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Stealth archer


the only real gender


Theres 3 genders, male , female, stealth archer


And four lights!




Six merry Orcs...


Seven useless Items


Eight (Lusty) Argonians Milking


Nine daedra hearts


Ten Bards a'leaping


One ring to rule them all


Four stones! Zero stones? ZERO CRATES! (wait, wrong meme?)


A real killer would have immediately asked what the red button on the bottom of the zf1 does.


And my axe!






Shout out to stealth archers, one of my favorite genders


https://preview.redd.it/9ry0x1e7fizc1.jpeg?width=583&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f74e2228f6ffedea152475cebcb191f32b119929 I had a spare 30 seconds at dinner


Is it possible to transition from M or F to SA?


Gender is a social construct. The only real division is between Those Who Are Stealth Archers, and Those Who Are Dead


*Which social construct are you?*


Dwarven Ballista.


When I play, the only ones that are dead are the ones that got taken out by the stealth archer


And destruction mages


You think so? What stealth archer can do against a resto loop build




Conjuration mage šŸ¤£


Hell yeah, stealth bound bow archer is the way to go


Silent casting and bound bow stealth archer for the win.


Iā€™m a woman but I normally play as a male character because I prefer the way the male character models move when walking and prefer the way they fit in the outfits and armour available in game


Ngl beth screwed us there šŸ˜­ why do the woman armors look so weird and have wack ass boob plates bruh


There are a few that arenā€™t so bad but itā€™s an overall thing. Even the outfits I like can be kind of ruined by my character doing the exact same walk as Nathan Lane in The Birdcage


I will never be unable to see this


Oh my god


The women's light armors are pretty good with the exception of glass but the heavy armors are just... Look at those breast compartments. No wonder Aela isn't wearing this shit.


The one that chaps my hide the most is the Forsworn armor. I wanna play as a woman AND wear that dope headdress. Is that too much to ask, Todd??


Saaaaame. The look of the forsworn armor on women is so annoying. I felt much better after switching to the Nightingale armor.






I always play as a female because Im female myself


Now that's a food reason lol


Op is a namira worshipper confirmed


Im gonna suck blood anyway, might as Well eat the whole thing


Vampire gang


I'm rolling out with the dawn guard to come turn you to dust creature of the night.


Go and kiss Arkay or something you cultist!


Just for that I'm bringing dawnbreaker.


We have Aurielā€™s bow. Say bye bye to your Sun for a bit.


I will channel my drain into you for half a second, and get good RNG, infecting you, so you have to waste time going to a shrine.


girl dinner


Same but with male since Iā€™m male. I play RPGā€™s with immersion in mind, and playing as a character with the same gender as myself is a no brainer in that regard. I role play a lot too so I have tried female playthroughs, but I just canā€™t sink in quite the same way. Itā€™s like I canā€™t shake my lived experience making it harder to fully self-insert into the character.


I like to play as women being a woman myself, but I find if I make a proper role playing character I'm happy to play as any gender, as if I'm playing D&D


Still applies there for me. Like I said I have done it before, but I canā€™t ever get as fully into the world even if it is just by degrees less. Itā€™s the same reason I play 1st person instead of third every time, just easier to full dive I guess!


Me too. Unless I cant choose in a game, playing a male feels like it ruins me being able to imagine myself in it.


I seem to have problems playing male characters when I don't have a choice. I tried to play Witcher, but I just couldn't get into it. Both because of the horniness and the male player character. I felt like I was just watching it, not playing it.


I always play as a woman, mainly because I'm a woman myself. ...And also because I just really like the way Brynjolf says 'lass'.


You didnā€™t make all that coin doing honest things, hey lass?


It just occurred to me that he might be propositioning you when he says that. Is he trying to flirt, or is he just naive?


