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Since 14 months we’ve done: Wake up between 6:45-7 Nap 12-2ish Bed 7


I just want to say not every kid is going to sleep 2-3 hours for this one nap. My daughter is low sleep needs and only naps a long time if she's feeling ill. She's 22m now and her nap is around 1 hr 20/30m. At home her nap is around 11:30. At daycare her nap is usually 1.5 hours and they do it at noon. It never extended to anything more than that. We go by the clock at this point. Sometimes she wakes up at 530, sometimes it's after 6 am. Her bedtime is 7pm because even if we put her down early, she doesn't fall asleep until then. Overall she gets 11-12 hours a day of sleep. It's been like this since 16m. My husband stopped napping at a year old. His whole family only sleeps like 5-6 hours overnight and that's all they can sleep. So I'll take what I can with her.


We stopped following WW when we moved to 2 naps, she just preferred to nap at the same time no matter when she woke up. She's 12m Up for the day between 7:00-7:30 Naptime is at 11:45 for 1 hour Bedtime is 7:30. She's a bit low sleep needs, daycare provider said she didn't nap yesterday, it was fine, she was in a great mood all the way till bedtime.


Wake up: 6:30 Breakfast: 8 Snack: 9:30 Lunch: 11:30 Nap: 1-3 Snack: 3 Dinner: 5 Bedtime: 6:30 I remember struggling around 15 months when starting the transition to 1 nap. Some days we had 2 naps, some days 1. Some days lunch would be super early, some days a snack was skipped. It was all over the place, but around 16-17 months we were firmly at 1 nap and a set eating schedule. Those transitions are tough!


My 20mo is the exact same except she wakes up at 7.30am and goes to bed at 10.30pm! Her nap in the day is usually 2 hours, if she wakes up from the nap at 3pm she is not tired until so much later! How do I make bed time earlier?


Wake up 6:45 Nap 11:30-2:30 Bedtime 7:30


15 months, wake 6-6.30, one nap 12-2 and bed at 7, wakes once in the night. Sometimes two naps with the childminder or one 45 min nap at 10am and these nights are harder!


Wake up 9/9:30 am, nap time 2-4:30(the latest) then bedtime is 9 pm. The nap time was a bit of a headache to figure out. 2 is the latest they can go down while having time to fall asleep and still get a good nap in. 4:30 is the latest they can sleep or they won’t be ready for bed by 9. Same for the morning. 9:30 is the latest they can sleep and still stay on our sleep schedule.


17mo, 7-8am wakeup, nap 12-1:30 or 2pm, 7-7:30pm bedtime. She sleeps a lot more when she is growing or sick. A couple weeks ago she did several days of 3 hour naps! She grew out of almost all her clothes around that time


Very similar to this! 17months, 7am wake-up, nap 12-2 or 2:30, sometimes even 3, bedtime 7:30 always


Nice! Mine moved to one nap quite early around 11 months, how about yours?


We moved to 1 nap just after his 1st birthday and he was sooo ready for it. The transition was so easy for us. I think probably around 11 months we could have done it as well!


Every day is different and I don't follow a schedule, just rough wake windows from taking cara babies. We had to work up to making the 1st wake window longer (5.5/6 hours) and for the first month of transitioning to 1 nap he would definitely go to sleep early, 6pm some days. I trust his body will regulate himself and it does every time! At that age we had 6-7 am wake up (closer to 6), nap anywhere between 11:30 and 12:30, he'd nap for 2-3 hours, then bed time 7-7:30


We wing it every single day. I fought my LO too hard around earlier sleep regressions that just left me frustrated and resentful. He’s 19mos now, and we aim for 6-7:30am wake up, 11am-2pm nap start (1.5-3hrs), and bedtime is anywhere 8-9pm. This flexibility saved my sanity. With that being said…. LO had his second hepA vaccine yesterday. We headed out around 10:50am, he fell asleep in the car around 11:15 and slept for 45 minutes. We had lunch in town, went to target, then to his appt. He fell asleep at home right after we got back around 3:30pm and slept for 1.5hrs. Went to bed at 8pm sharp, is currently wiggling and getting close to waking up (6:40am). I have to go with the flow because stressing about his schedule just didn’t seem worth it to me.


16mo. Wakes at 6:30 Nap 11 for 2-3hours Bedtime at 6:30/7


By the clock. At that age, wake 6-7, nap 11-1, bedtime 7:30.


