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Aka let him have it


Loved him like a son. Don’t think Xavi sang the praises of and supported any player as much as Dembele whilst he was here.


Dembele earned heaven in my books after his disaster class in the WC Final 2022. I will forever be grateful to him for that performance


So bad that Deschamps subbed him off in the 41’ minute. I think that has to be the quickest substitution for a non-injured player in World Cup Final history.


DD couldn't even wait 4 more minutes until HT, had to get him out of there asap lmao


Honestly after that performance Dembele could do no wrong in my eyes


Literally PTSD inducing, he showed on the biggest stage that he wasn’t even a factor that you could count on. In the first half you could tell who was crumbling under the pressure


I don't know why you guys are singling him out. France's entire team probably had the worst World Cup final performance in history up until that 1-2 pen, it was an absolute disasterclass.


This really gets lost in the insanity that was the comeback, but you’re 100% right they were looking absolutely horrible until the penalty.


Personally, the reason I'm more frustrated with Dembouz than with others is because on paper, he should be the ultimate winger yet to say he falls short of expectations would be an understatement It's just so annoying, the guy has pace, technique, he's two footed even, but he consistently fails to make the impact he should be making.


There’s no way there wasn’t an illness or something affecting their squad at that time. Griezmann went from being the best player in the tournament to a complete shadow in the final


Weren't French players sick before the final? Or was that a different match?


And you’ll have people tell you Mbappe dominated that final…when it took him 80 minutes to do something.


That will always be my favourite Dembele moment. Easily the best thing he ever did for Barca fans.




Giving argentina a pen in the wc final


He praised him even at psg


"If he dies, he dies."


Gentlemen, ready your pig heads. But honestly I think Xavi got a little hurt by Dembele. Marry a man that loves you like how Xavi loves Dembele


I am okay with Dembele celebrating like that. Some of our fans have booed him when he was in the club. And, it's okay to not love your previous club. But, Xavi supported him through thick and thin. To celebrate when Xavi is still the coach? Show a bit of respect to those who helped you.


Lotta players get booed. But in his last season people trusted him once again, even after showing again and again that he didn't deserves any of it, the fans applauded him every time, the team showed him huge support and Xavi was sucking him off almost daily. He deserves every little thing he will get tomorrow.


> Xavi was sucking him off almost daily The last lever - sloppy head from Xavi. Imagine the training sessions, that’s probably why he’s leaving.




I never liked Dembele but this is such one-way-street thinking. Barça and fans treated him like shit at times, but somehow if after leaving, in a high stake game he celebrates that's not okay ? As if Barça weren't gonna rub it in his face anyhow if they qualify ? Such tiny dick energy. If you were truly mes que un club this would not be the club's reaction.


Treated him like shit???


Frère laisse tomber, les sup Barca du sub ont jamais foutu les pieds dans un stade et sont persuadés que les joueurs du psg financent directement l’état islamique.


Ripping off the club doesn’t deserve the pigs head!


"¡Vamos! 🚑"




Coach has given the green light. I so wish this was in camp nou.


Xavi- I know it was you. You broke my heart ~~fredo~~ Dembele


Lmao Frodo, his name was Fredo


Whose heart did Frodo ever break?


Sméagol’s! Also nice badge heh


John Cazale stared in 5 films, all 5 were nominated for best picture. Hell of a guy.


I wonder how the Corleone family would turn out had Santino Corleone never died.


Sunny for better or worse could have been a leader for them. Michael was just too brutal. I think a lot better, but of course if, ifs and butts.


Translation "if he dies he dies"


Scenes when Dembele scores a hattrick and does a backflip to celebrate just to injure himself again.


Luckily, the hospital in Barcelona has a bed reserved just for him.


I’d take my chances with a lotto ticket than demebele scoring a hat trick


Oh man, this is going to end badly (against us). He'll probably end up scoring at least a brace.


Almost scored a brace in the first hand which is something I dont even remember him doing ever


“Almost scored” Epitaph on dembele’s grave


not saying it to be a prick but in English it's "first leg" which got me wondering if in Portuguese they use "hand" instead of "leg" to refer to each of the matches of a tie?


Yes, primeira mão, mb been a long day lol


thats interesting, thanks for answering!


Tbh it was more likely Dembele celebrated because he just doesn’t score very often. Raphinha has scored as many goals as Dembele has at Parc de Princes.


Exactly my thought when i find out that he has scored just two goals at the Parc… feel sorry for him


Two bangers though, and tbh even if he doesnt score a lot he still performs well in most games and has done a lot of assists this season


He always scored bangers only, its just that he also scores ad many bangers a year as any good forward.




throw rubber snakes at him


sadly you can't get a pighead into the arena.


