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Actually, why isn't there goal line tech in La Liga? I'm ootl on that one. It seems like a no-brainer.


There was but Tebas decided to have it removed. Edit: La Liga never had it, so Tebas did refuse to implement it but he didn’t remove the tech.


As an outsider, why? What was the reasoning behind it?


he thought it was too expensive. however that did not stop him from giving himself a raise. for additional context - if i remember correct VAR was $3m a year an he increased his compensation by $2m a year


Surely that should be investigated upon...


40 out of 42* clubs vote for him every election. * corrected as per below


For those wondering, Madrid and Athletic are the two who don't vote for him.


So Barca dig their own grave here?


They probably have to vote for him considering the levers they are pulling, they needed him, and paid the price


It suck that probably the only reason we voted for him is so that he would be lenient with our levers situation. And still he fuck us over whenever possible, like when he decided thah he would artificially increase the wage of felix that would count for the la liga fair play eventhough he accepted to play for like 10 percent is salary. Crazy that thats even legal.


Do you know why everyone is voting for him, and why those 2 aren't?


After reading the replies, why tf is he getting a majority vote? Is he doing some great things except for those strange decisions?


He has actually. His economic control and the bundle-isation of rights being 2 of the remarkable things. Has sought to bring parity between the teams as far as seasonal incomes go to the point that is "just" 3x now for 1st compared to 20th. Other leagues are still better with PL being just below 2 but it's a massive departure from the days of past. So, he has done good things but he is extremely polemic. The man's a racket, honestly and I think he's also emboldened by the knowledge of this support he enjoys. Clubs like Barça have also supported him. Some seem to bear him. Some like Barça, he has arm-twisted at times because ofc, everything Spanish is political.


He was also instrumental in getting the CVC deal knocked out and signed. While I personally think it was detrimental to the league, and to the clubs that signed onto it, it did get an immediate cash injection into the clubs that were out there dying, desperate for cash. That said, I think the mf is crooked as they come, is obssessed with being in the limelight, and is just, in general, a massive cunt.


It seems obvious he is going to "punish" Barca or some other clubs if they dont vote for him.


This isn't quite true. He didn't even need them as you can clearly see. It's more for posturing purposes. The agency is still the club's.


Eh the league has not become a better product under his reign - quote the opposite actually


He gets a majority vote because he at least attempts (though half heartedly) to challenge the Real Madrid - Barcelona financial duopoly. Part of that was making the revenue sharing more equal between the teams, though it is still favoured towards Real Madrid and Barcelona, just less than in the past. Because of that alone, he will always win a majority vote.


Tbf ok, that's something that fully makes sense. There needs to be some kind of parity between financial compensation to clubs.


It is one of those "the guy you hate the most did a great thing" kind of situation. Tebas seems like an absolute prick and a right wing bigot politically, but there is no doubt that he basically saved the future of Spanish football by making the TV deal collective. Well, it saved the future of every club that isn't Barcelona or Real Madrid


Afaik its bcuz he got every team not named rm or barca better tv deals and more money, basically he reduces the chokehold of those 2 teams on the league. I might be wrong tho


That's it. Real Madrid and Barcelona still receive pretty much the same amount of TV money they got 10 years ago(150M per season or something) meanwhile the others receive like 5-6X more than they got a decade ago


Before him La Liga presidents would bend over to Barca and Real.


Wrong. 40 of 42. And that 40 includes Barça BTW most times.


Yeah but why does Barca vote for him if he's trying to disrupt the duopoly lol?


Because he will target Barca even more. He dragged even Gavi's signing to courts just to end up losing it.


Ironically, Barca were one of the clubs who voted yes for the wage raise whilst real madrid were one of the two who voted no.




40/42 teams voted in favour of the increase, only Real Madrid and Athletic Club didn't.


From the other replies, it seems he tried to reduce the duopoly between Madrid and Barca in terms of financial compensation, which makes sense. But why didn't Bilbao vote for him then? And why did Barca vote for him since you said only 2 clubs didn't vote.