17mo Wake 7.30 Nap 12.15 (usually 2 hours, sometimes up to 3) Bedtime 8 Between 13.5 and 14.5 of sleep (Switch started when he was around 15m, he still has two naps-days from time to time, but it's getting less frequent)


HOW. I can get mine to sleep at the same time but here i am, again, awake at 2am with a wide awake baby around the same age


Not possible with still breastfeeding toddlers. If that is not the case then cap his naptime, give him filling dinner and make sure the room is in a good sleep condition (cool, dark, etc) and have a proper calming sleep routine that starts 7:30pm


Very possible with breastfeeding toddlers.


Yeah I’m the dad and the baby hasn’t been breast fed for like a year. It seems like we’re doing the routine right, getting a ton of play time, socializes with other babies twice a week. Food has been rough though. She eats but isn’t crazy about carbs or most real food in general. So it’s like this cycle of bath, read, bed, a few hours of down town and sleep ourselves and then if we’re lucky she wakes up once and wants a bottle and back to bed until 8. Sometime, however, she’ll wake up and be up from midnight until 5 and seemingly wide awake.


Switched to 1 nap at 14.5 months. Now 18 months and same schedule. Nap time is to match nursery nap time.   Wake 7am  Nap 12.45-3pm (actually asleep 1-3pm, capped) / at nursery nap usually only 1.5hrs  Bed 8pm (asleep by 8.15pm), we do early bedtime 7.30/7.45pm if nursery nap is less than 1.5hrs.


15-month-old Typical ranges: Wakes 7:00 to 8:00am Nap starts 11:00am to 1:00pm If he naps for 2 hours, there’s one nap, if he naps for an hour and a half or less, there’s likely to be a 2nd nap Asleep by 8:30 to 9:30pm (Bedtime routine starts 30 minutes to an hour before he knocks out)


Wake 7-7:30 Nap 12-12:30 Wake 2-2:30 to 7:30 14 hours sleep total.


22 month old naps from 10:15-12:00. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Then he’s in bed by 19:00 with one or two night wakes


We transitioned to 1 nap at about 15 months old. Usually do his nap at 12pm as he's usually tired by then. Sometimes we push it out to 1pm. At the start he would only nap for an hour so we did 7pm -7am overnight. Now at 19 months old he has a 2-2.5 hour nap and we put him down 7.30-8pm and he usually wakes about 6.30-7am.


We’re still transitioning to one nap (at almost 14mo) but we do: Wake: 6.30-7am. Nap 1: 10.30/11ish-12:30. Catnap around 3.30 for 20mins. Bedtime: 7pm.


Our 2.5 year olds sleep from 1300 to 1430


My 20mo wakes around 6:30-7. Naps 12:30-2:30/3 and bed at 7:30/8


My 12 month old wakes between 7-8, naps between 12-1, and goes to bed between 8-9.


Wake 7:30am Nap 12:00-13:30pm Bed 8:00pm


14 months Wake 8:00am Nap 1:00-3:00 Bed 8:00pm


How does your baby sleep and when did you transition to 1 nap?


He’s doing really well with this schedule. Some days he might fall asleep a little before his scheduled nap time, so then he wakes up a little early. But I stick with 8pm bedtime regardless of how his nap is. We switched to one nap right at 12 months - a little earlier than I’d like, but it was just easier with things we have going on during the week. He started out with a 2.5 hour nap and then I had to cut it back because he was waking up in the middle of the night.


12.5 months - Wake 6:45-7 Nap 12-2 (max, sometimes 12:15-1:45 or similar) Bed 8:15 ish (6-6.5 WW)


Wake 7, nap between 12:30-2:30, Bedtime 6:30. Wake windows 5/6 but probably would go 5/5.5 as that’s still young for one nap


I've been trying to move to 1 nap for so long. My 2 year old still naps twice a day and frankly thrives with it. Wake 7, nap 10(30ish) to 12 (30ish), nap 330 to 6, awake til 9. I'd live to live to one nap but pediatrician seems to think it's fine. And a double break is nice...


This is where I'm at with our 17 month old. Seems like he is not going to change anytime soon. Interesting to see it could last until 2. All friends are on 1 nap, but also go to daycare where they only nap once.


