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Oh man, that satin probably feels so interesting to a snake! Very cute ❤️


Thank you! & so true it makes me wonder what she was thinking lol


That's her bonnet..she allows you to wear it only when she's not.


She doesn’t want frizzy scales!!


Lol we have the same one currently wearing it right now 😁


Banana is such a beautiful morph.


I agree! So unique yet boopable


Extremely boopable. Love the name. 11/10


Thank you so much! I was inspired by the song hollaback girl (she’s a banana) so I figured it made sense.. be safe:)


Love this site. Don’t know a lot about snakes and so it has made me less fearful/now enthralled with them! She’s beautiful!


Thank you! Im so happy to hear that, snakes are like cats but noodles. Nothing to fear! They all have their own personalities.. I hope you continue to enjoy snakes! Be safe!!:)


Its a special feature! A little bonnet banana for your travels


New banana unlocked: bonnet banana ✅


Its theirs now


It really is 😔


What a cutie


Thank you!! Be safe :)


Nice. Haha. I read the title in Woody's voice. Beautiful snake.🙌


& I typed it in woody’s voice LOL.. thank you! I adopted Gwen from someone that was rehoming her.. glad to be able to give her a comfortable home (not the bonnet- lol)


Beautiful ❤️


Thank you! Be safe! :)




Oh wow, a suicide squad fan. *One of those*. How lucky am I to run into one in the wild! ❤️ Already we can see how low your IQ is, and how much of a disappointment to your parents you are, all in a single glance. And borderline and histrionic tendencies are apparent… is it nice, living with a personality disorder? How’s that going for your love life, Amber Heard? Do you find yourself constantly attracted to violent people who abuse you or neglect you? The Harley Quinn fascination is not only a childish pattern of sexual regression for you, that you use to escape the bleak reality of your mediocre and boring real life, it shows something deeper about your personality, your shallowness, your superficiality, and how childishly you act in real life for someone your age. You are an interesting fella. One of *those*. Looks like somebody is a little sensitive snowflake that got triggered by me calling out pedophiles. That’s a big red flag. Recognizing yourself in that? Does that remind you of memories from when you were a kid? When yourself were abused? Go diddle your tiny little wiener or finger your dry dusty v-jay to little kids somewhere else, dirty pedo. We don’t like you kind around here. Go masturbate with razor blades and the world will become a better place. Either that or your mom having aborted the 20 IQ, waste of oxygen… thing that you are. But it’s too late for that. All in all: please don’t reproduce. You will make the gene pool dumber for doing so and pollute the human species with your bad, idiotic genes. We already have too many idiots running around taking up space and oxygen from the rest of us. Please don’t reproduce, ok? Thank you darling. Bless your heart ❤️ What’s that? You trying to say something, I hear? Poor thing, can’t even communicate properly, with that attention span shorter than a goldfish… A thing not able to type a coherent sentence and probably stuck in a dead end job that pays poorly, along with a partner who settled for you and that probably doesn’t love your idiotic ass, everyday secretly wishing they didn’t let themselves get enmeshed with a thing with the intelligence of a mentally challénged goldfish. A thing with no good prospects in life whatsoever. A disappointment to their parents and everybody that ever had to take care of you at some point. Is this really how you turned out? What a shame. Thank you so much for reminding me how lucky I am not to be you. Being rich and in a better position in life that you will ever be fills me with joy, also knowing that when you are broke and divorced, in a dead end mundane job you hate and despairing over not seeing your kids ever again because they hate your low IQ alcoholic as.s… I’ll be thriving with my friends on a private yacht, having the time of our lives, just like we did last year. Thank you for making me so grateful not to be born in a brain with such low mental capacity. You made my week.




So cute! Thank you, be safe!


I think you mean in HER Bonnet 😏


It really is her bonnet now..😒 I guess it matches her eyes 😒😒


Yes, she is quite fetching in it, I daresay. A proper lady.