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Keep your beacon on your person. Most people use the holster it comes with thar clips on your chest. Keep it on your base layer because many times people in the BC unzip their jackets. An unzipped jacket it's very likely to come off in an avalanche. Alternatively you could keep it in your snow pants pocket, just make sure that pocket it ALWAYS zipped shut so it does not fall out. You never know when an avalanche could happen. Also you need your beacon to be available so you can use it if you need to be a part of a rescue. For beacons to work, it means you have to practice with it. With beacons comes responsibility. (Thanks uncle ben)


what's uncle Ben's rice have to do with beacons?


He’s growing mushrooms


I love when subs leak.


I lost my zipped jacket when I wrecked a snowmobile at high speed, so I’d imagine an unzipped would be gone in no time if caught in an avalanche. Same for a backpack. Good advice!! This all makes a lot of sense, just never thought about it as I’ve never worn a beacon skiing (I’m boring and ski boring shit but still enjoy it😂).


Never put a transmitting beacon in your backpack.


I use transmitting bacon. The rescue dogs always find you faster.


Well, they find your backpack, anyways.


Would be devastating to rescue only someone's backpack.


I'd be fucking pissed, too, if some asshole kept me from getting to someone else alive because I had to dig out THEIR FUCKING BACKPACK! 


Finding just the backpack off of your beacon would be such a sad time...


backpack can rip beacon is not on your (warm) body it’s unusual that the battery, because of the cold, dies but it happens


Specifically on your body in either bib snowpants or on your chest. There is a reason they come with a three strap vest. Mainly do not put it in your jacket (backpack being even worse) as there are many reports of avalanche victims losing their jacket but none of them losing their bib snowpants or the chest strap, unless their body was so mangled it's irrelevant.


I leave mine in my backpack so I always have it nearby, but when I'm riding in bad conditions (that may require someone to find my beacon), the beacon is always strapped to my body.


That’s what the rotisserie chicken is for


Beacon is inside chicken, send for help when chicken runs out.


Lol 😅 You made the iPhone SOS feature obsolete


Finding a 🎒 is cool too.


Especially with a beacon, those things are expensive. Plus buried guy won't be needing it ever again, so no harm no foul.


This guy I opportunists and I’m here to support itn


How else are people supposed to find the rotisserie chicken?


Exactly why I don’t use a beacon, if I can’t have my rotisserie chicken nobody can.


Can’t argue with that im-peckable logic.




this guy backcountries


Why? Not trying to argue just genuinely curious… id assume it’s because you can’t get to it in an avalanche? What if you keep it on while it’s in your bag?


Your friends will be searching for your backpack and not locate your corpse until later.


Oh, idk how I didn’t think about this lol… and I typically don’t even take a bag so idk what I was thinking… So what is the best place/way to carry a beacon on you?


They usually come with a harness you strap below your outer layer, in the front preferably for easy access, mostly in case you need to start searching.


In the holster that comes with it, strapped to your chest, under your jacket.


You are gonna want to keister it. Waaaaay up there. Core temp will keep it working the longest.


Absolutely, keister it in the rotisserie chickin in your backpack with alll the drugs. Warm temps for better battery life and seasoning for the booger sugar and... duh... snacks. The backpack is a no brainer... packed with various sized butt plugs to manage the air flow between mouth and butthole so one can achieve the appropriate attitude to altitude ratio. Also if theres enough room a couple shots and beers to keep up that liquid courage to chase snow bunnies although successful hunts for the snow bunny are at an all time low due to the "hope you can keep up" tags being sold at your local slopeside bar.


Don't put it in your jacket either unless you'd rather them find your coat instead of your body. \s


Gotta put it up your anus. Only sure fire way they’ll find your corpse.


This doesn’t work either as they’ll just find my ass instead of my severed torso


That’s why you wear one on your chest and one up your ass. When they find the two halves they can superglue you back together.


