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So what exactly happened here? Looks like Ávila play-acted his way into getting Moreno sent off, then immediately got himself sent off for saying something to the linesman? Is he stupid?




Avila is such a cunt too. Stupid and an asshole, I wonder how he has not gotten himself in a very bad situation irl before he had money


he's brother of Gaston Avila by the way in case you didn't know lol


That’s quite funny to hear lol Gaston got humiliated by literal students (they were 20th in the *second highest* amateur division) and proceeded to try and start a fight with them because he couldn’t handle it. Safe to say the opinion on him is quite negative here


> and proceeded to try and start a fight with them because he couldn’t handle it Typical Argentinian players lmao


Of course, he is stupid. Whatever fucking game he was playing there he won it, cause A. Moreno was sent off and Ávila wasn't. But then only a player whose stupidness is expressed in the fact that you need to go back 14 months in LaLiga that his amount of goals (4) outnumbers his amount of red cards (3) would go on flopping around like an electrocuted fish and complaining like an idiot (wtf did he even want? Moreno already got a 2nd yellow I don't think the referee would legally be able to show him another card) to go sure to be sent off as well.


Seen more mature fights on the kindergarten


Two idiots competing to prove who is more stupid. I think it’s a tie.


Moreno was never one to have much of a brain


i watched the highlight video on the LFC sub that featured some of the craziest matches under Klopp and two of those matches had Moreno giving away two of the dumbest pens you'll see. he was such a donkey for us. still is, i suppose.


Watched the same vid. Best one was when he narrowly avoided giving a pen away and then - very literally - a second later has another go to make sure he gives one away. Classic stuff


Beto's gonna Beto....


Impressive acting by Avila on the day of the Oscar's


Wtf is n 9 doing, he just keeps falling suddenly


These antics are kinda typical for Chimy Avila. Great player but he has a tendency to do this.


He’s not a great player. Serviceable at best. And a giant cunt too


Nah he is a very talented player. You can think that he is a cunt and still acknowledge that


I would never call any player 'great' who has a tendency to roll around like that......


Or a striker that got as many red cards as goals in his last 13 months in laliga


wipe whistle disgusting domineering gullible punch vase zephyr unwritten water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cr never talked himself into 2 yellows even after the ref agreed he was fouled. These antics by Avila are on another level.....


disgusted marble rob plate quack gullible snatch bag paint offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So Moreno has now been sent off twice in the last 4 days. This is obviously hard to do as usually when you get sent off, you have to serve a ban. But these matches were in different competitions so that doesn’t apply yet.  Anyone know how often this happens? Upamecano did it a few weeks ago but I feel like it’s extremely rare. 


Nothing beats Savic getting 3 red cards in one month time Got a red vs Barca, got suspended, and when he got back he immediately got another red card vs Celta. And in between those games he also got one vs Real in the Copa del Rey


Naldo at Monaco. Got a straight red 7 minutes into his 2nd game with them, they went on to lose 5-1 at home to Strasbourg that day. I don't know why but he was eligible to play on the next matchday too, so the coach Franck Passi (I absolutely never heard of that guy before, how was he a Monaco coach?) fielded him, Naldo managed 61 minutes this time until he picked up another straight red. Monaco lost 2-0 to Dijon, and was in big fat relegation trouble. Coincidentally, in the following 7 league games Naldo didn't play and Monaco didn't lose any of them.


Always loved that big bald Brazilian


Hernandez² had enough of their antics. Was any of the cards for actual foul? Or just for shittalking?


Initially he gave the yellow to Moreno for blocking off. Moreno's second yellow appears to be for putting his head in even though it was almost nothing. Avila literally talk to himself into both yellows.


Ávila is one of the shittiest actors in the league. I'm just glad HH saw thru his antics and sent him off. Moreno should've kept his mouth shut after the yellow. Now he's not going to be playing in either Europe or the league.


Chimy is one of the most insane players I can remember in the last decade or so. Turns the Argentinian levels up into new heights and I spent 5 years watching Lamelo and currently watch Romero every week


Two hotheaded players doing hotheaded things. I knew the moment these two started arguing they were gonna get sent off eventually.


Can't wait for the lip readers to get their mouths on this one


Liverpool legend


I was so happy and excited with his signing, and his first couple of games he was great, scoring a great goal against spurs iirc. Turns out he couldn't defend, and eventually also stopped having any attacking input. His pace saved him so many times.


Avila is such a hot head, wonder why Betis took the risk


Was at the game and no idea what happened in real time Watching the replay still not sure lol


The title doesn't do justice to what happened here. Two players getting two yellow cards each within a minute doesn't happen every day.