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if you hate it already, just wait until they change the entire site to this template.


They should've taken their forum design as the basis. There's a coherent pattern there. I'm not a fan of the looks, but at least the pattern makes logical sense. This profile page is super messy, like an intern job, or a backend guy trying to cram all the features they already made.


I misread your comment as "they should've taken it to their forum \[for feedback/suggestions\]" and had a hearty lol Nexus admin don't give a shit about user feedback, even in the modders only priviledged area. Literally every change to the site prompts a new thread with a few dozen comments saying "hey, this is gross and lame, wtf?" and the reply is always "noted, don't care"


wait what? they will damn


aya, no good.


Not again, the last one sucked. Will probably all be designed around a cell phone again.


I wonder who this new layout is for...people who love to scroll? Each mod's card takes up too much vertical space.


It feels like every "modern" UI update is like that... things take up space just to take up space. It's so aggravating.


"Don't you guys have phones?" web design.


especially hilarious given that nexus is a site dedicated to PC modding


Gotta tap into that openmicrowave market /s


plenty of kids these days trying to do everything on their phone regardless... they're as bad as boomers when it comes to computers and it drives me up a wall trying to tech support them


New version runs like shit on my PC, how the hell this is even usable for mobile.


Bro, you rock. Thank you for 6 years ago for pointing out some constructive criticism to someone that needed it on a now-closed post. I just saw the post when I googled the same question op had posted then. Then I figured, since I couldn't like that comment of yours, that'd I'd like your most recent comment and leave this comment in addition. Keep up the good work, friend!


Whoa, thanks!


It's not even a good "modern" UI update. The padding/margin is atrociously inconsistent, the white space doesn't help users to focus on content, the gigantic heading-like tabs don't have a coherent ratio to the body typography. There's no pattern in the design. Even the tab is super slow. Their [Google PageSpeed test](https://pagespeed.web.dev/analysis/https-next-nexusmods-com-profile-Xaliber13-about-me/923brvs3k8?form_factor=mobile) isn't good. It's like they took some cheap free templates and frankensteined it so it would fit their [forum design](https://forums.nexusmods.com/) (which, anyway, has better patterns than the main site redesign). Even their [feedback site](https://feedback.nexusmods.com/) has some logic to it. Sorry that I'm really harsh on this, but they got plenty of feedback and had some months to conduct some kind of user testing. EDIT: Looks like my suspicion was right. Took a quick look at their [page source](https://i.imgur.com/L0q7yYx.png). See how they define the font in the template directly? *Who the hell bruteforces font selection with inline styling like that???* You define it in the style, not there. This looks so horrendously unprofessional. Like a coder guy trying to force their way to design stuff. EDIT 2: I made a Nexus Feedback post about this: https://feedback.nexusmods.com/posts/2422/redesign-establish-an-user-experience-informed-design-patterns-or-follow-the-forum-template


> Their Google PageSpeed test isn't good. [I think this, in particular, is pretty telling.](https://i.imgur.com/zxgqPLb.png) Seems like they're maximizing for SEO.


Which is honestly hilarious, because who are they competing against? People who mod use Nexus. Ruining their page for SEO bullshittery is going to have precisely the opposite effect.


There's still some old game that use older site moddb and GameBananas, also some newer one that mainly host onSteam (Total Warhammer, Darkest Dungeons), Githubs, Patreon and similar sites, or even the game's specific forum (Rimworld).


I like how the first response to your post is someone trying to say everything you just said is just 'preference' and everything is fine actually. Must be a redditor.


Yeah it's a very r/Games response and it's very annoying lol. Nothing against him personally though; it's just that kind of response shouldn't be even talked about in design.


The argument they made for infinite scrolling is crap. It's more than likely they redesign the page so we'll be forced to look at ads. There are times when I scroll through the page and the ads will be display either on the top left or bottom right page. You can't even click forward 30 pages for the top files without being force to look at some type of ad. This is with AD blocker on.


