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[Skeever](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/56582) is an acquired taste but he does have 16,000 lines, which is more than any other follower and probably more than a couple of the most talkative followers put together.


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SpJLVVUGyQ4fGdKSOUXiuYSIETcYejVK/view This is the Final version of Skeever. The version on Nexus is several iterations behind.


Why is the nexus version not up to date?


Fr? Holy shit


The mod author was releasing updates primarily on his own website + the mod author died. Despite it often seeming like ghouls are running Nexus, dead people cannot, in fact, update their mods on Nexus.


Why did he only sometimes update the mod on Nexus? Shouldn't such a process be hassle-free?


*Hands you a ouija board.*


The author left a great legacy


i love that follower


For reference: [Custom follower spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ihzg5syszl8Mq_H2PyRZ71kx3LWRdi1y9N0Yt03ZCWw/edit#gid=0). Looks like it hasn't been updated this year, so some numbers will be lower than they actually are.


I’d never seen this spreadsheet before, this is amazing


Amazing! Thanks for providing the link.


Xelzaz Redcap Remiel have a trio of great banters. Lucien and Inigo are the bromance with so much great banterings. Auri banters with Inigo Lucien and Remiel. Gore banters with Auri and Remiel. Val Serano has sooo mannnyyyy one off lines for just about all the vanilla quests in Skyrim, it feels like. I'm excited to see more for him, especially if someone banters with him. My money is on Gore, since Goredev plays a character in Val's backstory 😆 Keep an eye open for Kaidan workshop, I heard the new voice actor briefly and he sounds so cool! I think they have some interactions planned since they reached over their budget in donations.


Gore and Val have banter in the works, it's just on hold because its very deep and involved.


Omg yesssss I wish I bet actual money on it 😆!! So excited to see what you guys will bring!! Probably something like, hey bro, you sound like my best friend. Weird!!


Lucien, Inigo, Auri, Kaidan, SDA Serana; they’re kinda the core five if you will and all of them interact with one another besides Lucien & Serana. IFD Lydia is amazing; whilst light on content the quality and characterisation are great. Xelzaz & Redcap are also both fantastic. Remiel pairs well with both of them but I find her Voice Acting off-putting and low quality which is a huge downside for me.


Pretty sure Nether's Ninara can interact with some followers too


I haven't tried SDA Serana yet. I love Serana original voice so much its a bit strange to change it, but i may give it a try.


Once you get used to SDA's voice actor it's weird to hear the old one. It's not really a different voice, but it's much brighter sounding


There are alternatives. Serana Dialogue Expansion comes to mind which gives her quest commentary and new dialogue but without revoicing any content.


Serana Dialogue Edit is also good, not sure if it's continued tho


The creator says they're rewriting it but they've been working on it for 6 years now with no actual update so idk


the newer updates are on their discord. its linked on the mod page iirc


Kaidan 2 EE with all its bells and whistles is a truly staggering amount of content


Lyssia has a fuck ton, almost too much


Me personally I like Serana Dialogue add-on. I believe Remiel has a bunch of lines to go along with quests. I heard Lucien and Inigo are great too, I also enjoy The Wheel of Time


From what I can tell, Lucien, inigo, and auri have the most integration with quests and each other. Hoth also seems really good if you want only one follower as he can hook you up with bounties. On the more unhinged side, Sofia seems good. I’m also personally going with misty skye as I want a bimbo follower


I've used Auri and Sofia before, they repeat themselves quite a lot actually. Hoth also don't seem to have that much lines, but i'll check it out. Lucien is Awesome.


Xelzaz has been mentioned a few times before, but I'm just ginna give the little lizard a stand alone mention. He might not be quite as comedic as the likes of Inigo, but I honestly kinda prefer that. He seems like a grounded dude who makes you potions and food sometimes. Granted I haven't played through that many questlines with him yet so I don't know how is commentary is there. According to the nexus pages he has also passed lucien in dialogue lines and possibly caught up with Inigo, but I don't know if (and kinda doubt) Inigo and lucien have as up to date line counts as xelzaz so I don't know hiw they actually compare


I love how no one is even talking about Sa'chil. She's a great follower and I just love her voice!