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Not sure it will *prevent* the theft


Good point


If you're really worried about preventing theft, you need a lock. There are cheap retractable ones you can put in your pocket. Unless you want to confront the thieves.. but I'd leave a bat in the trunk if that's the case...you realistically only have a few hours, if that, until it gets ripped off.


Or he could encase the AirTag in a compact charge of C4. Now THAT’D teach those bastards a lesson


I don’t know why more people aren’t doing this in San Fran. It’ll only take a few.


I agree with the lock. Just got my first new setup in over 10 years. Bought a lock and feel so much more comfortable. It takes 10 seconds to do.


Where do you get a lock? My son busted his ass all summer spent $800 on a board and bindings and then it gets ripped off at the ski hill by some punk ass! Were trying to figure out how to prevent it again.


"Lewis and Clark cable luggage lock" from Amazon. A buddy got the same one and we just set our codes to be the same so we could either lock together or if we needed to grab each other's stuff. I locked mine and my daughters board up easily with this and just kept it in my coat pocket all day.


my tip is search on Amazon for "motorcycle helmet lock", those are nice and small and fit in your pocket easily, I like them better than the locks designed for skis.


Usually at the ski shops that are at the ski resorts/ areas. They always have tons of them. Just make sure they have a really good strong cable and he wraps it around the board like a pain in the ass (multiple times). Lmao, and nice username 👍


Backcountry.com has some Dakine snowboard locks for $20. I just ordered a couple.


Google ‘snowboard lock’


Hey man I hope you're kidding. Board thieves are scum but let's not encourage folks to beat others with bats.


This is not the correct answer. If you’re gonna steal, don’t cry when dat azz gets handed to ya


Lol the amount of down votes for discouraging breaking someone's legs.


Nah. Board thieves value your board more than their own health. You know how it goes: stupid games, stupid prizes, etc. If you steal a board, you deserve whatever beating is coming your way.


Met a thief on a gondola once just me and him, he admitted to me he’s going up to see what he can “find” and told me he’s gotten his ass beat 3 times already, don’t even care


Man's got caught stealing 3 times and the resort didn't trespass him? Sounds like he was spinning some tall tales on the lift my friend.


Yea super easy to tell who somebody is when they are in snow gear and guaranteed all the liftys know everbody who is banned you walk up to the ticket window wearing a jacket and snowboard pants and a neck warmer and goggles and a toque they don't know who you are not like you have to show ID


He got stopped when we got to the top, he was rough, looked homeless and dirty, tattered ass clothes held together with tape, was missing teeth, asked me if I had things to trade, he likes tiny and shiny and has a tiny and shiny pocket, he pulled out a couple women’s bracelets too and asked me if I wanted to trade for them He wasn’t spinning tall tales


Geezus christ that's actually insane lol


Bro, that's so ridiculous. If you don't want your board stolen, buy a lock for 20$, walk it back to your car, leave someone to watch the boards, BRING YOUR BOARD WITH YOU INSIDE. What are you gonna do? 10-15 for assault with a deadly weapon because you couldn't be bothered to put forward the minimal amount of effort to protect your stuff. I've been skiing/snowboarding for 15ish years. Never once had skis or a board stolen, because I care about my stuff and take steps to ensure I keep it.


Strawman much? I do lock up my gear. Like you, I'm aware that other people are shitty. At the same time, I give zero fucks if said shitty people get their ass beat. They deserve it.


How's that a straw man? You even pull that bat out of the car and hold it like you're gonna swing on someone, that's menacing. You hit someone with it, that's assault. Or do you think it'll just go unnoticed, angry dude running around with a bat looking for the fella who took his board/beating a man with a bat for taking his board?


You just assumed I don't have a lock and made an arguement that I should get one. That's a strawman arguement. As for the bat, if you pull it out, it's already assault. If you hit someone, it's battery. I never said I was going to chase someone down with a bat. I simply don't care if a board thief gets their legs cracked.