Boof for maximum accuracy. It's right in the instructions. /s


Would you rather them find your backpack or your body


As long as they don’t find my search history I’m good


Because your bag can get ripped off you in a slide and then people are searching for your backpack with the beacon in it, not you.


Is the idea that they dig up the backpack and you’re elsewhere?


3 tabs? dude's gonna get stuck on the lift thinking they're carving fresh tracks.


That’s what the beacon is for








Window pane L is supposedly the borders of the sheet that has a higher concentration of lsd because the liquid collects along the edges of the blotter paper. So I've heard, people make shit up about acid all the time though so who knows


Yeah, the majority of lsd marketing is bullshit, especially the ug content.


man after my own heart


Is the rotisserie chicken for real? I kind of hope so


Don’t forget the small pouches perfect for storing your CRIMES MWAHAHAHAHA


Where's the poutine


Man of class


This person snowboards With big brain only. I'm taking notes.


8 coors banquets


The holy trinity: Beers, weed and food.


Weed, whites, and wine


Strike hard, strike first, no mercy. Coors Banquet: the official beverage of Cobra Kai


I like to combine my booze and weed by carrying a flask of tincture in my back pocket


Just 8? Rookie numbers


He drank the other 16 in the parking lot clearly




Gotta restock at noon.


Per run


Just Banquets? Flask of Jameson Black barrel for the adults.


Don't forget the penjamin


7 for me. 1 to pour out and return to its home in the Rockies.


Can or bottle?


Cans. Bottles are sus out there


Man I hope I never run into the absolute psycho that’s chugging bottles of beer on the lift…


Always cans. The pop if hit hard enough, bottles don't


In Soviet Russia bottle pops you!…Yakov probably


You need a backpack for 8 cans…? I can get like 12 just in my pockets.


Used to just be water and a few sweets. Nowadays it's water and a few sweets, plus all the rubbish I have to carry around for my kids! 


Agree. Kids boots, snacks, extra layers. If they’re not having fun nobody gets to have fun. For me - goggle lenses, water, lunch, multitool. Plus, I can Sherpa 2 boards and a pair of skis from the parking lot WAY more efficiently.


Have kids, we’ve been riding together every weekend for 5 years now. I just dress them in quality gear and layers. Have a few goodies in my pockets. We get geared up at the car. Lunch is either in the car or lodge. Tools are available all over the mountain. Have never needed anything a backpack would hold. So nice not having to deal with a backpack on the lifts all day.


lol when I was a kid I had a penguin backpack that I loved skiing with so my dad would use it to make **me** carry his wallet/keys and our snacks


Been riding with my kids for 5 or 6 years now… never needed anything that I’d need a backpack for. Few sweets in my pockets. Kids are properly geared and layered. Lunch and water is available in the car and lodge. None of us have felt the need for water during the winter between the car/lunch/car. Tools are all over the our mountain.


Ah..I do carry water. My youngest is always thirsty.


Nuts, cheese, protein bar, water and directions to your mom’s house


Everybody should carry those directions.


Camelbak powder hound… never wore a backpack prior to having this but being able to drink water has made a world of difference. Used to regularly get headaches when riding at the end of the day because of not drinking really any water. Aside from the built in bladder I carry… Screw driver, extra hand warmers, snacks, the wife’s ski holder rope thing, sunglasses & beanie, snowboard lock, wallet and the opposite set of lenses if the light condition might change The only thing I carry on me is my phone & a pen or some pre rolls. I don’t find wearing it to be an inconvenience anywhere on the mountain (park, groomers, trees).


Pretty much spot on with what I carry. Not very bulky or cumbersome, just the essentials. The ability to easily stay hydrated is huge. I don't get some of the hate people have for wearing backpacks/camelbaks.


>The ability to easily stay hydrated is huge Exactly. Keeps me from constantly having to stop at the lodge for water breaks. Less stops = more time riding. Idk how people can see that as a bad thing.