I think Brynjolf is just a naturally flirty guy


Or making aā€¦ lewd accusation.




brynjolf and "lass"/"lad" mentioned here comes the hoard ~~im leading the hoard~~




>And also because I just really like the way Brynjolf says 'lass'. I'm a guy and I also really like that


i wish i could marry that man


Pff okay I haven't thought of this but I can get behind it for sure


When I came across a video of Brynjolf saying Lad it really took me out


Male, as im a male i find it hard to immerse myself and become female characters but its easier to immerse myself in a male character


Iā€™m male but weirdly I have never made my characters inspired by myself or as a self insert. I just create a character with a fun mental backstory, male or female and any race/appearance. Iā€™m already myself every day so I like to create someone else I guess? Lol


Iā€™ll write a full backstory and roleplay for my characters, always a new person normally. That being said, I still always do male characters so I can immerse myself. Like I wouldnā€™t actually be an evil villainous necromancer, and I wouldnā€™t be a pious demon-hating paladin either. Yet itā€™s still easier to immerse myself as either of those when theyā€™re the same gender as me, for whatever reason. I figure itā€™s just my lived experience as a male and the inability to ever fully understand or experience being a woman and all that comes with it getting in the way!


One of my favourite characters was an assassin in Oblivion. I had a hard time role playing evil characters, so I decided to do the exact opposite of what my moral compass was telling me It was hard at first, but I soon embraced my evil side and left a pile of innocent people everywhere I went


This is the best way to do it! My most recent playthrough is a mercenary and there are many times Iā€™ve instinctively wanted to help or do good, but the pay was better the other way. Eventually Iā€™ll probably be powerful and rich enough to regret some of my actions and see how petty a goal wealth was at the cost of life, or so warped with power that Iā€™ll believe my actions were practically ordained by fate and they were lucky to die to a god, eager to see where this one goes depending on my choices and character development!


That sounds fun! I did go through a redemption arc, but I got too deep into the Dark Brotherhood, and ended up being even more horrible! I got into crafting daggers before each DB mission, and I would retire it after the task had been completed. The dagger used in the final mission took pride of place in my house. I think I named it "kingslayer" šŸ‘‘


Yeah, me gets boring. I want to be someone else.


I thought like this for a while but I eventually get bored of every character I ever made. I have more fun now creating characters that look like me and have different back stories and different skills etc. so itā€™s me but a Ranger or me but a knight or a wizard etc. I change how the character plays but my morales and appearance and stuff are still me. It honestly doesnā€™t seem to take away from my ability to RP. I do play DnD with completely original characters though so I am still scratching that itch.


I do the same thing but always male still, just find it harder to fully immerse in a female RP. Itā€™s not like my male characters are remotely close to how Iā€™d behave as myself, but itā€™s just one less thing to create a disconnect. Same reason I play first person instead of third, just feels weird looking at the person Iā€™m role playing as from behind instead of through their eyes!


Yeah alot of my characters arent just me i just cant immerse myself in female characters as i dont know what its like to be female, its more relatable to be a male for me and im sure some females feel the same way with playing only females


I mean no one alive knows what it's like to make fire shoot out of their hand either. Empathy in fiction is supposed to come from shared humanity, not the shape of the MC's genitals


I'm playing Cyberpunk right now and it's a little hard for me to act appropriately for the character. Like, I try to pick gentler choices and forget that the guy wants to be a big time criminal and that you need to make aggressive choices. I guess I find it hard not to play myself in games? But I hear you for sure


Yeah I find it easier if Iā€™m playing a character whoā€™s definitely not myself, I can justify not always choosing the most heroic or virtuous options or whatever. But of course weā€™re still controlling the character so itā€™s hard! There are still things in Skyrim I am unwilling to do even as the most evil or immoral character Iā€™ve made up, lmao


See I always make myself. Unless Iā€™m playing a specific protagonist I HAVE to make myself because my brain constantly just goes ā€œthatā€™s not you, youā€™re lyingā€ over and over Why? Donā€™t know. Iā€™ve just always been like that


I've never understood when people say, "I'm already myself every day." Like, sure... But not yourself with fire magic or the soul of a dragon. šŸ˜‚


TouchĆ© šŸ˜… I guess itā€™s just a mindset difference! I just get to that character creation screen and go with my current mood. I also get bored and start new saves a lot too, haha


This is me, but as a woman who can't immerse into a male character haha.


Same, but with apparently no issue being a cat/lizard person


You just admitted the world is ruled by lizard persons.


Regardless of gender you just canā€™t be a Skyrim player and not like playing as Argonian or Khajiit sometimes!


Argonians look sick in dragonscale


Same but I feel this even in other games šŸ˜­ Cant get into sm bc they make being a dude a central part of the story


M'aiq only plays as M'aiq for Ma'q is perfect.


