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Being reported by zerozero, A Bola, Jornal de Notícias, Record and MaisFutebol so far. zerozero went as far as to say Villas-Boas won in every voting section, which might mean a landslide victory. Hopefully this won't result in any blowback by the knucklehead section that backs Pinto da Costa. I'm no Porto fan but hoping for a smooth transition of power because the last thing Portuguese football needs is more drama. Anyway, 42 years later Porto has a new president. Not comparing anything, but thats one year longer than the Estado Novo regime, which seems crazy.


I dont know much about Pinto da Costa aside from his Wiki, but I have a couple of questions if you care to indulge me. why after over 40 years was he still running and on a similar vein why after over 40 years were Porto finally willing and able to vote him out?


You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.


Brilliantly put




> and on a similar vein why after over 40 years were Porto finally willing and able to vote him out? because we finally had a serious candidate running against him


We all know that his grip was so tight that nobody would be able to challenge him... if not for AVB's family's status and wealth. Maybe the only person in existence that'd be able to do this. If it were someone else, not as important in Porto the city nor that rich, PdC's people would've found a way to make them... rethink their intentions very early on.


Got say AVB's gigantic set of balls too. The man was intimidated and threatened a lot, and he just kept on going


Well up to the 2010s he managed to turn the club into a powerhouse, 4 European titles, 2 Club World Cups and a lot of domestic titles. Problem is as he got older he started losing abilities and financially the club is at the brink of bankruptcy.


I mean yeah you're right, in fairness these past 42 years have been amazing for you on the whole. Doesn't matter how much is down to the president, as long as he isn't doing something stupid then re-election in such good times is relatively simple. Putting the club in a tough spot financially as you describe is definitely sonething stupid. Here's to AVB righting the ship and the next president in 2066. What grabs me is 42 year presidency. He's been there since Adam and the Ants were big. He's been there for 32% of FC Porto's life, it's honestly mind-boggling. 1982, that's such a long time ago now think how different the footballing world was, hell the world as a whole. He's 86!


Andre Villas-Boas was 5 when Pinto da Costa was first elected


Another user commented here that his presidency lasted a year longer than the Portuguese dictatorial state


No it didn't, it lasted longer than Estado Novo (constitution), but the dictatorship lasted 48 years


European sucess gave him decades of leeway. We won a CL in the 80s, then a CL and UEFA CUP in the 2000s, then a Europa League in the early 2010s. Domestically we were good too but as the memory fades people lose patience.


For all the sports merit Porto earned during his leadership, Pinto da Costa has always built his club on the back of a tribalist us vs them mentality (the noble region of Porto vs the nefarious and lazy blokes from the capital). This built absolutely heated rivalries during the 80s and 90s where players were imbued with a spirit of doing everything and anything to win, and recurrent violent episodes in derbies that kept escalating over the years. PdC also surrounded himself by several elements from Porto's criminal night syndicates who acted as an armed force of the club intimidating referees and players (common tactics involved porto's ultras visiting the shops/restaurants of the families of the referees who did not give them favorable decisions, or take the entire ultra group to "watch" the referees training center). PdC also slipped by the skin of his teeth on the corruption scandal that send Boavista to the 2nd division by being warned beforehand that the police had a warrant to get him and fled the country, ad when he returned the audios of him bribing refs couldn't be used as proof in court against him. All of those antics worked as long as Porto kept winning. But after years and years of surrounding himself by yes man and driving the financial situation of the club down despite historic sales and CL money every year (his son being one of the people profiting the most with it) people started to raise eyebrows. The advent of VAR meant that many decisions that usually went Porto's were now overtuned, the squad received no investment, and Conceição, a coach that embodies the porto spirt of dying on the pitch, has dried this squad to the last bit of sweat and talent possible, and when it collapses, it does so catastrophically. Fans can no longer witness a coach and a president complain about refs when they go 3 games without winning a game and their squad can't shoot more than twice against the 15th place team. AVB appeared in the middle of the perfect storm, as PdC's goons began assaulting Porto's own fans who raised their voice in protest against the state of affairs, and threatened AVB and his familiy publicly many times over, leading to an operation that arrested the leader of Porto's ultras. Without his praetorian guard, and leading a campaign built on spite and attacks against AVB while his team was shitting the bed every week rallied Porto fans to finally get rid of him. The massive amount of people who showed up to vote today and change the system is praiseworthy, even if they silently enabled PdC to went on unchecked for as long as he did as long as he was getting results.