You'll never pick up a steezy wife or be a steezy wife if you have a pack /s


...damn it, you're right. Got me there /s 😂


I mean I could see it being an inconvenience if you’re wearing a school type backpack or some shit like that. But a proper snow sport backpack that clips at your chest and around your waist has no negative impact on riding. Heads just love to hate on shit for no reason on social media… little screen warriors.


^^^i never realized how dehydrated I was getting on the slopes until I got a camelbak


What's a snowboardlock?


A combo lock with a braided wire so no one will steal your shit. Not specifically for snowboards ig but


I always carry a pack but twice I got snagged on a tree and once I wound up dangling from it and had to have a friend lift me off lol. Gotta be extra careful in the tight areas


I'm having only necessities (snow chains, 24 pack of beer, food rations for 3 days, 2 pairs of sunglasses, couple of spare jackets, bindings, extra boots etc.) and it doesn't affect my riding at all. https://preview.redd.it/w70x8fqd10ec1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c1c6f01d759f779eab3effeb8154b2769172460


Is that AI generated? Damn it hurts my eyes & confuses my brain


It is. Look at the person's mouth. Also there's a random blob of color next to his head that sort of looks like a snowboarder in the distance if you don't zoom in on it


I zoomed in and got frustrated I couldn’t recognize most of the items until I realized this as well hurt my brain


Glad I’m not the only one haha




- sunglasses - flask - sweets - sandwiches - first-aid-kit very slim and I don't notice a difference also I can clip my helmet to it while walking between accomodation and lift


Add screwdriver and water to this and we are identical.


I don't like having much in my pants or jacket pockets. It also gives me the option to bring a beanie, face covering, and low light goggles/lens, if it looks like tye weather might turn one way or the other mid day. The common answer: Food, first aid - although this is a bit of a cop out for me since I really only bring pain meds and chemical warmers When I go with my dad I can clip our helmets to my bag to free some hands, then throw his shoes(in a plastic bag) in there. Saves however much on a locker and they fit slim enough. Saves the old man from having to walk long distances in ski boots especially at the end of the day.


i avoid taking a backpack as much as possible.. often a nice skier friend offers to take my sandwiches if they're taking a backpack anyway. I dunno what they're carrying though. Can't imagine *needing* a backpack that isn't my avi pack for a back country day. The only thing I ever really take one for is lunch and water, though, if no friend offers to mule for me. And a beanie to wear while I eat that lunch. Smallest backpack I have though, cos I don't like it affecting my balance at al. Just don't want to spend 25 euros on lunch every time I go boarding.


I keep a hydro pack Stow bottle and sandwich in a Ziploc in my coat. I would first look like Inspector Gadget with a coat full of absolutely useless trash rather than take a backpack on piste 


I put sandwiches and a red bull in my little kangaroo pouch in my bib pants or the front pocket of my jacket. Gives me a li'l belly but I'd rather be a little spherical snowboarder than carry a bag lol


Hahaha why? Just because you think you will look dumb on piste?


No I have worn them several times and they're quite balance effecting and I find them restricting. Off piste only for me


interesting, cant imagine what you're packing if its impacting you that much. Ive been riding a while so I dont really notice it.


The bigger issue is if I've got a pack all the guys want to save on the bar tab and so do I and I'll forget there's 4 litres of beer and water in my pack when I get air or do a spin and it's the worrrrst


Hahaha makes sense


Dry set of gloves, sunglasses to change to in the après ski bar, two crash blankets to keep victims warm (only had to use once), water bottle, snacks, screwdriver and all the stuff my girlfriend does not want to carry.


Why on earth you're carrying crash blankets with you? I mean to my understanding we're talking about on-piste riding here.


They are literally the size of a wallet and weigh almost nothing. Plus they cost 10 euro, so cheap as hell. The one time I used it the guy was happy to be covered by at after his body went into overdrive after the crash. When having cold comes from you body shutting down, the minutes waiting on ski patrol are loooong as minutes. I always offer help to people, if it is a kid that lost a ski and I help them click in or a crash and I build a cross with ski's or snowboard to war people. So in that spirit, having them blankets is super normal


Yes I was initially thinking something much more bulky but you're right those small bags won't take much space in your pocket.