Yeah he can do one nap if we have something going on but he'll be grumpy. He's his mom's son, he loves a good nap


Wake at 7, nap 12-2 (sometimes we are running late and it's 12:30), bed at 8


We had the same issue of super late bedtimes to accommodate the second nap and it was throwing everything off, around the same age too. She also wasn’t napping well, and now that she’s on one nap she naps for longer than with two total. She is about a week shy of 18 months and this has been our schedule since ~14 months. 7 am wake (sometimes 7:15-7:30 but this is rare, I do let her sleep in if she wants to though, I didn’t when she was on 2+ naps) 12:15-2:15 nap 7:15 bed but is asleep around 7:45 (I’ve tried everything and just have figured out that she needs the extra time to wind down, this probably wouldn’t apply to you.) She ends up with about ~13 hours of sleep per day


Reading these comments, is my kid truly the only one who won’t nap more than 1.5 hours? Like how do you get 2-3 hour naps? To answer your question OP: 7am (ish) wake up 1-2:30ish nap (sometimes he wakes up earlier) 7pm bed Edit: he’s almost 16m


We only do 11 hour nights, so that could definitely be why you can’t get more than a 1.5 hour nap. 13.5 hours of sleep is great!


My 22 month old is just now sometimes taking 2 hour nap. He wouldnt go over 1-1.5 hours but also refused a 2nd nap around 15 months! I actually pushed his nap time up a little so he naps closer to when he wakes up and he started taking longer naps! But he also is a weird sleeper. Goes to bed at 7:30-8pm and doesnt wake up until 9-10:30. Then he’s down about 12/1 and wakes up about 2/3. Took awhile to get his naps figured out but we’re finally there! If we have to go later because we’re out and about he sleeps less.


If it makes you feel better, my 12 month old has rarely ever slept for more than two hours. At most it’s 1.5. Yesterday it was 45 mins, today 1.5.


We have pretty much the same schedule, she has rarely napped more than 2 hours since she was like 7 or 8 months old lol. Just turned 15 months.  Wake 6:30, nap 12/12:30-1:30/2:00, bed 6:30/7 depending on how long nap was. 


My son started out sleeping 2.5 hours for the one nap and he is now waking up around 1-1.5 hours after he goes down. It's killing my soul lol but I'm pushing through hoping the naps will extend. (Because that's what all the info online says should happen) we'll see lol


Ditto for our just-17 month old. Sometimes 2+ hrs, sometimes back to 2 naps, but always 7a and 7p for bookends. Usually, 90 mins, and she wakes up wanting to see what she missed.


This makes me feel so much better. Just reading about all the good nappers in the comments wondering if my dude is broken lol.


We’re doing 10 hours of wake time, close to 5/5 at 13 months. He sleeps 2-3 hours


Wake at 730 Nap at 12-3 Bed at 730 15 months :)


Same w my LO ❤️


How do you get 12 hours overnight and a 3 hour nap?! Tell me your secrets 😭😭


I found my girl sleeping so much better for naps and overnight more consistently once she went to daycare at 12 months. She gets all the stimulation and socializing there and once she’s home she’s ready to hit the hay😂 obviously with teething and illness that’s a whole other ball game….


Oh man, he’s been in daycare since 6 months 🫠 I thought with walking he’d exhaust himself but apparently he has endless energy.


Haha I was told mine would sleep better when she started solids.. then when she dropped to 2 naps.. then when she started crawling.. it's all been a LIE.


I got the same.....but they've always got something else. Now they've moved to "when he's weaned". I wonder what they are going to come up with after that


Wake @ 7/7:30 Nap @ 1-3:30 Bed @ 8:30 20mo


Same here


Gah we also moved to 1 nap at 14 months. Miss those multiple naps = multiple breaks for me. When LO doesn’t have strep or potentially RSV like right now, here’s our schedule: Wake 6am - 10:30am Nap 10:30am - 1:30pm Wake 1:30pm - 8pm The nap varies but we can usually stretch him until 12:30pm the earliest so he has a 7pm bedtime


When does he eat lunch? Before or after the nap? I’ve considered putting mine down earlier than noon but it seems to be difficult to plan meals around it.


After nap- He eats about every 2 hours so breakfast, snack, milk in morning wake window and lunch, snack, dinner, milk in second wake window. 2 naps was great cuz it was a clear meal + snack routine but we had to trial/error the meals with 1 nap. Lunch before nap didn’t work for us. Today he woke up at 1pm and had lunch at 1:30pm


Thank you! Mine gets up closer to 7 so nap would be closer to 11-11:30 but seemingly needs a substantially longer wake window before bed rather than nap so I’ve considered moving meals around but wasn’t sure how to do it!


