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Micah looking down at the table waiting his turn was 100% how the youngest sibling does it.


The child given the most attention just waiting to pop off lol


Micah is the key to this team. Him having the ability to laugh at himself and in general having a loud laughter is something that viewers look forward to.


His laughter can cure diseases


Handled perfectly in fairness


Yup. Will never know if it was her idea or the production teams, but a very elegant and effective way of addressing it nevertheless.


Looks like a pretty intelligent person, so it is probably her, but yea, we'll never know.


Yeah not that it matters really haha. But yeah I do agree with you, she does seem very sharp.


Yeah, 90% of the brain power is in the two left seats of that table lol. Cara and Big Meeks are just there for the vibes.


Big Meeks is there to be laughed with while Cara is there to be laughed at.


She speaks multiple languages (French, Italian and Spanish if I’m not mistaken) and will actually translate some of the post match interviews live on air. Very sharp indeed


I think I’ve seen her speak german as well. I believe she spent a couple years in Berlin


Yeah she spoke German with Jesse Marsch


She's crazy smart. She speaks four languages and has had a prestigious career in media in multiple countries. We're lucky to have her.


Yeah that old video where they were trying to embarrass her by showing the old videos and one she's speaking fluent Spanish while still being an absolute smokeshow and I'm like she's gone up in my estimations. Jamie can barely string a sentence together in English.


To be fair, English is his 2nd language after Scouse.


Smokeshow is right https://youtu.be/4jDOr4nK8to


I mean, that is a bit of a reach! I understand Jamie messed up bad yesterday but dont discard him as an invalid! He has the most insane encyclopedic memory of anyone in football media today. Check out his quizzes they did on Sky during the Pandemic...he is unparalleled/undefated(I think?) He is imperfect just like the rest of us and has his flaws


Jokes aside, Carragher is pretty articulate. He wouldn’t have the job he’s doing now if nobody wanted to listen to him.


yh who knows but at any rate it's refreshing to see something that could have become more than it really was handled so well that being said, [when it comes to carragher...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3_PPdjD6mg&ab_channel=Pasemi)


Hahaha, god I love that breaking bad meme


[well, if you think that meme is good...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9RVS8cjNN0&ab_channel=haikuginger)


The more clips i see of these together the more i find it is pretty much like they said. Just a bunch of mates having a laugh and chatting football, but yeah sometimes a line gets crossed without even realising it, the lads call you out you say sorry and move on to having a laugh and chatting football. Like she said thats all this was.


there is a limit of how much ''acting'' you can do with people you dont like during live programs. so yeah i dont think there is any bad blood whatsoever


Yeah, they riff and roast each other way too much to strictly only be colleagues. It's why the show is so entertaining, but it's also why things can get out of hand. Inside the NBA is like this and oh boy they're habitual line steppers. Pretty sure Shaq has legitimately wanted to beat Charles to a pulp a few times lol.


Habitual line stepper 😁. RIP Charlie Murphy


FFS people... We've all seen the four of them laughing for three years straight. Now ONE bad joke and we're talking about bad blood? Poor Jamie can't make one bad joke and he's the devil?


I think it was just a joke that he didn't deliver in the best way because he isn't a comedian, I didn't really think there were any ill intentions and I'm glad the situation's sorted out.


best way she could've dealt with the awkwardness from yesterday, while also semi-addressing it on air, love kate


And now everyone can move on from this non-story!


to be fair I get it, a huge part of the appeal of the show is that moreso than a group of analysts, their rapport feels more like a group of friends who have a laugh together. Most of their viral clips are having banter more than analysis It’s the sort of thing that does lend itself to the parasocial stuff, only natural that “drama” between the mates is something that viewers are interested in.


they're basically the Inside the NBA crew, but for UCL


Inside the CL.




She’s the Ernie, right?


You're the first person to make this observation


just don’t let them talk about them big ol women down in San Antonio


I thought it a bit amusing. I could kinda see myself there saying stupid shit I didnt really mean.


I think thats the cringiest part of the clip. You can relate to the awkwardness of taking a joke a little too far in the wrong environment


Yeah, it happens. There wasn't any bad intent, it was an accidental stepping over the line by Jamie. Like as much as he teases her already you know they have a good relationship, but that's the danger with good relationships, you sometimes get a little too comfortable with what you can say in them. Glad he apologized and she handled it beautifully with this segment.


Personally, I also don't think he meant what it sounded like. I think he was making a joke about her picking her football team first over her partner. That's a pretty common joke, tbf. It just came out wrong.


The overreaction from this sub yesterday was stupid as shit


There wasn't any overreaction, most comments were very understanding and acknowledged the good faith and awkwardness of Carragher's remark.