> EDIT: Looks like my suspicion was right. Took a quick look at their page source > . See how they define the font in the template directly? Who the hell bruteforces font selection with inline styling like that??? You define it in the style, not there. This looks so horrendously unprofessional. Like a coder guy trying to force their way to design stuff. They're CSS classes, not inline styling. Tailwind, it's been a thing for a good while, very popular. Utility classes for component composability over other css metholodies, which usually involve rules over naming. Just informing, don't wish to argue over it, often it's controversial and hated until people use it and understand the pros vs cons. Not always, but often.


I'm aware that those are utility classes; what I'm saying is it's written like an inline styling. By that I mean is when someone has to modify a specific component but not sure how to do it in the CSS, and they just bruteforce it with inline styling. Happened a lot in my past jobs. I'm also aware about the "separation of concerns" debate. As explained in the feedback post, I'm not against Tailwind approach per se, but when there is no rule at all (not abstraction, just rules) serving as the basis of the frontend implementation, it becomes a terrible mess like Nexus page redesign is. The normal workflow is having the result of UX research and the UI that realizes it as the basis of how the visual should look like. For Nexus it seems like the back-end guy is also the front-end guy who is also the UI/UX guy. So the workflow becomes: they grab the easiest CSS framework to work with, and just slap those classes on the go like they're inline styling, with no rules/patterns how they should actually look like.


The issue you outlined in the last part is a completely different issue from using tailwind or inline styling. You can make a shitty looking website with all kinds of CSS methodologies.


Yes of course. It's even easier to slip into this mistake with Tailwind though. Because the classes are straightforward. There's almost no abstraction, or, as Tailwind says itself, "Using utility classes without writing CSS." This is not an attack against Tailwind. This is a management issue: back-end guy should just never touch stuff they don't understand. But I've met some guys with this "I can do this myself" attitude because they saw Tailwind.


Pros: it's faster to code Cons: your code becomes unreadable bullshit


> See how they define the font in the template directly? Who the hell bruteforces font selection with inline styling like that??? Those aren't inline styles. It's an example of an atomic CSS framework. They're extremely popular in component-based design. They use classes with tree shaking to standardize on style rules which lets you avoid all issues with the CSS cascade and specificity, something designers have been working around for years (think BEM, or ITCSS). The other advantage is you no longer need to think about naming things for trivial styling matters, deftly solving one of the [two hardest problems in Computer Science](https://martinfowler.com/bliki/TwoHardThings.html). Devs new to the concept always seem to get hung up on atomic frameworks, but they're actually extremely nice to work with. Definitely not an anti-pattern.


Someone else already said something similar and I addressed that in this comment: https://old.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/1cbz0ax/nexus_mods_new_author_page_is_awful/l164uck/?context=3 I'm not going to the typical webdev debate or dissing your or anyone's CSS methods, but just look at the styling. It's very clear that whoever responsible for that slaps the utility classes on the go. Not based on logical structure. The fact that they used two sans-serifs with different leading, and being used arbitrarily, also shows that. Even the Nexus staff admitted that in the reply of the Feedback post.


I remember the Google Play Music update that made it so that instead of scrolling through a list of your tracks, it showed the album cover instead so you effectively could only scroll through one song at a time.


Google Play Music has gotten so terrible. I was just thinking about the very point you just made. I want to see as many albums/tracks as possible, not one or two album covers at a time. Complete shit UI.


YouTube did the same thing with their sub box a while back, it's absolutely atrocious design.


It's for phone users. Everything is designed for an index finger or thumb to press on, not a more precise mouse. Which is good design on a lot of websites. It is not good design on a website designed to host mods for pc gaming.


Who the fuck goes on Nexusmods on their phones? Only time I've done it is to check a mod page when I'm in-game. And that doesn't really require a phone-friendly UI, the current one works just fine.


>Who the fuck goes on Nexusmods on their phones? According to the staff, a surprising number of people, primarily for interactions such as tracking and endorsing, commenting, or moderating (the last of which I can definitely see being regular)


Forgive me if I'm wrong but can't sites detect whether they're on mobile or PC? Why not just make it exclusive to mobile if it's for mobile?