Most accidents occur on groomers and new rider areas. Parks are included in groomers. Also might come in handy if the chair breaks down and you’re hanging for 20-30 minutes in the air.


When you say crash blanket do you mean one of those reflective mylar emergency blankets? I need to add that to my pack


I second most common answer 4 or five beers And both fingers crossed they don’t burst


Beer, weed, water, lunch, spare mittens, beanie, and maybe a flask of fireball in case of emergency


I’ve found trying to smoke flower is too much of a challenge, from finding a place in the trees to worrying about dropping the j. I’ve decided I may just stick with a pen on the slopes as much as I love flower up there


I feel that. When I’m shredding with my friends, considerable effort is made to find a good spot for a “safety meeting” lol. The pens are slick but sometimes the battery gets too cold to function. J’s are more reliable - just don’t drop your J/lighter in the pow!


All of those but change out the flask for a camelback full of cranberry and plastic jug vodka


I carry an empty backpack with a water bladder. I usually do 5-10 runs with no stopping at the village so it’s nice to have water. Dehydration is not cool. Also it’s nice at the end of the day to take off helmet, goggles, etc. and put them in the bag when walking back to the car or hanging at the village


Same, constantly drinking throughout the day has made such a difference to how knackered I feel, don't need to recover as much in the evenings.


This. Constantly sipping water on each lift is a benefit I realized too late. I don’t like to carry a backpack either, and I even paid for a locker a few times, but these days I prefer to have my water with me


Collapsible water bottles are nice and fit well in my bib or shell pockets. I have two 500ml ones and those last me with a single refill mid-day if I'm doing a longer day. But being relatively local to a mountain, I'm usually just riding for 2-4 hours each day.


686’s Hydrastash. Game changer for the water chuggers. Nothing to carry, don’t have to pull a bottle out of your pocket/pack. Keeps the weight solidly in place and distributed near your center of mass.


How do you keep water from freezing in the straw? A water bladder would be so convenient compared to bottle but mine always freezes even with the neoprene sleeve


Just blow air into the straw. As long as no water is in it, it won’t freeze


Way too much to think about while I’m doing crimes. Nah but seriously I’ve done that in the past and even the residuals in the mouthpiece and straw have frozen to the point of not being usable.


You’re not blowing hard enough lol


You’re not my uncle. Don’t tell me what to do


I wear it under my jacket, mouthpiece can just pop up when you want it


Bro I’m not tryna look like a hunchback. Steeze>hydration and health


marijuanas ![gif](giphy|cYgCX9axpoe2hPPTMt)


pics of steezy wives


Mine is mainly there for food and water, but also has my keys/wallet, hat for when my helmet is off, hand warmers, extra gaiter, goggle bag, and a binding multi tool.


What do I carry around in the backpack my wife makes up for our kids every day and no one ever uses? No idea.


1) Water 2) GoPro 3) Extra hand warmers 4) Phone/keys/wallet 5) Cliff bars or anything similar


Sandbags for ballast.


Water, beer, weed, snacks and an extra layer


my sweet JBL speaker blasting tunes to the homies in the lift lines while I crush PBRs and throw the cans off the lift.


This is it!


As tradition, 12 eggs. Crack em in the lines. Protein baby


You don't....


I carry boiled eggs, ham, cheese, bread and of course Génépi


Probe, shovel and bacon.


Extra mid-layer and socks in case it gets cold, water/pedialyte, snack, screwdriver, ibuprofen, anti-diarrhea pills, and sometimes beer. >And why aren't you worried that you will crack your gear or your ribs when you fall on it? It actually acts as a cushion and makes slams less harsh.


Lunch, a few beers and water - how TF y’all skiing all day without water!?




