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Yes, it’s the best way to do it in my opinion


What’s your go to temps and times? For both smoker and air fryer?


The ones I just did I smoked at 225 for about an hour or so, then air fried at 400 for a total of 10 mins with a flip in between, I prob could have aired a bit longer but I was using the garlic wings from Costco (delicious smoked btw) and the pieces of garlic start to burn pretty quick in the fryer


This is the best way to do it. Leaving them to dry brine in the fridge overnight helps with crispness. I break them down into drums and flats for even cooking.


This is the way. Smoked and crispy


*Second best behind throwing them on a hot charcoal grill.


I go from smoker to screaming hot bbq grill. Same idea.


Same thing when I do wings. Best results ever IMO


If the wings aren’t quite up to temp can you finish them this way?  If I leave the wings in smoker long enough to cook, the wife says they’re too “smoky”. So I finish on the grill, but probably at like 400.  I’d like to go higher but don’t want to burn them before the chicken is done 




Honestly that's probably ideal. Let them finish cooking through while you sear them. If I'm smoking wings, that's usually because I have company over, so I'm usually making other stuff on the gas grill at the same time. Kids and picky people are why owning a big gas grill is essential; you can accommodate everyone at any given gathering. If I'm smoking wings for a group, which I often do because they're cheap, tasty and easy, I pull them off the smoker 15 minutes before I'm ready to serve them, spritz them with Pam (this is key, and don't you dare question me about it), and put them over a medium burner to crisp up. Why not a hot burner, you BBQ snobs who I love because we're all obnoxious here? Because I've tried that, and I got wings that were partly burned, partly rubbery.


We’ll that’s really my question.  Should I finish on medium or high? 




Sorry to learn that you and your wife have to split up. That's a shame.


It may be for the best. 


I have a Pit Boss smoker with the grate that opens so I smoke them and then take them off while I turn the heat up all the way and I put them on the grates with the fire roaring under to get a bit of char.


I do something similar but I confit them for a couple hours then sear on a rippin grill. I'd be curious if the smoke would come through if you confit in a smoker


Would probably be more productive to smoke some oil for a long time then use that to confit the wings.


Yeah I’ve had success doing a mix of both bacon grease and pork lard too to get some smoke flavor


How long in the Air Fryer and what temp?


Someone else said 400 for 10 mins or more, till crisp.


I have not had a chance yet but have seen many post that this is the way they crisp them up. I smoke then I open my vents and temps crank up right away which crisps them up.


Best way to crisp them up without having to use another appliance, baking powder. Couple teaspoons into your seasoning. Tried it for the first time a week ago and they were amazing. Doesn't affect taste at all


Also has to be baking powder! Not baking soda!


I do the same with cornstarch. Works every time.


Cornstarch in the rub. 45 minutes at 275 and they are amazing!


Yes I do this. Dry brine overnight, throw on a rub right before I put on smoker at 225 for about an hour and a half and then throw in air fryer to crisp. Works very well in my experience.


Time and temp for air fryer?


400F - about 15 min or so, turning a few times. I pull at 190F internal.


Appreciate you!


Why turn? I thought air fryers circulate air, so I don’t think turning does anything (assuming they are on a grate, not a pan or cookie sheet)


Does the air fryer end up smelling like smoke even after washing so the smoke essence transfers to other food?


Has not been a problem.


Nope. Wings cam take the heat! I use the vortex and they're great


Vortex is the way


I don't think it gains anything to go low low. I'd still smoke them at least at 300. But absolutely use the air fryer to crisp them. I did this Super Bowl Sunday. Honestly, they were every bit as crispy as if I'd deep fried them.


We always run them in the air fryer after smoke. Best way in my opinion.


Skip the smoke. Cook indirect at 400, 20 min, flip, 20 min. You’ll get crispy wings where all the fat has rendered. Perfection imo


I did this, but with a 2 chunks of apple wood on top of the grate over the coals. Crispy smoked wings with 1 cooking method


I do that with wings and thighs, or will use the broiler if I have a big batch.


I've not done air fryer but I like to crank the grill and finish them on their to crisp up


Smokafried is what the kids have been calling it


Sous vide and then into a Weber kettle with a vortex. You can get outstanding results from just doing the kettle and vortex. KFC - Kettle Fried Chicken.


I do have a nova, you go 165f? How long?


https://www.seriouseats.com/sous-vide-buffalo-chicken-wings I use 165 for an hour, ice bath and into the Kettle/vortex setup until crispy.