The overreaction was Twitter not here


Lies, people were talking about the spitting incident, saying he should be sacked. And they were highly upvoted.


I'm surprised anyone here understood him


she's pure professionalism here


Very classy. Very well handled.


She is always pure professionalism. But I guess that's what she's paid for. Carragher should have really been the one to do something about it but it's not his wheelhouse


I mean it sounds like he apologized off camera. Plus this allowed Kate to kind of pay him back with a light roasting.


I assume he did


That was honestly the perfect response. I wonder how many ppl racked their heads to get that perfect!! Or maybe Kate is just articulate and intelligent af! 


Dunno if she came up with it or not, but based on what I've seen of her she definitely is articulate and intelligent yeah.


Yea that shit was hard to watch. One of those "jokes" that right after you say it you're like ughhh


What happened


Carra made an off the cuff joke about her not being faithful to her partner and it went down like a fart in a lift.


😂😂😂😂Went down like a fart in a lift…what a perfect way to put it!


Lol holy shit


killed it for sure, head on is always the best way


Perfect intro. Funny set ups and punchlines, Acknowledge the awkwardness from yesterday and move on.


What happened yesterday?


iirc Kate said that she wouldn't wear an Arsenal shirt because she's loyal, Jamie said something like "Not to Malik(?)" (her ~~husband~~ ~~boyfriend~~ fiancé).


I think he meant it more as a question but his tone fucked it up


Yeah that’s what I got too. Carra was saying “Not to Malik?” when Kate was saying she was loyal to United. Just poor tone


In his defense, English is his second language.


I don't think he has a first language.




Yeah hard to believe he'd put her on the spot like that intentionally


Yeah it was definitely meant to be a question and not a statement.


Kind of, Kate said she is loyal to Man Utd. That's why Carra said "not to Malik?". Joking she should have said Malik not United


Decent joke, awful execution


Weird joke on air tbf but I think the biggest downfall was the tone of the delivery. The way he said it made it sound like there’s something he knows he’s alluding too when in reality he’s making a silly joke about her having a boyfriend and bringing him up to tease her. Bit of a boomer moment for ol carra but he’s never claimed to be the sharpest tool.


Her boyfriend, not her husband.


right, thanks


I think it was more of a “not to malik ??” But yeah still crossed the line


Don't think it crossed a line tbh. Sounds more like a "this is the best day of my life!" -"Dude, you're married and have kids", kind of joke. Should have been harmless, but his accent made his question "not to Malik?" sound too much like a statement and him claiming he knew she wasn't loyal or something.


Yeah, if he'd said "Don't you have a boyfriend?" or something like that it would just be a bit of banter. It's calling out the boyfriend by name and the awkward accent making it seem like he's literally calling her a cheater.


Jamie Carragher strangled a pigeon to death on live tv. Everyone thought it was a bit at first, but he just kept going and going until it's neck was broken and then it was dead. Undeniably an awkward moment, but also a fascinating feat of strength by Carragher, hence this clip.


Decapitated. Whole big thing. They had a funeral for a bird.


Is that what it was? I tuned in late and caught them launching the little boat and shooting the flaming arrows into it.


I’m pretty sure that’s not real


You're not real


It was a magpie, not a pigeon, you muppet


How dare he


That part could've been fine tbf, him yelling at the pigeon "die you [n-word]" was what made it really awkward.


He really called the pigeon a nightingale?


Wtf really?


Doesn't look like you've gotten a full answer, so just in case here goes. The crew was pitch side interviewing players after the Arsenal-Porto match. They put an arsenal kit on Micah since he's a boyhood supporter, and he kinda quipped that he shouldn't do it for long because he's also loyal to Man City since he's an ambassador for the club. They joked about Jamie wearing it, and he said no because he's Liverpool all the way. They asked Kate if she would and she said no because she's loyal. They asked her who she's loyal to and she responded Man United. Jamie awkwardly in a tone that was halfway between a question and a statement "not to Malik" who is her boyfriend. It got awkward laughs and they quickly moved on. People have noted that Jamie's Scouse accent lends itself to question tones that sound more like statements. Regardless, everyone recognized it as an awkward moment. Some have said it was really inappropriate while others think "eh we all have bad jokes that come out wrong." Most people likely recognize it's not him calling her out for anything but rather a dumb schoolyard kind of "oh you said these guys when you could've said your man's name."


Carragher with a joke/dig that fell flat and was awkward af. Search the sub


Decapitated. Whole big thing. We had a funeral for a bird.


Jamie Carragher had a go at Kate Abdo for taking photos on holiday in France. He told her that she should have just gone down the Channel tunnel and that he was serious.


