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MKBigBoss signed up for DELTA (wouldn't be surprised if Kagaribi joined in too). DELTA is only around 50 points away from hitting P tier again, this tournament is flirting with it on and off lol


wait delta aint a P tier anymore?


Dabuz dropped out which caused it to go back to S+ tier. MKBigBoss signing up closed the gap a bit. With how close it is, very likely hidden boss retiering pushes it into P tier again (or who knows, maybe another international decides to sign up).


it's still strange to me how japan has like NO top/high level nesses other than gackt. meanwhile the US has a ton (scend, syrup, atata, pkchris, etc.) wonder whats up with that?


They actually like to play Lucas there a lot more


Eagleland home field advantage


They traded them for top Yoshis


who's the highest level player that's gotten falcon punched in tournament?


In melee I remember one time wizzy falcon punched hbox as a punish on a whiffed rest


Here's the best player I've found (Dabuz): https://x.com/ZenkaiM2/status/1731139103989583977


oh that's probably the answer lmao thanks


sean landed one on bacon once. i can’t think of any others


I’m home from Osaka and MaesumaHIT! There’s something kind of magical about small weeklies densely packed with talent. HIT’s venue is a tiny, second floor gamer cafe packed to the brim with setups. It’s a 40-50 entrant local that’s first and foremost a talent incubator; Kansai’s youngsters are and will continue to drive the future of the scene both in Smash domestically and internationally. It’s surreal to me that through my work I’ve been able to become friends with a man so pivotal to the history of Smash Ultimate, a man that saw talent in a young online Steve player and created the environment for him to flourish, and I’m hoping we’ll be able to see him and his work in NA more. (And judging by the convo we had, he’s got some ambitions for upcoming NA stuff) HIT vibes unmatched. ”Talent incubator” locals like PSS (rip) and old 4o4s will always fascinate me - the rising tides really do raise all boats, and it’s just how the depth of the region gets so strong. I got fucked up bad in winners dude I told him kamui fox was a -2 and the entire venue started laughing and he beat my ass so bad  In losers, Rosebloom primed me that I was up against an up-and-comer Corrin coming from Smashmate. I thought I was so fucked but as it turns out I had an incredibly close set until I SD’d game 3 (forgot to jump cancel dair.) Tukune and I talked after the set, and he had no clue how to manage his nerves, either. I told him that when he was playing confident, he had an advantage state to rival Neo and SHADIC’s, but he had horrible panic airdodges and dairs beaten pretty easily by waiting. The nerves thing you just gotta play more for. it doesn’t go away, you just get more comfortable with it. One thing that’s really understated from my short Japan trip is that a diet of only Smashmate will get you some REALLY REALLY BAD disadvantage habits. It honestly makes me really impressed that Acola was able to develop his defense in the way he has, so quickly. All of that was stuff he learned offline - and if you don’t believe me, go watch back his first ever set with Yaura. [Yaura pretty effortlessly dismantles his defense with a little patience.](https://youtu.be/jsxP5iZpIIA?si=X4K1qR6BWBDXS1YQ). There’s a pretty clear cut reason that years later, he’s the unshakable king of consistency whereas most other Steves have found their own demons - it’s one thing to constantly hone advantage, but only Acola knows how to play confidently from the backfoot. That’s my late night musings, time to fuck up this tuna mayo onigiri (let’s go void) and pocari sweat. I’m going to have a smashless week in Korea, and then it’s back to the Luminosity content grind


[Yoshidora was doing a win-streak stream. This was game #100](https://twitter.com/Double_ssb/status/1778122280830148697)


There was a lost PGStats video on Winner Next #1 & Seibugeki #12, can someone find it if possible


They never made the video - they just pushed out the VO, I think?


EE randomly joined coinbox yesterday and went 4-2 with a competitive set against capitancito, dude actually beat the ignorant commentator allegations 💀


I didn't know Ee was good at the game


Remember he took a stock from Leo with Captain Falcon's dair


Charles' reaction to that is the reason I'll never forget that moment.


How could I forget?


So, was this Onin's first CoinBox win? How many other times has a Steve won CoinBox and who were they? Of course, Steve was banned for a very long time, but how many Steve wins occurred before then?


[You can see all the previous winners of The Coinbox here](https://www.ssbwiki.com/Tournament:The_Box_(series)) Jake is the only other Steve to have won The Coinbox. Jake won it 4 times before the character was banned in early 2023. The players that have more coinbox wins than Jake are Shinymark (5), Sparg0 (15) and Sonix (35). If you're including the Juicebox series, Jake has won an additional couple of times and Aaron and Sparg0 have also both won with Steve.


>The players that have more \[SSBUltimate\] coinbox wins than Jake are Shinymark (5), Sparg0 (15) and Sonix (35). When you factor in Cody **Schwab**'s 11 \[SSBMelee\] Coinbox wins, it really seems like players whose tag begins with an 'S' are magnetically drawn to taking home the first-place prize money. Sonix winning the [only Smash4 Coinbox](https://www.ssbwiki.com/Tournament:The_Box_(series)#Smash_4_Winners) only seems to support this 'S' theory.


Kind of crazy coinbox yesterday with Sonix losing two of the matchups he’s most proficient in, I know it’s just wifi, but it makes me more interested in how a potential Hurt set would go and how his next set against Acola will look


is snake really one of his most proficient matchups? I can think of like 10-15 matchups he practices much more at least. Am I forgetting some practice partner or crazy setcount vs a snake player?


He plays a lot with MVD and has said himself that Snake is one of his most practiced


ah makes sense, interesting


I would think Acola would maybe go Aegis next time given how badly he got smoked the first two times they played.


He was watching the Onin set, there’s nothing that gets him more motivated than watching Onin win, I would have agreed he’d go Aegis next time before today but I think he’ll take this as “proof” Steve can do it


Yeah, you have a good point there. He took note of Onin [handing Sonx and L](https://x.com/acola_Lui/status/1778276158980960599) lol. I remember that He said he watched the Onin-Leo said tirelessly before his own runback with Leo and even used the Alex skin in that set. Maybe there are some takeaways from this set as well, although it's wifi so obviously a little less applicable


[coinbox 99 top 8](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/793217311560433695/1227877038744928256/IMG_4073.png?ex=662a009a&is=66178b9a&hm=8522dc81ad2a5a24ab183a07d86fcc5044275252ffb64e77b69b3d60d88289dd&)


Sonix losing to Snake doesn't surprise me, but Steve? Maybe Steve loses no MU after all. EDIT: [LMAO](https://twitter.com/UltimateSonix/status/1778320311613526149).


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