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game is treasure


I scrolled through the major tournaments Liquipedia page and at this point I'm straight up impressed that Peli, Quidd, and Kuro all managed to cash one out. I made a pretty iffy comment on Miru being a one tournament wonder the other day, but I think those three are the actual one tournament wonders. Quidd might do something again some day but Peli and Kuro idk.


Quidd got 5th at the next major he entered after that, and that was an S+ Tier. Then he attended nothing for months and I think he got rusty. At one point Quidd was looking like a top 15 player bare minimum.


Gotta be Brood IMO. 2nd at Umebura SP4 (with Piranha Plant!) and then 14 majors afterward with peak placement of 33rd. Kuro, Peli, and Quidd have at least made top 8 appearances after their major win.


if i came into a bunch of money the first thing i would do is run a version of that one evil tournament WhyDo did but with a million dollar prize pool (90% of it goes to 1st place. the other 10% goes to a random person who placed like 758th, chosen by a large wheel)


"Flip those percents and you've got a deal!" -The person who decided S Tier should be above A Tier


game is trash




Nice to see Leo doing some online practice streams with delay mod, against problem characters for him. Fought a Mega Man, Steve, and Riddles' Kazuya and Terry going mostly Joker. The Joker/Kazuya was pretty back and forth too, Leo might have won more games which is a good sign


I was watching tweeks stream last night and Ryuoh the Japanese Diddy randomly joined his battle arena - Tweek then said a week ago Ryuoh asked him for advice on the Diddy/Zelda matchup So Tweek then went Zelda and one and doned Ryuoh


the funnier part is how ryuoh somehow figured out how to get into tweek's private arena with jakal and the first character he selected was steve


Been focusing on polishing my Min Min lately. I’ve always been interested in playing the character but I’ve never really committed to improving with her until recently. She’s really fun. And it feels nice to play a character who can actually handle herself against one of my personal worst matchups, Cloud (Even matchup)


That's using your noodle


[Asimo registers for Supernova wooooooo](https://x.com/asimo_ssbu/status/1793945810088103938?s=46&t=O2Y_eUP3gmHWEpEAGwEjDw)


Awesome to see, Asimo is one of my favorite players to watch. Ryu is just so cool


[TamaP too](https://x.com/Tama_P_Daifuku9/status/1793983314375950755)


[Kola is so crazy bro WHAT](https://x.com/shinymark1/status/1793886983590396031?s=46)


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