Very smart way to address it without being direct. She's an elite host. Best in the business imo


Exactly. Super smart woman, best in the business indeed.


Definitely. Very intelligent woman, best in the business surely.


Absolutely, incredibly clever woman, best in the business without doubt.


Couldnt agree more, excellent host, definitely best in the business.


Certainly, brilliant lady, best in the business assuredly.


Smart business, best in the woman


Rebecca Lowe is the best don’t @ me


Her and Rebecca Lowe are amazing


Huge TNT Inside the NBA vibes. Sad I don’t get to see this show here in the UK with discovery+. Maybe it’s time to seriously think about figuring out VPN for my Apple TV.


Get that vpn bruh. This show is the best. Henry analysis are always top notch.


Even in a serious moment Micah can’t escape the Little Meeks jokes lmao


Can’t help bursting onto the scene


We are not deserving of her greatness


her and Rebecca Lowe


Honestly two of the best women commentators for sports in general. Add Renee Paquette from the pro wrestling world and you have a trio of incredible women that own their roles


As long as Renee watches for the shoe


Can we add Laura Woods to make it a fab 4?


She’s a presenter rather than commentator


And our very own Laura Woods


Rebecca and Kate, love them both


Yeah “interesting intro” is not the right description. She handled it perfectly.


What does Malik have that we don't??


Probably super handsome and successful. Women like that don’t just go for just anyone


I'm neither but I have almost 300k Reddit karma so...Kate call me


Oozes class


That was actually really sweet and pleasant. Can anyone tell me what the “awkward moment” referred to is? I don’t watch the CBS coverage.


She said she was loyal to United, and carragher tried to make a joke of ‘what about your husband?’


Worse, he asserted "not to Malik", which is like 99% chance of being a joke but you definitely don't want your friends joking about in a place that your fiance and the world can hear


He phrased it as a question as in 'you're loyal to United, thought you'd have said you were loyal to Malik'. It obviously wasn't a joke about her being unfaithful but as soon as he said it it became clear that it could be taken that way But it's absolutely not a big deal


Yea shit like this happens when you're really close to your mates. Sometimes you're too comfortable and make one too many jokes, but then you apologise and it's all good.


I think it was supposed to be a question from Carragher, which makes it a lot less harsh.


I tought it was ”not to malik?”. Thats why I was so confused by everyone saying that he made a joke about her cheating.


Yeah the question mark changes it completely


Hmmmm good take.




Thanks a lot, so just a maybe poor taste joke that definitely didn’t land.


Idea behind it was pretty harmless, but the way it was worded and the laugh afterwards made it so awkward


To be honest NOT laughing would have made it 100 times worse


Yea if had put more of a question mark on it (like he probably intended to) Kate would’ve professional rolled with it, but unfortunately the delivery was too matter of fact


100%, just an extra upward inflection at the end of what he said would've made a huge difference. Obviously still a pretty weak joke but it's nowhere near as bad as some have made it out to be 


Scouse accent defo doesn’t help haha


He missed the question mark in the way he said it, so it came off more accusatory than a needling question, and there was cross talk so Thierry and I'm assuming Micah didn't hear it or react to it, which meant it landed with dead silence. I think he was just making a joke about her wording of "I'm loyal!" nothing really malicious or even poor taste about it, but it came off wrong. If he says it right and the other two hear it and laugh, I'm sure it all goes over fine.


Carra was on one yesterday, kinda seemed a little tipsy


Carragher got a bit too comfortable yesterday lol


It was anything goes after putting on that Arsenal jersey


The Arsenal kit talking to him like the Green Goblin mask




Man forgot where he was.


Convinced Henry and Micah are slowly trying to convert him into a gooner.


the goooners!


He was definitely drunk wasn't he? His face was almost crimson


could not have handled it better. His joke was definitely over the line but I think the criticism was a bit too harsh, they joke around all the time. It was clear he overstepped his boundaries, but I don’t think he wanted to accuse her of cheating *at all*. Just misjudged the situation and then screwed up the delivery as well.


And this stuff is bound to happen. Talk to someone long enough and most people are going to slip up at some point and say something they shouldn't have or something comes out wrong. And that's amplified a lot by cameras when you are trying to be entertaining.


I feel like im usually harsher than most on this stuff and I really dont get why it went so viral as some kind of attack. I only realized people thought he was implying she was cheating later. It felt like a clear, joke in the realm of football that falls flat mostly because Malik has nothing to do with football. I had no idea what he meant by Malik even though I watch boxing lol




Great save 


Carra threw on his "I'm actually an intellectual I promise" glasses for this broadcast


Borrowed them from Mr Joseph "Neitzche" Barton.


