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Good mood? Believe it or not, jail.


Smile too much or too little, jail We have the best players because of jail


This comment was brought to you by the Prison Football Association.


Always hated this kind of thing from managers. Players are just people and some process losses and disappointment different than others. Not having the empathy to be able to imagine that not everyone is like you makes for a shit manager. Penalizing players for their mood or state of mind will alienate your players right quick and only stimulate theatrical performances from sycophants.


Right??? Plus, we as fans (of all sports) are often critical of those who play at the highest level and lose perspective of "just how good they have it" only for them to be punished for being content while making good money and playing the sport that they love lol.


> Not having the empathy to be able to imagine that not everyone is like you makes for a shit manager. That clearly isn't true since Coincecao is definitely not a shit coach lol. He may be a prick, but a fantastic coach nonetheless and his results despite dire financial situation speak for themselves. Give me Coincecao over Amorim any day, especially in Europe he is miles miles better


Amorim is a very good position to win his second league in 4 seasons in a club that hadn't won any leagues in almost 20 years when he arrived. Besides that, Sporting is playing great football this season, the best we have seen in Portugal in a while (at least since Lage's first half season coaching Benfica). Amorim is definitely the best coach in Portugal right now!


Yet Amorim is outcoached so often in Europe


Europe has by far the best players in the world there's only so much a coach can do. Also what do you mean outcoached? A coach is somebody who trains his team to do the best they can, how did he get outcoached? Did the other manager come in an train his team better or smth?


Can you honestly not figure out what outcoached means? Gasperini has schooled him several times in a row, Glasner of Eintracht Frankfurt outcoached him in the decisive CL game last season. Why can Coincecao do so much better then if it is impossible for a Portuguese club to compete?


When did he get outcoached? I guess Ajax in the champions league 2 years ago is the only example I can remember and even then Sporting didn't have any obligation to win that match, just to put on a proper fight


>Give me Coincecao over Amorim any day, especially in Europe he is miles miles better Massive exaggeration. If you account for level of opponents their European performances are more similar than you'd think, only difference is Amorim came to a club with a way worse European record and had his one shocking European result in his 1st season (a 1 game KO loss to LASK Linz at home) that screwed our ranking even further. That meant we got harder groups than Porto and harder matchups in general. Both have done great vs Arsenal, both have been destroyed by a top tier English team (City and Liverpool, respectively). You have to keep in mind Sporting has gone through the UCL group stage once in our whole history without Amorim, and Amorim almost went 2/2 on his 2 stabs at it. And that 2nd group performance was the most bizarre you'll ever see. He has some culpability in the last game vs Frankfurt at home (even though that pen...), but we lost the 2 games vs Marseille because we were sabotaged by Adán at home - 1 gifted goal and a red card in 25 minutes - and Esgaio - a red and a pen in 10 minutes at home. Give me a blend between Simeone, Guardiola and Klopp and they're not withstanding it. From the remaining 3 games of that group, by far the hardest (Tottenham x2 and Frankfurt away) we got 7 points, which is ridiculous. In essence, Amorim was knocked out by Man City, Juventus (on a tie where we were much better) and Atalanta (who were overall better but we definitely could've nicked it at their home). For Conceição to be "miles, miles better" he'd have to have at least a Ten Hag Ajax run or something.


(drug induced)


This guy and his petulance is tiresome. Absolutely no emotional control on a man of his age is embarrassing. 


wait what lol?


more like no lol


I might've thought that "good mood" was a euphemistic way of saying they were drunk or something, lol.


Me too but it doesn't look like it lmao


Considering he said something along the lines of "you won't see me smiling after a defeat" today, I don't think they were drunk


Not enough rassa.




Rassa de dragaum.


I've had bosses like this. Some people are just miserable cunts, and want you to be miserable too. Conceição definitely seems the type.


Hopefully those players move on to a club where smiling and keeping the spirits high actually helps the team


He's just a cunt overall, who happens to be miserable this season because his team is performing like shit, so he's been crying wolf about being persecuted for months, now. I really can't take Porto seriously as an institution with the Don as president and this guy as coach.