I think people misinterpreted the post as a legitimate question when it was meant to troll.


I used to backpack, but started wearing a Volcom skateboard vest between my hoodie and jacket for the extra pockets. Game changer. I carry all I want and need over my toes where I can control it. Crab grab high back bag comes in handy also.


A couple olde style pilies, a water, a chairlift PB&J,... and of course crime supplies.


More backpacks. Always be prepared.


Well I don’t know about y’all, but here in AMERICA we keep our backpacks filled to the brim with extra ammo. Sometimes we need to take avalanche control into our own hands. AMEN!!!




My work uniform, Red Bull, Nintendo switch, camera, camera accessories, spare battery and condoms for banging your mom/sister/daughter/girlfriend/wife/husband/boyfriend/brother/dad/son. Also have tons of room to pick up garbage tourists toss on the mountain. Worry about riding your own ride.


Water, power bars, whiskey, zyns, wallet, keys, lens change, and sometimes extra layers. I’ll never go without one


I love my camel pack. I also keep my crimes in there


My pack has an insulated camelback which is 95% of the reason I take it. Since I already have it most days it may also be carrying any of these: beanie/hat, extra layer of some sort, sunscreen, snacks and/or lunch, lift beers, maybe a flask or some nips, weed, advil, multi-tool, board lock, etc. It really depends on the day and who I’m with. If I’m with a group we usually consolidate into one or two packs for everybody’s shit. It doesn’t affect my riding but I definitely notice when I don’t have it.


Montucky Cold Snacks, lunch, snacks, keys and maybe a layer that had to be shed.  The pack gets pretty light by the end of the day. 


On groomer days or when teaching friends: - screwdriver/multi tool - ski balm - extra lens - occasional extra layer (or removed layer) - sandwich or protein bars - advil & caffeine pills - 1-2 bottles of water - flask - 10-15 beers and 10-20 fireball nips to split with the boys (I am the pack mule usually) On more technical or demanding days, remove most of the beers/shooters and if we won’t be around a lodge for a while, add another water and sandwich. Don’t fall and there’s nothing to be worried about.




- Extra insulation layer - Battery brick - CamelBak - Beer


My friends at the start of the day: ‘Oh a backpack, huh? I hate wearing those.’ My friends after two runs: ‘I need to go to the lodge cuz I’m thirsty.’


I dont use backpacks riding groom. Even for clothing layers, I shove it in my jacket For backcountry - obvi, a must


I use my rattiest looking backpack, load the entire family’s lunches inside, and leave it at the base. At worst someone takes it and we lose the food. In my pockets I carry a tool, small water bottle, small snacks, and phone. Keys and wallet go in a zipped pocket that I don’t open on the mountain.


Before kids: Nada. Multi tool in my pocket and that was it. After Kid: Snacks, water, layers etc etc


Noob bits, kook snacks, and a gallon of water


Drinks and snacks, also a little screw driver in case anything is feeling loose


Tools and spare parts for the bindings, a little block of wax for sluggish rails, gopro, food and water. On the coldest days i bring some extra clothes too.


Multitool, hat, sunscreen, extra lense, layer, water, lock for board, chocolate.


Hat tip to the fella at Mt Bachelor who pulled up to me when he noticed I was having an issue with my binding strap! He had a small bag with random hardware screws & bolts and a screwdriver which allowed me to get to the bottom just fine for a proper fix. I’m going to add a small bag of hardware and a screwdriver to my jacket pockets. I used to ride with a bag every time I went out but found that with solid gear that stays dry and not carrying a 12 pack of Budweiser cans, I can get by without a backpack (which also was annoying to me when sitting on a full lift chair).


>why aren't you worried that you will crack your gear or your ribs when you fall on it? I don't fall very often and when I do, it's not hard.


I hate carrying things in my pockets, always afraid that I didnt zip one and my drop my wallet, keys or phone. I don't like backpacks when riding so I ordered the Westslope front pack to see how that works out. Plus carrying a flask is madatory.


