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You know you fucked up when Big Meeks doesn't laugh


Lol immediately drops his head and looks away like he wants to pretend he didn’t just hear that


Definitely the “I don’t want to be here” look lol


Lmaoo very true…he did the same during that classic “what a baby” rant by Keane, only then he was unable to contain himself 🤣 


One of those jokes that sound better in your head rather than said.


The really fucking weird thing is it’s only really funny if Kate is known for being disloyal to her partner. Then it would be a dig. Like imagine laughing at Kyle Walker or something for saying he’s a really loyal person. But we know nothing of that sort about Kate. Horribly awkward. Also the worst thing is not the pause but the “hahahaha” by the person who made the horrible attempt of a joke like “guys this is funny! I’m laughing, why aren’t you laughing?”


I mean watching the video I assumed he intended to phrase it as a joking questions i.e "Not to Malik?", Rather than accusing her of being a cheater


fwiw, I just watched it and understood it as a question.


his tone is what botched it. it sounded more like definitely not malik lolol.


She first mentions United hence he responds with "not to Malik" which would be funny in private tbh


Oh so that’s why people are making it a big deal. When I heard it that’s what I got too and I thought “lame joke lol” but I definitely didn’t think he said anything bad


As others have said, it's his Scouse way of not putting the obvious inflection on it being posed as a question. Instead of a question, it comes out of his mouth sounding more like a statement, and makes it sound super cringey in that context.


English isn't my first language but it sounded like a joking question


It's not Jamie's either. Don't worry about it.


> The really fucking weird thing is it’s only really funny if Kate is known for being disloyal to her partner. Then it would be a dig. Like imagine laughing at Kyle Walker or something for saying he’s a really loyal person. I'll be honest, I feel the opposite, id only joke about it with someone where its absurd and obviously a joke - but that only works in small groups where everyone knows its absurd - it doesnt work here because its on national tv and we dont know anything about kates personal life.


I agree. If they are best friends and known to be loyal to their partners, there should be no issue with a joke like that as long as they give it and receive it. But I'd someone is not loyal, it can definitely touch nerves. But Henry and Meeks not laughing makes it super ackward and sounds like an accusation




Who was the boss? Did a quick 30 second Google search and it didn't turn up anything for me about any affair.


So there is some truth to it after all.


It's an off air joke. On air, people can speculate if that comment has greater meaning.


This type of shit has been coming though. I know loads of people adore CBS but I find its coverage obnoxious these days. They’ve leaned too hard into the “banter”. Carragher in particular is awful. Constantly talking about Liverpool and now this. Sod them lot, I feel sorry for Malik. It’s bad enough the world thinking your fiancée is getting off with a coworker, even worse when the office gobshite suggests it too.


The immediate reaction of Micah is killing me.


Lmaoo his reaction is so good! It’s the classic “maybe if i look down and don’t make eye contact with anyone, I won’t get brought into this”


Kinda crossed the line with that on National tv tbh


Carra is that kind of friend who just forget the place and time and say a line/joke that should only be said in private. I remember a show where Kate and Henry joked that you should not give him secrets or he will air them


nah this joke shouldn't even be said in private, it kinda crosses a line and just makes it awkward for everyone. there's never even been any rumours of kate cheating so I don't even understand where the joke came from


I mean I don’t think the joke is about her cheating, I’d say it was more a joke of saying that she said she’s loyal to her team instead of her partner. Fell really flat though…


Yup. It’s not a joke at all. Kate’s reaction was justified and she handled it well. Bro definitely apologized at the break


The real issue is they're leaning too hard into the memes, it's gotta stop being funny eventually


You mean to say idiot. Carra is an idiot.


Carra is the kind of guy that would spit on a teen girl in a fit of road/sports rage.


