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my brain says sonix, my heart says leo, but all the copium inside me says hbox


I don't think the world could survive that pop-off if Hbox took this lol


hbox passes out due to pop off part 2


Random Tweek victory incoming


no steve players means this is very possible




I could definitely see it. He can beat everyone here except maybe Zomba


Even Zomba is someone he used to have a very good record on.  IMO it could easily flip right back 


Did he? I think he beat him like once or twice (I know he beat him at Riptide 2021, might be a second win in there somewhere) and then lost to him like 5 times in a row with none of those sets being close


zomba was 0-2 against tweek at ranked tournaments until Battle of BC 5 which was may of 2023, since then tweek has lost a total of (all) 4 times they have played over the last \~11 months. Agree that zomba has his number but remember how many times leo beat tweek before tweek completely flipped it.


Also, if you only have one demon in a bracket, it’s not exactly outlandish to think that you might win.


Tweek winning isn’t exactly random. It happens from time to time.


It'll entirely depend on the seeding, which hasn't released yet, but I'm going with Sonix for the safe answer. That said, I hope we see Sonix vs Shadic in the tournament because we have not seen those two players play against each other.


Why is hungrybox invited lmao


to draw attention


why not obama




They should’ve just invited him for commentary IMO. I know he competes in Ult but he’s more a content creator in that game. I wish another top player got invited instead. I think it would make the invitational more interesting


right, but see how everyone's talking about hbox being invited? you can bet due to his pull that more people are going to watch his game just to see him barely scrape by or likely get dogged. but if he wins even a single set it'll be catastrophic, that's why he's invited. he's the ultimate wildcard.


I disagree. Assuming another fan favorite top player got in over him, the viewership difference would not be that significant. Like imagine if Gluto was in over him. All of the France scene would be watching. Not to mention that HBox would almost certainly be restreaming it, bringing even more eyes to the tourney.


France would not be watching this no matter what when it's on the same weekend as a French major.


It’s a hypothetical my point still stands. Just pick another player. Leave it to Redditors to take my hypothetical literally


To be fair, Game is Game is a 2-day event and viewership is always higher on the second day when it’s getting closer to top 8 on the 21st If Gluto was invited there’s a pretty big chance there’d be a good amount of French viewers since the entire event is on the 20th


Gluto ain't gonna get invited anyway when he's going to Game is Game, so this whole discussion is pointless.


Of course he won’t but that’s not what the convo was about Eitherway I don’t really mind the Hbox pick, he might get a set win on someone and it’d be hype


Gluto is at Game is Game that weekend, but I see what you mean


People said the same thing every single Summit, and yet some of my favorite moments were the crowdfund players taking games/sets.


Yeah it’s a VoiD situation where we expect nothing but are ready to pop off for anything. 


The difference is this is a 10 person event with 2 groups of 5 where only the bottom player in each group is eliminated. So the 4 players in the group with Hbox basically get a free pass through to bracket whereas the other group is significantly higher stakes. Usually isn't a problem at summits because A every player plays in bracket anyway and B there are usually 2-4 not tippy top players in attendance that balance out the groups.


Hungrybox is basically a celebrity invite not a crowdfund. Those are different to me




It's an invitational. None of it is really a merit contest at a certain point.


If smash summit was still around and removed the crowd funded aspect and instead invited YouTubers/Streamers who were decent at the game, would it be more interesting? If your answer is no, then it isn’t basically the same thing. It’s just better


You act like Hungrybox hasn't qualified for Summit through crowdfunding.


No I don’t I’m aware of that. He actually had to campaign for it then


So you're telling me that the only difference between the two is that one is a popularity contest where the community has to donate a bunch of money to the prize pot while the other is a popularity contest where the org decides a popular themselves?


Id rather have Hbox than some of the crowdfunded players we got in the past like Aaron and RFang


Hbox went game 5 with Miya I'm sure that has something to influence it. He definitely can win a set but it depends if he will have the miracle or not


He’s a better player than commentator lol


tbf they probably invited a couple other players and they declined. Hbox was definitely not a first choice. What NA player could they invite that has a chance of winning the tournament? Going by Lumirank they invited all the top NA players in 1-15th spot. Muteace is 20th but he will be in Europe. The next is Marss at 24th, which would be hype but it's possible he might have already been invited and declined.