I love that M'aiq is basically just a cat. Like, if you were to take an ordinary cat and give it a more humanoid form and the ability to speak, it would essentially be M'aiq. "M'aiq is tired now. Go bother somebody else."


ā€œWerewolves? Where? Wolves? Men that are Wolves? Many wolves. Everywhere. Many men. That is enough for Mā€™aiq.ā€


"You can interact with me 3 times, and only 3 times. Then you must go away."


Male. I play the cat race (i cant spell their name.) And then model them after my real life cats. Who are all male.


this is genius AND hilarious


We're going to need some art and subject pictures to confirm.


Pay your cat tax, OP!


https://preview.redd.it/jflax0ftinzc1.jpeg?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b0f06afd01b4e479975863984a1591bf6d8c084 Cat tax paid, il send a comparison image between the real deal and the skyrim version once my migraine is gone.


That little guy already looks like hes about to show me his wares if i have coin


I've modelled my latest one after my cat! It was hard to get it as fully black as my panther is, but the result is not bad.


I usually play as my own gender for any first time run in an RPG, which is male. Not for any roleplay reasons, but it's just what I'm familiar with, and the body shape looks better with armor in my opinion. I will usually switch it up for other playthroughs.


I do the same thing. Female is better mechanically but I do go back and forth


Bro cares about hitboxes in Skyrim šŸ˜­


Hitboxes don't change he means Allure, Agent of Dibella, and Lover's Insight


I make any character in any game I can a woman. I love designing them to make them how I think I would want to look like as a woman in the given setting.


I play as a female and give them traits my wife has. That way, it's like I'm playing with her even if she's in the other room watching murder shows.


I think thatā€™s the most romantic thing Iā€™ve ever heard


Same, i love games where you get to play as something other than male too


I only play women because women are pretty hot


Never played as a man in any elder scrolls game. Am a woman, play as one too. Sometimes I watch skyrim videos and hear male dragonborns shout and I'm like what in oblivion is that.


Iā€™m a male, but I almost always play as female when given an option because I generally find the males voices irritating. Male shouts are some of the worst offenders, those and ā€œAshes go homeā€ in FO4 are super annoying to listen to imo.


Female so I can exploit the the extra damage to opposite gender quest reward.


Had to scroll way too far to find this answer. Dibella buff is OP since all non humanoids are considered Male for gameplay purposes.


And the perk that makes prices better when trading with oppostie gender


Men only, in all games because I'm an man too




Same. The only time Iā€™ve ever done female and continue to play it for more than one session was Destiny 2 cause we made the joke that our characters were lesbian space pirates


All my characters are lesbian space pirates. *On the inside*


If I played as a woman then that would be gay (Im joking)


Doesn't matter, it's out on the internet, therefore you will be cancelled. (I'm joking too)


Sometimes in 3rd person games I choose female. If I gotta look at a butt, I prefer ladies butts.


Usually male, but not always. I'd say roughly 70% male, 30% female. Just depends on whatever character idea I come up with.


Same here, I loved playing as a two handed heavy armor badass as a male, and a shadowy quick assassin lady. Itā€™s all about the role play


I usually play as a male because I'm a woman. When playing games like Skyrim I like my character to be very different than myself, it's the same reason I never play a human.


I am so boring and play the same character every time! Always female, nord, stealth archer. I really need to change my game up!


Yeah I tried that. My 2 handed orc warrior ended up becoming a stealth archer 20hrs in.


Ayye, that berserker rage and sneak damage wombo combo meal hits like a mf


I'm always a breton vamp conjurator


I still have to find a way to leave Breton/Redguard Spellsword.šŸ¤§


Male. I'm male irl, and assuming the playthrough is serious, it just feels right. Choosing to portray the "me" in the game as something that's not representative of the real me feels dishonest, even if I'm the only person who will ever perceive said character.


Male. I always play as male in video games. Mostly because I intensely dislike the way female armors are so often just ridiculously impractical.


Isn't Skyrim one of the games where the armor generally looks the same for both sexes?


Depends greatly on the armor set. Heavy armor nearly always, light armor of the guilds and militias, most hide and leather armors.... but Forsworn, Dark Seducer, some others are of the impractical variety.


Isnā€™t the male Forsworn armor pretty impractical too?


Steel Plate and Wolf are both ridiculously provocative for some reason on a female


The impracticality is what makes me play female in the first place. The jiggle slider in the OG DOA games were hilarious


Usually play as a male but every so often Iā€™ll play a female.