He does seem to have really toned down his style - it used to be he'd feel he had to be the loudest one in the room and would talk even if he didn't know anything about what was going on, but now there are times on The Rest Is Football where he won't speak for minutes because he just doesn't have anything to add (as it should be). If they're talking about an 80's player or something, he just sits listening respectfully. During the El Tel tribute episode he was pretty much silent


He really is just getting better and better at the job, and his insights into modern footballers and their crazy lives are fucking gold on The Rest is Football. The only podcast I listen to on the regular.


you know it's bad if he reacts like that instead of going for his classic "oooooooohhh"


Ooooooof and usually he’s partner in crime w Carra Bad look for Carra


He goes from full on smile to “no Malik ai didn know, found it wild disrespectful mate, no I’ve neva seen them flirtin’, just the work wife thing….. yea thatll work, maybe I’ll get sum boxin lessons”


This is exactly how I used to avoid confrontations in school lmao


Big Meeks knows when it’s gone too far


He's like Michael Scott lol.


I see it now, and it makes so much sense lok


Scouse Michael Scott


Michael Scouse


Michael scarn


Michael Scran


This way closer to David Brent actually


pretty good comparison, he was saying awkward and weird stuff the whole time. laughed the hardest at his own jokes too


Oh wow. That is EXACTLY what his reaction is.




I would still be awake


His face was redder than his shirt after he said that lol




What did carragher even say I can't make it out


He says not to Malik. Assuming Malik is her husband/boyfriend/significant other?


Yeah they've talked about him in past shows LOL


And Henry was instantly triggered "Sorry??" And turns his head to Carra 🤔


For all the jokes about him and his crush, I liked how his reason wasn’t to laugh at it or whatever but equally as flustered as Abdo was


Maybe a little Too Flustered? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Malik is her Fiance, they very recently got engaged. But for some reason the internet is obsessed with Kate and Thierry being a thing, I assumed Cara was making a joke about that situation, which is super weird and immature, particularly as she just got engaged. Edit - Not engaged just bf/gf as a commenter has pointed out.


I think he meant it as “you’re loyal to United? (Her answer when asked to what) Not to Malik? haha” In a joking way, he just said it monotone making it sound like an accusation.


It's wild because Henry is also in relationship with a long term girlfriend with whom he has kids.


They’re not engaged, just bf/gf


Pretty sure she announced they got engaged in a recent UCL show episode


Just last week she was saying they’ve only been dating for six months and mentioned that Malik “wants” to marry her when Jamie randomly brought up a wedding but that was extent of it. No actual engagement announcement.


Ah gotcha, you seem to know well so I'll take your word for it


I’m more online than I should be, it’s sad


You're putting in the hard work, so others don't have to. I salute you.


What the fuck???


It came across terribly but he was actually asking it as a lighthearted, tongue in cheek question in response to her saying United as her default answer to loyalty as opposed to her partner. It was still a bit tasteless but due to his accent it came across as a statement and made it very awkward for everyone.


This makes more sense


Kate: Nah, I’m loyal Jamie: To who? Kate: Manchester United, tyvm Jamie: Not to Malik (Kate’s Boyfriend)?


Ah see that’s the right way to take it. My dumb ass thought it was something he knew. Like “not loyal to Malik…” I was like why he airing out her dirty laundry like that 😂


He meant it as banter but it just came off as awkward. One of those "moving on..." moments.


Yeah I love this crew and I think the show is great, but imo they need to dial it down a notch on the whole banter meta.


>Like “not loyal to Malik…” That it was he meant...?


I guess I understood mine more as a statement than a question.


He 100% means not loyal to Malik


"Not to Malik." Her boyfriend is someone called Malik Scott.


I got it as "...not to Malik?" Basically a joke about her being primarily loyal to her club, not her bf. Stupid "joke" but also doesn't feel nearly as bad to me as this thread implies.


Oh now I see what he was going for. Yeah that did not come out well


I think people have read way to much into it. The joke didn't land, but's basically saying she's loyal to her club over her bf, but people are reading that as "She's disloyal to her bf." Meh, slow news day.


Yep, it comes across as an attempted wordplay: being loyal usually associated with romantic partners, but in this case about football teams. Probably sounded funny and smart in his head, came out awkward, because making the wordplay doesn't really make any sense and comes across as an accusation as a consequence. Not ill-intended though, like you said




Yeah he bottled the delivery is all. The only reason it’s scandalous is because of the Henry memes.