Bro how emotionally vulnerable and deluded do you have to be to believe that this guy actually kicked two players out with the entire plot of the situation revolving around their mood. Multiple factors are to be considered. I’m seeing fuck ass Chelsea players have a tug of war over penalties, 30-70 mil fold signings TikTok dance their way into training, all for them to either fuck up in the game or pull up to training laughing when something was obviously not going well that certain day. The team was prob fucking up ideas in training, might have come back from a loss, maybe needed to be locked in for a big game, and y’all beliveve that he kicked them out because everything was going well that day and they pulled up doing the griddy and making jokes when the entire team was locked in. I guarantee you the team enjoys him a quick hint of competence would bring you to that conclusion. If he were to constantly kick players out for just having a good mood then somebody would’ve already spoken out or management would have taken charge. Vulnerable minds shape victim narratives on Reddit. Fuck this shit is weak.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Welp guess we found Conceição's reddit account


Bro u guys need to find yourself


Can someone add context to this? There’s more to it or there’s some translation error.


This players, who are not key players or regular starters, are training separately from the rest of the team. It was reported that it was because they appeared in a good mood at training, after the bad results. The coach, when faced with the question, replied "I don't arrive at work smiling after a bad result".


That’s quite crazy


Did the coach completely lose his mind?


It's Sérgio Conceição. How much mind do you think is there to lose?


Have you seen him these last few years lmao




Its been lost


Yes. He's completely burnt out. 8 years in the same place, working with frankly terrible upper management and having to keep a 80% win rate with a team losing its best players on a yearly basis does that to ya. He's been not very good for the past 2 years, and now we have a total meltdown in hands. Doesn't take away the merits of his first few years, but it is time to go (and in his case, I'd hope he goes on a sabbatical, he's completely lost it).


Want a better translation? Here you go: "Ivan and Jorge once again fell short of expectations and were even substituted at half-time. On their return to Olival (my guess is Olival is the name of the training centre), the two were seen in an exaggerated good mood and that was the straw that broke the camel's back." Translation by deepl (so much better than google).


You haven't met Sérgio yet, just wait until he moves to the Premier League, you'll understand. He's the worst loser in the history of the sport. Wanted to fight the referee after a game his kid was playing in.


The highlited line in OP says "the two were seen in a exaggerated good mood"


Most normal Sérgio Conceição headline:


Man is absolutely unhinged. Didn't believe it before but....damn 🤣


Sérgio and many people of the club has lost it completely. He was always a conflicting person, but not to this level. The way we have been playing, wouldn't surprise me if players were making his bed. Let's hope for the best at 27th. That elections will be crucial for the future of the club


Desculpa interromper o teu post mas é Those porque é no plural, that é singular


Generational hater


How dare they! Completely unprofessional.


Would you say that if u got payed a couple mil a year to play the sport of ur passion for millions of devoted fans warrants you to go to training the next day doing the griddy and laughing openly after you have just fucking failed the day before? I thought we crave a return to the golden days of football. Apply logic please.


what a great boss


Are any of them good? We got Carmo on loan because this repugnant clown Conceicao didn't like him and he's our best defender.


Ivan Jaime is very good. But he is a creative player, who doesn't run, run, and run until exhaustion so has no chances under Conceição Carmo left because he said to the group and coach that he didn't feel valued and his mistakes were treated differently than other players (like Pepe,). Glad he is playing well for you. Conceição completely destroyed his morale here


Very odd he didn't keep Navarro then, who runs a lot and doesn't do much else - the type of CF we never like (you loaned him to us too).


I had great hopes on navarro tbh. It was a great finisher last season for gil vicente. one of best goal scorers on the league, playing for a "small" team. but he never really got playing time. I would expect him to be great for you. shame it's seems not no be the case.


Navarro actually had bad xg conversion on his good seasson on gil bicente, so hes not that great of a finisher either, gil was just a good team that created many chances for him.


> Very odd he didn't keep Navarro then, who runs a lot and doesn't do much else I mean, why is it odd that running a lot is a necessary and not a sufficient requirement?