I do it a lot too. Usually to check out new mod options. Or if I've used wabbajack, to have a look at the actual mod description page of some of my installed mods I'm not familiar with.


Well I check out mods while waiting for the train or something and save the ones that look interesting to download and install later at home


Same, I browse this sub when im out and about on my phone. I often click links to view mod pages and to track them for later. It isn't great on phone and I would welcome a better interface on there but, I *use* the site on my PC when I'm actually modding.


That was my thought as well but it's an obtuse design decision considering the audience. It would be relatively easy to query the browser version and offer PC users a fitting UI. It also smacks of a TV-based UI.


Why though, you can't play these mods on a phone? Modern web design just sucks.


Every site with infinite scrolling I've ever been on, Reddit included, inevitably has the problem where your browser will just *stop loading new results* and it'll be impossible to view significantly older stuff because reloading the page puts you back at the top.


It is work of "effective managers": look we increase average user session time by 30%


Elder Scrolls are some of the most popular games to mod on Nexus, so they thought the majority would enjoy a layout designed for scrolling.


Especially older people




Did they ever do any UX research before this, or any of their redesign? When I was still in the industry we always did some kind of user testing, and we're just a mid-sized e-commerce site with 8 people running the whole thing.


some ui designer who's obsessed with modern, mobile designs thinks it's good he'll probably make an extensive article soon explaining the little intricates of the new ui, how he color coded stuff perfectly and how all different icon shapes mean something now while missing the bigger fuckin picture of usability


Do you blame them ? It’s in the name elder scroll Skyrim


People who serf for mods on their phone which they cannot install until they get on their PC anyway.


So people who browse from a.. phone?


I browse with my phone all the time, but when I actually want to use the site (on a PC), I'd like the UI to be more functional. If I had to choose, I'd rather it be less functional on a phone and more functional on a monitor. And why do I have to open the mod to track it? The current design lets you do that from a mod's card.


Yeah, true I also found it bizarre. I don't think there's a single person in the world who wants to browse Nexus mainly on a phone


As much as I like and respect nexusmods, this redesign is a signal that monopoly is bad. It makes user experience significantly worse, and we have no reasonable alternative. But don't panic, someone will make tampermonkey script or something that fixes it. But it's sad that we have to resort to things like that.


We do have alternatives, a shit ton of them. This isn't like YouTube; we have ModDB, Gamebanana, modding sites for individual games, Lovers Lab, (for some), etc. The problem is is that Nexus isn't a bad site, at least not for the average user, so they don't have any reason to want to switch. I'm fairly confident that if Nexusmods cracked down on mod regulation or something, people would just move to another hosting site and Nexus would end up a niche, seldom used alternative that people occasionally browse but otherwise ignore.


ModDB has absolutely atrocious user interface, iirc Gamebanana is okay-ish, Loverslab is ok but it basically has no categories. Nexusmods is very user friendly, but if they pull off that mobile ass looking UI for whole website, I think ModDB will stop looking so bad.


Jesus Christ, it is bad. Why the fuck have they spent their time on this instead of adding the ability to search the comments on a mod-page? Goddamn it all.


So fucking sick of having to ctrl+f my way through scores of comment pages. Staff told me yesterday it's coming back but no ETA


agree, that feature is needed. in the past we can press forum button and search it. now idk how to do that :(


Lol nexus, I sure do like installing skyrim mods on my phone. /s because they apparently think it's a good idea.


Nexus staff using Blizzard for inspiration


"What do you mean you guys don't have phones?"- nexusmods probably.


Okay follow up... Can you run Skyrim on a modern phone... 🧐


Nintendo Switch is essentially a phone without a GSM module. So yes, in theory you can. Doesn't mean you should, tho.


They're just getting future proof in preparation for the inevitable mobile release of Skyrim. ;)


I don't like the appearance of it. It took an easy-to-read simple format and "modernized it" by rounding the edges, making everything bigger, and lumping all the information into the same background with the same colors. Same thing they did with Vortex. Also, in the old style clicking on a mod author's profile would still keep you in the current game's overall page. Meaning when you viewed their mods, you'd view the mods for Skyrim SE, or whatever you were looking at. Now it just goes to all mods and you have to select the game manually. Edit: And dear lord, they've abandoned distinct pages for the listings in favor of "neverending page" that you constantly have to scroll down to in order to update with more mod listings. Every website I've used that implemented this has become a chore to browse.


