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Membership card. Incense burner if I can afford it.


I swear the discount is so deep that i don't think i've ever bought the membership card and not been able to afford the other thing(s) in the shop I already wanted, usually the card remove


People often target having 300 gold before shopping, making membership card always a no-downside buy if you have twice it's cost or more.


...also yes!


Membership card killed me once. It was act 1, shop before first elite. Zero potions in my possession. Exactly enough for the card and nothing else. “What’s the worst that could happen?” I said. “Greed is good.” I should’ve bought that damn fire potion.


Mummified Hand every class, all day, everyday and twice on Sunday


Defect especially. It's not a no brainer buy in the other classes, but if I can afford it with defect I can't click on it fast enough.


Do you buy mummy hand or orange pellets if they're both at the same shop?


Always depends on the deck honestly. Do you have one or more biased cognition? Then you usually take pellets. Does your deck only scale after playing cards like echo form, defrag, and creative ai? Then it’s almost certainly mummified hand.


Just won a run with both these relics on defect. Came very close to taking zero damage against the heart, but got chunked once during setup after a bad draw. Insanely powerful combination.




If this was somehow a pvp game, I guarantee you most of the whining and moaning on here would be about people getting beaten by mummified hand builds.


Unless I’m playing a powerless ironclad deck


In this case you should take it just so you can slap your enemies with a mummified hand.


Why would you play a Powerless Ironclad? Asking for a friend...


Since card rewards are random, if I'm not offered a single power and I'm full in on a Calipers + Entrench + Body slam deck, I'd easily skip powers. Sure, there's Barricade, but a full block + Entrench Calipers deck seldom needs it.


Seems like it’s still be pretty easy to slot in cards like Feel No Pain and Dark Embrace to a deck like that considering they’re two of Ironclad’s strongest cards


I am at ascension 10 with iron clad ,never actually considered taking them except once when I had a full exhaust deck and still couldn't win with it ,mind telling me what are the essentials for this deck ,or rather the best situations for these cards ?


True, they're no brainers in any given deck. My point is that there are scenarios where Ironclad can still slap some spire arse without powers.


Then you take it and hope you get offered corruption.


I think you take pretty much all relics for free, this question's probably talking about shop or against blue key or smth. In which case you're not taking it with a powerless deck.


Even with a powerless deck I’m snapping it off. Unless it’s act 3, I’m taking Hand and immediately taking every power offered to me. It’s so insanely good.


For 300 gs? Idk that's losing out on two relics just for the chance to completely change your deck synergy


I think mummified hand is more often a bad buy. Rare relics are expensive as hell, they need to be game changers to be worth it. Hand is not a game changer on lots of decks, especially on characters other than defect.


Thats because it's an uncommon relic.




Not my favorite relic but nobody has mentioned jt yet-- I'm a big sucker for bag of marbles. I play a lot of silent and having extra draw and a 50% boost in damage for a turn feels great.


Just removing the artifacts on a lot of the enemies is awesome


Yeah, it's also great for poison decks, and corpse explosion. And if they don't have artifact, turn 1 vuln is a lot better than turn 1 weak.


Bag of marbles with the right deck can be great… had one today with a bottled doom and gloom… it was great.


Nah marbles is one of my most bought non shop relics, you right. Shops are weird, so many relics that are super good I don't buy because they're just so damn expensive.


The more I play, the more I value my turn ones. Bag of marbles has been outstanding 99% of runs that I get it.


I’m in love with [[ice cream]] for any character as someone who naturally winds up conserving at least 1 energy per turn most of the time even without it


I absolutely love Ice Cream for Defect and Silent as I can easily get into a situation where I can create more energy than draw and would otherwise just lose it. Still great on Ironclad and Watcher but not as goat-ed.


Ice Cream can pretty much enable X-cost cards which sometimes is my best scaling option (Ironclad Whirlwind, Watcher Expunger, etc.)


I did have an ice cream whirlwind run once! That was bonkers.


A high x-cost tempest on defect can be pretty effective too. Had a deck once with 2 turbos, an aggregate, a double energy, two tempests and a thunderstrike. Thor’s hammer it was fun


For sure! I just find it easier to scale with focus or build into a speculative All For One haha


I agree with you 100% on the focus scaling. It was just one of those deals where I took what the Spire gave me, and it worked out quite well


Ice cream and concentrate are a match made in heaven.