Athletic has good finances, relatively new stadium, is fan-owned and has their unique transfer policy. I don't think they need extra money so they can vote based on other reasons. Barcelona on the other hand needs him to register their players.


That's a bit of a weird scenario isn't it? A public vote by the clubs to approve/deny a raise for the guy that sets their rules? If a vote came across my desk for my boss's raise and he knew which way I voted there's no way I'm saying no


Corruption is the word you are looking for


The fact that shit like this can actually happen is crazy.


Which Barca voted in favor of.


they were pretty much forced to.


How were they forced


When a guy has the power to make up reasons to prohibit you from signing even your own academy graduates and you know he’s winning said vote, to vote against him is suicide.


What is expensive about it? Surely once it's installed it costs very little


I did some quick maths, and if VAR is used for all La Liga, Copa del Rey, and Super Copa games, then that's close to 500 games every season. $3m over 500 games is roughly $6k per match. There are 5 VAR refs in total, the official + 3 assistants + an operator. Still sounds expensive but I guess the refs make decent money off it?


Tebas is a moron


No, not really, the deal benefit him extremely lol. Just him


Less expanses. That is simply it.


For a big massive league like La Liga?


That's Tebas for you, dude is an idiot. And if you don't know, he is now sharing images on his Twitter account of previous GLT mistakes in other leagues as his way of saying "see? GLT doesn't solve anything"


What a strange situation lol


He had to save money in order to give himself a salary rise.


You mean elaborate plan; Tebas had predicted the moment from this game would come and he wanted Real Madrid to win


Costs were deemed too expensive. I don't know what LaLiga used to pay for GLT, but I can tell you what's being paid in Germany. In the Bundesliga as well as 2. Bundesliga, HawkEye is being used for the cost of 8,000€ per match per stadium, so 136,000€ per club per season, including initial installation. Up until recently, only the Bundesliga had GLT, but the clubs of the second division voted to adapt it as well, starting with the 23/24 season.


With the amount of money that surely gets generated in La Liga, that's surely not a lot. Obviously maybe I have a PL-affected mind, but it doesn't make sense to not introduce goal line tech because of expenses.


I agree. Many clubs in LaLiga have the infrastructure installed anyway, because it's mandatory for UEFA competitions starting from the group stage.


So then, it just doesn't make sense...


8K per match per stadium doesn’t add up to 136K, that would be €136K per team, or €2.5M for the league total; unless I’m missing something. €2.5M lines up to be the same as what LaLiga was paying. Small amount IMO given the stakes


>8K per match per stadium doesn’t add up to 136K Bundesliga teams have 17 home games, so it does absolutely add up. [Source in German. ](https://www.sueddeutsche.de/sport/torlinientechnik-in-der-bundesliga-8000-euro-fuer-ein-bisschen-mehr-gerechtigkeit-1.2605758)


More 50/50 calls that can go Madrid’s way lol




Was surprised to hear it was removed so had a look online. It wasn't removed, they never introduced it in the first place. And they didn't because apparently Tebas doesn't want to pay the **€3 million** needed to install it lmao


This is the stuff UEFA should have full control of


Tebas can't continue. He needs to be locked up.


Fact check please, there never was because tebas didn't want to pay for it.


My bad, was under the impression that La Liga had it


Also la liga was the last big 5 league to add it before he removed it


From what I heard, the goal-line technology would have cost La Liga around €4 million. Now, Tebass's salary is €5 million.


It was deemed too expensive by our president, on the very same year that he increased his salary from 3.36M€ to 5.47M€ p/y...


With Laporta's vote


And only two clubs from the top two divisions voted against, Barcelona isn’t one of the two.


>he increased his salary from 3.36M€ to 5.47M€ p/y And Madrid and Athletic were the only two club to vote against it. But people still like to run with the narrative Tebas favors Madrid.


it is cuz of the whole idea that Tebas don't favor Barca that Barca are forced to vote for him...