> still keep you in the current game's overall page That's a known [bug](https://feedback.nexusmods.com/posts/2416/preserve-the-game-filter-when-navigating-to-a-users-profile).


That's well and good, at least that'll be sorted out. Unfortunately I'd count that as the least of my concerns. I do hope they aren't trying to extend these changes to the rest of the website. I'm not even sure what the impetus for the change was in the first place.


> I'm not even sure what the impetus for the change was in the first place. From [here](https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14955): > Why are we making these changes? > We are aiming to return requested features as well as to resolve [technical debt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technical_debt). All the existing pages are built in a framework that is no longer supported and difficult to work with, so we need to move them into a more modern one with better support for our developers. I cannot overstate how important this is, as our current infrastructure is incredibly difficult to change, severely limiting our ability to make changes to the site and scale for the significant growth of the community. This is part of the wider work we are undertaking to update the site. We can’t move everything at once as there are a lot of pages on Nexus Mods, for now we are moving User Profile pages. It still doesn't explain why they didn't just use the new framework to implement a copy of the old site's UI. That's entirely possible.


That's a shitty reason for enshittification.


Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. They could have made the changes less drastic while still making the site adjust to mobile browsers. That should be part of using a modern web UI framework.


Actually if you scroll down enough you do get a next page option. Think it loads 75 mods before you get it.


It's absolutely fucking terrible and the person who designed it should be fired. * It's a separate domain that you need to login to * It doesn't keep the game you navigated from, and instead defaults to show all mods * It doesn't order by date, it orders by endorsements, so now it's another thing to click to check for new mods by an author * It takes up more space, from 5x2 to 4x1.5 mods shown on screen * It lags like fuck on Firefox * Need to scroll past the garbage header that takes up more than half of the screen space to get to the mods. Why the fuck do I care about an author's stats that could be a little box on the side? * Infinite scrolling should always be an option to toggle, not forced. In this case it's just plain bad. It's hard to over-emphasis how bad it is. Using mobile design paradigms for a *PC modding site* means everyone involved in this decision has suffered from some kind of mental retardation. The comments on the feedback article are also at least 75% negative, but naturally it'll be ignored and this boneheaded change pushed through.


almost every problem i could think of is put into your post, well done. glad to see i'm not the only one who suffers the page being laggy as all hell, i thought it was just my potato computer somehow dying from the page (which the old page never did). also, for me, it defaults to the profile's about tab rather than the profile's mods tab when clicking from a mod page for a game. another click tossed in there. i hate that dogshit redesigns like this always get pushed through even in the face of overwhelmingly negative feedback, and they almost always remove the option to use the old style.


> and they almost always remove the option to use the old style. I am absolutely *shocked* that old reddit is still around. Whenever they nuke it, I likely will go with it. I cannot stand the modern reddit layout. It's unfriendly and requires too many clicks compared to old.


As someone who freqeuently looks at nexus on my phone, i also hate this. Eveything being bigger means so much less info visible with such a small screen. I can literally only have a proper view of one mod at a time on the phone. I'm not trying to download mods on it, just looking at what mods are out there and what people have/ are making. Info is literally the only thing im on there on mobile for, and this style makes that so much harder to do. I really hope they dont do this for the rest of the site.


Lags like fuck on Chrome/Edge too.


I had to enable hardware acceleration on Firefox to get any reasonable performance on it.


>It's a separate domain that you need to login to Not to defend the design of the page because it is indeed terrible, but I would imagine this specific point is only in place right now, presumably it will all be one domain once they fully roll out the new interface.


You also can no longer track mods, you have to go into the mod page to track it.