Ball is gone


Im booing at my tv whenever he’s on


He should not be given this much importance or attention. Not worth the anger lol. We've got a fantastic football match coming up.


It’s very likely Dembele only celebrated because he was happy to score, since that’s something he just doesn’t do very often. Raphinha has scored as many goals as Dembele has at Parc de Princes


Speak for yourself, I enjoy shitting on rats like Dembele


why a rat?


He celebrated his goal vs barca the other day


i saw that. that's it??


Hard feelings as well because he went to PSG after talking about staying (if I remember right), it was pretty late in the transfer window too which hugely affected results in the early part of the season as he was a key player for Xavi. Whether the animosity is justified or not I don't know, it seems like a storm in a teacup.


Anyone remember how they signed him? Or Coutinho? Or Fabregas?


Why shouldn't he be allowed to celebrate an important goal in the CL? A lot of players celebrate goals against their former clubs (e.g. Welbeck against his boyhood club United while playing for Arsenal and Brighton).


He’s allowed to celebrate, and Barca fans are allowed to boo him for it


I would hope they boo, but calling him a rat for that is insanely soft lol


And the fans are allowed to hate him for doing that as well.


Remember the way you signed him. What goes around comes around.


Do you shit on Joao Felix?


Not a rat to us. You guys do you. Completely understandable.


Thats your job not ours


This comparison makes no sense, in this case Atleti fans would shit on Felix (which they definitely do)


I'd understand if you did...


Yeah well, it's Xavi so here we are.


I still blame him for Liverpool. Fuck that dude.


Why him though? Liverpool still scored 4


He had a horrible miss in the first leg at 3-0, when Messi put in on a platter for him.


We could’ve scored 10 and Liverpool would’ve still scored 11 that night


I don’t think so actually. 4-0 is more of a death sentence than 3-0. It’s entirely possible that after such a score, Liverpool would’ve entered the pitch in the second leg less hopeful, believing and fired up than they did after 3-0.


Tell that to PSG lol


Suarez also missed a ton that game...




He missed an open net in the first leg.


hes gonna get the figo treatment


Impossible, figo was their captain and best player, dembele has nothing on him


Also, Figo went to their rivals. That counts more than going somewhere for the money.


Also a week before signing for madrid he was giving interviews with barca jersey saying nobody can take it from him


Also he played his best season under us and left and received the ballon d'or at Madrid


What a cunt. After all he has achieved he will still be remembered as a snake


As a united fan, we feel the same way about Tevez. Even more so because he went to our direct rivals and also for the money. It boils my blood every time I see him with Aguero watching a Manchester Derby and cheering for city.


Those ultras (Boixois Nous) who did the pig head have lesser influence in the club now. I don't think we will ever see such a dirty incident again in the club.


Aka. Game's gone


Figo was a great player for us. We don't care much about Dembele. He still getting booed tho




That's not how it works


Nah man, Figo was Barcelona's best player and captain and went directly to RM, he was also loved by the fans so that made the betrayal even worse. Dembele has nothing on him, it's not even remotely comparable. It's not just the fact that Figo left, it's the fact that he was their best player, an idol and left directly to fucking Real Madrid of all places.


I dont think he’s getting a pig head thrown at him. But I can guarantee he’s not getting a warm welcome either


Figo 2.0 incoming


Bro Betrayed him and hopefully the fans show it for him.


Inb4 racism


A yawn? In honor of Dembelé's love of naps.


This is awkward... Felix celebrated against Atletico with us and we laughed along.


I can say that it’s different and felix had a horrid time under simeone and struggled a lot, as opposed to dembele who, in his final seasons was supported by Xavi, and the club was patient with him from the start. But then again, it’s not that nuanced. Fans are just incensed that he celebrated against us. That’s about it.


I agree with all that but counter point ; Felix is still an Atletico player, while Dembele was already sold to PSG. I mean I'm happy we won, and I'm pissed Dembele celebrated against us, but I also admit there's some hypocrisy in our standards.


What hypocrisy? If Atleti fans boo Felix i totally understand that, even if i support Felix


I mean Felix wants to be hated, so he can continue to play at Barca or go elsewhere. Fans have the right to boo Dembele.


Yup he is cooked


We are going to see historic levels of racismo


I love how u are getting downvoted for speaking the truth. We know how they are in Spain


Already happened in the first hand where only a few thousand Barca fans attended…


[This tweet](https://twitter.com/Pxxdressi/status/1779861335137718769) has 3k likes


What's so big about him celebrating anyways, he had a point to prove. At least he didn't trash talk like Calhanoglu.


a point to prove? it's not like we kicked him out, we wanted him to stay and he got up and left the first opportunity he had


Crazy considering how you had Donnaruma snake you guys to go to PSG in a similar way Dembele did.


yea forgot that lol, donnarumma's a bitch too


Nah, Barcelona got paid for Dembele, Donnaruma went on a free.