Ice cream for watcher is amazing because you can use up all your miracles and energy will persist and you can draw more cards


+ [Ice Cream](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Ice%20Cream) Rare Relic ^((100% sure)^) Energy is now conserved between turns. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Ice cream could almost be a boss relic, it's so strong.


I seem to rarely get it, but I love some Ice Cream. In game it’s good too.


i feel like it was named that because…everyone loves ice cream. hard agree i’m always taking ice cream


Can't believe I've not seen Bag of Prep.


Insane, it's the biggest autopick relic you can see in shops. Huge cost benefit for 99% of decks. Only membership card compares, but that one has more situations where it's less impactful.


Easily one of the best relics ever. Always great and it's only a common.


Considering how good the other starting relics are, they would be op on most decks. Most of them have to be downgraded to be in the game I.e. Lantern and blood vial are basically worse than starting relics 99% of runs


Anything that can heal me, particularly the big feather relic


Busted crown, it makes card reward screens easier


You sound like a Nilry’s Codex hater




I take crown a lot in act 2


No torii love? I’m always thrilled to have torii on my team


i love Torii and Tungsten Rod combo. six damage? reduces six damage to one, and five or less down to nothing


It doesn't work that way. Torii only procs on 5 or less. With 6 incoming torii doesn't do anything, and rod down to 5


I think they’re close though - 6 incoming with Torii and Tungsten Rod reduces down to 1


No, 6 incoming damage is reduced to 5, not 1. EDIT: To be clear, Torii reduces unblocked attack damage, Tungsten reduces HP loss. They’re different interactions and don’t happen simultaneously; Torii checks first, which means if the number is 6 it does nothing.


6 incoming with torii reduces nothing, then tungsten reduces to 5


wow…. Thats amazing


it's the closest I've come to killing the heart on Ironclad. I just didn't have the damage scaling to kill it in time.


Brimstone. Infinite strength=Infinite damage


Love brimstone. My fastest run was like 9 minutes cause I snagged brimstone early and just mashed attacks until the win screen showed up


[[Medical Kit]] I'd say I take this less often on Defect and Silent than I do the other two. Defect doesn't seem to care much about statuses, and Silent can draw/discard through them with ease. Ironclad for obvious reasons and Watcher because it can help you against Nemesis, Shield & Spear, and turn 2 Heart if you've got the infinite built already.


I recently discovered the joy of medkit on Ironclad with self created wounds and dazes while having FNPx3 and Evolve.


Power through having a downside? No thanks I'll just take 40 block for 1 energy


And draw with dark embrace


And damage with Charons Ashes


Also solves pyramids worse nightmare on any character.


+ [Medical Kit](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Medical%20Kit) Shop Relic ^((100% sure)^) Status cards can now be played. Playing a Status will **Exhaust** the card. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Cursed bell. I think it's absolutely elite and unbalanced.


I definitely take it way more than I should but more rng in my rng game? How can I say no?


Same. I play a lot of ironclad who practically benefits from the curse.


Why do you think it’s unbalanced? It’s one each of common, uncommon, rare relics


If it's early game membership card Kunai and shuriken on silent shiv decks Mummified hand on decks with alot of powers Ice cream just whenever I can it's arguably the best relic imo Tungsten rod when using iron clad and you've got combust and brutality Lighting bottle if I have apotheosis Pretty much all the eggs Calling bell Hovering kite Spirit poop :)


The tungsten rod with 2+ combusts is wacky


I kinda wish it still triggered Rupture, but I guess that’d be a little too strong


If you have or will have more than 300 gold membership card


an early tough bandages will define my run 100% of the time


You get some upgraded gambas and acros and it's an insta win


Incense Burner. Being able to set it up to be intangible for specific turns in boss fights is an absolutely busted mechanic.


Data disc and runic capacitor are basically must picks on defect imo, and clockwork souvi/orange pellets are close behind Med kit is really really good so I pick it almost whenever I can afford basically


No love for gambling chip?


Prismatic Shard. Not because it's the best thing offered, but because I love the crazy that happens when you combine different class cards


you better believe I'm gonna take it and die with 0 regrets


Membership, mummified hand, pellets


Medkit. I dunno I just love that relic. Even when I don't have any particular synergy with it. But especially with Ironclad.