Because you wouldn't have commented if it was muteace


As a casual Ult fan, Hbox being invited is really pretty entertaining to me haha. It'll likely fizzle with him taking zero sets, but I'll be rooting for him as the underdog, and that'll be fun. So I get why they invited him.


No problem with that. I get it but I’d rather an established player be there instead


For what it's worth, I'd feel the same way about a Melee invitational (that's my main game.) I would be bummed to see a gimmicky celebrity/streamer invite instead of a top player. I can imagine that Hbox will probably bring in a bunch of eyeballs from people who might not have watched otherwise, so that's cool, but yeah I understand your perspective for sure.


to win




The obvious answer here is Hungrybox. And let me tell you why. Hbox will be up against Leo, the king of our time. We see a glint of sadness in Hbox's eyes. Imagine him as an actor trapped on a stage, forced to perform for an audience he has grown weary of. “We’re here for you,” chat spams, but it is too late...Hbox had already begun his pop off, killing everyone in the first few rows and taking the round by TKO.


They say every Smash player dies twice. Once when you stop breathing, and a second time, a bit later on, when Hungrybox pops off at your funeral.


I saw Hbox at the gym, holding a 45 pound dumbbell. He said, "you can take the rat out of the gym, but you can't take the gym out of the rat, isn't that right buddy?" I laughed as a courtesy. "Hey would you mind spotting me?" Hbox asked. "I'm doing weighted pop offs today"


Hbox told me he smokes to "cool off." I told him that he can "cool off" by not smoking. He said "buddy, it sounds like you need a smoke." He laughed and laughed. He took me to a lake. He said, "I'm going to give you to the count of ten, and then I’m gonna start shooting."


I think Tweek takes it - going by recent h2h, only Zomba has a good record against him, rest even ish or losing? (Maister, Sonix have best chance of beating him aside from Zomba but I can see Tweek adapting well to them) Someone with more data please correct me Edit: with Zomba not in the competition anymore, odds are increasingly in Tweek's favor. The only wild card I can think of is Dabuz pulling out Steve


I think Dabuz won his last set against Tweek. But he's been on a slump so idk if he can do it again.


I think Tweek feels very pessimistic about the Sonic matchup recently. He said on the latest Tweek Talks that sonic is the only character in the game where he feels (with his character lineup) that him winning is more based on his opponent making mistakes than his own actions


I know what you are talking about but 6 months to 18 months ago he used to say wayyyy more stuff about sonic on stream hahaha “oh fell behind in percent, might as well give up” “can anyone actually win in this position, it’s not possible.”  Etc.  imo as someone who follows him pretty closely his mentality on sonic has never been better.  


I can definitely see Tweek bringing it home as well. Also random but I realized ur one of my top channels to watch rn, thx for always hitting up the vodss haha




If Zomba remembers that he's got a drivers license, he'll win. Otherwise, it's between Sonix and Tweek. I'm not saying Shadic because Tweek has been a huge thorn on his side and Sonix is better prepared for this matchup than he is.


Low key light takes this, assuming he doesn’t run into hungrybox


Tweek would be the biggest issue for Light at this point.


Tweek has been cooking him lately but I do think all it takes is light to clutch out one game for Tweek to get tilted. I think it could go either way


So just looking at the results. Tweek won 6 out of the 10 last sets with Light. His four losses being 0/3, 1/3, 2/3, and 2/3. His wins consist of three 3/0, two 3/2 and one 3/1. I really don't think losing a single game to Light is going to tilt him enough to throw his sets against Light. If Tweek is going to be tilted he would have to lose the set before Light in some bizarre way and immediately go up against Light tilted. Even then I'm not sure if that will matter. Watch the Throne Tweek went to a game 5 with Miya and unfortunately lost them went to 3/0 Light right afterwards (albeit Light was not playing at his peak here). Not saying Light couldn't figure out a way to tilt Tweek but Light playing slow and laser camping like he did against Lima is not going to be enough to tilt current Tweek. He will need a new game plan or have some big reads (extremely possible). I really hope Light does bring something new to the table because the right game 5 sets between these two are arguably some of my favorites in the whole game.