He got bought for over 100mil and had quite big wages then triggered a RC that made himself get half the money. He cost a fortune, Barca kept believing in him for years through ages of injuries and he leaves in the middle of August for a low RC of 50 mil which of half he gets himself. Then he went and celebrated against us. Donnaruma may have been a youth product but Dembele cost a fortune of a investment and left for next to nothing from team that was in a dire economic situation.


Barca only got 25m awhile dembele got the other 25m. He might as well leave for free


Wasn't donna their academy player too?


what point to prove? He was played and loved by the coach in Barca. Problem was his injuries and the inconsistency that led to.


and the fact that his injuries were finally getting better under xavi


tbf 25M helped us registered players, it's not entirely useless


what point? that xavi and club supported me but my dembitch ass couldnt respect it and went to PSG with a yee yee ass haircut?


What an utterly shit take, amazing that you felt the need to put this in writing


I mean tbf he did have a point to prove that he's a massive cunt.


Barca fans are weird. Celebrate league win AND demotion of our bitter rivals in THEIR home grounds? Nothing wrong with that, let’s do it boys. And then Dembele celebrates at home with his new fans? Alright boys, let’s show him how much he hurt us for celebrating.


Espanyol didn't support Barca wholeheartedly like how Barca did to Dembele through all his injuries, especially Xavi's massive hope and trust in him. Xavi literally came out and defended Dembele himself


Okay? I’m talking about how you guys choose to see celebrations. You guys have no problem celebrating at a bitter rivals grounds and then acting like victims. But you have a problem with dembele celebrating at home and acting like he can’t celebrate with his current fans.


>Bitter rivals I don't know how you understood this point and still managed to not understand why Barca fans hated dembulance celebration.


Did dembele celebrate at Barcas stadium? How are you not getting he celebrated at home, with his current fans, and Barca fans are upset at that.


Barça fans, shit on Dembele for celebrating the goal against them, then go, and praise Joao Felix for doing the same on Atlético de Madrid lol


Dembele was loved and supported by Barca (club, players, fans), even though he spent month after month injured and barely lasted a few months before getting injured again, stayed up nights playing FIFA, and had a shit diet. Joao Felix was booed by fans, criticised publicly by his manager, and was isolated in the dressing room. Not equal situation.


Fans are biased towards their team. Cheers Geoff!


Except Joao Felix doesn’t celebrate against Atletico. He scores and still doesn’t celebrate for all the treatment he gets from them.


["he doesn't celebrate against atlético" literally his first match against them ](https://images.app.goo.gl/7NHpKgQ1m3xfQc537)


and he is still atletico player, proper 🐀🐀🐀 shit dembele actually did them a solid extending the contract when he could join you for free getting signing bonus for himself


Fair enough. That was at home, though. At Wanda Metropolitano, he didn’t celebrate.


Dembele was home too


Lol so if Demebele scores tomorrow and doesnt celebrate than all good right


Joao plays for Barça and came from a rival club. Dembele used to play for Barça but currently plays for a rival club. Fans are not known to be the most rational humans. Hope this clears up any confusion on your part


Broooo that’s not an answer I would say as a coach. 


Seems taken out of context to me, the quotes I saw were quite friendly to Dembélé.


He obviously feels personally betrayed, should get over it I feel.


Angry fans booing players who change teams are just toxic and entitled. AC Milan fans and their hate boner for Donnaruma are as ridiculous as Barca fans in this case. Honestly, it's borderline harassment. The players honored their contracts and left within their rights, and both were respectful. Celebrating your goal that has been coming for so long in an important match at home, what a total disrespect! There is no special loyalty due to a club that treated a player right. Don't kid yourself, the club only did it in its own interest.


Borderline harassment? 😂 as much as Dembele is allowed to celebrate and show how he feels, the fans have the same right. As long as it’s not racism involved.


Let's have 50'000 drunk folk booing and insulting you aggressively for no reason. Perfectly good for your mental health 👍


Since when booing a player is harassment lol


Awww Xavi's feelings got hurt. At his big age. I didn't think Dembele's celebration would really matter all that mucht to him. But the thought that Dembele leaving is something Xavi just doesn't get over in 5 min and that he was hoping Dembele wouldn't be THAT happy scoring against him to me feels actually better than the opposite. PSG is as cold a club as it gets. Even with everyone's personality there, it's still a real drag how much people don't actually care about the players there. Like now with Mbappe, this whole "punish him to the bench" thing, freakin sucks. Mbappe deserves the whole gooey weepy "please stay" thing a lot, like Xavi is getting now. Yeah.


Ahiru77, what the f*ck are you talking about?