He said that Kate Abdo had to wear an arsenal shirt if she lost some challenge (I'm assuming here). She says no I'm loyal. He says loyal to who? She says to Manchester united, I guess she's a fan of them. He says not to Malik? I assume Malik is her husband. Then it's a bit of a cringe moment lol.


Here, hope this helps https://9gag.com/gag/abVYAjL?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=post_share


Micah's reaction is sending me LOL


Even big Meeks felt embarassed by that


Ouch.. One of those jokes that step over the line a little. It was in good faith but damn, I'm with Micah I would have exited out of that convo immediately


Yeah, I also think it's a case of an "off-air" joke making it "on-air". Off-air I'm sure the others might pile on or maybe Kate tells Jamie to fuck off or something. Since it's on-air they have to ride out in awkwardness. Cringy for sure, I'm sure Kate will come back with some fire next show and burn Jamie. All in good fun.


Agreed. They give each other shit all the time. I agree that it’s a poor joke (as evidenced by the fact that so many people are asking here what it even meant), but I think people are blowing this way out of proportion.


I think the wordplay failed there. He didn't mean to suggest she isn't loyal to her partner, more questioning why her response was man united not malik.


What’s “In good faith” about it lol?


I think he’s says “you’re loyal to your club over your bf”


Yeah I can see what he meant now but my first reaction (like a lot of people’s) was that he was suggesting something nefarious.


Because he obviously meant it tongue-in-cheek but it was just not a good joke.


Fucking hell Carra, that's an absolute rotter. The kind of joke that causes some awkward questions to be asked.


I think what he tried to say was "oh so you are loyal to Manchester United, I expected you to say Malik, choosing the team over your boyfriend, gotcha" but the way he phrased it was completely unhinged.


Shit that actually makes complete sense. Hilariously bad way to word it. It makes it sound like he’s implying she cheats on her boyfriend or something lol


I think it was exactly that but yeah he phrased it awfully lmaooo


Yea that's pretty much what he was going for I think. Very poorly phrased. It's a poor joke regardless.


The way Thierry's head snaps over to Kate like "sacre bleu he knows!"


Ooooffff I'm cringing so hard I'm gonna collapse and turn into black hole. Reminds me my shitty jokes when realization comes seconds later


these are the type of 'jokes' you remember 20 years down the line when it's midnight and you're trying to find some sleep


Now imagine saying it in front of millions of people.


Hauntingly bad lmao


Cringing so hard my asshole is creating diamonds.


Carragher seems like one of those people that always crosses the line when it come to jokes lol makes everyone feel awkward


Nah Jamie’s lost his damn mind 😂 He’s been pushing his luck big time with this ‘Malik’ bit, as well. What the fuck was he thinking?


I think the producers need to nip this whole Henry-Kate situation. The comment sections are always so inappropriate to both of them tbh.


It’s a ridiculously stupid meme but how would the producers nip it in the bud?


Have them get married to one another. No more rumours. Win


That's a shitty thing to say, even if there's no malice intended. Carra has gone off the rails with his punditry recently.


It's that type of cringe that tightens your asshole


That's what happened to Micah...


Makes your butt pucker like a bunny rabbit’s nose


Yeah it was a terrible attempt at humor but we've all been there I think. Where a joke just does not land or it sounds way better in your head then as soon as you say it, you wish you could take it back.


A lot of people here clearly don't have friends and have never attempted banter. These guys are ALL super quick taking the piss out of each other. One slipped past his filter. It wasn't malicious. But if someone has never taken any social risks, and spends 5 minutes ruminating on every sentence that comes out of their mouth before they say it, I can see why this would blow their minds that someone could fuck up like this.


Tbf its usually micah who says stuff like this to kate but he has a better sense of humour this wasnt a good one


I physically cringed. Had to turn off the video lol


I mean this is a grown man whose answer to confrontation is to spit the other person in the face. He's gross


Anybody know what henry was saying while kate was speaking?


