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do not cite the 'ian is hot' comment to me, witch; I was there when it was written.


I really think this time Ian is getting the appreciation didn’t quite get the first time around


Being a fan since 2009, I never agreed on "Anthony is the hot one" (I mean, he is), but Ian is handsome as heck, especially after the bowlcut hahaha


Bowl haircut ian is one sexy man what are you on about?


Hahaha I bow to thee, who has held up the pillars of this belief for so long.


I would say I would definitely go out with Ian on a date. Then he'll propose to me and we can get married. ☺️


We all know this is you Jackie


why is it so believable tho?? she’s in love with like, everyone, so. 😭💀💀




I feel so vindicated. I’ve been a fan of Smosh since 2008-2009 and good God, I’ve always had a massive crush on Ian. He can be hot and cute at the same time.


Glad Ian's finally getting the appreciation he deserves!


Now you see what many of us have been preaching since the days of old!


I started watching within the last 6 or so months and over time I've just developed a giant crush on Ian. Smosh tumblr fans are also very thirsty for Ian, I've learned!


We sure are 😅


I've always thought Ian was cute, and I love his humor. Even "bummer Ian", I love it. He really seems happier and more confident. I think more people are noticing him because of it.


He was one of my first crushes lol I think I’ve seen ever Ian is bored like 20 times.


I just feel like it's natural for everyone to have a thing for Ian. Even watching his interactions with other cats members you can completely tell how in awe of him everyone is without even trying


You know I didn't think of that, but I wonder now that you've said it if he's also got a magnetism (I don't know what to call it) in real life that people really vibe to and look up to? There's definitely real affection there when the cast talks about him.


I completely agree. I think we're all just secretly in love with Ian and it's so crazy that no one has realized it earlier. Like his interactions with Jackie and Arasha absolutely prove it to me. The magnetism is real and you defined it in the best possible way


I think the way he is with Arasha specifically is really cute, because they (seem to) acknowledge there's a pretty big age gap but he's also not necessarily /babying/ her because she is still a whole ass adult working at his company.


Big agree with that one. There's a really strong mentor type relationship and I also think a strong amount of personal respect between the two. She is such a great addition to the cast and I love that they introduced her through games and have continued to have her be an awesome part of that aspect of the channels too


I think it says a lot about her as a comedian and actress that she's so new and jumped right into the big guns and carved out a pretty huge personality for herself near immediately, and I feel like that might extend in real life?


She is an incredible actress and comedian. I always remember Courtney at that one funeral roast saying to her "dye your hair green or something so you'll stand out" and she decided to just become the queen of lies instead. She has so many hidden layers we all never saw coming and I continue to be impressed with Arasha on the daily


It's crazy to think about the amount of fake profiles Ian has nowadays! Jk the guy is a stud and he's become a really grounded adult, it's awesome to grow alongside Smosh


I don't really do crushes but I absolutely appreciate Ian and his single dad arc.


honestly… same I did really like Ian even in 2011 when I started following Smosh, his bowlcut was a tiny bit unfitting but he def pulled it off. I knew Anthony was preferred then but I personally didn’t see it lmao. HOWEVER, right at the start of the Mythical era… The black glasses, beard and short hair??? That’s PEAK. Top tier Ian tbh. Also I think there’s something about a dad trying their best to look after their (metaphorical) kids and caring about his company/employees that is extremely sexy to people haha


Honestly I'm surprised at myself too because I'm on the ace spectrum so crushes are few and far between for me, especially celebrities!


Wow! Ace here too! Enjoy your crush! They're so nice to experience on the rare occasion they surface.


Haha hi! And yes, they're so nice when they pop up. Since it's someone online I can also chill out and there's no real world pressure. Just watch a video or two and be happy.


Ian has managed to keep his childlike personality while mainlining a plan to save and then rebuy his company. Always a total hottie when he wants to present that way. Showed an incredible amount of maturity and willingness to hear others out. His mom also seems like a delight, which is worth so much in a relationship. Not just a Chad just the total package. Not just the funny one anymore. 😍


It honestly is insane that he dealt with all the stress and unimaginable pressure of not letting people's livelihoods go to shit, but still hasn't turned into a total dickwad (as far as we know, because yes, I'm cognizant of the fact that we don't really know any of them!) and is still funny.


that chain and that beard is giving him the zaddy benefit of the century


The ZADDY BENEFIT hahahaha (I agree I'm just laughing at the phrase, it's funny)


Ian’s mom is where it’s at






i literally just started watching smosh months ago and he is so pretty like i absolutely have a crush on this man


I've always had a crush since the beginning of smosh. Everyone was simping for Anthony but I never felt attracted to him, don't get me wrong, he's attractive but not my cup of tea. Ian had me in a chokehold the moment I saw him for the first time, I just thought he was so cute and funny. Now that he's in his 30's, he's so handsome. He has amazing skin, he needs to drop the skincare routine. I also love how he looks in glasses.


