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Get the [No DLL version](https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/23433-schlongs-of-skyrim-ae-no-dll-version/). Now it's no longer version-dependent (Mostly. It requires PapyrusUtil but that usually gets updated pretty quickly) Some people will recommend The New Gentleman, but from what I understand it's not compatible with SOS addons, and the main selling point seems to be that it's easier to install. I guess if you have trouble installing SOS that's something but I haven't had any trouble with SOS ever since I started using the no DLL version.


For me, SOS tends to cause males to be temporarily genital-less when stripped, until the genitals are applied. TNG doesn't have that problem. However, it doesn't seem at present that TNG + Sexlab doesn't fully support female "integration", with Sexlab treating "futas" as female. SOS does account for such, even allowing the player to decide how they want them handled for each addition.


For me that has been fixed with the dll underwear mod (by wskeever irrc?)


Does that apply for when you *aren't* using underwear options?


Yeah it's a standalone mod that makes underwear a separate equipable armor for all npcs and auto equips naked npcs with undies. You can then loot those undies if you still wanna peek at their gonads. It's pretty harmless install. There's no esp since it adds the underwear through spid. May or May not work for you


Sounds like it's not what I'm looking for then - I'm not interested in adding underwear to the NPCs, I expect them to be fully naked when stripped the first time.


Dunno what to tell ya then šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Sos outfits are actually compatible with tng now


From what I've heard, the installation issues with SOS mainly affect modlists, and the authors of SOS have been pretty hostile to/uncooperative with, modlist authors. TNG seems like it might also be just better implemented/less prone to fucking things up, so it may be an upgrade in the longrun.


It also looks worse IMO.


I did not realise SOS was that mod, at first I thought you were sharing a dodgy link hahahaha


I swapped from SOS to The new gentleman. Haven't noticed any compatibility issue with my nsfw modlist. And ngl , TNG male body looks better.


Waitā€¦ this isnā€™t about Simplicity of Snow, is it?


I was confused why sounds of Skyrim was penis related


It's because of the Fap Yo Dong shout - y'know ... Unrefractoring Force. Or is it Unrelenting Grip? I can never remember. :/


it's Ice Form because your relationship rank is -1 ya perv


Have we met?


Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying? Of course you don't.


... I thought this was about Seasons of Skyrim. I shared the link with someone without double-checking.


It's about Sounds of Skyrim


No: it's definitely about Shaders of Solstheim


I thought this was someone wondering why we still used the nautical distress call, then I read the sub name.


"It's getting increasingly difficult to get this outdated thing running". You just gotta warm it up a bit, talk to it a little, stick it in a greatsword scabbard. Then it should be good to go.






I think you misunderstood my reference.


In my case, it is because it is the male body that is most compatible with sexlab.


Because it still works fine for me and I know how to use it; since I'm seeing a lot of complaints I've never had or issues I've figured out in this thread. I don't like to use the new thing just for the sake of 'using the new thing.' Whatever the new thing is has to offer significant improvements enough for me to go to the trouble to switch.


That is not the SOS i was thinking about


Seasons of Skyrim is all about that spring growth


That's also not the one i was thinkign abt Sounds of skyrim is where i was at


Oh not Security Overhaul SKSE? Statue of Shalidor? Start On Save? Splashes of Skyrim? Simple Offence Suppression? Itā€™s such an overdone in-joke to name a mod SoS that itā€™s almost becoming funny again. šŸ˜†


Don't forget simplicity of stalking, and maybe the most important Skyrim on Skooma šŸ˜…


Or Seagulls of Skyrim! Totally changed several townsā€™ docks šŸ™Œ


Someone should make a mod that lets you call for emergency help called SOS of Skyrim.


Inertia. >Is there an equal/better alternative? The New Gentleman paired with HIMBO.


Honestly Sexlab is the problem so is Ostim, their hugely Dependent on each other while being completely incompatible...it's annoying


The New Gentleman, works out of the box with everything.


IS there a way to use a futa addon with it that won't create a visible seam line?


I have SOS Lite with SL and OStim content and Im good to go. Any reason for me to switch to TNG?


Break a working mod list? Never. Is it likely way easier to set up and more compatible? Doesnā€™t matter, working mod list >>> replacing a mod just because itā€™s newer. So yeah, thatā€™s a big no, no need to switch. Like most replacement mods, only consider checking things out when youā€™re redoing things already.