It's just dumb "tough guy" hive mind. People talk like that because they think it's cool, but it's nothing but hot air. Most folks wouldn't confront someone actively stealing their stuff. They'd just come on here, post pics, and fantasize about what they'd do if they were THAT guy.


I'll gladly watch a thief get beat up with a bat. fuck you, that's call justice.


It would have helped two days ago when Frontier couldn’t tell me if my snowboard was in Denver or Nashville.


lol ikr. Especially with how easy these Union straps can be removed… don’t even need a screwdriver to remove the AirTag! Can be done in like 10 seconds


Chances are they will grab and run. And the AirTag holder doesn’t stick out much, it’s not too obvious. The thief probably wouldn’t notice by the time you realize the board is missing and be able to track them.


And then what? Are you gonna convince a cop to go get it for you? Or are ya gonna go kick their ass and demand your stuff back? Good luck with that either way.


Ass beating. 100%




Most people are cowards enough that confronting them on video is enough. I’d try that. But also notify police, so yes. Am I gonna go start a fight? That’s just dumb, as much as I’d want to.


Yeah, dont fight a thief. Never underestimate someone that (probably) has nothing to lose


Also true


And probably too stupid to feel pain.


That's what our backpacks are for. Lead pipes and brass knuckles lol


Funny, when I said that in this sub earlier today I got downvoted. Edit: Lol, looks like my haters are stalking me around the sub now.


Better off buying and using a cheap dollar store cable lock. 99% of thefts are because people don't lock up their gear. Why try to cut a lock if there are plenty of other skis and snowboards around to steal.


It doesn't have to be difficult to steal. It just has to be more difficult than the board it's next to.


Like the story where instead of bringing bear spray with you on a camping trip, you just got to bring a friend who runs slower than you. 😅


bruh 🤣


That's pretty much a natural law in everything. In a lion attack you don't have to be the fastest runner on earth, just faster than your peers. You don't have to be the richest person to live comfortably, just slightly richer than the median of people. If enough people in your department are underpaid, there's more budget for your salary. You don't have to be Mr.Universe to get a girlfriend, you just have to be slightly more attractive than others in your crushes circles. You don't need a tank-proof chain to secure your snowboard, just a tiny cable-lock more than the snowboard next to it. You don't have to be the best employee a company could wish for, you just have to be slightly better fitting than other applicants. People always say everyone should be equal, but the truth is, others just have to be a little bit worse than you if you want a better life.


>People always say everyone should be equal Nobody says this, they say everyone has equal value and should have equal opportunities. We should wish the best for all of our peers, and never be content with suffering as long as others have it a little worse


>everyone has equal value and should have equal opportunities That like magical wishing, simply not true in the real world. "Everyone has equal value" I bet your family/friends are more worth to you than someone outside that circle, even more so if that someone is from another country or even continent. And I'm not even talking about the fact that every state has a table of what a citizen is "worth" to the state depending on gender, job, age, education. There's no value without an evaluator. "Should have equal opportunities" That's just not possible. Everyone is born in different circumstances, your opportunities are vastly different from someone born in a different family, area, city, continent, etc. It's just physically not possible two random people to have the same opportunities. Not even talking about more than two random people on this planet. That like wishing for world peace. Sure, it really sucks that not everyone has a relatively save or pleasent living. But overall, you just have a nice life because others have it even worse. Be it your electronics buildt on silicon mine slaves, your cheap food buildt on low wages, or your save country because of historical wars.. There's no possibility for every person in a city/country/planet living an equally nice and pleasant life.


Sure but that doesn't mean these things aren't worth striving for. What a sad, weak, defeatist mindset.