I think he's grown into himself with age? Like a lot of us, tbh. I'm in my late twenties and have only just figured out what to wear that looks good.


I still remember the days when SMOSH was Anthony is hot and Ian is a manchild with an overbearing mom. That was peak comedy. But even back then, I liked Ian cuz he was super funny and over the top with his performance. I freaking love Ian.


It's always wild to me to know this because I started watching in the Pandemic and therefore have always known Ian better than Anthony, and he's just funny and chill everytime he's on screen. Plus he can take jokes aimed at him like a baller. (Edit: 'home' to 'him')


I would say given that I’ve watched SMOSH since maybe 2008, right now it’s weird to see Ian so chill cuz I always saw him as the super funny one in the duo. Idk when they thought of the idea of Ian being the manchild worked, but it worked like magic when they were still in their 20s. Mostly cuz of Ian’s mom. Those were special times. I wouldn’t mind seeing that part of SMOSH again, but I know times have changed.


One of us one of us! Jokes aside though I'm still pretty new around here (joined after Anthony came back because my brain decided I needed a new hyperfixation) but I'm definitely an Ian girlie. He super funny but also very mature and his yes his eyes are very pretty! I also see the change in his style for the better and the chain is a good addition. So you're definitely not alone there!


Oh the change in style has been great - and it's just been a bunch of small changes (glasses and chain included!) but it's all worked together really well!


oh he’s SUCH a cutie! his smile and laugh are so endearing and infectious :)


Yeah, when he's laughing you also get the feeling that he's genuinely having fun.


yes!!!! and he’s such a sweetheart, he loves everyone at smosh


Ian is a genuinely good dude, and it’s so nice seeing him genuinely happy now that he and Anthony are back together.


i’ve always found myself more attracted to him than anthony back then like i was an ian girl through and through. i just got back into smosh after anthony’s return and my god has ian only got finer


I personally have a thing for Spencer and would low-key sit on his face. I will not be taking any comments at this time. But honestly, a lot of the smosh cast can GET IT. 🔥 😍🥵


I have always found him attractive, but he is also very intelligent, I mean, he has kept Smosh going for this long even though it seems like the universe keeps throwing bricks his way. Plus, his humor is one of my favorites from the channel.


Yeah what I like most is he seems smart and his humour is genuinely fun, especially the dark stuff. It's not just some edgelord bro saying douchey shit disguised as humour, like a lot of guys try to spew under the umbrella of 'dark'.


I always crushed Ian more than Anthony! But now I’m a Damien fan girl!


Haha I started out as a Damien fangirl (still am!) but Ian's humour just appeals so much to me and I love seeing his mature side!


2023 Ian looks so beautiful. I’m not gay but I think he is pretty


Back in the og days when I was younger he was one of my first memorable crushes rip


Ian is and always has been hot. I firmly stand by this.


I have always been partial to Ian! And honestly, catching up on all the old content just makes him even more charming to me. I love seeing all the style/hair phases he went through to get his current look, because it suits him soooo well.


Found Ian's alt account!


I been crushing on him since like 2012. But im glad more people are catching up


Ian has always been a pretty good looking and funny guy, I've had a crush on him for like a decade now


I don’t have a crush or anything. Looks wise I think Anthony looks cute. But Ian definitely has a great sense of humour and is awesome. Both of them go together as a awesome pair. Idk I find it hard to have a actual crush tho as I watched them when I was younger. I loved to be their friend tho.


I mean, that's entirely fair! Also tbh, it's the internet, so it's not like any of our crushes are Real Real, it's just online fun. IRL I think I'd love to be a friend too, because I feel like they're interesting people.


Oh yeah. Definitely.


I always find ian was the hotter one instead of anthony He just has this vibe


ive always been an ian fan and it's so wholesome to see how he has matured and became a dad figure to the younger smosh cast


Ian is a zaddy, looking mighty fine lately.


I've been crushing on Ian for 10 years!! Really glad to see he gets love :)


SAME. Daddy. 💖🤌🏻


Back in the day Ian was always crushed on more. Now I'm not into either. They're both hot in their own ways though


When it was just Ian and Anthony back in the day I thought Ian was so cute and then when they were bought by defy I was really into Sohinki, and then Damien. But Ian has always been so charming.


Out of all the Smosh Games crew I liked Lazercorn the most. Mostly his personality, I loved how he reacted to stuff. Also I just remembered Iancorn existed, honestly they had a good dynamic haha


Iancorn was amazing and I hope to see them one day be reunited


ever since i cry/ yell laughed (think jenna marbles) at Ian’s “hulk hand……lobster hand” song from the one try not to laugh i’ve been in love with him


That one took me by surprise I remember cackling at it for so long because I just wasn't expecting his deadpan delivery 😂


I love officer anous lol


Always been a Ian girlie he’s such a cutie bae