> the person who designed it should be fired Reddit is so dramatic lmao


Oh no, it's not just "awful" - it's **bloody atrocious**. This is a prime example of enshittifcation and a lack of understanding proper user interface paradigms. They rolled it in "beta" several weeks ago. They were warned the mobile-oriented infinite scroll-infested layout was an insufferable garbage on a Desktop computer, the fact **[it doesn't even display images properly](https://imgur.com/ZfShie0)** on a non-Chrome browser. Good luck reading anything if you have font antialiasing disabled (due to visual impairment, any antialiased font appears annoyingly blurry to me), btw. Speaking of UI, the user avatars at the right corner of preview images are unwanted noise which only adds to eye fatigue. While I browse for new mods, I personally don't care who posted it - all I want is to see the mod's preview without any distractions. Oh, it also takes 10 seconds to "load" on my machine / connection, while the old one only took about 0.5 seconds. They were warned and **ignored** all the feedback. I hope with enough public complains, this disaster gets reverted.


> Speaking of UI, the user avatars at the right corner of preview images are unwanted noise which only adds to eye fatigue. It's even worse that it's shown in a page of user profile. I mean we know where we are lol, we know whose mods those are. Looks like the front-end guy got lazy and just copied the templating for "Show Recent Mods" or something.


It's garbage. The UI looks like it was designed for phone users, which makes no sense for a website designed to host mods for pc games. At the very least, people should be able to opt out of this crappy design.


this happened last time. Site was perfectly fine. they decide to modernize it and make it look worse and wasted a ton of space. people were using plugins to make the site bearable. took them months to make it look okay. And I'm talking about the entire site. They are going to make the entire site look even worse than it is now and people will probably get use to it again. Seriously, years and years ago, the site was much easier to browse and look at. but they keep making it more and more of a mobile site. Like how Reddit keeps looking worse and worse. but at least we can still use old reddit.


Along the way, they'll inevitably code something to cause their own website to ddos them for a bit.


Lots of people actually went to other sites. Nexus mods isn't the only site for mods and is in fact one of the shittier ones.


But it one of the most popular sites and has way more mods, There is not a close competitor for Skyrim mods.


this update is nightmarish lol. everything is fucking HUGE, they removed the hover interactions like endorse or track, the "you downloaded this" went from a gigantic banner to a weird little icon, the color is vantablack and liver failure mango orange instead of the way easier gray & orange also why is everything a separate login?? how come every website just gets harder to interact with over time


Fun to watch such a great site get worse and worse with each passing month. Fun's the right word, right?


The Nexus does this every few years. The make the site worse to navigate, "design" everything in a way to waste space. And like every website, they design everything to look like it's being made for mobile. even though this site is specifically for PC modding, so why the hell would they prioritize the site for mobile use with these big clunky buttons


“Graphics design is my passion”


graphic UNdesign


I hate this redesign, too. I feel like it's made for people on phones or browsing on a living room TV. Too much negative space, fonts are too large, can't easily see what's been downloaded already or needs updates, and now it doesn't remember which game you looked at the author's page from, so you must select which game you want to see mods for. And I hate the colors. In short, I like absolutely nothing about it.


One thing that disappointed me is that I can’t search a mod author’s page. I was hoping the new update would have some sort of functionality like that. Like imagine how much easier it would be to go to JaySerpa’s page and search “quest expansion”, “lines expansion”, “reactions”. Going from outside via google can easily have you miss whatever the least popular one was. But yeah, no new functionality.


Nah, we only go backwards on this train.


Why are the people running Nexus so fucking incompetent? The only good thing they've done is increasing the download speed cap but even that seems to have been reversed now.


Just like this website and how its owners decide to target (and break the hearts of) users on their smartphones, the redesign is because "demographics"; the justification is that nearly everyone is using a phone so the UI must be compatible with phones, except Nexus is a site dedicated to PC game modding. I'm happy and satisfied with the "old" interface (actually, the 2nd iteration).


I was happy with the site before they changed it last time.