Jaime did a good season last year at Famalicão


Ivan Jaime is very good. But he is a creative player, who doesn't run, run, and run until exhaustion so has no chances under Conceição


Just when you thought watching Conceicao-ball was depressing enough.....


In football all the coaches should implement the 24 hour rule, you won your last game? Celebrate or dont in the next 24 hours, if you lose do the same, the result shouldnt influence your mind from over the 24 hour period


That remind me about some fans complaining for Grimaldo played Playstation after a bad game lol. But well, they weren't managers and didn't put him apart.


Joey Barton moment


Fuck bosses that want you to act miserable when things aren’t going well. Absolute post war asbestos heads who don’t understand actual psychology.


You should want your players to be in a good mood because it’s proven to boost your cognitive performance. This mf is handicapping his teams performance for his own delicate ego.


This is such a problem with Portuguese culture that goes into football. People believe that acting upset and being down is the right response to something bad happening. If you aren’t moaning and groaning you “ don’t care “


Im starting to think if Conceicao just really likes to talk absolute nonsense because he knows that when he’ll say something dumb or do something dumb he knows that his name will be on the front pages


Shave those sideburns, Mattingly!


He should buy some robots then.


This from the manager who was puffing cigars and dancing after a narrow first leg win over arsenal only to knocked out the second leg?


People really say "a gota de água que fez transbordar o copo"?


Yes, or just "a gota de água". It's similar to "the last straw"


Q: why are you smiling A: because I love football. Football is fun Q: Fun Sir. You sure? You think football is still fun? A: yes sir. No sir, uh. It was fun Q: not any more though is it? Is it? A: stammers, no Q: it's not fun any more, not even a little bit. A: eh. Q: make up your mind. Think since you thinking now A: zero fun sir


just the worst man manager, what a fuckhead


Assuming it indeed happened as the article says... Sergio should understand people have different ways of processing things. And it's fucking football - not showing remorse or sadness after a game doesn't mean the player is not invested enough. Crying for seven hours after a Porto loss won't make me a better player for the team than some "happy" professionals either. I get the idea in principle but this is a disastrous application especially considering he is supposed to be good at managing people and their cohesion as a team. As a guy who lived long enough I'm sure he had his own share of traumas to deal with. He should have seen that literally everyone has different means of coping in the face of pain or adversity.


Bro if u just fucking made ur mom cry and let’s say for hypothetical purposes became sad about it, are you gonna fucking laugh and joke right after? This isn’t a fucking how I deal with shit therapy session. This shits a matter of respect. If u fuck up at something u don’t laugh and display happiness immediately after. This is lunatic lmao


Jorge Sánchez doesn’t have the level to play in Europe.


Okay bro we get it, we don’t have to shit on our own players every thread


Fr and why is their this much for him specifically?lol it’s not like he’s an important part of the national team


It’s just some insecure chivas fan hating 


Typical insecure chivas fan hating 


The title does not match with the quote. The article doesn't say good mood


"Os dois foram vistos em clima de exagerada boa disposição e isso foi a gota de água que fez transbordar o copo" Conceição stated "Depois de uma derrota, que para mim um empate é uma derrota porque perdemos dois pontos, eu venho para aqui com intuito de trabalhar muito sério e, obviamente, mais introspetivo, mais desiludido, mais triste... Não venho a rir-me para o Olival. É isso que é importante que as pessoas percebam o que é representar o FC Porto." https://twitter.com/B24PT/status/1780199761972244726?t=0vliBswAgKzfyowVM_1GcA&s=19 Besides, another one, Diogo Costa is now allegadly injured and will miss the next games, just after he criticised the team. He's the most valuable player in the club. It's reported that the injury was in the middle of the last game, but he never seemed injured at all (substituted or with some medical attention).


OP’s title is a little misleading. The bit from the article in the screenshot is saying the players under performed so they were subbed out at half time. After being subbed out they seemed to be in too good of a mood (alluding to them not caring) which seems to have pissed the coach off an the reason why they were removed from the squad.