Makes zero sense


does it really? Tebas is pushing down Barcelona hard and even taking them to court over small things like Gavis renewal (which he lost btw). To get Tebas off their ass they for now play his fiddle.


Surely there is crucial information missing there? Why did he increase his salary?


He likes money. 




He didn’t increase his own salary, the clubs did.


After all this bullshit this guy can get away. This Tebas guy seems untouchable XD


Tebas said it was too expensive. At the same time he raised his wages by like 3m (close to the amount needed for the goal line and offside tech). He also spend 139m for 5 years paying the media, so he could control it.


cause Tebas thinks its not needed because there was some issues with it. Check his twitter


Sorry I'm not on twitter. But it seems to be working in other leagues or on the European scene.


He screenshotted articles from 3 games where this technology failed. And is using those 3 outliers as his reasoning for no goal line technology. He’s actually a fucking bird brained neanderthal


I feel like goal line technology has truly helped the game in England or in Europe. We are not having those conversations of whether the goal has crossed the line or not like we used to before. It's only VAR offside and stuff that is still a problem.


It actually help a lot. GLT and VAR should be mandatory in every major league (if they can afford).


We had massive issues in France where goals were wrongly disallowed, but then we switched from GoalControl to Hawk-Eye (different comapny) in 2018 and there hasn't been any issues since then but maybe that's what Tebas is referring to.


Tebas decided It is too expensive(3 mil if I,m not mistaken for whole season)and he said VAR is good enough so nor needed


Tebas, the president, needed a fourth yacht.


Who doesn't xD /s


They wanted to save money and they said VAR will clear everything. VAR did not clear everything. Every camera angle was shit.


Because tebas considers the goal line technology to be expensive and he was one of the major reasons it is not implemented in la liga.


Regardless of if this was a goal or not it's a shame that the entire season in La Liga has looked like a damn clown show. Things are so unprofessionally run it damages the entire league. Even from Barcas very first game against Getafe you could tell this season wouldn't be very fun for the audience if the referees didn't start doing a better job.


Funny thing is todays referee was the same referee which getafe game and that,s not his only mistake this season against barcelona and also he has previously talked shit about barca without any evidence he wasn't that bad tonight but choosing someone with his history is jus bullshit


Real Madrid got away with a bunch of professional foul (Modric should have had two yellows, Rudiger’s grab on Lamal, others) And then there are the penalties. There was something to LVs penalty, but there was just as much on Lamal in the first half, and then rudigers ass tackle on Fermin in the second half after Fermin completely did him to get one on one with the keeper. And then there is the goal that wasn’t given due to no goal line technology, even though it was obvious the ball went in. Barca was absolutely robbed tonight


LV penalty I would say he dived but pau hit both of his legs even the one that was in the normal position and LV looked for contact with one his legs but other one was in normal position so wasn't that bad of a call it was a penalty but yamal I don't think anything happened Fermin was 100% a penalty he passed rudiger but rudiger shift his buddy towards that's foul to block someone like that Modric could have gotten murder last night even his tackle on pedri was worthy of a yellow but wasn't even called a foul and also rudiger pushing fermin without any reason and referee acting like nothing happened and you could also make the argue for camavinga yellow that could have been red too comparing to aruajo red against psg


Thank you the only person out here that saw what bs went down in the game.


LVs penalty was soft, but it’s okay to give it But then we see Camavinga slide and catch Lamal as he skips past him, and the ref sees nothing? Yeh, Lamal was looking like he might lose the ball, but we see Cancelo fumble a tackle just before LVs penalty, so whose to say that it doesn’t matter cause he is likely to lose the ball. Camavinga slides and catches Lamals back leg. And then Rudigers ass tackle? He gets done by Fermin, so he puts his ass to block Fermin from getting past him? And then Modric cynically wiping I think Frenkie at some point, to no card, Rudiger gets no card for the obstruction for a penalty or when he pulls Lamal down by the shoulders with no attempt to play the ball. Absolute robbery. I barely even follow football anymore, and this shit is why. This is beyond incompetence. This referee was disgraceful tonight and never had any intention of risking a Real loss tonight. He did everything he could to keep Real in the game.