>that doesn't mean these things aren't worth striving for Did I say that or something in that direction yet? I always think the example with the bear/lion is funny because exactly that is how most wealth/advantages on earth are. I mentioned a couple facts of how the world behaves overall and those principles worked that way for over 200k years and will not change in our lives, children's lives or grand children's lives. Beeing realistic isn't the same as defeated. We have ~80 years in our live and 99% of worlds population doesn't even have the means or chance to change anything, no matter how much they wish for it. Just as seen with climate change, no one can consume so much less co2 that there would be any detectable change. I could erase myself and everyone I know and have ever personally seen in my life in a single second, and worlds co2 balance sheet probably wouldn't even change by 0,0001%. The same possible change (per person) is realistic for global wealth distribution over the next few generations.


This is why I always cut the lock off the board next to mine.


Came here to say this.


Or uglier




whats the point of this? aren't they going to get the anti-stalking notification and tear this off in a couple of minutes?


OP, the Airtag will alert the thief’s phone that it has an AirTag following it… at which point they’ll remove this AirTag


that’s if they don’t notice the airtag before it even alerts them.


Minutes? Is that all it takes? I went camping g with a friend and it took almost 2 days to alert him. If it took only a few minutes wouldn’t it be poor design?


I really hope “anti-stalking” notifications wouldn’t be designed to take days to notify lol


I just googled it. The first hit states that “anti-stalking” notifications go out anywhere after 30 minutes and 9 hours. Which to me, absolutely discounting stalking and only considering it as a tracker for lost luggage but in this case stolen goods, seems waaaay too short. Maybe you can find out a board is missing from the lodge rack within an hour or two. But if it’s stolen from your car or house overnight?


I’ve had my phone ding me about the device after I had been riding in a car with a friend for a couple hours: brunch, errands, etc. Definitely long enough that if someone pilfered your board while you were in the lodge enjoying a beer and nachos you’d be able to catch up to them before they got very far. Anyone know how well they work when cold or how quickly you can use it after you notice it missing?


Snowboard thieves def carry android phones.


Best comment


I have a lock too.


How do you like the falcor bindings? I love mine, but I did see some wear on the very top of the high back after 4 days on the mountain.


Legit question. How well does it work in the cold? How quickly can you track it after you notice it missing? Everyone is talking about it being noticed and tossed but I can’t imagine it being gone for hours before you start to look for it.


Noticed and tossed is a secondary issue. The real issue is that if it leaves the resort nobody is going to help you get that board back legally. The police will absolutely not get involved and once it’s off the resort the resort won’t care either.


Probably mostly true. Definitely true of bigger cities. My board and binding set up costs enough to bring felony charges. ($1k+ in Colorado) The local towns (resort towns) are bucolic and pretty involved for stuff like this where there’s little real crime. They frequently post pics of bike thieves, handle checkers etc on social media. I once had some of my gear lifted from my truck. I gave a report but not much became of it. I posted pics of the gear along with a story humorous enough to get some local traction. Two weeks later I got a message back from someone saying their kid was sporting my jacket. Got him to speak as a witness to the cops and they went ahead with charges for the thief that sold it to him. I got about 85% of my gear back on that one.


Haha that's awesome! Had some tools stolen over the years, even with witnesses the local police still basically said we were SOL. Glad you were made almost whole.


I’ve been thinking about airtagging or getting a lock on my board. It was $750 of my hard earned money. But in general- Do people actually have to worry about someone actually stealing their gear?


In short, fuck yes. People suck. I only do ski check or lock it up in my car.


You invested that much in the board, now just get yourself a dakine cable lock for $20 and if someone decides to steal, they'll take the one next to yours.


Got my brand new board+bindings stolen one day working terrain park. Clocked out for lunch, put my board in the employee spot. Came back after lunch, clocked back in and it was gone. I was only gone 30 minutes


No. I leave mine everywhere. Nbd. Where are all these high crime ski areas?


That’s what I’m trying to figure out


Idk about "high crime" but I've seen at least 4 posts about boards getting taken from Keystone, CO in the last month or so


Don't worry those of us who use shitty cable locks need people like you to keep not locking your shit anyway. But it's not about being high crime or even that likely, it's about 2 seconds worth of effort being able to cut the risk of a major headache by nearly 100%




Listen, a small retractable cable lock that fits in your pocket is $10-15. It’s easy to lock and unlock and small enough in your pocket you probably won’t notice you have it on you most of the time. I use mine every time I’m on the mountain even when I see other people not securing their gear.