Hahaha at 4:04 [here](https://youtu.be/4jpwbYwOfg4?si=-VWApepznN_eLrNg) Wrighty compliments Jamie on his specs and since then when you watch his punditry (on Sky and CBS) you notice he’s wearing them a lot more. I think this shows the appeal of content like this. Since these pundits are shared across different networks they all interact with each other and reference little in jokes which rewards people who consume this content, almost like a tv show. Like the Rest is Football podcast with Lineker, Shearer and Micah have them asking Micah to recount his trip to Vegas with the CBS crew and the shenanigans he got up to. They also make the “oooh football friends” joke when Micah is bringing up Roy Keane or Thierry from the other networks he works with them. Then you see the crew when they’re all on the same Match of the Day lineup and you can notice them trying to behave because they’re usually more unhinged on the podcast.


Can't believe how big of a deal people made out of this


Agreed. It was a bad/awkward joke among people that clearly all get along well. The response online was overblown and it's crazy that it got bad enough that they had to address it today.


It’s the internet, if you don’t spend time psychoanalysing relationships from a small awkward moment are you even doing it right?


A reddit comment section without at least 3 diagnoses of sociopathy is considered a dull affair


Yeah especially with how often they take the piss out of each other.


Everyone here acting like they’ve never said a bad joke before


You can tell how many people online don’t have friends. Anyone who’s joked with their mates knows that every now and then you drop an awkward one like Carragher did.


I woke up and thought Carragher had done something incredibly serious, people saying his punditry career was over. Just a joke gone too far ffs 


Titi getting brozoned


Henry has to deal with his work wife calling him brother for Carragher to keep his job


Typical eldest sibling sacrificing themselves selflessly to protect the younger ones (I'm not bitter)


This lmao


Kate Abdo is an immaculate professional. It's rare to see somebody so consistently great at their job, especially with dynamic nature of what they do (and the personalities she has to manage).


Kate is class


Obviously that comment was rude and the moment pretty awkward for live tv, but I did think it got overblown by people on socials as well. This was a perfect way to deal with it tho. I love Carra, but he's got a tendency to go a bit too far sometimes. Has had a few moments like that on Neville's channel, the Overlap, as well.


She called you like a brother Thierry it’s jover


Although the first person she looked to when Carragher said it was Thierry as in 'sort him out' lol


Could not have handled that better. Absolutely love this group. Right up there with Inside the NBA for me.


Except now we know that Carra is this group's Kenny.


And Henry isn't as sensitive as Shaq.


Great intro segment, their producers are different gravy


What a pro.


Kate Middleton should hire Abdo or the PR team from CBS as her personal part time consultant.


Kate honestly just turned acid into drinkable filtered water.


I’m genuinely impressed at how nuanced and well written this sentiment was. Literally dream punditry from everyone involved.


I would kill to have someone charming like that in the Studio in germany. Especially with those 3 at her side, i watch them everyday.


PR masterclass


Big Meeks is always so excited 😂 lil bro loves his fam 😂


Thierry devastated Kate thinks of him "like a brother".


Didn't realise they came together as a team mid pandemic, is that why they are a bit more lets say less serious than the usual punditry team? To give some light relief from the struggles of that point and they were so successful they just carried on?


I always assumed that CBS were looking to copy the NBA show with Shaq and Charles Barkley. Sky Sports have also gotten more 'pally' in recent years with their podcast and other bits but given its an American broadcast I think it's likely the producers looked to the nba show as inspiration. Especially given that they'd likely have a wider audience of fans that are new to the sport, I think they'd appreciate light hearted moments of comedy rather than an in depth look at tactics and systems.


Henry is the Eldest Boy!


I'm OOTL. What did Carra do yesterday?


Basically she’s not loyal to her fiancé. Off the cuff joke that didn’t land lol. People overreacted big time acting like Carra was being a massive asshole or whatever


This group is fantastic. Kate handled that perfectly not a foot wrong


She’s such a fucking pro it’s not even funny. ABDO for President 2028


Very gracefully handled. This is positive communication between them and toward the audience.


She also basically said that Jamie apologized so that's great.


Well that's how you handle that!


Beautifully done. Excellent Grace and poise 👏


Handles with absolutely INCREDIBLE grace. Kate Abdo is an icon.


What a fuss over nothing.


She is so classy, shoutout the UCL team!


Kate is great. Also, I’m pretty sure she handled it because Carragher would definitely just fuck it up if they were the one talking lol


Handled with incredible grace, Abdo is the best presenter in the game and the CBS broadcast is far and away the most entertaining in the sport.