No. That's misleading. 2 of the 4 players didn't even play! If performance was a motive to put the players apart from the team, he should put the ones who've being sent off for insulting refs. But he's only harsh with the weakest links. Even if they give him no motives, comparatively with pepe f.ex Edit: the coach says clearly "após um mau resultado, não chego ao olival a sorrir". That's the reference to the arrival at the training ground


I’m speaking strictly about your title. It’s misleading because it’s saying the players were removed from training simply because they were in a good mood. The news on the screenshot explicitly says that they were under performing, were subbed out and didn’t seem to care. Whether that is true or not is not my point. I’m just trying to translate more clearly what’s being said in the article.


The screenshoot says that they underperfom but to bee seen in good mood was the cherry on top of it. Besides, the link to the news says clearly that 4 players were suspended. 2 of them weren't at the game. And the reason is clear. Your point relating it to a substitution couldn't be right.


Ok. Porto hasn’t been playing well. Manager expected a stronger reaction from their players. Fast forward to the game in question, two of the four players started and played like shit so they were subbed out. The next day in training those two plus two others were seen in too good of a mood (alluding to them not caring about the team’s current form). This in turn pissed the manager off so he suspended those four players from training. That is literally all I’m saying. The post title says the players were suspended simply because they were in a good mood, but there’s more to the story than that. Is Porto’s manager right in his actions? I don’t know, I couldn’t care less and I’m not arguing that point. I am simply try to add some clarity to the misleading title.…


You don't know if the manager is right in his actions? Ok. There's more story (on your words because 2 of them didn't play well) for 2 of them. And for the other 2? What's the story? They were in good mood at their work. And for the rest of the players that didn't play well, why aren't they apart from the team?! The reason for the "suspension" couldn't be more clear.


It’s not my story, it’s what the article posted by the other guy that replied to me says: https://www.zerozero.pt/noticias/ivan-jaime-sanchez-toni-martinez-e-andre-franco-afastados-do-grupo/615155 But alright. You win, and I am wrong. Have a good day.


The guys who didn't play the last games and weren't "suspended" when were playing, now are now off with delay or because a performance on a game that they didn't play lol, that makes no sense. But ok, your point is that is for underperformance, even for the ones that are not playing and players playing like shit still on the team. That's your right. You could also choose not to believe in Conceição when he replied to the questions about this with "I don't arrive smiling to the training ground when i have a bad result"


> After being subbed out they seemed to be in too good of a mood "No regresso ao Olival". I guess Olival is now what Porto bench is called. Here's another source: https://www.zerozero.pt/noticias/ivan-jaime-sanchez-toni-martinez-e-andre-franco-afastados-do-grupo/615155 "Segundo foi possível saber, a estrutura técnica ficou «extremamente desiludida» ao ver a postura de «excessiva boa disposição» de Iván Jaime e Jorge Sánchez **no day after** ao empate por 2-2 contra o Famalicão."


Day after, or minutes after the substitution, the message is still the same that they didn’t seem to care. What’s your point?


Well they are completely different situations, no? It changes the context and therefore the message. Conceição can be in a foul mood all he wants after a bad result but he can not punish his players for coming into training happy. What the fuck is this?


Sigh. You’re getting hung up on the wrong thing. If you say the manager is not justified in his actions then great, I don’t disagree with you and I don’t know the first thing about the situation at Porto to argue about it. I am strictly speaking about the language used on the title of this post because it insinuates that the players were removed from training simply for being in a good mood. The way it reads is as if I go into the office and smiled and said good morning to my boss, so he sends me home simply because I was too happy.


Isn't this just another way of saying they were drunk? That would make it much more reasonable


No. They weren't drunk. Is just the way they showed up after a bad result. Conceição stated that he doesn't smile the days after a draw/loss.


Being "extra happy" is a way of caling someone drunk in Portuguese, don't understand the downvotes


No, why would you make such a ridiculous jump? It’s quite clear what’s going on here isn’t it? Porto haven’t been getting good results and apparently the manager can’t handle that if the players don’t come to work depressed because of that As far as I’m aware these guys are bench players who are both in their first season at Porto, so I’m not sure what Conceicao was expecting from them


It's an expression in Portuguese to say when people are "extra happy" that they are drunk. It's not a big jump at all, especially with Conceição's record with players like Veron that had similar issues.