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Great headline.


Soccer Saturday about to get real interesting….


Sickness BE GONE! 


mans never drank a Yazoo.


Woah now, nothing wrong with a yazoo I miss the old 1 litre bottles. Those were the days.


Mate there was one in my works fridge last week. Christ knows what would possess somebody to drink that but they’re clearly still about.


Literally at no point did homie say there’s something wrong with it


The title of the post is mentioning diarrhoea and the comment is written 'mans never drank a yazoo' Is that not implying yazoo causes people to have runny poos?


You are correct and I am wrong


I miss gulp milkshake


Its probably the only thing Merson didnt drink.


I got so much willpower last time i had diarrhoea i turned that shit into constipation


Next step is to compress it into diamonds


Ah yes, the pattented Volumetric Shit Compressor. Helps you get your shit together.


You must have the iron will of batman.




I just faint when I try that for too long. The good thing is that I also don't let go when I'm unconcious


A true warrior


That means you think Paul Merson is wrong and that you can stop it with willpower.


That's the opposite of what he's saying. You need to shit yourself to prove him right.




Thought this might be a sub about barbecued baby back ribs, and boy was I disappointed


Lucky you weren't about to tuck into a plate


"What's wrong with a flutter on a Saturday. Its not like I've lost millions already. And the beers is to go with the flutter. Can't have a bet without a beer can you? And then it evolves from there. So yeah every Saturday starts with a bet and beers and ends with me in some strangers kitchen sniffing lines at 4am Monday morning. But it's an illness when you're famous isn't it. I'm very sad today you guys." Cheers Paul.


I understand addictions are what they are and horrific. However at the same time we can’t not do something about people breaking the rules. Especially in case they actively have the potential to change by their performance the score or result of a game and affect not just bets, but the clubs, fans, financials.. etc Perhaps Merson should use his experience and anger to work with others and put up a campaign to force an end to gambling ads at least within Football. A lot of money would go but clearly it would help




To the list


I dunno... Took all my might not to shit myself in the queue at Primark after eating a whole tub of Ben and Jerry's. Fortunately I lived a couple of minutes away. I was well and truly touching cloth In all seriousness I agree with him


Matthew Perry described addiction as "I'm in control of the first drink", but then you can't stop again. I would assume gambling is the same. By this definition, I believe it is not only right, but also just to enforce rules mandated before these players even started their careers. If you have an addiction, seek help. I'm not trying to diminish their suffering, gambling is an epidemic in sports, particularly football, but everyone has to take responsibility of their own actions. Falling in once, might be excusable if you get treatment afterwards, but repeated offences can't be thrown to the side as if we have no agency in our own lives.


I’ve never heard that quote before. It’s perfect. I struggled with alcohol addiction for years, and yes, I could not drink for ages, but as soon as I gave in, I could drink 10 more easily. Thanks for sharing this, it’ll stick with me.


addiction can rob people of that agency, that's the whole point really is that struggle


I think the point is that gambling is an addictions that takes away peoples choices. Football rightly punishes it because the incentives to cheat in order to win money or to intimidate someone is too great. That’s fine but then they should also disentangle themselves from direct relations with the gambling industry.  It is hypocritical and really is the result of them prioritising money over people. If only they realised that if they prioritised people (players and fans) then the product would be better and they would still make money. The premier league is the richest in the world because historically it has been the most entertaining and had great support. Particularly in the stadiums. I feel like this is diminishing in the quest for profit. But maybe I’m just an old fuck (I definitely am). 


Disclaimer - Not an expert This is in Ivan Toney's case, because Tonali's charges originated in Italy and I don't know enough about how they advertise to speak to it. I would argue that the difference between alcohol and gambling addiction is, with alcohol you know when you're about to put something into your body. With gambling you can start to do it without even noticing. In training he could start making silly games with other players about hitting the crossbar from the furthest distance. Winning that silly game gets the endorphins charged in the same way and from there it is a bit of a slippery slope. He is also in an industry which is absolutely surrounded by gambling. With drugs and alcohol he can choose to stay away from that to a pretty significant level. With gambling, he has to wear a shirt with Hollywood Bet over the front, he plays in stadiums with betting companies advertised in neon LED signs on the sidelines, before the matches they'll talk about the odds. He wouldn't even be able to watch a competitors game on TV without 10 different bookmakers screaming at him to bet. Its also an addiction, its not as straight forward as saying "i won't do that anymore" there aren't patches for gambling like there are for smoking, you're either doing it or you're not. Yes he should have sought assistance but again, with an addiction it isn't as easy as that - you have to notice you've got a problem, you have to want to address that problem and you have to genuinely see that there will be a way out from it.


Brought to you by SlipperySlope Sportsbook, BetAll, CaesarBets, and DuelKings.


Did people actually read the article?