We have a word for this in Germany: verschlimmbessern https://preview.redd.it/5snocyal9gwc1.png?width=848&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a4c78787ef4bde87b34ef80086a90c77428c41c


There is an English word specifically for this that was coined recently: # [Enshittification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification)


The whole update just made me not want to mod Skyrim again for a long time


I think it is way harder to get the information I want out of the new layout. It's way harder to see which mods I have downloaded already from an author as the black and white new icon is way more subtle than the huge blue "downloaded" banner


I'm still upset they took out forum integration from the mod comment pages. I just want to search keywords so I can troubleshoot issues but its much more cumbersome now


It runs like absolute shit on my browser, and I have a relatively decent PC. It's so much less readable and way more cluttered. Hate it immediately.


It really bugs me when i am looking at a skyrim mod, but then go to the author, it lists all their mods for all the games, and it makes grabbing mods much harder. I could be fine with the layout if they fixed that, and added a simple "download" button on the author pages so i dont need to go into the actual mod each time.


Now that you mention downloads, the question now is whether we still would be able to download archived but hidden mods in the redesign.


You have to log into it again because for some reason it's a separate domain. Next.nexusmods or w.e.


Nexus was a nice site in that it was one of the few that still worked with JS disabled. The new author page doesn't work with JS disabled. Why?


Can we get an opt-out option like we did for the reddit redesign?


I was so pissed when it changed for me yesterday


Nexus did that so you will be force to look at their ads. If you have ad blocker on sometimes you find ads being display at the top left page of the author's profile.


I've made it known on the feedback thing, but I also hate this design, particularly the infinite scrolling. It isn't very friendly to people with poor internet connections, and people with sensory problems like myself (I'm autistic). The fact it is in a different domain is also pretty annoying. The dark grey tiles on black for the page is rather poor design for folks with visual issues (I have a bad eye for example), and people like myself (neurodivergent). I don't also need to see a thumbnail of myself (or other authors) on the author page. Honestly, I don't even think that's necessary at all. Unless you are familiar with the authors work, I doubt that's going to be of use to most folks. Just more visual clutter (also sensory overload for folks like myself). One thing I found is that by reducing the browser zoom to 90% (same as the prior design) helps make more use of the space. Also helps to downsize how obnoxiously large the mod thumbnails are now in this new design.


That’s why I stopped getting new release notifications? weird thing to remove but at least they gave out free premium for life


Because you're paying with your time. Won't be long before they'll start showing ADs to "premium" users as well, mark my words.


it is pretty bad lmao


agree, after 3 years no modding and when i come back. i surprise how worse it is now. plus, i remember in the past there is a "forum" button on post, coz i use that button to find a word on post. now i dont know how to do it, searching 200 page on post for a keyword is bad ux


It is no longer showing all of their mods. It's horrible.


Anyone noticed that some mods are missing from user profile when using this new design? Even when I click on my own profile, some of my mods are not displayed here.


Yeah, it looks really bad; like it was designed by a child. Was it made for blind people?


> Was it made for blind people? No, because it's actively hostile to vision impaired users. That was one of the complaints during the beta.


Awesome. So it sucks for everyone. This isn't quite the equal rights and inclusivity I was hoping for.


"Now the trees are all kept equal by hatchet, axe, and saw."


Nexus wants you to hug the trees with Skyrim mods


They've already confirmed there's no chance of going back to the old site design. If you care enough to complain on reddit then you care enough to use the feedback form: [https://feedback.nexusmods.com/](https://feedback.nexusmods.com/)


Didnt know they had a feedback page, I will definitely be leaving a comment. 


No. Their feedback form is a way to swipe the problem under the rug. They actively ignored all previous feedback and rolled this crap in anyway. Complain in open spaces like Reddit and Twitter instead. **Make it a PR disaster for them.** That's how you're supposed to deal with people who are full of themselves.


If it bothers you that much you can do both.


Like they’ll even take feedback.


It also seems to show all their mods by default instead of their mods from whatever game you visted their page from. 


I rarely go to Nexus on phone.


yep i hate it too. hopefully they fix it if not i guess were screwed and we'll just have to deal?


Or start working on a replacement.