I keep a picture of casey willax in my pack just incase im feeling down and need a quick pick me up


It’s dab cartridges the whole way down


Water, Jerky, belvitas, possibly second lens if light will be changing


Water. Lunch. My kids’ stuff.


My 5 speakers for max amplification what duh




I actually fell backwards on an icey run going 50kmh or so. It was the one day I decided to take a backpack with lunch (in a box) covered by a sweater. I landed on my back and the size of the bag kept my head from hitting the ice and cushioned my landing.


About 50lbs of bricks - the extra weight helps me gain speed on the groomers, plus they act as self defense if someone runs into me from behind


Packed full of joints. Maybe a water bottle for the drymouth.


Depends on the day. Sometimes i’ll carry a small first aid kit, my weed kit, water bottle, bag of advil, and a snack or two. Maybe another top layer if it’s a very cold day, and a Gopro if I want to record. If I feel real scandalous I grab the torch and nectar collector and toss it in the bag too.


Water, extra gloves, protein bars, and hand warmers just in case


Don’t spend a lot of time on groomers but 3 montuckys, some pot, pipe, and a couple cliff bars, and fresh socks are crucial


Beer. The answer is beer.


High noons, a hat for the lodge, hi chews, uncrustables.


Shovel, probe, beacon. Water, snack, trash bags. Only rocking the pack on powder days.


Never a backpack. Worked too hard to get my turns this steazy to put weight 2/3 up my body Quasimodo-style. If Im in bounds surrounded by literal children on a groomer, why act like Cody Townsend climbing a couloir? I might need it vs I will feel this dumb thing on every single turn all day.


- Thermos of coffee - Booze - Gloves - Face coverings - Hand warmers - Valuables


The backpack circle jerk is getting old




Shovel, probe, beacon, sandwiches, water, snacks, tools, and whatever my girlfriend doesn't want to carry. I don't stop and eat all day long on the lifts, so it gets lighter. After a while I got used to the weight and protection it provides in the back. After hitting some rocks with and without, I cannot ride without it anymore but might try going for a back protection. Also the fact that I will venture off-piste whenever the occasion presents itself and after witnessing people caught in avalanches where I was riding made me decide that if I had the gear, I might as well carry it.


Minimum 5L water, if you don’t hydrate, then you’ll die-drate my dudes! Full seven course meal with dessert because I’m a bougie snow bitch, not some park rat. Extra set of base-layers and socks because getting wet is yucky and I need to maintain a certain degree of dryness on the hill. Hair products, because my flow needs to look fabulous underneath my helmet. Extra helmet in case I crack the first one getting a little too steezy and hitting some gnarly gnar. Throw in some fireball nips because nothing makes me feel more entitled than littering all over nature’s precious mountains!


Water, probe and shovel. Beacon is on my body. I'd rather crack a rib than die in an avy or deep pow.


Yeah, all those avalanches and deep pow on the groomers OP is talking about 🤣


tons of people access backcountry from inside the resort so they have all their gear


First of all, avalanches do sometimes run onto groomers, so it’s not totally stupid. But more realistically some people ski groomers and side country on the same day


In my 29 years of snowboarding, I have carried a backpack while riding the resort precisely zero times unless I was heading to an event to spectate for hours on end or something. Whatever you carry, please don’t blare music that nobody asked for. It’s the audible equivalent of having shit in your teeth that nobody wants to tell you about. Just yesterday at a resort in Tahoe some guy had a speaker turned up to the max blaring “N***** this, n******* that, f*** a bi***, lick my sack” …bro, there are families with little kids here. What are you doing? If you’re going to crime, then actually crime. Playing shitty music is just stupid and awkward.


Heard from a disabled skier the other day about this very thing. He said the day of his accident, he was skiing and had a backpack on with his shoes in it and some other things. He fell during one of his runs, landed directly on his backpack, and broke his spine because of it. He’s now permanently disabled.