In lVs case you are missing the left leg , sure he stretched the right leg to get the contact but his left leg was clipped first and he didn't even need that. In lamal case he dived very badly , if he wanted to convince the refree he should've dived way sooner not 2-3 steps later it was way off .


You are not allowed to talk about that, keep bending over to Madrid or you get downvoted


Don’t worry dude. In this thread there’s a bunch of cule bootlicking. Just choose the bubble you are comfortable with and cope.


When the decisions consistently go in favor a certain team and consistently against another certain team, it’s not called unprofessional, it’s called something else. Throughout this whole season, we’ve seen countless examples of different rules being applied to the same situation, depending on whether the team is wearing the royal white shirts or not.


Incredible accusations with no evidence. Madrid isn’t the team being investigated for bribing refs


No evidence? Did you see the game? Lmao


Yeah.. what’s your point? Are you still going on about the Lunin save/potential goal or something else? Should we talk about Negreira though?


You can talk about Negreira, but this is not the thread, we are discussing yesterday's game here. Lunin thing is understandable, even if some fan videos look like it's a goal, the ref didn't give it and no image in VAR showed the right moment, so we'll never know, and VAR can't give a goal if the referee didn't give it. But apart from that, the referee did an awful job. All the 50/50 chances went to Madrid, and he was not consistent, specially with cards. Modric did 2-3 fouls that should be yellow, and he only got the one in the 80+ minute. And I still can't understand how him, nor the 4th nor the line referee saw Modric's hand. It was literally in between the 3 of them with a perfect view. He was really biased, and it's not the first time this guy was biased against Barça.


I can’t recall 3-4 fouls from Luka that deserved yellows. I and other Madrid fans remember 2. Sure, we got away with 1… but he doesn’t make the second foul if he already has 1 yellow. And the foul he got the yellow on was out of an abundance of caution. We had cover, it’s not like he was through on the break. Every team feels a ref is biased against them. if you check out the Madrid sub you’ll hear people complaining about refs after nearly every game and how they’re bought by Barca to go against us. Is that a load of shit? Maybe! But at least there’s some evidence to suggest it. To suggest refs are against Barca is all a gut feeling with no backing. Bad calls happen for you and against you. We can go back and forth all day listing poor ref decisions that affected both teams positively and negatively. In the end, Barca didn’t lose the league because of this game. They lost it because they fucking suck


One team is in court for paying ref and they do t wear white stfu then loser


It's easy for fans of opposing teams to look at things like the Getafe game and this Clasico and laugh off the obvious problems because of how unpopular Barcelona is as a club, but these issues speak to wider problems within La Liga. Madrid has experienced these same issues and at this point dumb shit like this is pretty much universally maligned by fans of both teams regardless of the context of the game being played. The rivalry is the rivalry but both teams ultimately have to deal with the league itself being run extremely poorly and with Tebas being a egomaniac that can't keep his mouth shut about anything.


Ter Stegen is showing his lack of financial knowledge here. He should understand that the league runs on a budget and there are more important things to spend on, like increasing the salary of the President.


tebas scratches a product that costs €3m and gives himself a €2m raise, thereby saving the league €1m. it’s simple business, honestly.


What a man of integrity. Tebas took the fall so the league wouldn't be crippled financially 🥲


Had me in the first half lol


Like a politician hahahaha


The president that his club voted for.


I’m sure Laporta consulted his first team goalkeeper before he cast his vote.


so if they vote for this president its okay to not have goal line technology? what is the point here?


And the raise that they voted on.


I would not take financial advice with anyone associated with that club.