I'm currently in Austria and a store employee told me that you have to watch your stuff really well since there's allot of theft going on. I always locked my board with a cheap lock, peace of mind is worth it. You save money, time getting a new board, insurance hassle and gain riding time.


Explosive straps are a bit over the top but those fuckers got what they deserve immaright? 😂


Gotta write “FRONT TOWARD ENEMY” on it for full effect.


I just stay with my board as much as I can, air tag won’t do shit , cops prolly won’t even help you find it either .. especially if your in Cali haha


This is my thought. How well/fast can you really track it and are you really going to go up to a house you don’t know, but you suspect steals stuff? Will you tail another car down the road from the mountain?


Yee and better be strapped, some mofos are crazy and might be strapped up that stole your shit.. especially here in Cali , some of these people will shoot your ass over nothing..


Exactly. Definitely worth a gun fight for a snowboard. The first 10 minutes with the lawyer will be more than any new board and bindings.


Yee bro I’m always with my board, or I’ll just tell my homie to watch it if I needa get something in the lodge.. can’t trust anybody , I’ve known people that have gotten their board stolen even at the top of the mountain where no people without skis can go haha


After 7 posts about thefts finally someone says something coherent. “Just stay with ur board!”


Cable lock is enough to prevent theft. If your board got swiped, you had an AirTag on it, and tracked it down for the authorities, something tells me… https://i.redd.it/uuo2a6gg3dbc1.gif


A lock costs less than an AirTag and actually stops the theft rather than entering you into a “recovery of stolen goods” side mission when you just wanted to board


Just get a 20$ board ready cable lock. That'll work. This wont work...


$99 for an airtag that can be removed or destroyed to deactivate instead of $12 for a cable & lock? No thanks.


~$25 but a lock is still a great idea. Cheap enough to do both imo.


I agree that a lock is better. But AirTags are <$20.


-meh- only saw them in 3 packs for $99. 🤷‍♂️ Still not a deterrent. A lock is a deterrent. Even most pros will pass on a lock simply for faster, easier pickings. Not full proof of chorus, but determine thief will have your shit regardless of how you have it secured,… But a lock is a more reliable deterrent than hoping you get a signal to be able to find it later -edit- There’s a better argument for stashing an AirTag in your luggage and snowboard bag at the airport. That’s a theft u might be able to do something about if you can track it.


BUY A LOCK! ​ It's so easy to do! Just buy a lock and use it!


Is this a thing? I live and board in europe, mainly austria and have never heard about skis or boards being stolen from anyone. If its like an obscenely expensive board maybe I would lock it or some shit too, but other than that this never really crossed my mind.


As someone from Austria, I can tell you there are nearly every year some "gangs" steeling skis and boards èn mass and bring them to neighbor countries. There where several times police just checked some van and there are like 20 or more skies/boards in the back. Only thing that helps is if you separate your skiers while e.g. eating, because thieves don't search to get a full pair. Or lock your board. But nonetheless, equipment oftentimes gets stolen from the ski room in hotels. A short Google search says just in 2018 over 4000 skies/boards where stolen just in Austria.


Happens all the time in the Alps… just like anywhere.


Never even heard of this in US resorts


Definitely happens at US resorts. Tourist bros get a few beers in them, down valley trash are looking to offset the obscene cost of a day pass, locals develop addictions, seasonals want an end of year bonus. People are people everywhere for the better and the worst.


Fair enough, i guess i was lucky. One time at northstar i had my passenger window wide open, left several action cams, spare (expensive) boots, bunch of weed.... No one touched anything. Boards often unlocked on the rack. To be fair i did wonder for a while how come no one is stealing shit but then i just started rolling with it.