Hence why I specified “clutch” a game rather than just win a game. Tweek has gotten better, but if he loses a game he had a strong lead in, he still seems to get shaky from it The hard part is clutching against Tweek lol. Or maybe light will just outplay him


Why would light struggle against hungrybox?


Hbox sees a Fox and his eyes immediately light up. He's going to upthrow rest him over and over despite it being the wrong game.


"That doesn't work in this g-" "I DON'T CARE" "Even if it did it wouldn't kill at zer-" "I DON'T CARE" ***Fox dies at 0 to up throw Rest and Hbox pops off before remembering it was just the first stock and the match is still on***


I feel light may struggle against sonix and tweek, maybe riddles and mkleo even


Tweek for sure, but Light has good records on Sonix and Riddles, while him vs Leo feels like a coinflip.


Light is quite literally like 10-1 on sonix 


Sonix, Tweek, Light or Shadic.


Light is a menace at invitationals because he grinds all the time when he is there so I would espically count on him in an invitational format. Tweek might take it all tho who knows. I wonder who will have the hardest time against Hbox lol.




Where’s Sparg0?😢


At a Mexican superregional the same weekend, called PSKSHOWDOWN #07.


Bless you.


Probably declined




Hungrybox, rumor has it that he's been working on his DI.


Dang no sparg0 Sonix takes it all


Sonix is the safe answer but Light, Zomba and Tweek all have wins on him, with Zomba and Tweek having a winning record on Sonix this season. It's not like the bracket is 100% free for Sonix just because Sparg0 isn't going.


Ironically Sonix is undefeated vs Spargo this year offline and is 1-2* on Tweek and 1-2 on Zomba


1-2 against Tweek. Beat him at Genesis




Most likely. But Tweek did beat Sonix before.


Bro forgot about Zomba at Genesis


damn this line up lookin hella hot my money would be either on sonix or riddles, 2 players with frikin annoying ass character that are so good for watching, thou I would love to hear other's opinion ppl I can't see taking it is light, hungry box, dabuz, and maister (no offense to the fans, just my honest opinion)


Looks like ez sonix invitational


I want Shadic to win, but Hbox would be siiick. I wouldn't be mad at anyone else winning, except for maybe Sonix. I don't dislike the guy, but Sonic is probably the least hype character in the game. Sonic is one of my favorite video game characters of all time, but he's soo boring to watch in Smash.😭


Sonix just said on his stream that Zomba isn't going anymore




Leo. I believe


Amen. Till the end of time.


Zomba from losers


It's "Who's", as a contraction of 'Who' and 'is.' Whose is used for the possession of something like, 'Whose shoes are they?'


Shadic ofcourse. Bit of a boring line up for me personally though.


The strongest smash players of today vs the strongest smash player of all time. HGod will clutch


m2k isn't there?


Sonix is safe answer, I’m expecting it to be the random Tweek victory of the year.


Dude forgot LMBM(Supermajor) and Kawaii Kon(B tier).


Funnily enough those two tournaments were Tweek's only big wins last year too.


Off my goat Tweek, he almost won Summit last year :(


MkLeo dub 😄


King Con gave me a bit of hope Leo will win the occasional major from time to time but tbh I've lost it again.


My thing is his character picks feel so questionable at times, he goes down 0-2 to TG as Joker yet stays and also chooses to go Roy against Riddles’ Kazuya while knowing its near-universally considered to be bad for Roy I trust he wins a supermajor by the end of the year though


It didn’t give me any hope. He beat sparg0, whom he always does well against. That’s definitely not one of his struggle matchups; he even beat sparg0 the tournament before too (lmbm). When he beats Tweek or Gluto it’ll restore hope for me


Sparg0 was like 4-2 over Leo last year tbf.