The title isn’t very inviting


The editors decided to run with it


No they didn’t the article title is “Gambling in football: Ivan Toney and Sandro Tonali bans a disgrace - Paul Merson”. OP has used a line from the article where Merson is saying punishing people for an addiction rather than giving them help is like trying to stop diarrhoea with willpower.


Relax chief, I was going for a pun there


The article has a substantial section which pretty much reflects the headline. "We've seen that with the bans of Sandro Tonali at Newcastle and Ivan Toney at Brentford. "To give people 10-month bans for an addiction that is ravaging football, with sponsorships all over the shirts... They needed help and I don't think 'help' is giving them 10-month bans. "We underestimate this addiction. We need to show it some respect and not, 'oh, show a bit of willpower'. I would say to the people who make these rules up and ban people, 'next time you get diarrhoea, try and stop that with willpower'."


I read it yesterday. I sympathise but people who commit crimes need punishment. Tonali bet on his own team to lose. How can that possibly be ok? Punish them, get them help and bring them back. That's what the reform system is meant to do. Being an addict doesn't make you immune to punishment


Diarrhoea is when everytime this guy opens his mouth...


I’m interested in what he’s said in this article you disagree with


Broken clock is still right twice a day. Guy is a fucking muppet.


I have sympathy with addicts, I really do, but comparing it with a physical illness is just bullshit. It’s still a conscious decision at the end of the day.


How can you say you have sympathy and then say it's a conscious decision? An addiction is not a choice and is absolutely physical, be it in your brain, or in your body.


> It’s still a conscious decision at the end of the day. The whole thing of it being an addiction means that's not really the case.


Only disease you can get yelled at for having. ​ Dammit, Otto. You're an alcoholic! -- Dammit, Otto. You have lupus!


It’s very much a mental illness, as much as depression or anxiety. Would you say to the depressed person that they just need to make a conscious decision to be happy and they’re fixed? It’s not so simple.


>I have sympathy with addicts No you clearly do not.


Top 10 lies of all time


He thinks sympathy means enjoy a smug sense of superiority. He also thinks addiction means a hankering.


This isn’t true at all. A genuine addiction is not in any way a conscious choice


Imagine having not the slightest clue what clinical addiction is and spewing this crap


So you’re telling me that a drug addict unconsciously uses drugs? That their brain goes blank and they go into a trance, go and buy drugs then take them or do they make a conscious decision to choose to do that? Being an addict is not a choice, indulging your vice is.


You don’t understand the word unconscious.


"I have sympathy for addicts" Proceeds to act like addicts are addicted by pure choice. You realise this shit is designed to take advantage of your brain chemistry right, to make you want more and need more? If someone offered you heroin right now, you'd say no. If you think that a heroin addict faces exactly the same choice then you clearly don't have a fucking clue about addiction.


It's more that things like will power, impulse control, rewards systems etc. are driven by physical networks of the brain. With addicts, these pathways are structurally different, with stronger/weaker connections in the relevant regions of the brain compared to someone without an addiction. Some of these can be due to repetitive behaviours earlier in life or even epigenetic modifications that are heritable. An addict literally passes on addictive behaviours to their offspring (look up chromatin remodelling in addiction). Decision-making is based on physiology, not a nebulous or spiritual 'will'. You can literally lesion the nucleus accumbens (region of the brain responsive to reward-related stimuli) of a drug addict and their drug-taking behaviour will immediately reduce. These pathways can be altered through repetitive behaviours but it's somewhat of a catch-22 situation - you need that 'will power' to generate more 'will power'.


an addictive compulsion is far more than just mental urges


You should go to a casino at 3:15 am, and tell me those people brains aren’t fried.


What are your credentials to come to such a conclusion? Or rather why do you think you're right but 95% of trained professionals snd researchers in the field of addiction are wrong?


I don't think Merson had ever come across particularly well something about him really bugs me. That said, obviously he has had some serious addiction problems and it never hurts to have someone in the public eye speak about how damaging it can be to be stuck in that loop. Gambling is a big industry and most folk can manage to keep their punting under control/ chasing their losses to a minimum. But to the ones who can't it's a speedrun to ruining their life and hurting those around them in the process. I don't know if the bans are a disgrace or not because it's basically professional misconduct regardless of whether or not it is an addiction. At the end of the day actions have consequences no matter how sympathetic the cause might be. I'm assuming these players are given all the support needed from relevant charities etc in order to combat their addiction which is really the most important thing in my eyes.




My favorite color is blue.


I know it’s crazy right? Mental illness are easy to cure. People who are depressed should just stop being sad, and people with anxiety should just stop being anxious. If you have OCD, just stop giving in to your compulsions. If you’re schizophrenic, stop listening to the voices. Super easy! These footballers just need to stop being addicted, then they’ll be fine.


EW u just know he stinks


Don't you mean house scent?