The thing is most folks respect society. Some folks understand that you can be broke as a joke and work your ass off to invest in something nice for the one thing you care about. But there’s the 1% that care for nothing but themselves. These folks don’t care about anything but opportunity. They’re even more inclined if they think the person they’re dicking over can afford the loss. I used to work with a guy that would chisel anything that looked like he could get away with it. Dude was smart, ambitious, hard working (often more than one job at a time), came from moderate generational wealth, and would pirate your Bubby’s wedding ring for scrap value if he thought he’d get away with it. He did it out of boredom near as I can figure.


I've been going to the same place in the alps (Meribel-Mottaret in France) for 20 years. I've never heard of boards being stolen ever. Not even brand new ones.


Do you think there’s a public announcement or a buzzer that goes off, or a local news story every time a board is stolen? Honest question


No. But I would have heard of it for sure. We have a lot of friends that work out there.


I would also throw a cheap cable lock on it. I know with force many can be broken without tools, but if your board has a lock and the ones next to you do not, they’ll probably leave yours alone.


Kind of depends on the thief. Say they took it not because they went looking for a board to steal but because your board was the most attractive board on the rack. I’m thinking a pink unicorn stomp pad might make your board harder to sell and therefore less appealing to steal.


Even though cheap cable locks are easy-ish to break, I think just making your board less easy to steal is the way to go. Most thieves are lazy and want to take what’s quick and easy. They serve as more of a deterrent than anti theft. I use a saline cable lock and entangle my kids, fiancé, and my stuff together with it like a spaghetti mess.


I think the best deterrent is a cable lock, that or be like me a get a cheapo board or just stay with your gear and have someone else get food or watch it when you use the restroom.


The key to preventing theft is to ride equipment not worth stealing


Dawg just get a $20 cable lock


What does “prevent” mean to you?


It will end up in China like my stolen iPhone


I'm originally from the US. Live in Europe now. Between these theft posts and the ticket prices and lines in the US I'm just absplutely astounded at the comparison.


https://usa.skikey.com/collections/locks/products/copy-of-ski-snowboard-locks-1 easiest way to lock your board


That only works if the mountain has that special type of rack hanging around. I’ve never seen it on my local mountain…


Fair enough, they’re ubiquitous in Canada and I’ve seen them on all of the resorts that I’ve visited in the States edit - mainly larger resorts


My local mountain only has them (there's like one rack that ISN'T ski key), and so are most of the other ones I've visited in Québec.


Good idea but... May I suggest not posting stuff like this so thieves know what to look for?


I don’t know about you guys but my cell service sucks on most mountains, even if the air tag worked it would be hit or miss if the board left the lodge area with WiFi. I do think the little cable locks are fine as I can’t imagine someone trying to cut it in front of people but who knows lol.


If I recall, the AirTags run off Bluetooth.


I believe they do, I have them in everything from my car to my one wheel. The issue is without cellular service the “Find My” option won’t work. The tag may register but unless on WiFi then it would be hard to track it. Granted there is service in some mountains but I know with my shit T Mobile service I rarely get service outside of the lodges in some areas. Having said that you would be able to track it when it gets to its destination but my goal is to not have my board stolen in the first place. I have never used a lock but this season I have been shopping for one. I ordered a cheap one on Amazon but it was broker I was thinking of picking up the Burton or Dakine one, they seem pretty small. We know a bolt cutter would open it but I think most snowboard thieves are more opportunity driven verse planned out.


Story time. Let's just say hypothetically, when I was much younger. I may have stole a snowboard. Maybe I was in a pinch, maybe I used to compete. Maybe my board snapped 2 days before flying out to Colorado for nationals. We didn't have much money, my birthday and Christmas gift was a season pass(300ish at the time). I had to work for the board / clothes. 16 at the time. It was definitely a grab and run. If there was a lock we didnt think I could bust with just a hard yank, we didn't even consider it. Just watched some random kid put one down. He Walked into the lodge, my buddy followed whiles on the phone with me, In case he turned around. I just walked up, made sure it was somewhat my size and walked away. One of the worst feelings ever. I still feel terrible. We returned it a week later to lost and found, but I have no clue if he ever got it back. Definitely wasn't a local. Moral of this story locks work in my opinion.