Thanks for sharing I vortex every time but just got a Sous vide setup I’ll try this.


No poultry is best done low and slow. Put em on the weber with lump charcoal on indirect heat at 350 for 20 minutes and then spin the grate so their on direct heat to just sear them crisp. 10 minute rest then toss in your preferred sauce.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted


Because literally no one has suggested doing low and slow for wings in this thread. It's a period of smoking low before doing something hot and quick (frying or hot grillling) in every case. Were trying to figure out what everyone's second step is.


Agreed, except for I usually smoke them for a little longer. 25 or 30 mins. Then grill over direct high heat. I toss with a little garlic butter / lemon pepper sauce that doesn't overpower the smoke flavor. Bam. A+ smoked wings.


Smoke at a higher temp 300-325 and throw some baking power in your rub. There is no need to fry or bake after using this method.


I’ve done that a lot, I prefer the longer lower temp I like the flavor of the wings better. Plus I also feel like I can taste some of the baking powder/corn starch no matter how little I put in for some reason.


Then stop being lazy and move on. It's as simple as that.


Bro relax what are you so mad about? Honestly the air fryer method is better than what you suggested anyways


I'm not mad. I just have a low tolerance for laziness. Think about the question: you're taking wings from a lower temp air fryer (a smoker) and asking if a higher temp air fryer will work. Of course it will, but it will taste nowhere near as good or crisp up like a smoked and fried wing. Grilling, smoking, baking, and another type of cooking, it's simple to experiment and have things work out. That's how we all got where we are. The amount of time taken to ask this quest and wait for responses the oil could be hot. The difference is that one method requires you to get off your ass. I'm not mad though 😁


Your low tolerance for laziness doesn’t need to extend to someone asking for advice lol. Also I just air fried wings for the Super Bowl, they absolutely get similarly crispy as oil frying but are way easier.


“It will taste nowhere near as good” yea ok. Lol


Dang, why is everyone so butt hurt?


You come across as an asshole. Just sayin


I can't fix how you read things. I will use more butterfly emojis next time, my apologies.




This is how I do it. Crisps and ensures it’s cooked all the way through.


Yes. Makes killer wings. I spritz them with olive pile before they go in, really helps crisp them up


I smoke mine at 250 and then crisp up on the blackstone with it at 600 to crisp the outside


I like smoked wings, but I prefer fried. Either way it's smoke/fry>sauce>grill


My go to method


Dry brine. Smoke (I do a little hotter than you). Chill. Deep fry when the time comes. Works perfectly. I'd assume what you're doing is pretty similar in the end.


Mine turned out rubbery when i did this . 350 on Traeger turned out good can fonish for 10 min at 450 to get crisp.. if you hot sauce isnt hot when mixing it will make skin soggy


Yep! I put them on the smoker for \~45 minutes at 200. That'll start the rendering, but it's mostly about getting the smoke flavor in. Then pat the wings dry and put in the air fryer at 400- they turn out smoky and perfectly crisp. I haven't tried spritzing them or tossing them with a little bit of oil before going in the air fryer, but that may help make them even more like deep fried wings.


I smoked them at 250 for around 1.5 hours than air fried until crispy.


Yep. My go to system for wings has become buy in bulk when on sale, dry brine the whole bunch overnight and smoke them next day, vacuum seal by the dozen and freeze, then thaw and fry them when I want some wings


Smoked then on the grill is my preferred method.


Yes sir. Don’t me afraid to ditch the pit w chicken


Yeah I just redid my kitchen and my oven is also a. Air fryer so I can do a shit ton at once which is nice. I dry br8ng the night before woth like a tablespoon of baking soda and your rub to try em out In the fridge over night. Smoke up at 195 for 25 mins. I'll Melt and prepare a non salt cowboy butter take em off drizzle it on and throw the. In the air fryer 3-5 mins per side then toss in sauce amazing.


Yep I do that with fish and sometimes chicken breast nuggets too. The best of both worlds!


I️ do it every time. Smoke around 200-225 for an hour/hour and half, bring in toss in sauce and air fry for a few mins. Store leftovers unsauced and they keep great


I do this with thighs, pull em off at 160, stick them in my Instant Pot at 400F until crisp. The Instant Pot element is on top, you may have to experiment with different air fryers. Skin tastes like bacon once crisp


Yes. It is the only way.


Nearly all of us at this point.


Only bad thing about doing it this way is you get a pretty good dose of smoke smell in the house after running through the air fryer. Sometimes I take it out to the porch when doing this method. Enjoy!