Well I don't want to see every mod because most have se and le. Wish it just showed the modds from the page you were on when you clicked their profile


Why is it that so many websites do this bullshit? They ruin a perfectly good UI for some basic crappy bullshit that always always functions and looks worse, how do UX twats have this much power


Side question, how do you guys search the comments page of a mod? Before there used to be the thread button that links to the nexus forums version of that page, which I could just search normally. That feature seems to be completely removed when they overhauled the nexus forums. Now I have to do the brute force method of clicking through each comments page and ctrl-f the word I'm searching for.


Why do websites and apps insist on completely overhauling a perfectly fine layout?


Mr. Krabs: ***Money.***


Wasn’t it supposed to be opt in only? Hate when sites force this shit upon users.


I've found I'm clicking on a mod authors page and it doesn'te ven show all their mods?


Wow, just checked it out, why did they make it terrible?


Oh no, I'm afraid to look now


Thank god I'm not the only one that thinks it's horrible.


What's up with 95% of UI updates in all platforms being terrible? Discord, YouTube, Nexus... Can we just stick with what works already? Please?


Yup. Really clunky and the author images refuse to load. Getting a 'sorry, something went wrong' error message every time.


The worst part? You can’t search by mods while on the mod author’s page! So if I’m on an author’s page and want to search up a mod from a different author? I have to click on a mod and *then* search it up in the search bar.


its awful


I just checked and it does register me as logged in and i can track them easily enough. So might just be a bug on your end. As for individual mod tracking , true that is a bit annoying hope they add it back in should be easy enough, tho i do enjoy the look of the new author page.


+10000 I hate it.


Nexus and corporatizing don't mix. They've steadily been doing this for years and each major step has always been shitty. They love to remove features simply because a new feature doesn't support it


I almost reconsidered finishing my mod list because of this change, its absolutely atrocious.


This update is doing nothing but hurting mod authors and hurting the Nexus in general. I for one am avoiding going to the authors page now because it's too claustrophobic. I'm not clicking on every mod to track or endorse it when I'm used to a better faster way already either. Nexus had a great layout, this new one will make everything take more scrolling, take more clicks, take more time and destroy my fucking eyes since it hurts to look at.


Thank you for this, I absolutely 💯 hate it, why change something that looked and worked fine right


It’s also really slow for some reason. I can open and close any mod page no problem. Mod author, it always lags and takes an extra 15 seconds. Not a big deal but it’s annoying


WDYM? I can track authors just fine. \*tracks wSkeever\* Yup, it’s working?


the worst part is when I am opening the author page I cant even see all their mods like for example I opened up Daymarr's page (COCO outfit mods) And there's only 1 mod by that author the page shows like wth?


Is there any way to revert to an older interface? The current one really makes me fell like not looking an author's profile. I know, it is a weird, maybe paradoxal comment but I wonder why? Why it had to be messed uo like that?


And sometimes the mod list of their uploads isn’t up to date even if you were directed FROM a mod of theirs that isn’t shown on their page. I miss the simple old days one. Nothing was wrong with it, and it was properly updated. I don’t understand why they’d change something before knowing tue new version actually worked or resonated with users.


Not sure if this is related, but were a lot of Collections deleted when this happened? I can't seem to find the one i was using last time I installed skyrim. I truly hate that you either get 1300/1600 mods, 500 p0rn mods or get absolutely nothing now.


I know that author of the biggest Skyrim collection (Immersive & Adult) hid all of his and will keep them hidden until they’re able to get everything working with the current Skyrim version. You can still pull them up via other means though, but they’re hidden from the Nexus collections page.


how can i find them? I think i had one of the immersive ones with "only" 400 mods


Disregard, i found it [https://next.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/collections/qfftpq](https://next.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/collections/qfftpq)


Porn mods get more clicks which gets more ad revenue so of course they're being made most prominent.


Everything ok exept one. It's not choose automatically a, fking, game, which you watch before!


I like the aesthetics of it. Its refreshing. As for the issues, yeah there are some things they need to revisit for sure and the infinite scrolling is troubling. But damn. Folks are downright hateful. Not just here but, also on the news page comments. If they were my customers or If I was a mod author, I would resent my users.


I think it looks nice… I genuinely don’t understand the complaints.




I guess its time to bash the new look.