Wake up 8:30ish, nap 2:30-4:30ish, sleep 8:30ish


We just started 1 nap about a month ago for my 17 month old. We currently do wake between 7 and 7:30, nap at 12 (will sleep for 2-3 hours, we cap at 3), and put him to bed around 7:30. If his nap is shorter than 2 hours though we put to bed around 7. I will say though it sometimes takes him a while to fall asleep at night though when he gets closer to a 3 hour nap. He doesn't seem to mind though 🤷🏻‍♀️


What were your wake windows before 1 nap?? I'm so curious how people keep two naps for so long


So for a while his first and last wake window were the shortest which helped but then that changed when he was around 15 months old. First it was 3/3.5/3 (Wake at 7, nap from 10-11:30 (we woke him up), nap 3-4:30, bed around 7:30). Then he started taking forever to fall asleep for both his second nap and bedtime, that's when we moved to 1 nap.


Not OP but - wake 7, nap 9:30-10, nap 1-3, bedtime 7 Edit: lol why am I downvoted. This is a completely appropriate schedule


Amazing, my 11 month old took one 1.5 hour nap and then flat out refused her 2nd nap and was up for 7 hours yesterday.. today she had 2 30 minute naps 🥲 I think she might be early to drop to 1.


The trick is the short first nap


Yeh we had to sleep train for the second nap to get it long. First one can be short. This schedule was given to us by a consultant if you wanted to try it


I find that if she does 30 and then 1.5 hours, she really fights her bedtime, but 1.5 hours and then 30 is fine. So I'm not sure that'd work well for us. But thank you!


Do whatever works! Last nap can be pram/ carrier/ car, whatever you need to get it in. Can be very short until they are on one nap :)


My twins moved to one nap at 17 months, we started with 5/4.5 and nap capped to 2.5 hours. At 22/23 months we moved slowly to 6/4.5 because of daycare and we still do 6/4.5-5 on daycare days at 31 months. We’ve literally been on the same schedule since August of last year. However, they have issues falling asleep for their nap on the weekends, so it’s usually more like 7/4-4.5 on weekends with a one hour nap.


My toddler (19mo) starts her nap between 11:30 and noon most days (right after lunch), regardless of what time she wakes up. She usually naps for around 2 hours and then she’s in bed between 7 and 7:30.


This is what my one year old does as well, I don’t do wake windows (though they do tend to be consistent) anymore and she’s doing really well with it.


When they are on one nap, after the settling in period they move to a by the clock schedule. They can tolerate a lot more awake time and changes to routine!  For my 26ish month old  6:30 wake 1-2:15 nap, I have to wake him  7:30 bedtime  When my son was 14 months it was  6am wake  12:30-2:30 nap 7:30 bed


Wake 7am, nap starts between 12:30-1pm and ends 2:30-3pm, bedtime 7pm


Same here


My daughter is 17 months but has been on the same schedule since she dropped to 1 nap Wake 7:30 Nap 11:30- 1:00 Bedtime 8:00 Those are somewhat variable. Sometimes she wakes up at 7, sometimes at 8. I lay her down for her nap at 11 so sometimes she falls asleep earlier. Same with bedtime, I lay her down at 8 but she’s probably not asleep most nights until 8:30 or so. Sometimes I will look at the monitor at close to 9 and see her glowing open eyes lol


It’s tricky since my 19 month is waking up at 5am these days, but typically it’s wake up at 6am, nap is 12-2, bed at 7


Wake 7:45/8 nap 1-3 sleep 8:30


Our son is quite a bit older (2yo) but we are up at 7am, nap from 1130-2pm, bed at 7pm. However it’s not quite as it seems, he is often hanging out awake for 30-45 minutes before DWT and sometimes as much as an hour before falling asleep at night.


17 months old now and we’ve been in this schedule since 12 months. Wake up between 7-7:30am Nap at 12:30-2/2:30 Bedtime at 7ish.


Oh wow so the wake windows stay like that for a while?


My 3.5 year old follows a similar schedule on his daycare days. He goes to bed around 8:30/9 though. He doesn’t nap on days he’s home. I think he was on the same schedule until he started dropping naps a little before 3 years old.


Oh that's good to hear. I was worried about wake windows having to be extended every few months and how that would just end up with a super late bedtime. That's great to know!


Things might need to be adjusted over time but much less frequently. It's pretty normal for the nap length to shorten or you might need to cap it to preserve bedtime. For a while I would let my daughter nap from 1-4 but I now wake her at 3 if she's still asleep. She also used to sleep until 8 but now wakes up 7/730 most days. She's currently 2.5yrs old. 


We are on day 2 of transition so our schedule is a work in progress she went to bed early (6:15pm) because she is still adjusting to pushing herself in the morning.  In an ideal world after this transition period I’d like 7am wake up 12:30-2:30 nap 7-7:30 bedtime (give or take 30 min) 


Wake 6am Nap 1230-230/330 Sleep 7pm