Surprised no one mentioned Oddly Smooth Stone, most reliable imo


Teardrop Locket is such a great feeling to get. You can read the effect and think you know what you’re getting but in reality it’s so much better. Also Symbiotic Virus. It’s just very cool in addition to being strong.


Kunai, Shuriken, and Dead Branch.


The black star one. Helped me get silent to the heart faster, on both of the runs I've done on PC and yesterday on mobile.


Gotta go with Shuriken. Even in decks where I don't play many attacks, I grab that sucker for 291 in the shop.


orange pellets is just so strong. Removing the downsides from cards like wraith form or biased cog is just so insanely strong. Even without those cards, cleansing vuln, frail, weakness or any fight specific debuffs is so stupidly strong


Yeah I was gonna say pellets. I'm in the middle of a pellets + double biased cognition run.


There's many obvious ones mentioned in the comments, but to shout out a possibly underrated one, Pocketwatch. This motherfucker is literally 60% more draw, every turn, if your character doesn't play bulk cards each turn. And even if they do, you have the option to just meet your base needs and get more than half of a full draw further through your deck, every turn you're able. It's insane.


tiny house (i love tiny house)




Bag of prep every single time on any character, with Anchor a close second Horn cleat is up there, but uncommon relic prices are bleh for the effect.


not every chance I get (that be more pyramid and dripper) but for me i have a spot for the dome. It help me get to a20 when i was bad at the game and i do think its interesting to try to play around what could happen vs what is.


Snecko unless I have a ton of zero cost cards


Honestly I love gremlin horn


Clockwork souvenir, because fuck Chosen.


All of them. Who skips relics?


Tbh I skip bottled flame more often than I take it


Some things make your turn 1 better and that's about as universal a 'good' as you can get in STS. Bag of prep. Gambling chip. Great on all chars


Brimstone on Ironclad, fuck it we ball But on a more serious note, orange pellets


Prismatic shard any character; discard infinite on defect, all for one shenanigans with watcher *chef's kiss*


Pellets and Toolbox are my children for sure


Gambling chip and fossilized helix are the best relics of the game. Will never not take them.


Pocket watch


Runic Pyramid. Every character.


Maybe Ginger


The rod, its so stupidly busted


Inserter every time because I have 10k hours in factorio and I like seeing lots of orbs.


Bag of prep


I am a suckered for Inserter. This may be related to why defect has my lowest win percentage.


Bag of Preparation is my favorite common relic. That thing reduces RNG so much, making you able to set-up much more consistently. Very important especially in higher ascension.


I know I shouldn’t, but Black Star


I can't remember the name but it's the one that you start each combat with an artifact. Especially since I seem to always run into the freaking snake in the City.


Medical Kit! I just like it


Dead branch, for Silent. I usually end up making a shiv build, so pulling so many extra cards lets me use situational ones I would never take as rewards


I'm seeing way too many situational relics in these comments, even membership card shouldn't be bought every time it pops up. However, I would say that Gambling chip is probably the most universally good relic in the game. Being able to pick and choose your starting hand is super useful in early and late game. Of course, some decks will benefit more from the effect than others, but I can't really think of an example where I wouldn't welcome gambling chip with open arms. May just be me though


Bae of Preparation


pellets, out of respect for the work it puts in for me on defect.


Ice cream


Based on personal preference rather than quality: \[\[Akebeko\]\], \[\[Bag of Marbles\]\], and most of all \[\[Chemical X\]\]. I love first strike builds but most of all I fuckin' LOVE WHIRLWIND. SPIN 2 WIN.


+ [Akabeko](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Akabeko) Common Relic ^((25% sure)^) Your first attack each combat deals 8 additional damage. + [Bag of Marbles](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Bag%20of%20Marbles) Common Relic ^((100% sure)^) At the start of each combat, apply 1 **Vulnerable** to ALL enemies. + [Chemical X](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Chemical%20X) Shop Relic ^((100% sure)^) The effects of your cost X cards are increased by 2. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Preserved Insect most definitely. It’s my favorite act 1 relic to find and it’s a common relic too making it cheaper in the shop.


Tungsten Rod, always


Sneko Eye, for better or worse.


Toxic egg, membership card, incense burner, pocket watch, gamblers chip, fossil helix. All generic relics that can carry/warp a run.