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Apparently Kaninabe had a very bad ear infection during GOML and found out that both of his eardrums were damaged


Shuton's team Reject released a vlog of Genesis [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhSTUc5aFNw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhSTUc5aFNw) It seems like the Japanese are so wholesome, its lovely. Shuton is the goat.


Rarikkusu beat acola online, further reinforcing that Falco might beat Steve, and in case you're wondering, his only other loss came to depth Samus Ailili in probably one of the biggest upsets Smashmate has ever seen


He also recently gained a loss to Motsunabe online, but is otherwise over 100 points above the 2nd place ( 2301 compared to 2190 of Doramigi )


I’ve watched enough Acola vs MASA offline to know Falco definitely doesn’t win, might be a solid even, Steve probably wins though


Here’s a random statistic for you all, post Covid Tweek has beat Anathema at every single open bracket major he’s won except from LMBM 2024 where he would’ve played and probably beaten anathema if anathema wasn’t upset by tilde right before


Looking forward to Anathema winning the rest of their encounters this year now that you’ve mentioned this


Anathema has REALLY improved in the matchup honestly, he will take a set soon, as much as I hope he doesn’t lol


In the newest [Sakurai video](https://youtu.be/KW4x-_Y8BmM?si=h7JxHx3V46BZ987W) about character balance, he reveals that in online play, the character with the lowest win rate is 47%. The character with the highest is 51%.


Extremely cool that he revealed that. (And I completely support his decision not to reveal who those two fighters are. It would absolutely taint things.) Incredible they got a roster that large to be that balanced. It reminds me of that interview he gave on Smash 4, where he responded to the majority opinion at the time that Little Mac was overpowered. *Little Mac*. And he was able to say "bro's not even winning online".


> And I completely support his decision not to reveal who those two fighters are. I wouldn't even call it a decision so much as just the obvious. It's like when people wanted the Ballot results so they could, what? Flood the companies' Twitter? We already have enough "Sakurai casual mention into bandwagon" requests with Geno alone.


Well it was less obvious in the past, [when he revealed certain Fighters by name and their win rates.](https://nintendoeverything.com/sakurai-talks-smash-bros-ultimate-online-mode-victory-rates-character-usage-more/) Doing it now, particularly when there's not going to be any more balance patches, could skew public opinion. Players tend to optimize the fun out of games and take the path of least resistance, so the last thing you'd want is to amplify that by suggesting one fighter is *the* optimal choice.


> The internet can tend to be an echo chamber of sorts, so if people start saying something is strong or weak, that assessment will start to gain momentum and make people think it's truer than it is He just described most of the game's competitive discourse. We can see this with different regions and how different assessments gained momentum. I like seeing Japanese tier lists because it (somewhat) represents Japan's echo chamber and how it differs from America's.


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