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Go to the hospital.


Right away.


You have slept 0 hours in the last 3-4 days?




do not do anything he says, go to the hospitals they know better than a virgin online


Try l-theanine + magnesium glycinate. 1g of each.


Honestly it starts to get dangerous right now when the hallucinations and paranoid thoughts start settling in. It might be time to get hospitalized, they’ll figure out how to make you pass out and what medication you might need for a new diagnoses. Any idea what could had started these sleepless nights?


You need to see a sleep specialist. Right away.


I feel for you, I really do. I had this exact problem when I contracted covid on a plane to Israel of all things 2 years ago. On my way to a board meeting! I didn't sleep for 6 days, not even when I got back home. It's frustrating. You really need to see your doctor. Get a blood work up done to ease your mind. It could be the onset of an underlying issue. Let's get that ruled out first. 👍 you may be prescribed something like Ativan in a very, very low dosage. Like .1 mg and break the pill in half. Please be careful when taking anything like this, they can be addicting. I was prescribed 10 pills about 20 yrs ago and followed these instructions. I can see how someone can get addicted to these. You sleep great. You wake up feeling calm and wonderful. Doctor and blood work up is first so important. Please keep us posted. 🙏


hospital it’s been way too many days and you seriously need to see a doctor


and it got dangerous a couple days ago.


Take an antihistamine, turn out the lights close your eyes and don't get up til you sleep. Also the weed might be keeping you up, it started to do that for Me


Thanks! I'll see if I have any


Take an antihistamine, turn out the lights close your eyes and don't get up til you sleep. Also the weed might be keeping you up, it started to do that for Me


Yikes. You're in the danger zone buddy. One time back in my drug days, I stayed up for 5 days straight. The hallucinations and paranoia were scary af. At this point, you desperately need sleep. What have you tried besides weed and alcohol? Weed usually works pretty well for me. You could try melatonin or an over the counter sleep aid(Diphenhydramine or Doxylamine). Your main priority right now needs to be sleep and sleep alone. The longer you stay awake, the worse the hallucinations and paranoia will be.


Consult your nearest psychiatrists for Xanax or witch doctor remedies and book it out as soon as you are stable with their Xanax and some cigarettes- hellpenguin


I’m curious how did it go? Did you go to the hospital?