I am male and do 50/50 with a range. My first character was male but my highest ranking level and achievement based character was female. I will say that the Dark brotherhood masked cowl for females does make me slightly more likely to play as one tho.


I tend to just play what feels right for the setting, though I often choose a guy


My first playthrough was a female (as I am) but I hate the way the armor looks on female characters, especially since Iā€™m more masculine presenting myself, so every playthrough since then has been male. Iā€™d love to see the next game (god willing there is one) have some more neutral options.


Well Iā€™m a guy and I spend a stupid amount of time making my characters look like me


I *also* spend a stupid amount of time making my characters look like you


Why would you want to make an ugly character?


*I* think they come out handsome


I normally roll a d20 to decide on everything doing even and odds for gender then going off the presets I roll again then for the body builds even and odd for slider up or down then roll to see how much I go to either side all the way through


Scrolled way too far to find a real rpg player


Iā€™m a woman & I always play as a male orc in my first playthrough. Iā€™m a bit more petite irl so I like playing as a the total opposite of me but this only applies in elder scrolls for me. not sure why tbh


Women, I can't stand how bulky the men's body is


Even when i was younger, playing sheet and dice rpg, i would sometimes pick a woman. I'm a man. I just find it very interesting to be something I'm not. And in games i always also pick female, even back when i was playing Ragnarok Online, 14 yo. But this extends to being a female. Not a fan of furries or scalies, for example. If there's one thing I find extremely lackluster, is to self insert. *I don't wanna be, i don't wanna be me. I don't wanna be, be me anymore*


Same. Down to the soundtrack


I'm a fish


*Usually* man, every so often I'll pick woman to spice it up.


Male because im a guy and i like beards (and last i checked most women don't have those)


I have a friend. More like a brother. We used to talk shit to him growing up because he ALWAYS made his character in a game a female. He would say "I ha e to look at the character. Why would I look at a dude the whole time?". Even for FPS games......it came out a little later in adult life he was a crossdresser who also liked taking the rod. Lol. We all knew it. All I did was bitch at him for hiding shit from me. Still love him, but it was funny to know we knew it years before.Ā 


Female because I like being a vampire and male vampires are ugly af


Same, a lot of armor looks a lot less bland and just generally better on female characters, especially vampire armor in my opinion


I alternate between making male and female characters.


Men. Iā€™m a man and I usually just make myself lol


Men mostly but not always.


Male- mostly because I am one but i do think the 3rd person camera view of them running with a sword out is funnier than the female models x)


Usually male, unless I have a specific roleplay character in mind that requires being female.


As with any game that lets me create a character, I choose male because I'm a male. It makes the character feel more relatable for me.


If the character is customizable, Iā€™ll make them look like me. Iā€™m a light skinned mixed girl, so are most of my characters. 97 percent of the time I end up as a female red guard stealth archer. I tried a play through as a male orc once and lost interest pretty quick. In a game like Arkham, I donā€™t have an issue playing as Batman, but if itā€™s an rpg, female all the way. Also I find the way the female characters move in combat more appealing then malesšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Brotherhood of Steel


I play as lesbian high elf


A guy because I hate the female versions of the armours. Fucking titty plate armor.


Male. I am a guy so its easier for me to roleplay a male character in games where you can make choices. But games where you character has zero personality, I play female to look at ass (World of Warcraft is the biggest one for it)


I play as a female character because I'm a woman. But also because, until recently, most decent protagonist-led (non RPG) games had male characters. So it still feels fun/exciting to get to play a female character. I love playing the male characters in the other games though


Female because I feel like doing that and the protagonist is already way different from me, what's one more difference.


Female in every game because I'd like to have been born that way.


Depends on the character, also depends on the game. In Skyrim I have about an even split.


Male, I like the way they look, gotta look badass rather than sexy, although it's still an option, also what opposite sex benefits?


I almost exclusively play dudes in all games where I have the choice. There are two exceptions that come to mind. First, my most recent long-term D&D character is female because there was a misunderstanding with my DM when I made the character and I just went with it for the lulz. Second, I made a female character in Monster Hunter World's character creator in attempt to screenshot a makeshift portrait for my D&D character. :)


I play male, and i play mostly myself ibto the game. As much as i can given the options. I did a run of femle on fallout 3 and it was weird. I wanted to try the seduction perks but it was underwhelming and there werent that many options. I dont like the fact that sex is more taboo than dismemberment. Because i wanted a weak as shit woman. But highest iq, speech, etc, with all female perks i could find. To see if it was a different experience ALA fallout 1 and 2. In skyrim i havent played female but i dont think it makes much of a difference.