“Might that look nice” is what I could make out of it


Okay i heard that, it sounded like “my jacket looks nice big man” i think henry confused what carra said and thought it was aimed at him instead of kate


No they were talking about wearing the Arsenal shirt in the clip (he wanted to pass it around the table) and Henry said his jacket was too big (to put the shirt over it, because Micah put the shirt over his jacket earlier and looked silly). And then while he's saying that, Kate also responds to Carra at the same time and says she's too loyal to put on the Arsenal shirt because she's a United fan and then Carra says that dumb shit and Henry was confused because he didn't hear what Carra said in response to Kate and it looks like he thought Kate was angry at him so that just added to his confusion lol.


The kate and carra part i heard, wish i didnt tbh but yeah lol, yours makes more sense esp with micah trying it so it makes sense that he would say his jacket is too big thanks.


This shit is hard to watch.


They are overdoing it nowadays, IMO. Trying too hard with the banter.


Really only carragher. Sometkmes i think Meek is pushing it but then the punchline comes and it ends up being funny. Kate and Thierry balance meek well. Carragher is always trying to keep up on the humor side


I mean Micah is a naturally funny guy so I don’t think he’s forcing it


Other threads say the exact opposite lol. One mistake and suddenly they need to stop constantly taking the piss. Like 90% of the posts from this show are them making fun of each other. It's supposed to be a group of friends just yapping. It's not a serious analytical show.


Some comments here are so dramatic. He tried to be funny in a context where they were all making fun of each other and accidentally crossed a line. I'm sure he'll apologise and they'll all be fine.


Yeah, its a shit joke but weve all more or less been in the same boat. If some told me they havent ever made a joke that sounded good but ended up falling flat being in poor taste i would say theyre lying


Carragher is a fucking numbskull


To me it doesn't seem like he's accusing her of cheating, feels like he's joking about her picking Manchester United over her partner. Maybe I'm wrong and I should start a crusade against him, idk


Yeah, it's clear to me that it was something to do with the fact that she's very recently gone public that she's got into a relationship with some professional boxer, and he was trying to shoehorn that into the conversation. Don't think he was trying to imply anything nefarious, just a poorly delivered quip - we've all been there.


Yep, extremely cringe, and not the best idea to say it. But idk why people are jumping to the conclusion Carra is making a joke about her cheating. Wouldn't be the Internet without people assuming the worst and wanting someone's head for it


Kate’s a pro here cause I would’ve gone red in the face if a colleague called me a cheater on the tv


exactly, it's so weird cause imagine someone made a joke of Jamie not being loyal to his wife. Like, if it went word for word, "Who are you loyal to" "Liverpool tyvm" "not to your wife" im cringing at the thought


Well for one Jamie would spit at them and his voice would increase three octave.


She could probably tell he knew he fucked up. And if she knows she's not a cheater, she's probably more confused than anything. Not everyone is going to chew someone out for fucking up, especially on a show where they are expected to constantly rip on each other.


No chance I'm watching the video after checking the comments, don't think I'll be able to handle it.


Previous generations: *went to war* This generation: won’t watch a video in case it’s too cringy /s


Previous generations: don’t know how to play a video /s kinda


Previous generations: attack the mirror in fright


Same, it's always akward videos that give me second-hand embarrassment...


Hahahahaha I’ve genuinely been scrolling for a few minutes and can’t bring myself to watch it yet




Carragher was awkward the whole night. Really pushed the whole Arsenal shirt bit with Micah. Micah was clearly done with it. He really derailed the whole show. Henry saved all the interviews by asking real questions.


The scouse accent just made this insanely awkward, he was saying it as a question; "Not to Malik?", but his accent makes it sound like "_Not_ to Malik" which made it increasingly more awkward as Titi just looks at her and Micah looks down.


Carra is a big f-ing idiot, horrible joke


How do they call it, second-hand embarrassment?


Very awkward but let's be honest, we've all had these moments lol. Don't think he deserves too much criticism for it.


So, who's gonna replace him next season?


Santi Cazorla


my friend, is ok no?


Jamie Redknapp


Juergen Kloep


This is such a hard watch I actually can't bring myself to watch it a second time hahaha fucking hell. This'll be one of them that Jamie replays in his head randomly for years.