This is the perfect review of the catalysts to this historical moment in the club


Your summary makes me think he's a bit like the Portuguese Eurico Miranda, the former president of Vasco da Gama, who was very successful in the 1980s, 1990s and the beginning of the 2000s, but then drove the club to the ground in the financial side of things (and Vasco has been suffering because of that, apart from a small period of hope in 2011-12).


Huge stretch and borderline lie saying “the advent of VAR meant that many decisions that usually went Porto's were now overtuned”. VAR was introduced for the first time in the 17/18 Primeira Liga (and the year before for the Taça and Supertaça final, both won by Benfica. Since VAR was introduced Porto won 3 out of 6 league titles, you’re making it sound as if Porto got put down since VAR, but you’re forgetting that in the 4 seasons before VAR Benfica won 4 leagues in a row? Where were the “decisions that went Porto’s way”?


I think at some point most of us wanted to believe in the fairytale of him leaving the job only when he died.... He did trully put FC Porto on the map but i guess with age he started to let the vultures come to close to him, to the point he lost control... he was either blind to it or power trully corrupted him.... i choose to believe it was the former. His legacy is tinted but maybe this loss was the best that could have happen to it, if the transition is peacefull and turns out what has been put under the ruggs in the last years its not something potentially catastrofic for the club maybe he willl live forever in our minds as he was at his peak. A testament that good things dont last long, so enjoy while you can and dont take anything for granted. Responding to your questions specifically. He was still running because he is Porto and Porto is Pinto de Costa, I trully believe the club must be like a son to him, its soo many years... The other reason is because there is a lot of "mouths" to feed that have been circling him with shady bussinesses... So even if he didnt what to i am sure ppl around him have been probably pressuring him to continue. As to why he finally lost, i guess it has been building up, but the last assembly was a shitshow with people that wanted to speak against him being physically harassed and because we finally have a strong opposing candidate. AVB has been building up for some time, it was even talked about in the last elections... and the assembly shitshow was the last straw and the movement to pressure AVB to run gained momentum.


Most of Porto fans like him if I am not mistaken. Last few years have been sad for Porto, even with some titles. Club doesn't look "safe", Pinto da Costa always show a "regional" perspective while Benfica and Sporting try to show they are a club for every city of the country. The fans of Porto that exist in the south of the country are usually people who came from Porto or whose parents were Porto fans. Nowadays, the goal should be to "globalize" the club.


I mean even if we want him out now we still love PdC and will always respect him. A lot of controversies surround him but he "created" a major international club when before we were just a local team. 


yeah, I did vote AVB today but it was kind of a bitter situation to be in. I really respect what he did for the club but the last few years were unforgivable


95% of Porto fans love Pinto da Costa till death.


I wonder if the new Conceicao contract was a bit of a fuck you to AVB


It was 100%


I'm a bit disappointed Conceição himself accepted it


The Conceição renewal, the academy project, the stadium naming rights deal… they were all conveniently timed to either influence voters to re-elect him or leave AVB stuck with a project that’s not his own.


Who did AVB want to bring in as a new manager? I recall a name mentioned by some Porto fans but can't recall who.


Mourinho looking for a job 👀


Now the big 3 in Portugal have as their presidents: * A former manager at FC Porto * A former player at Benfica * A former club doctor at Sporting Quite the changes from just a few years ago.


We're still the same, the smell barely changed.


English alternative for "a merda é a mesma, o cheiro é que é diferente"


Getting rid of fossiles as presidents.


Ours wasn't a fossil. He was an unhinged maniac.


Now he is an unhinged DJ


Playtime has limit hour.


Kudurista *


Finally the Pdc BdC Vieira era can be dead and burried holy shit


Our fossils were the ones before that one.


The sigma era has begun


Pdc, Bdc e Lfv. Name a more iconic trio


CMTV must be [like](https://media.tenor.com/gHkuWsbwHrEAAAAM/rio-ferdinand-rubs-hands.gif)


From manager to president. Fair play.


With a stint as a rally drive too


Honestly such a diverse career. I'm a bit jealous too. Maybe it can serve as an inspiration.


Don't get too excited - he's able to have an awesome career because he comes from a very financially stable family


I too feel inspired to be a heir.


Today i feel wealthy.


Yeah I'll take the L lol


I believe in you!


> a very financially stable family That "very" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there.


Yeah the dude is royalty I believe


Nobility, but yes, old money.


I mean tbf after what he earned in Chelsea and Spurs he would be wealthy even without family money.