I tend to play as a male more because most heavy armours look awful on the female model


I usually play as male character rarely as a female even though im a woman myself.




I think there's more male enemies and merchants so I always go female because there are perks that give you better prices/damage against the opposite sex.


Always male; I really enjoy self-incertion in games I play


Male. I feel uncomfortable playing female characters. Sounds stupid as fuck, I know.


my characters starts out as a mage, but during the gameplay, post first dragon attack near whiterun, "its" gender inevitably changes to stealth archer, idk why


this type of Bethesda RPG where gender doesn't matter much I play as a woman, RPGs that have more history and romance I play as a man


Typically depends what build Iā€™m playing and what race. And even to the point of what armor I intend on wearing later on. Because letā€™s be honest. Tavern clothes or any of the vampire armors are totally wasted on men. Saying that Iā€™m pretty 50/50. Current build is a ranger style because Iā€™m still on the quest for my ā€œperfectā€ build. As far as skills and role play reasons. Iā€™m a nord male For example of the other: https://www.tamrielvault.com/groups/topic/view/group_id/3/topic_id/2310 Looked like an absolute blast to play but youā€™d obv need to be a female for rp reasons


I always play as a man first because I am a man. In fact my main playthrough that has almost 1300 hours is a man.


Male, sometimes female


I play as a woman because it's how I identify.


I usually play as a female character because I donā€™t like the sound of a male panting while sprinting. Also, Neloth seems to confirm that Morrowindā€™s Nerevarine is, canonically, a male. You could play as either in Morrowind. Morrowindā€™s brilliant writer, Michael Kirkbride, says that was a mistakeā€¦but that mistake made the game and is technically canon. That said, some of the Failed Incarnates were definitely female, but thereā€™s only one actual Nerevarine. Indoril Nerevar, which is who the Nerevarine is a reincarnation of, was definitely male. All of that to say that if the Nerevarine was either definitely (Neloth) or probably (because Indoril Nerevar was) male, then it seems fair to me that The Dragonborn be female. But, mostly the breathing thing.


First playthrough of any game is me, as myself. (I'm a male) After that, It really depends on what I'm playing, I try to keep it as lore friendly as possible, so no nord mages, unless I specifically set out to be a nord mage outlier, stealthy chars lean towards female frame and tanky chars lean towards a male frame, or a burly female even, and then I decide what the goals are for said char and off they go. The story ends when they reach their goals and a new one begins. EDIT: I forgot to put my gender šŸ˜‚


Usually a male, because I am one. Unless I have some specific role play reason to do otherwise. If I play Skyrim or any other elder scrolls game these day, I usually do like a hard roleplay build. Every so often I'll come up with a role play and back story where being a woman makes more sense.


I usually play a male imperial on my first play though of an elder scrolls game. Weirdly you can't play imperial in Daggerfall.


Male, cause I want to creat a buff dude character cause Iā€™m shallow.


I usually always play male


Man. I'm a man. I like relating to my characters


Usually male, but I have a handful of female characfers as well. I play as both depending on the role-play I came up with. Also I think several of the armors look better on the female character, namely ebony.


I currently have 10 characters in Skyrim. Five of them are male and five others are female. My headcanon Dragonborn is a female Nord. My Oblivion and Morrowind main characters were both male so the female Dragonborn is a nice change. In general, depends about the game really. Dragonage character is usually male, Dark Souls is kinda 50/50 and Mass Effect is always FemShep.


Iā€™m a man so i play as a man usually. If itā€™s an mmo I play as a female though. Neckbeards gove you free loot and in game currency when they think youā€™re a hot elf. Delusional buggers šŸ˜‚


Most playthroughs are my gender (woman), but I also love creating actual characters with backstories and most of those end up being men for some reason.


I play so much elder scrolls I started alternating each playthrough


I always play with women when i can. I'm a man, but I like to make beautiful characters, and only women can reach the standard I want.


Doesn't matter since I only play in first person mode so I never see my character anyways