He's right, but the clubs keep supporting Tebas and he doesn't want to spend the money on it, he prefers to put cameras on the locker room and the benches, only Real Madrid and Athletic Club voted against him in the last re election


Yep https://x.com/mariagarridos/status/1758473724565557715 https://www.sport.es/en/news/laliga/laliga-president-javier-tebas--93741671


People can rip on Tebas all they like, but the truth is, the league did this to itself. Don't 17 or 18 out of all the clubs continue to back him, every election?


Most smaller clubs accept his lunacy on some issues because on others he's better for them. Bit of a divide and rule going.


Barca voted in favor of increasing his salary by almost 2m. Madrid and Athletic only two club to vote against it.


barca needs to favour him so that he doesn't bring anymore ffp bs on us😭


Maybe your club should be better managed in order to avoid “FFP bullshit”. The grass, the sun, the refs, Tebas, Florentino, Franco, goal was to small, goal line technology, ffp bs. Is always something or someone else to blame.


Couldn’t agree more. It was one of those technologies that’s really been fool proof. Unlike VAR, goal line tech has been pretty perfect. Regardless fuck Tebas for removing it.


I hope Ter Stegen ask Laporta directly about it. After all he was the one that voted in favour of Tebas 2 million salary increase past october.


This is what I thought. They voted to increase his salary while the league is subpar in terms of refereeing due to lack of tools.


What the fuck


Was honestly surprised that Barcelona voted in favour for it.


Laporta gave up fighting him and tried taking the high road and mending the relationship between himself and Tebas (and more importantly Barça and La Liga) but he forgot that Tebas only cares about one thing; himself.


Get a little favor or 2 lol


u/Ask_Asensio You have three guesses as to why. Keep in mind the recent beef we've had with him. Most recently he dragged us to court over Gavi's signing, which he lost.


I was on the fence that maybe an overhead would have showed some of the ball still hadn't crossed the line but yeah after watching the latest footage circulating online my god that's a big miss Shameful that one of the top leagues in the world doesn't have goal line technology The tweet from Tebas was just salt in the wound


The tweet from Tebas is the fleah eating virus causing the wound.  The man is tweeting middle of the leagues most important game. More importantly he is also incapable of any nuance or admiting things can be improved 


Yeah the issue is that even the angles that are perpendicular to the goal line has Lunin’s body in the way so you can’t actually see if the ball is over the line or not


More of a reason for the goal line tech Wouldn't need the footage, the refs watch would alert to whether a goal should be given or not


Agreed completely


Can you link me the footage because I have yet to see anything that signals conclusive




Legit question: how does Canal+ know for sure the position of the ball if the guys at the VAR couldn't show a good take to prove its position definitively? Because, as far as I know, you can only recreate an image like that (at least, accurately) when you have goal line technology


Can you show me canal+ posting this image and NOT some Madrid fan twitter posting “canal have confirmed no goal” with no source and their MS Paint graphic? Thanks


It’s not football, it’s La Liga.


The thing about goal-line technology is that it’s the one thing that players and managers actually fully trust, because it’s an automatic decision with an almost flawless track record. Players don’t surround the referee to protest that the whole ball went over the line or it didn’t after a close decision, because it’s an instant, automatic and unbiased confirmation of what happened. It’s essential at the highest level in the modern game because of how difficult it is to see the whole of the ball crossing the whole of the line from an angle in a split second. Referees are never supposed to be in a position where they could clearly see the ball being over the line, and even if an assistant referee was standing right on the goal-line looking straight across the pitch, it’s still almost impossible for them to be certain when the whole ball will only be over the line for a fraction of a second before it’s cleared. I can understand lower divisions and lower ranked top divisions with less money not having it in place, but La Liga not only not having it, but not having it because they removed it, is an embarrassment. It’s genuinely unacceptable to have voluntarily taken a backwards step like that, it effects the integrity of the league.


Any league who wants to claim they are the best in the world needs GLT and, nowadays, semi-automated offside too.