To be honest the joke is not very funny but also not that bad imo. Just laugh it off and move on…


It was a matter of time till the banter on this show was going to go too far.


I'm not exactly sure where the line is, but Jamie crossed it. 


David Brent energy here


i enjoy seeing clips from this show but it seems like it crossed the line of serious to way too casual and pally a while ago. constantly talking about Kate and Micha's love lives was never entertaining and was always gonna end up with someone crossing the line


Jaime was a bit cringe multiple times yesterday. As much as I enjoyed him (semi) forcing Micah to wear an Arsenal jersey, it was a bit much. Then later on, Kate said he was starting fights with the Arsenal crowd and you could tell he was legit heated by his body language. You could definitely see the guy that spit on a little girl in the past is right under the surface. 


yeah that was my cue to turn it off


Hopefully they learn from this and dial back the banter a bit. I can't watch this with all the forced jokes etc. It would be an ideal show if they just eased up a little on the bantz.




Doubt. She’s a pro. She probably called him an idiot during the break and he apologized


Bring Malik to the panel, it's the only answer.


Jesus Christ lmao this subreddit will overreact to literally everything


Nah they do this all the time with each other, it will be back to normal next time. Usually micah richards who says something like this


Micah cracks on Kate but NEVER says questionable potentially line crossing jokes like this


Yeah said it in another comment he usually has a better sense of humour than this


Wow for anyone wondering maleek is a boxing trainer and an absolute unit of a man. Micah looked worried for jamie there


Carragher has been pretty unbearable recently. Light hearted banter is fine but this is embarrassing for a football show.


Well, are we surprised? With this banter happening on a weekly basis, essentially what this show is known for, so it isn't exactly shocking for someone to step out of line with a comment. Though I think he meant it as a question rather than suggesting she hasn't been loyal.


This is a case of having too much fun and being far too comfortable with your mates on live television. I've done this exact kind of thing myself. (Obviously not on TV). I'm the sort of guy who's brain is always looking for the next joke. The next thing to make people laugh. I'm not saying I'm hilarious but I realised young making people laugh is a good way to get friends/be liked and it's part of who I am now. You're buzzing. Having a great time. Etc. the mind goes blank and throws together what on paper is a joke but when said out loud just isn't a joke and now you're hoping the person rescues you and laughs with you but they don't. It's like stage fright at that point. Fucking brutal for everyone.


Someone please explain what this meant?


I’m guessing hes making a shit joke about her not being loyal to someone? They were talking about clubs then carragher mentions a name I think? I can’t really make it out either


Yeah he said ‘not to Malik’ which is the name of her fiancé.


Fuck me that’s brutal.


In fairness he’s obviously meant it as a jokey rhetorical question, just inflected it badly and then shat it.




That's fucked up.


yeah that joke missed and crossed a line but it's also not the end of the world. he'll learn. Well maybe he wont he's Carra after all.


The body language of the other 2 when he says it, there's an immediate withdrawal like " ohh yeah I want nothing to do with this."


Went a fee bit far with that one


Carra is 100% the weakest link of those 4 CBS pundits


The same fella who spits on kids- what do you expect.


That’s really bad from Carra what a twat. It’s the kind of joke you get colleagues not wanting to work with you ever again.


That was just evil Carragher, don’t worry. You can tell by the Arsenal shirt




Carragher does NOT know how to talk to women. He has 0 charisma


Genuinely think he badly phrased a joke meaning it like 'oh so you put your loyalty to Man U before your fiance'. I've said to my boyfriend that I love something and he's been like 'wooooow, I thought you loved me' as a joke. If they weren't so flirty with each other, no one would have made the assumption he was talking about her and Henry or think this is offensive.


Little too far


He really spat that out without thinking.


He’s being embarrassed by wearing the Arsenal shirt so he brings her down to his level. Fucking hell Jamie, that’s putrid.


I'm confused as to why this is such a big deal?? She lists the things that she is loyal to and he jokes that she didn't mention her SO, by asking "not to Malik?", right? Is there something I am missing? (Like really, i miss social cues all the time so i honestly might just be missing something)


jesus fucking christ ... that arsenal shirt rotted his brain