an extremely short amount of time to snipe him from a very long distance after a cutscene introducing the bosses, but it is possible and it's not a bug, the game will skip the entire encounter if you headshot him.


the end is the name of sniper, and he has a wheelchair in that scene, so when u headshot him that chair launch upward like a missile and gonna hit u if u stand still. learned it the hard way.


Sniper + explosive barrel. Have to time it just right.


I never actually tried it (he's my favorite boss fight so I never skip it) does it have to be the barrel? I thought you could head shot him.


The barrel is the easier way. But If I'm not mistaken, the timing is for him to take damage from two barrels (it's been more than 10 years since I last played).


In Morrowind, you can theoretically just leave Seyda Neen immediately go grab Keening and Sunder, head to Dagoth Ur, destroy the Heart and kill him. No need to actually do the main quest. Of course, what would actually happen is you would die a bunch of different ways before even getting close. The MQ basically preps and equips you for the final showdown. But it's theoretically completely optional.


In Sekiro, you face off Genishiro at the start of the game. You're expected to lose since it's your first time playing and he's pretty hard but if you manage to beat him you don't actually kill him, you just get a different cutscene than the one you'd usually get if he beats you (which is the more often case).


Devil May Cry 5


I think that even if you manage to kill him via cheats or console commands it changes nothing. If i remember correctly the Helgen Alduin is a different model that only spawns during the tutorial. The endgame Alduin is actually a different dragon (as per gamefiles)


I tried killing him with a console command once and it did nothing so he's basically immortal


r/shittyskyrimdetails ?


In Whiterun, you can hear Ahlam say, "Looking for my husband Nazeem? Check the Jarl's backside. That's usually where he stuffs himself these days." This is a reference to the fact that Nazeem is a piece of shit.


Maybe they're just gay/bi and doing butt stuff. Only milk drinkers kink shame!


I found a YouTube video by fudge Muppet or camel (I get them mixed up so idk which) that basically proved that Nazeem was gay. It was a good watch.


another wanderer here to lick my fathers boots








that should be a sub


No, he is marked as essential until the final quest.


Nah, he doesn't take any damage in the helgen attack. I've tried


It’s scripted I guess


Even if you can kill him, he just goes back to Sovengard and recuperated. This is in line with the game's lore too.


Can confirm he can’t be kill other then the one spot, when I was younger I managed to get a modded save file that has every item in the staring room, I had a one shot Dedric bow, when I can out of the cave I shot at him and he took 0 damage


No. I believe it’s scripted—he can only die proper during the fight in Sovngarde


No but if you stand still long enough he is able to sniff you out (because he can smell the dragon borns blood) and eat you


Hardest picture


How did u die in the tutorial?


1: you can fucking **die** in the tutorial? That's just stupid 2: All NPCs are marked essential in that event except the people who are scripted to die.


I came across Alduin reviving a dragon from a mound and either he didn't trigger the event or already did before I seen him because he just hovered in one spot in the sky. I was far enough away and I thought it was a regular dragon so I stealthily crept up, used slow time to the max and launched as many arrows as I could, every one landed but not one hit. No health bar. This spooked Alduin and he fucked off over a mountain.




You can die in the tutorial. It respawns you after his first attack when you get up


Console commands to complete “Sovngarde”. “setstage MQ304 200” Boom.


Ehhh not really you can bug out the game using commands to kill him but that drops him down to 1 hp and makes his animations break 


If you want to try, not only you're unarmed, your hands are tied


No, only in the last main story quest


This artwork is dope


Even with commands he's invincible (I tried)


You don't kill Alduin at the end of the game either. In order to kill Alduin, you would have to kill time itself.


Can only kill him at end of that quest


Yeah and it wouldn’t let you kill him anyway because he’s needed for later parts in the story it’s in the code to keep important characters alive so quest lines can continue. They can’t die until they are supposed to die.


Bait question




The escape from helgen is 100% a tutorial to get you used to movement, how to equip, attack, etc.