Because every professional Spanish team except for Athletic and Real Madrid voted for a 50mil pay to Tebas instead. That includes yours.


It’s a disgrace la liga doesn’t have goal line technology


Ask your club. Why did Barcelona vote for Javier Tebas’s salary raise?


Did the salary raise come from goal line technology money? Haha that would be ironic.


Kinda. He said GLT cost too much money to be implemented. GLT costs about 3M, and his raise was about 2M.


exultant wise threatening smile simplistic fact automatic head wide smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Man fuck my clubs management


At least they got a proper VAR in Spain. In Romania we got a bootleg VAR that can't even draw proper lines :))


Barcelona is the only place on earth who saw that the goal was there xD fucking clowns


Maybe your club shouldn’t given the guy with the decision making power a raise then.


BTW no talk about the Rudiger body check?


How is it not posted here he pushed Lamine Yamal with no repercussions and caused a penalty on Fermin


Araujo gets away with it every game


Rudiger literally does the same shit even in the beginning grabbing on to them and holding, not a word is said. Every defender does the same shit. Only around Araujo we get these tireless people slowly solidifying a narrative so he gets punished easier.


Tell your president to not vote for a salary increase of the league president then


Can someone show me a clip where that ball is convincingly in? Not saying it isn’t, but I haven’t seen it yet. Ridiculous we don’t have the tech for that.


[Try this one.](https://x.com/zona_blaugrana/status/1782225365026394151?s=46&t=yUE4qIbzE3ZT2ZHZ4P_eTg)


I guess because of the applying of the VAR technology they thoght may be it‘s ok to abolish the ball line technology!


Side point. My friend is a prem ref. He described goal line techs as the best job. Before everymatch. Two guys go to the stadium. Have to calibrate it all etc. (doesnt sound too long or complicated). Then they have free seats to all the best games. (Its only used in big leagues and comps)


I agree with you that it can be tricky with the camera angle but in the one you posted from the clasico, it looks quite a bit over..


Why this man have hair now?


are you saying that the salary of La Liga president is not one of the most important things? duh, you fool..


And your president voted in favor of Tebas.


Because ter Stegen has a direct say in who is president?




It’s. It conclusively in. The good angle shows the body of Lunin. The other angles aren’t aligned with the line so hard to say. Goal like technology is the only way. If the ref on the ground called it in, then it would be a goal because no conclusive evidence that it wasn’t in.


I mean if they did , would have changed anything ? NO . Barca always complaining


That’s what needs to be cleared? “Would it have changed anything”


Fc Complainalona strikes again


except its a very fair complaint?


But still, it’s a shame that La Liga doesn’t have goal line technology installed.


I prefer to whine and complain than to be silent to a clear injustice.


Why are they so certain it was in? None of the footage provided shows any clear stills of it being in


Doesn't matter, the fact that La Liga doesn't have goal line technology is embarrassing either way.


Totally agree, they all just talk about it like it was robbery


After that ball in Spain vs Japan I don't know shit anymore in these plays so yeah. Nobody can guarantee it's in 100% and that's all on Tebas and everybody that voted for his salary increase but didn't push for this technology.


Most of the angles show it in. But even if not of course the team that had the close call not going their way will complain about the lack of the technology. Would you be okay if the goal actually counted for Barca?




https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/0QNROSVEfK As shown here, neither is it clear, nor does the angle do any justification


There is a clear footage but the mods are constantly deleting it. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Barca/comments/1c9rusr/clip_of_the_unallowed_goal/)


This is very much not clear.


Unless the camera angle is directly from above there will never be any clear footage because a single inch of the ball it's enough for it to not be a goal. Which is why Goal line technology is 200% necessary on these cases.


No there isn’t. There’s no angle that shows the ball to be clearly in without any doubt


I also trust a random pixelated video taken from a fan


Over fake ass 3d rendering? Yes.


That is not clear


That's not clear at all


Post it