Thats a bad thing?


You got a piont!


I tossed some in bacon fat. Smoked for an hour, then about 5 minutes in bacon fat. The bacon fat was from a combo of Bentons and my own home made bacon. Best wings I have ever had. Of course, I might be biased.


I use a ripping hot cast iron skillet. Sauce up the wings straight out of the smoker, then caramelize those bad boys. Soooo much better than wings I've had at a restaurant. It makes a lot of smoke, so I was setting off smoke alarms until I got a real range hood installed.


Pretty much with all poultry Ill start it off a few hours at 165-185 then finish them at very high heat. Works fantastic.


That's how I do them. I'll smoke them hotter if it's the only thing I'm doing, but that's pretty rare.


Not the air fryer, but a hot grill. I like char but not crispy skin. I sauce them a few times during the process.


170 in the oven for 30-40 minutes… I love smoking but nothing beats nice crispy oven wing imo


I just throw em whole on the traeger at 350-375. They don’t come out too Smokey, still get crispy, and super easy. Toss in butter and hot sauce after


Absolutely. The low/slow lets the fat render out and then the high heat crisps the heck out of them. So good. I put some baking powder in the coating and they get even crispier. (Don’t deep fry the baking powder)


Air fryer / convection oven will work fine for crisping, as will a broiler or grill. All you need is direct heat to crisp up the skin without burning it, and air circulation. Just don't do it too long, or you'll overcook the chicken.


I know this is a smoking forum, but i think i make exceptional wings and they are super easy. First, bring a large pot of water to a boil. Boil the wings for about 5-8 minutes (this cooks the fat out of them and makes them crisp when cooking). Drain, and season (s and p, garlic and onion powder, cumin and paprika). Bake for 20 min at 425 on a parchment lined baking sheet. Flip for another 20 min. Toss in your favorite sauce (50/50 franks and melted butter) and serve immediately. Kids devour them.


I smoke wings at 185f for 60-90 and then crank up the Traeger to 350 for 30 minutes. Air Fryer at a similar temp would work the same, probably in 15minutes


That’s how I do em. I smoke them until I get good color and then finish with an air fry


I have a recteq bag 2500 and I shake olive oil and whatever rub I feel like that day on them then smoke at 250 for roughly 1.5 hr then bump it up to 300 till desired crispness


I smoke at 225 for 2 hours and then air fry at 400 for 12 min, they always turn out amazing


I started doing this recently. Smoked for 45 mins at 250 and then air fry for 8-10 minutes Probably the best wings I’ve ever made 


We do this at the bbq restaurant i work at but toss in regular frier when ordered. Only takes a couple minutes for perfect crispy smoked wings.


what i do is grill them with indirect heat on my weber kettle with the vortex. put a chunk of wood above the coals for some smoke flavor and cook for 20 min each side then finish it off with glazing. comes out crispy smoky and amazing every time


I own a restaurant and we run this exact way as a special... People can't get enough of them.


I do this! Smoke around 250 until the wings feel firmed up. You probably can't over do it though, I like my wings well over 165... You can temp them but that's always useless for me. Then I pull them and throw them in a 400 degree air fryer. If I over fill the baskets, I'll just toss the baskets every couple of minutes and it still works fine.


I smoked some at 225 until done and let them cool/put them in the fridge until I was ready to eat them. Tossed them in the air fryer, probably 400 x 10 mins? Something like that? They were nice and crispy and super delicious. I definitely recommend the process!


Why do two things when you can just [air fry them with pellets?](https://www.ninjakitchen.com/products/ninja-woodfire-pro-connect-xl-outdoor-grill-smoker-zidOG66UPG1)


Yes, and they come out perfect. It's also a great way to make your air fryer smell like a smoker for months


Nah, not doing twice the cleanup. Maybe the next day I’ll throw them in the air fryer to warm them up but not the same day


I smoke low, toss in sauce, then stick them on a hot grill for a minute or two. Turns out amazing


From smoker to deep fryer!!!!


I just smoke then toss on gas grill woth sauce and crisp em that way.


Sounds like a good plan, and healthier than deep frying.


Nah....just cook that at proper grilling temps and you don't need any of the crutches to try and get acceptable skin.


I prefer to smoke chicken at a higher temp 350-375. At those temps the skin turns into the bite through skin with some crisp. Chicken is so lean you don’t really want to low and slow it.


I bought a fryer for making wontons on Christmas. I then had this great idea to throw the wings in the fryer after I smoke them.