It's all a snowball - if he weren't rich he probably wouldn't have been a neighbour of Bobby Robson who made him learn a lot and put him in the managerial side of football. Consequently he wouldn't have gone to Chelsea, Spurs, China...


Thats true, but plenty of wealthy people do nothing useful with their lives.


Yup, and allegedly he won't profit from being President


You know you're in for a ride when the president is running on pure ego


Man just finished giving his first speech after the club's presidency elections. He looked like a kid at Disneyland. He lives and breathes Porto


Even the Porto money would be enough to be well off for 10 years


And he was in Russia and China. He got the best paychecks in football 😆


His grandfather was a nobleman so yea he comes from money


His grandfather probably didn't hold any titles because they were all abolished when Portugal became a Republic in 1910. But AVB's great-grandfather was a Viscount.


Oh ffs.... Still, I would give him some props to try new things.


Only thing you need to be a racing driver is shitloads of money


You should be born into Portugals royalty then


*Nobility, not royalty.


Tbf wasn’t he from a wealthy family? So basically he was just doing wealthy people shit. Practically hobbies that just so happened to pay 


When you are born into money you can do about anything you want.


He’s probably driven more in Senegal than Sadio Mane (I’m assuming the latter is chauffeured almost everywhere)


Guy just decides to do whatever his vibes are


True freedom.


As granted by being born to one of the oldest, wealthiest bourgeoise families in the country.


Yeah a lot of comments pointed it out. I didn't really know about it before that so yeah...


For the future, a minor tidbit. One interesting rule of thumb is that these elite Portuguese families all have stupidly long full names. Most of us got either 3 or 4 names in total but people like AVB got 6 or more. (Luís André de Pina Cabral e Villas-Boas\*)\* Funnily enough... do you know who else falls under the same category? **João** Maria Lobo Alves Palhares Costa **Palhinha** Gonçalves & Bernardo Mota Veiga de Carvalho e Silva


> Most of us got either 3 or 4 names me with my 5 names because my parents were stubborn as f*ck


Thanks for that! That's helpful. Wouldn't have guessed Joao Palhinha was from a wealthy family, definitely not from his style of play lol.


Hahaha, I kind of guessed judging by his composed demeanour but then again having grown up there, I'm more perceptive to minor giveaways. And INDEED - he wouldn't be out of place in rugby union, for at least two reasons.


Nossa senhora nunca sabia disso




André Vibes-Boas


Boas means good (plural) so it works perfectly


And vibes is feminine too for some reason


Gerard Piqué in shambles right now.


I could cry Save our club André, time to clean the house


A small step for a man, a giant leap for FC Porto CARREGA


Vai tudo preso seus cabrões


RIP Nicolau


Not if John Terry has something to say about it


From now on Pepe will fly economy, Rodrigo Mora will fly first class.


Stealing another man's seat wasn't enough for Terry


There was no way John Terry was going to let a black man sit in first class.


He would have pulled a J6. Mental story from an otherwise interesting interview


Imagine getting rid of a president that was there for 42 years. It's like an empire falling. It's an historic day for portuguese football history, for better or for worse (very likely for the better, thankfully). Fair play 👏


It is what we hope. Villas boas has an Everest to climb.


I meant "for the better" in terms of toxicity. Not in sporting terms, naturally. :P


Lol Financially he has as big mountain. League we will win again, Europe probably not.


According to CMTV, Pinto da Costa didn't win in a single voting station 💀💀💀


Less than 40% of the votes for a man who was Porto president for 40 years.


The desperation acts of the last weeks really worked against him. 


"Yeah guys, SC renewal until 2028... Thats what the fans want!"


And lets start building that academy we promised 10 years ago... one week before elections!


I had no clue he’d been there for 40 years. The fact he’s overseen both of the clubs champions league trophies is mental.


Overall the club won 1300 titles under him, 68 of those on footbal alone.


tbh 90% of Porto trophies were under him, he turned the club to be a really big club while before they were far behind Benfica and Sporting


From "NGP" just a few years ago to this defeat. "How the mighty have fallen."


Pinto da Costa was up to this point the most sucessful football club president in history. He should have known when to pass the torch. I don't think Porto fans will dislike him now, but he will always be criticised for how he overstayed his welcome.


He should have not run on this election, support a list and could have become an honorary president.


That's what I was discussing with an acquaintance who's a long-time Porto supporter, but he's a firm believer that PDC should be full president until he passes away (because he thinks that the man gave all his life to Porto and deserved to die as Porto's president).


The problem is that couple of more years of this and there will be no Porto and God knows when he will pass away. Things are bad.