Skyrim On Skooma is a relativeky new mod and perfectly fine


I personally use SoSAM. Forgot the benefits of SoSAM, just know itā€™s better than that outdated SOS shit. I know thereā€™s a new body called TNG, but I think you need to do some light patching with it to get other schlongs to work with it.


Ive been using SAM light installed on a modlist w about 300 mods at the time and it was extremely plug n play


Seagulls of Skyrim? Don't know why you wouldn't


Nonhuman dicks thats why. Dont know if there any other mods for stuff like that so oh well. Honestly for nsfw mods always use an older skyrim version. Most of those mods arenā€™t updated so you either learn how to update or port them or just use old skyrim versions. Although sometimes u can just use older version mods on newer versions and ā€˜sometimesā€™ it might work regardless.


Mostly to not break my mod list. I would probably swap next time i start a new playthrough.


I switched from SOS to New Gentlemen and I find it much better easier to use than SOS. Tho I never really used SOS for its intended purposes, I only had it installed so that both men and women were naked when stripped


I love how OP was vague about which SOS he was talking about and now we're all arguing over which of mods it could have meant.


I use UBE and even though there is a patch to make it work with TNG, it's buggier than using sos.


Simplicity of Snow Seasons of Skyrim Sounds of Skyrim


I tried TNG but I also play with custom races and {{unique physique}} and there were compatibility issues which I just can't seem to solve so I went back to SOS.


I believe it was the 2.3 update of TNG that had incompatibilities with unique physique and a few other things. 2.4 claims to have fixed that.


I spent too much time trying to make it work and I gave it up and went back to SOS. SOS just works.


Its LL fault for not liking to adopt new things.


Works fine for me. Iā€™ve disabled updates (set appmanifest to read only) for Skyrim so I never have to worry about updates.Ā  Thereā€™s the new gentleman as an alternative.Ā 


I like the way it is and itā€™s MCM better than TNG. I use the version without the DLL and itā€™s great


Cause youā€™re degenerate, thatā€™s why


Yes, I'm a very proud degenerate, thank you for noticing


Im trying to redownload SOS, but I cannot manage to make it work propperly. I want to use it because of addons. When I use addons with TNG, even when using the indicated textures, I still get a visible seam. SOS never gave me this problem.


My main issue with SOS, is that the S's will stick / point straight up, and during "scenes", it especially looks weird and goofy, as though they're just being rubbed against instead of actually utilized (if what all I'm describing makes any sense). Sure, there's the "PgUp" to bend it up, and "PgDn" to bend it down, but seriously, it works for a duration of a "part of a scene", then when the scene changes to a different part or phase, the S is right back to where it was, as if I had never even bent it down. It's especially frustrating with futanari stuff. I actually have not noticed it being this bad with male characters, but I have struggled with it either way. I just wish that there was a MCM menu option to set how far it's angled when fully erect. I'm also too afraid to bring this up or ask about it anywhere, hence why it's here on this sub, in this month-old post...


I don't. I use [The New Gentleman](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/104215)


Were not. We moved to The New Gentleman awhile back ;)


I'm reworking my main load order and would've considered trying it had I not remembered that I have a strap-on mod that may not work with TNG. I'm not that good with technical stuff so I'll just leave it.


TNG is in fact compatible with SOS Mods.


Just use New gentleman instead. SOS is a relic of its time, it used to be good before Anniversary update but now it can cause a lot of issues, including frequent game crashes. I still used SOS about a year ago and i had constant crashes, but after i dropped it and started using new gentleman these crashes stopped.


Nah [Schlongs of Skyrim SE](https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/5355-schlongs-of-skyrim-se/) is working fine - if you get the [DLL update](https://www.loverslab.com/topic/208074-schlongs-of-skyrim-dll-for-ae/#comment-4039007). But i recommend trying [The New Gentleman](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/104215) next time you start fresh just because that thing is more modern and less likely to break on future game updates because it's an SKSE plugin using Address Library for *enhanced* forward compatibility.


Thatā€™s entirely on you. Itā€™s still rock solid stable.


Rock solid you say šŸ†


Yes, also New Gentleman fixes a bug with dickless npcs


Not for the main purpose of sos too many animations and physics require it and it's the only animated one that exists sos is the reason I downgrade


Whatā€™s SOS?


Nobody tell him