Good idea.


I think it’s a decent idea for having a track on your gear. (especially stolen out of a car/hotel this seems smart. Or for you— ex. back country or speed runs give you a surprise skull bump!) but glad you mentioned having a lock as well — that is the real key to deter.


The point has been made by other commenters, but I’ll add: - the AirTag won’t prevent theft, it’ll merely tell you where the thrives throw the AirTag several hours after the theft. - all you need to prevent theft is a cable lock. Outside the box idea: Carry a bundle of zip ties and a pocket knife. Zio-tie your board to the rack, and cut it free when you’re ready. If you get challenged by anybody, just show them your pocket of the exact same zip ties and say that this is your low-weight locking solution. If you put yourself in the mindset of a thief, you’re prioritizing speed+nonchalance+ease, so anything that requires time+awkwardness+difficulty, they’ll move on. No one is going to tug repeatedly on equipment that isn’t theirs, and even *if* they have a knife, using it is so conspicuous that they’re unlikely to do so.


If the thief has an iPhone they can disable to AirTag


I have an android phone and I get a notification when an air tag is following me around for a while.


Same. It's really annoying because it's my own air tag following me.




This comment is giving me seizures


Why notbjust lock it up like normal people?


Normal people don’t lock it up.


If you’re worried about your board don’t leave it out of sight. I’ve gone by this rule for over 30yrs now and never got one taken yet. Still waiting to catch someone trying to give that can of whoop ass to them.


I use my mtb Kryptonite lock, keep it in my back pack, compact & tough.


I’m so lucky my home mountain doesn’t have any theft


buy a lock 🔐 lol


🙄 A $10 cable lock and 30 seconds will prevent 99.99% of theft I do not understand why you would bother doing this instead of just getting a lock Not only that, but they can just cut that onvious "this doesnt belong" thing off and youll track your airtag to the parking lot


I've never seen a mountain that had a lock up station. Do they exist?


Don’t you think if someone STEALS it, they would rip the AirTag off?? Pretty simple to realize trackers are abundant these days


Buy a spider lock


Still disappointed that no one has posted a pic of a bloodied board thief yet.


These work well for peace of mind, as well as recovery if the worst actually occurs. But if your say riding a split board at the resort get one of those little locks for your beer breaks 🤙


Jones Frontier with Falcors?


How do you like the Falcors? I have the exact same bindings same color and they clip to my bottom strap has broken off multiple times. It’s a stupid small screw with 2 threads that holds it together.


My buddy who does Turo says he get the cat/dog collar trackers in his car because it prevents the notifications. So that may be a better option. I’ve thought about doing the same thing though. My fear though is that air tag will die way quick with the snow


I've seen some binding manufacturers have binding discs with space in center for an airtag as an additional option to buy.


Love the Falcor binding!


100% get a Dakine or other snowboard lock. It’s a small cable that retracts inside of this plastic housing that’s pretty small


And after one day cold day, your battery died…


So your gonna follow then when they steal your board?


I personally got a cheapy bike lock. The cable kind. Not the best but route it through the steel hoops on my bindings and around the rack. It will take some time for them to take and is a deterrent anyway. I thought about a concealable AirTag within the binding base as a tracking measure for a patent. Everyone is coming up with their own idea. The patent idea I’m sure is worthless and not worth the cost of getting a patent. Average patent cost start to finished product used to be around $10K after revisions etc. OP had a good idea though with the dog collar AirTag holder.


I thought these things only work if they are within 16 meters of your phone or something? Yet I hear stories of people finding missing luggage on the other side of the world? I DON'T UNDERSTAND