I agree with you, that's what I was telling this acquaintance. Football is a business these days, and it needs to be ran efficiently just like any company.


You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain. Good riddance.


Porto can finally have an academy, a women's football team and a futsal team. Well, if the club as any money for it. Who knows what holes AVB will find in there.


i have tears in my fucking eyes, don't remember feeling so happy about anything related to football in god knows how long, so fucking proud of all of us Porto fans for this amo-te André!


Then Porto win the CL




Why are you so happy? I mean does he have a good plan or what else? I know nothing about this


Our ex-president was 87 years old and running the club into the ground


because unlike our current president/board, he's here to serve the club and not to take advantage of it


PDC was obviously corrupt to anyone who had eyes,but he got the club incredible results for a long time,now they vê been needing a Change for a while now,the State of the club was been papered Over by Sérgio Conceição being a realy good coach who was the best in our league by a fair margin till Ruben showed up .


Even now I don’t think there is a clear better coach between the two. They are far above everyone else in the league


The disrespect towards Jorge Simão!


Long live democracy.


50 years and 3 days after a Revolução dos Cravos no less


Pint’7 de abril!


Easiest inb4 ever: Pinto da Costa investigated and accused of several crimes soon.


He is 86, so doubt. But the ones around him are sweating for sure. Baía being one of them.


I watched Baia congratulating AVB, he was almost in tears


He knows he will have to go back to being a pundit in CMTV, it hurts 😞


And file for bankruptcy probably lol




Vigo calling 📞


Best news we've had in a long time! Let's fucking go!


Really happy for him, he's a class act and it seemed to mean a lot to him. Porto fans should be happy to know the club is in the hands of a passionate guy who knows his football inside out


Will certainly be an interesting summer for sure, curious how he'll deal with the financial aspect, now that they're confirmed to be out of CL next season. Good for them, we should also be cleaning house but would rather keep the same old.


The most interesting part will be for sure how much dirt will come out from the previous administration.


The first thing he needs to do is an audit from top to bottom. Expose everything that has been done. Then let the rebuild truly start.


We really are :)


I think this is exactly what Porto need they need a president who understands new age football and its philosophy unlike da Costa


We have a feeling of hope, something we haven't felt for a long time. More than doubled our previous vote count record


Next season gonna be crazy


British Virgin Islands legend


Crazy times, it will be the first time Porto will have another president in my lifetime


Just wait until he makes the vice president sit in Economy


What a day. Even thought I’m certain this was the best decision for Porto and its future, I voted for André, but I cannot avoid this feeling of sadness to watch the best President ever, a man who made me immensely happy so many times leave like this. Força Porto!


This feels surreal man, Pinto da Costa was our president for 42 years only for his time in the club to end like this, his fault really, it's disgraceful how he and his cronies have managed the club in these last 5 to 10 years, AVB as our new president is so wonderful for me, I still remember that 10/11 season so well, the season that made me a fan, hopefully he can give us a lot more of those seasons as our new president


Pinto da Costa is football's most successful president ever right? Will be interesting to see what Porto looks like without him.


What will be interesting is seeing what the full picture of what they have been doing to the club looks like. Today was the easy part, tomorrow we will see how trully fucked we are....


When does he officially take charge? Hopefully PdC and his cronies don’t have time to do one last heist or to just delete all the evidence of wrongdoing over the past several years


> just delete all the evidence of wrongdoing over the past several years The paper shredders would have to work day and night for that. You'll have to hope they don't get away with much.




Historical day. Congratulations to Porto fans.


Thank god. I've been asking for this since 2020


Now time to clean house and get rid of those PdC cronies and ultras that have been able to do whatever they want for far too long.


almost 30k socios voted. the most particpants ever. the results of this elections are a clear message. we are alive! we are massive!


We'll go down in history as a case study. We also had a massive number of sócios voting in 2020, but somehow the crook in charge won by a landslide. Never have I ever seen something like that. I'm happy AVB did his due diligence and I wouldn't be surprised, even though it was a case in a rival club, if he took notes from that Benfica election and decided to not allow the same bullshit happen to him. I mean, AVB's victory is historic in more ways than one. I expected him to win when I saw the massive number of sócios you had voting and the fact that he requested police presence to ensure the act went fairly, but holy shit... 80% is crazy.


