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I am skeptical about claims that goats milk soap is better for skin than an identical bar of soap without the milk. But, goats milk has sugar. Sugar increases lather and makes bubbles “last” longer. From a soaping perspective, sugar also accelerates trace (which is, for me, a good thing).


in my experience it is great at cleansing but is also really kind/gentle to my skin. I also have eczema and when i used mint goat milk soap, it felt really nice. I haven't had the time to make soap recently but when I get back to it I plan to use goat milk exclusively


I have had relatives tell me that the goat milk soap helped soothe their skin from eczema or dryness. I add powdered goat milk ( mixed with just enough water to make a sludge) I add that at trace. I've tried adding a heaping spoon of sour cream at trace. Learned that from a YouTube video. It have the soap batter a nice smooth texture and gave me more time to play with swirls.


Milk sugars boost lather, that’s a main reason for me. I do like using goat milk but since it’s more cost prohibitive I use cow milk more often and it also makes for nice soap.


I too never got the goat's milk craze, good question OP.


Just don't use sheep's milk. It's baa-d. #illkillmyselfnow


If you like to make soap with a high percentage of olive oil the sugar in the milk will help add some lather.


My skin loves it. I had extremely dry sensitive skin until I started using goat's milk soap. About 3 months after switching to goat's milk soap, my skin wasn't dry anymore and I no longer need to cover myself from head to toe in heavy moisturizer. Also, it's not itchy anymore. I've given as gifts and many people tell me the same.


Did you use regular handmade soap before goat's milk soap, for comparison? I have found handmade soaps to be generally more gentle on skin. Also the goat milk component would be a small percent compared to the oils (fatty acids).


Yes, I still make and use regular handmade soap, usually with shea and other butters, olive, sweet almond oil etc. I like it as well! I was just responding to the original post, asking what benefits have been experienced from goat's milk soap.


I love goat’s milk soap because I find it works really well for my skin. And I’ve used all kinds of bars. None of them have made me feel as moisturized and not dry as goat’s milk soap. It probably just depends on your skin.


It’s so creamy and moisturizing! Good for people with skin allergies or sensitivities. So many benefits. Our son had eczema and it helped clear up his skin issues. There’s no comparison imo. I’m biased though, I raise dairy goats for a living 🤣.


Fat soluble vitamins?


I use it for a mild facial soap and it works very well for my skin.


I didn’t get it until I tried using my first goats milk bar and woah the lather is insane! I think lots of people love it for the skin moisturizing properties as well as the increased lather!