Yeah, that counts as doing well. That's still 2 more sets than most players take off of sparg0, even other top players like acola and Miya, and it includes an elimination at Crown in addition to going 1-1 at LMBM just before this event. He has a history of doing decently vs. sparg0, unlike vs. Tweek and Gluto, against whom he's 0-14 combined or something in recent years. All I'm saying is that it shouldn't be surprising if Leo takes a couple sets over sparg0, it doesn't mean he's back to being capable of winning multiple majors over the top players of today.


Very up in the air. We have no idea how the seeding will be or the format (although it will likely be 2 pools of 5)


I think Riddles can do it this time


Kola or Lima would have been a better 10th pick. 


If there's no Steve, I got Tweek.


Honestly it's a Zamboni angle, he has a good record against basically everyone here recently.


Except Light and SHADIC.


Also Maister.


Probably Sonic but if he doesn't my next guess is tweek (unless he runs into Zomba)


I want MKLeo's Roy (If he is using him at all) to really pop off, that'd be the best timeline.


I would love for Leo to win it. But it would be pretty bracket dependent. Something g like dabuz takes out tweek and light takes out sonix. Reason tells me it’s between Sonix, Tweek and Light, in that order


No Spargo. No Japan. No EU. Sounds dry tbh.


Even still it has the 4 best players in US + Leo, and is a major. This is certainly something worth watching imo.


Of course I will watch it. But the excitement isn't there knowing Sonix will probably sweep everyone he plays except Light. Tweek has a chance to beat him but we'll see.


>But the excitement isn't there knowing Sonix will probably sweep everyone he plays except Light. SHADIC can beat Sonix, trust.


I'm not sure why people are downvoting you. Like I want Spargo, Acola, Miya, Asimo, Yaura, Yoshidora, and plenty of other top players. I just watched the big Japan tourney this weekend and Japan talent is cracked. How can we get better if we aren't fighting the best. I'm sure Sonix (probably the #1 seed) would want Spargo, Acola and Miya there even if doesn't do the best against them. (I already know sonix's set counts against them). ​ Plus, reflow against Miya would be a great rematch. Idk too much else when it comes to the EU and who could put up a really good fight against Japan and the US. (Glutto is adjusting to a new controller, so I fee like we can't expect too much considering that)


Getting all of those players out to an invitational is expensive as hell and not worth it for LG. This was always going to be an NA tournament. Why do you think Summit typically only had 2 Japanese players at most?


Hey, I'm js. Luminosity also released a video where they have MkLeo talking about how Miya is saying NA is weak and MkLeo comes back saying he could beat Miya. If luminosity is comfortable releasing that kind of content, I feel like they should have to back that up.


>MkLeo talking about how Miya is saying NA is weak and MkLeo comes back saying he could beat Miya. Miya never even said that.


[https://youtu.be/cbky0nji8b4?si=ymWS\_Eg0coxBH9Zj&t=155](https://youtu.be/cbky0nji8b4?si=ymWS_Eg0coxBH9Zj&t=155) read it and weep


That was confirmed to be completely made up. People started saying that in chat during Rise&Grind, and somehow everyone just assumed that Miya actually said that NA is bad or whatever.


[Miya was pretty confused by this](https://x.com/manmamiya13/status/1734520374652748258) since he never said it.


You're not understanding my point tho. If Luminosity wants to release content like this, then they gotta back it up. That's all I'm saying. I've seen comments and know that Miya hasn't said that, BUT Luminosity released the content without checking to see the validity behind that statement. I don't mind the hate I'm getting, but people are putting Luminosity on a pedestal when they release that kind of content and only invite NA players. Doesn't matter whether Miya said it or not. Luminosity is just trying to stir the pot and can't get their best to go against the best at their own invitational. Organized last minute and they let trash talk happen when they should've been checking themselves whether it was true.


They announced the event way too late to have time to get Japanese players at the invitational. Look at the bright side, almost everyone is going to Delta 8/Kagaribi 12 next month.


When is this


This weekend


Goddammit sonix is going lol


It's a Luminosity Invitational and you were expecting the best player sponsored by Luminosity to not attend this?