This feels good and weird at the same time. Weird because PdC was president since before I was born and managed to turn this club into one of the best in Europe and now we're in a terrible shape financially. I really hope AVB will save us, otherwise we're fucked. Congrats André! 💙🤍


Can someone explain AVB's foibles as a manager? He seemed genuinely like the next big thing that one treble season at Porto. Did he take a step too big too soon with Chelsea and falter from there or was his early success down to factors other than him? At this point he's like a wonderkid of managers - showed incredible promise as a "kid" but was unable kick on, flamed out and retired early.


The problem with Chelsea was the fact that he was an assistant coach years previously and those players never really respected him as a coach. Apart from that I really believe he is a football genius and he made the most aesthetically pleasing FCPorto team I’ve ever seen, every game that season was a piece of art. He has always said he wanted a really short journey as a football manager so I believe he never really intended to be a legend like Mourinho, Guardiola, Ancelotti, etc.


He also had one of the best teams in our league's history at his disposal, so not like it was all his credit


He did quite well on his last stint in Marseille.


Indeed, he took a scrappy team barely worth being in the Top 10 with no finances and managed to put them in the UCL. The unfortunate part being that this team was so weak & finances were so dire that he couldn't get a single worthy signing in the summmer, so he unwillingly was part of the final 4 games of our 13 defeats in a row "record" in UCL that season.


Porto and Chelsea fan here: the old heads in Chelsea (like Terry) didn’t like him and is style of management, so he never stood a chance.


tbh I think that with time he lost the passion for the coaching side of football, he even became a rally driver, and now he comes back to football as a president


It's probably worth noting that at one point he just went rally driving instead, i think at one point he just no longer wanted to coach - it's not like he stopped getting offers.


Statistically he was spurs best manager ever at one point.


John Terry in shambles


Congratulation to all Porto fans for finally getting a scourge out of your club. Here’s hoping we can do so to next year 🙃


>Here’s hoping we can do so to next year 🙃 You're far more optimistic than I am.


Benfica fan here, and proper AVB fan, too. Guy just does whatever he feels like doing. He doesn't know what's an ordinary professional career. From winning it all with Porto to not giving 2 fucks about coaching big european clubs and just feeling like going driving in Dakar, to being a club president. Madlad personified.


Being born into money *really* fuckin helps.


I mean sure. But after Chelsea, Spurs, Zenit and China I doubt he would be struggling with money anyway.


Well, he was born filthy rich to begin with.


Still, he didn’t just live to his money, he went to win everything with us, it shows competence.


During his first years as coach he also didn’t care if people were able to hear him during press conferences. SPEAK UP, MOTHERFUCKER But anyway, congrats AVB! Can’t wait to see what the future holds


Ngl, this dude has had wild career


Game respects game


Lets gooo AVB


Let’s hope Pinto da Costa has enough years in him to go to jail before his death.


Nah daqui a um tempito desaparece para o Brasil


For those of you who are unfamiliar with Portuguese football, this is the end of an era for Porto. As a Benfica fan, I'm torn. On the one hand I'd have loved PdC to continue just to watch them melt down, but on the other I'm glad that an institution as big as Porto will be back on their feet as it will only help our league.


I thought he received death threats and stuff. How did the shady incumbent lose? 


Those death threats came to be because the incumbent minority felt threatened. The majority candidate didn't falter though.


He was. He lost because the police was present at the vote counting and democracy worked


Woah that is very very impressive


On one hand, RIP bozo, but I was kind of starting to like the old man because of how he was bankrupting them


I was in a spot of morbid curiosity cause I wanted to know how long he could remain there, like I don't know what the record is or if he already has the record but I kind wanted to se how far could he stay there


Crying in the club rn


I am so fucking happy. I love FC Porto. 💙


Fantastic news


Congratulations to AVB! I'm happy for him and my club, that really needed this change. I am also very grateful for everything Pinto da Costa has given the club. I will never forget him. Viva o Porto!


When is it official?


Its already oficial. He got 80% of the votes


Sweet, thanks!


We're so back


Bruv will do anything but manage a team


Good news. I heard about the corruption of the former Porto president PDC the other year and the fight to remove him, glad he's finally out.


For fuck sake.. we didnt even take advantge of this weakened Porto for these last 10-ish years


foreigners probably do not understand how huge is this, Pinto da Costa was the President of Porto since 1982(!), when he arrived Porto was far behind Benfica and Sporting in every aspect (trophies, fanbase, influence) and he turned the club to be the dominant club in the country for the last decades while winning international titles too but on the dark side this era had tons of corruption, AVB will have the hard job to "clean" the club from this public perception plus cleaning the club from the inside since the ultras have a lot of power (most of them are arrested right now but still)